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1. Who were the Vikings?

2. When did the Vikings invade Britain?
3. Why did the leave their homeland?
4. Where did the Vikings settle in Britain?
5. Write down some List of words influence on English language !

Old Norse Impact on Lexis Example :

 OE: shirt – ON: skirt:
 OE : eyren - ON: eggs
 OE : Shin – ON : Skin
 OE : Jefa – ON : Give
Borrowing words  Synonym
OE : wish –ON : Want
 OE : Craft – ON : Skill
 OE : Names ending in -by meaning
Place Names farm or town
ON : (Grimsby, Derby, Thorsby,
 OE : Names ending in -thwaite
meaning an isolated piece of land
ON : (Applethwaite, Braithwaite,
Couperthwaite, Langthwaite,
 OE : Names ending in -thorp
meaning village
ON : (Scunthorpe, Grimethorpe)
 OE : Names ending in -toft meaning
a piece of ground
ON : (Brintoft, Eastoft, Langtoft,
Nortoft, Lowestoft).
 Old English was the ending -Son
Personal Names Old Norse : (Stevenson, Johnson,
 OE : Tuesday, Wednesday and
Names of Days Friday
ON : Tyr, Odin, Freya
 OE : War and violence
War and violence  ON : knife, thrust, wrong, berserk,
ransack, slaughter, hit, bait,
 OE : Society and culture
Society and Culture  ON : bylaw, Hell, Husband, law, sale,
skill, steak, thrall, thrift, tidings,
yule, troll, saga.
 bug, bull, reindeer, skate (fish),
Animal Names wing.
 dirt – drit (excrement)
Words related to landscape  dregs – dregg (sediment)
 mire – myrr (bog)
 muck – myki (cow dung)
 rotten – rotinn (Jordan).

 Nouns: axle-tree, band, bank, birth,

More Norse Words booth, calf (of leg), crook, dirt, egg,
fellow, freckle, gap, guess, husband,
kid, leg, link, loan, race, root, scales,
score, scrap, seat, sister, skill, skin,
skirt, sky, stack, thrift, tidings, trust,
want, window, etc.
 Adjectives: awkward, flat, ill, loose,
low, muggy, odd, rugged, sly, tight,
weak, etc.
 Verbs: bait, cast, clip, crave, crawl,
die, gasp, get, give, glitter, hit, lift,
nag, raise, rake, rid, rive, scare,
scowl, take, thrive, etc (UK Essays,

 OE : hie, hiera, him

ON : they, their and them
Old Norse Influence on Morphology


 OE : Old English
 ON : Old Norse


1. The vikings are bands of fierce raiders

2. The Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793 and last invaded in 1066 when William the
Conqueror became King of England after the Battle of Hastings.
3. They leave their homeland caused of some factors :
 Better land
Most Vikings were simply searching for better land for their farms. Their
land was not very good for growing crops or rearing animals: Norway was very
hilly, Sweden was covered in forests, and Denmark had a lot of sandy soil.
 More Land
Some historians believe the Vikings left their homes because of over
crowding. There was not enough good land for everyone to share. In a Viking
family only the eldest son inherited the family farm so younger brothers had to
make their living elsewhere.
 Treasures
The Vikings searched for treasures to make them rich. Britain was
particularly a good place to raid, as there was much to steal. The Vikings were
attracted by the wealth of the Monasteries and the easy treasure to be found
4. The Vikings settled in:
 Islands off the coast of Scotland - Shetland, Orkney and The Hebrides
 Around the north and north west coast of Scotland
 Parts of Ireland - Dublin is a Viking city
 The Isle of Man
 Small parts of Wales
 Northumbria (which included modern Yorkshire)
 East Anglia
 Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Stamford and Lincoln

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