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Name: Ahmad Bilal

Id: F2023388019
Subject: Islamic studies
Section: Qc C
Project title: significance and Importance of studying the Life of Prophet (saw)
Submitted to: Hammad ul Khan

University of management and technology

Significance and Importance of Studying the Life of Prophet
Studying the life of our Prophet is like studying the history of Islam. This is the history of our
beloved's life and our faith; Love is worship, it is part of obedience to God and our blessings.
If Muslims want to live a prosperous life, even non-
Muslims must follow the Prophet's Golden Rule. Whoever obeys our Prophet obeys Allah, be
cause obedience to the Holy Spirit is equivalent to obedience to Allah.
"Whoever follows the true Messenger has listened to Allah"

 Muhammad the Final Prophet

In Surah 33, the Quran makes the following statement: 'Muhammad is not the father of any of
your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets (Khatam al-Nabiyyin)'

 The Bearer of the Quran

Muhammad, the final recipient of the Bible, was therefore its chief translator (exegete). This
is based on many verses of the Quran, such as:
'Your friend (Muhammad) did not go astray and did not speak for himself. This was nothing
but an inspiration for him. "

 The Lawgiver
Therefore, Muhammad's legal decisions are binding on Muslims. In Surah Baqarah, the secon
d and longest sura of the Quran, the following commands are given to the Muslim community
: Perform prayer and meal (literally alms), and bow with those who bow.

 Political Orientations
As we have seen, Muhammad's example continues throughout the Islamic tradition. As a resu
lt, his ideas about politics and political participation are also very influential. It is worth notin
g that the idea of
Islamic thought is a difficult problem. However, all of the policies used in the Muslim world
are somehow linked to Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. We can easily say that it is aimed
at the model of Muhammad. The words, sentences, speeches, actions and deeds of the Holy Q
uran are all divine guidance and all of these are an important part of life in Islam.

 Eliminations of All Social Evils

If all Muslims follow the footsteps of our Prophet, then all evils, moral diseases, crimes and
violence will be eradicated and eliminated.
"And follow it so that you may find the right path."

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 Spiritual and Moral benefit of Seerat-e-Nabi

Anxiety, depression and depression, Seerat-un-Nabi work provides relief for all kinds of mental
and psychological disorders.
It is food for the soul. Anxiety, anxiety and stress can be resolved and eliminated. "Follow
Allah and His messengers so that you may receive mercy.

 Greatest Success
"Whoever obeys Allah and His messengers will attain salvation" (that is, he will be saved
from the fire of hell and enter Heaven).

 Un-ending Guidance
The life of the Prophet speaks for itself and has eternal and infinite guidance and great value
for our faith. Anyone of any age can seek guidance. They have always benefited from the
teachings of our Prophet.

 Muhammad as the Best of Allah's Creatures and the Solution of Every

Muhammad's authority and importance are not limited to the interpretation and legal
application of the Quran; in fact, they extend far beyond these areas. So, Muhammad was seen
as a role model in a broader sense. The idea behind these traditions is that Muhammad, God's
last prophet, is considered "the best of God's creations" (no people ill Allah). His wife Aisha
has a famous tradition: "His deed is the Quran"
"Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow" al-Quran
Every man and woman should always follow in the footsteps of our Prophet and seek solutions
to all the problems of our time. There is no doubt that we can address and resolve all the
questions, disagreements, and garbage that need to be eliminated.

Methodology of the Prophet for Self-Purification and Character Building

 Meaning
Self-purification (Tazkia-e-Nafs) means cleansing or cleansing from all negative, undesirable
and undesirable things. At the same time, it provides everything necessary for man to grow,
develop, bloom and bear fruit.
Self-purification (Tazkia-e-
Nafs) means cleansing or cleansing from all negative, undesirable and undesirable things.
It also gives people everything necessary for growth and development. Character buildin
g means developing something positive or beneficial in one's body, self-

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confidence, perseverance and courage. That's short for Tazkia's entire design idea. ent re
presents flowering and flowering.

