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The Economic Survey of 2017-18 shows that although poverty has declined in the country, the number of poor

still remains to be very high. The poverty ratio of 1993-94 for both rural and urban areas together was around
45%. The ratio for the year 2011-12 declined and came down to 22%. Moreover, the topic of worry remains
that there has not been any massive diminish in the number of poor living in the country. From 404 million
poor population comprising of both rural and urban areas together in the year1993-94. The poor population till
the year2011-12 consistently remains to be 270 million for both rural and urban community. The survey
clearly depicts that the concerned authorities must take some serious actions in order to make India a country
free of poverty.

Conclusions- In a developing country like India, with low level of income and
high incidence of poverty, poverty has an impact on all aspects of development
(social as well as economic). Poverty affects social development directly. In this
paper an attempt has been made to analyze the poverty trends in India. This study
can conclude that; poverty rate differs according to different methodology of
poverty estimation. From the analysis we could able to see the difference in the rate
of poverty in Indian states. Over the study period the fruits of development have
spread across Indian states. There has been a decline in the poverty rate and a
number of people have risen above poverty line. However instead of remaining
mere statistical figures, the development should become a sustainable change in the
lives of poor. As the inclusive and sustainable development is a policy focus of
nation as well as international organisations finding out of root cause of poverty is
important. It can possible only through a detailed analysis of different marginalized

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