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Ambient Loop research part one of two

Research and analysis of the audience for your ambient loop (U10:LO1_AC1.1)

1. Answer ALL of these questions. There are nine in total.
2. PROVIDE EXAMPLES for each one of them in the form of URLS and/or images.
3. Explain WHY you have chosen each one (what you like/don’t like: reflection).
4. You will be given a second part of this in a later lesson.
5. You will be expected to add small aspects of research to your weekly blog after doing
these sheets.

Question 1/9
Suggest at least 3 groups within society who might use Youtube as a whole and look for examples to
support them.

Groups in society (research)

1. 25-34
2. 35-44
3. 18-24

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. I chose this group as it’s the largest in % who use YouTube as a whole and also it’s something to keep a note
on as adults appear to use the site more than kids.
2. I chose this group due to it being the second largest in % who use YouTube as a whole and also due to it
being a older age range which is interesting.
3. I chose this group because I am apart of it and it is one of the largest groups in % that uses YouTube as a

Question 2/9
Suggest at least 3 groups of uses for Youtube for music specifically and look for examples to support them.

Groups in society (research)

1. Teenagers
2. Young Adults
3. Adults

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)



Reason why you chose each one (reflection)
1. Commonly seen to be listening to music every day.
2. Known to commonly also listen to music daily.
3. Likely to listen to music daily.

Question 3/9
Suggest at least 3 groups within society who might use ambient music and look for examples to support

Groups in society (research)

1. Teenagers (14-17)
2. Adults (18-25)
3. Adults (26-35)

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. Teenagers tend to use ambient music as a way to help them during studying, such as lo fi music.
2. Adults aged 18-25 may use ambient music as a way to help with mental health (same for teenagers) and also
for work too.
3. Adults aged 26-35 tend to use it as a way to bridge the gap between noise and silence, allowing them peace
and helping them with work and more.

Question 4/9
List three genres of ambient music which you believe are popular on Youtube. Give examples.

Genres of ambient music (research)

1. Lo Fi
2. Jazz
3. Ambient “Relaxation” Music

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. Lo Fi is a common ambient song used within ambient loops as a way to help people with studying or
2. Jazz music is typically used as a ambient song within ambient loops as chill background music and I found
this genre interesting.
3. Used to help people relax and sleep, ambient relaxation music is very peaceful and soothing music to help
your mind get to ease and relax for sleep.

Question 5/9
List three genres, styles or sources of animation which you believe are popular for ambient loops on
Youtube. Give examples.

Genres/styles of animation (research)

1. 3D Animation/Realistic Animation Style
2. Anime/Lo Fi Style
3. Space Style

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. I chose this as I tend to see this style when looking at ambient loops, a 3D type of realistic animation
depicting something moving.
2. I chose this as this is also something I tend to see and is used within the famous ambient loop lofi hip hop
radio by “Lo Fi Girl”.
3. Also used with the realistic style however id say this is its own style, the space style is common to see when
searching for ambient loops and uses deep space type calming music within it.

Question 6/9
List 3 animated ambient loops which you personally like. Talk about what you like specifically about the
animations for each.

Name of artist or original work (research)

1. Lo Fi Girl
2. Adventure Time Loop by Nocturnal Network
3. "Sailing" Ambient Looping Animation by Grimboneart

Specific Examples of URLs/images (research)


Reason why you chose each one (reflection)

1. I like this as I’ve used it in the past for studying and it has genuinely help me be calm and be able to study
with no distractions, the animation is also very nice looking with the anime type style.
2. I like this as it uses adventure time, a simple style of animation in drawing and turns it into a simple ambient
loop with peaceful rain sound.
3. I like the simplistic style used for this animation, as I believe I could replicate it quite easily. Furthermore, I
was thinking of doing a type of boat sailing loop animation currently for my loop.

Question 7/9
From ONE of the loops you chose in question 6, identify something which you think is stopmo/keyframed.
Use screen shots to support this.

Description of stop-mo asset (research): The fish jumps up, creating a puddle effect as it jumps out of the
water, then falls back down creating the same puddle effect when it enters back into the water.
Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

What you like/don’t like about it (reflection):

What I like is the simplicity of the stop-mo, the fish simply jumps up and falls back into the water while a splash
effect plays while it jumps out and when its fully submerged again. What I don’t like is how fast this stop-mo is,
taking about a second for this whole sequence to occur.

Question 8/9
From ONE of the loops you chose in question 6, identify something which you think is tweened. Use screen
shots to support this.

Description of tweened asset (research): The sun is flying across the sky while rolling, then it becomes the
moon and does the same thing and repeats.

Image 1:
Image 2:

Image 3:

What you like/don’t like about it (reflection): What I like is how it transitions into night and becomes the moon
after the sun goes off screen and how it loops this. What I don’t like is how the moon is just a grey circle with a
black outline, I believe it could have been more detailed such as craters on it.

Question 9/9
Identify something which you think is an effect added after animating. Use screen shots to support this.

Description of post-animation effect (research): The fire is blue and appears on the fireplace as a nice effect.
Image 1:

Image 2:
Image 3:

What you like/don’t like about it: (reflection) What I like about this effect is how the fire is, it is very realistic
and nice looking, furthermore I am interested in having fire as my post animation effect in my animation. What
I don’t like about this effect is that it’s blue as I prefer the normal orange type of fire.

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