 Importance and Significance

There is a special way of thinking and behaving among Muslims who try to live according to
the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, that something that has nothing to do with them is
alien to them and cannot be associated with them. Anyone who studies the hadiths will see that
the Prophet repeatedly said that a Muslim cannot do this or that action because he is a Muslim.
If the Quran has a "main meaning", it is to guide people to the right path. This is what character
building is all about. Following the Quran will create a way of life for people and people. The
true meaning of the Quran cannot be measured. The resemblance of this important concept to
theatre, Hz. It is strong evidence that the role of the Prophet is described in the Holy Scriptures
using the word "Tazkia".

 Purification in other Religions

In some religions, the act of removing the evil effects or moral violations of one's faith, usu
ally through a ritual, is called the process of purification. This purity of mind and heart is t
he universal message of all religions.

 Islamic Concept of Purification

The concept of cleanliness in Islam is based on cleanliness and faith, card reading and moralit
y. It is the soul that influences the human soul with good morals such as honesty and truthfuln
ess, modesty and chastity, civility and devotion to God, and is said to be honest, virtuous and

 Methodology of the Prophet for Purification of Self

1. Fearing Allah:
Fear of Allah is a way taught by our Prophet (pbuh). To guide those who need balance, pu
rity, self-knowledge and inner understanding, Allah says in the Qur'an:
'O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared'.
Our Prophet said: "There are seven groups of people that Allah will protect on the Day of J
udgment. Among them are people who refuse to say 'I fear Allah' when they are invited to s
2. Fear of Hereafter:
This is the second method of self-cleaning. Muslims should not neglect planning for the
afterlife. Those who do not do this, who live without fear of Allah and away from the torment
of the hereafter, will not hesitate to rebel against Allah. This will inevitably result in shame,
embarrassment and severe torment in the afterlife.

University of management and technology

3. Self-Control:
Self-control is necessary for spiritual progress. Unless the mind is strengthened and the power
of desire is given to control the power of the mind, there is not much room for God to be with
that mind. Therefore, the basis of religious life is self-control.
4. Worships:
According to Islam, the understanding of worship is related to the view that the truth of a goo
d life is faith and thought, purity of soul and correctness of morality. The terms of Islam play
an important role in personal purification.
5. Repentance:
We must not forget that there is no one sinless in this world except the Prophet of Allah and
His loved ones. If a person commits a sin, all he has to do is truly repent and he will see that
Allah is Rahman. The famous prophet said:
"There is nothing more valuable in the sight of Allah than a repentant believer, whether ma
le or female."
6. Good and Virtuous Company:
To purify yourself, you must surround yourself with righteous people. In Tawbah, Allah s
ays: "Be with those who are truthful in word and deed."
7. Moderation:
Allah says in the Quran: "Surely Allah loves Adl." Allah loves good deeds done regularly, e
ven if they are small. Good deeds done over time will reap eternal rewards. On the contrary, s
hort-term good deeds will have short-term benefits.
If a believer dies without receiving taziqah in this life, Allah starts tazikah immediately when
he enters heaven to prepare him for heaven.
"The eternal garden where the river flows... this is the reward of those who are purified (fro
m evil)."

Ten Blessed Companions, Azwaj un Nabi and His Off springs

Ten Blessed Companions
In the Quran, Ashrah Mubeshrah refers to the ten disciples of Muhammad who were blessed
by the Prophet during his lifetime and are still his followers in heaven. These lucky people
never left Muhammad's side in their lives. These ten companions disappeared completely.
They were subjected to countless oppressions, but they did not deviate from the path of Islam
and Muhammad. He was surrounded by prophetic priests when they preached.
In Hadith-I Mubarak,

Abu Bakr 'Sıddîk' (r.a) is in Heaven, Omar 'Ferûk' (r.a) is in Heaven, Osman 'Gani' (r.a) i

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s in Heaven, Ali 'Murtaza' (r.a)) is in Heaven. in heaven, Zubayr (r.a) is in heaven, Abdul R
ehman'Ouf's son (r.a) is in heaven, Abu Ubayda (r.a) is in heaven, Sa'd'Abi Waqas' (r.a) so
n is in heaven, Talha (r.a) is in heaven, Sayyid "Son Zayd (r.a) is in Heaven.

