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Name : Siti Maria Ulfa

NIM : 17 0202 0090

Class : BIG A/V

The Important Informations From The Journal :

“Balanced and Non-balanced Possible L2 Selves : An Atributional Study”

This journal explain about a research that investigate motivated learning and the
relationship of learners’ visions as future users of a second language (L2) has been expanding
into greater areas of theory and aplications and into wider sociocultural and geographical
context. This journal also investigated student accounts of the influences upon their two possible
selves, ideal L2 self and Ough-to L2 self and the object of the research are Japanese university
students majoring in science and engineering fields. Based on the self-ratings given by the
participants, four types of motivational configurations were determined for the purpose of
comparing differences across the four groups. There are High Visionaries (HVs), Moderately
Non-balanced Visionaries (MNVs), Extremely Non-balanced Visionaries (ENVs) and Low
Visionaries (LVs).

The theory of possible selves is used to understand and predict motivated behaviors in
specific situations according to the imaginations people have a themselves in their future.
Imagining that a test could be passed if more were memorized may inspire a student to study
ahead of time with the intention of promoting a positive outcome, which in this case is doing
well on a specific test. The intention of this action is to avoid a negative outcome. We can use
image to orient upon when setting goals and making decisions. People can also have various
components of self-images, or self-concepts, that relate to different and even opposing aspects of
their personality, lifestyle, physical attributes, skills and capabilitie, public image, and

According Dornyei, the L2 motivational self system has recently become a widely used
contemporary model of motivation for language learning comprising three parts. The first
construct, the Ideal L2 Self, relates primarily to how a learner hopes to become as a user of the
language, and thus this self-guide generally acts through promoting positive outcomes, such as
finding ways to improve speaking abilities. The Ought-to L2 Self, the second construct, mainly
comes from expectations derived from the social realm, such as friends, parents, and teachers.
This self-guide generally acts through preventing negative outcomes, as in how one can avoid
getting bad grades. The third construct is the L2 Learning Experience of the immediate learning
context, including experiences with teachers, classmates, and curricula. Dornyei and Ushioda
(2011) explain that conflicting images between the Ideal and the Ought-to L2 Selves can
counteract the potential of these self-guides to self-regulate motivated behavior.
Balanced possible selves play a critical role in motivated learning across various cultures
and school subjects, a balance that may be shaped by sociocultural context. Students with
balanced possible selves, regarding educational expectations and fears, exhibited less depressive
tendencies than students with non-balanced possible selves. As the lingua franca of science is
English, it is imperative that young scientists-tobe have communicative competency if they wish
to attain competitive jobs and keep updated in their field of study. From this journal we can
understand and know what this TOEIC. The Test of English for International Communication
(TOEIC) is a standardized test frequently used in Japanese universities and companies,
potentiates external motivations to learn English. Of the few students who explicitly mentioned
“TOEIC,” they were represented in only the ENV and LV groups, whereas HV and MNV
students did not mention this test at all. For students with high-balanced possible selves, TOEIC
seems not to be a primary reason for learning English.

We can know the result of the research from this journal is about a fact that balanced
possible selves can motivate learning more effectively than non-balanced possible selves. After
investigated the attributional differences of students with highly envisioned, balanced possible
selves (i.e., of Ideal and Ought-to L2 Selves), non-balanced configurations of these possible
selves, and poorly envisioned possible selves. The predominant type of learner among STEM
students in Japan is that of non-balanced, lowlevel possible selves, and from this study they
expressed feeling over-pressured to learn English, alongside a lack of confidence about and
control over their learning. Students also mentioned they became influenced by significant
members of their communities, such as teachers, parents, and senior students. Students with non-
balanced, low-level possible selves tended to consider others less often as role models than did
students with highly envisioned, balanced possible selves. Since self-guides are primarily
constructed from such social referents, potential role models in EFL learning might be
highlighted for STEM students to help them increase.

Unfamiliar Words

Continuum : Rangkaian Kesatuan

Looping : Putaran

Expanding : Mengembangkan

Moderately : Sedang

Backpack : Ransel

Discrepancy : Ketidaksesuaian
Composed : Tersusun

Diverse : Berbeda

Subtract : Mengurangi

Clarity : Kemurnian

Revealed : Memperlihatkan

Regarding : Sehubungan dengan

Resiliency : Gaya Pegas

Endeavors : Usaha keras, ikhtiar

Attempt : Mencoba

Innumerable : Tak Terhitung

Lack : Kurang

Telltale : Pengadu

Conversely : Sebaliknya

Acquaintance : Pengenalan

Engineering : Ahli Mesin

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