Azwaj un Nabi
Hazrat Khadija (r.a) (Umm e Hindh)
was 25 years old only when Hazrat Khadija married Him. Before marrying to Hazrat
Muhammad She (r.a) was married twice. Hazrat Khadija is the one Luckiest Person to whom
Muhammad told about Allah's Gift as to be chosen as the Last Prophet and about the first
inspiration He got from Allah. She was died far before Migration. Mostly, Historians accord
in their history that all of the six children Hazrat Muhammad had were from Her (r.a).

Hazrat Soudah (r.a)

The second Wife of Holy Prophet Hazrat Soudah (r.a) was a Widow too. She was among
those few people who joined Muhammad from very start. She died after in the last days of the
Hazrat Umar's (r.a) regime.
Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (r.a) (Umm e Abdullah: Ascribed to Her maternal nephew)
Hazrat Aisha (r.a) got the honour of becoming the third Wife of Holy Prophet. She was the
only Wife who was virgin, born of Muslim spouses and to whom Holy Prophet Himself
taught all the special problems that women usually face and also ordered Her to educate other
Wives and women too. She was a great Islamic Intellectual scholar and scholar of the Holy
Qur'an, Hadith, Medical Sciences, Islamic Jurisprudence, Poetry and genealogies. She had
narrated 2210 Hadiths. She lived for 45 more years after
Muhammad left this Provisional World.

Hazrat Hafsah (r.a)

She (r.a) was an educated and intelligent woman. She (r.a) had narrated 60 Hadiths. She (r.a)
was a
devoted worshipper and very kind-hearted woman. She (r.a) was a Widow, Holy Prophet
married Her
according to a Hadith. She (r.a) had kept fast when She (r.a) died in Medina Munawara at the
age of 40.

Hazrat Zainab (r.a) (Ummu I Masakeen)

She was a generous benefactor. She (r.a) was a Widow too. She (r.a) used to help poor
orphans during all
Her life. She (r.a) died at the age of 30 years only after three months of Her marriage with

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Hazrat Umm e Salma (r.a)
She was the 6th Wife of Holy Prophet. After Hazrat Aisha (r.a) She (r.a) was second well-
educated and a scholar Lady. She was a Widow of Hazrat Abdullah bin Asad (r.a). She (r.a)
died at the age of 84 years but there are differences about Her year of death.

Hazrat Zainab (r.a) (Ummu 1 Hakam)

She was the paternal cousin of the Holy Prophet. Her first Husband was adopted son of Holy
Prophet: Hazrat Zaid bin Harris (r.a). Anyhow, this marriage wasn't successful and Hazrat
Zaid (r.a) divorced Hazrat Zainab (r.a). After this, Allah Almighty enjoined Hazrat
Muhammad to marry Hazrat Zainab (r.a). So, Holy Prophet married Her. She was the first
who among all the Wives of Prophet left behind.

Hazrat Ramlah (r.a) (Umm e Habiba)

According to Historians, She (r.a) is known to be the 8th Wife of Holy Prophet. Her husband
turned into a Christian after Migrating to Habsha but She (r.a) remained on Her Islamic
Religion and so both of these separated. When Muhammad was told about Her, He send Her
the message of Marriage Which She (r.a) accepted happily. She died in 45.

Hazrat Javeria (r.a)

Hazrat Javeria (r.a) was Honoured to be the Ninth Wife of Holy Prophet, she (r.a) was a
Widow. She was captured by Sabit bin Ansari (r.a) and became prisoner. She requested Holy
Prophet to pay the ransom. Holy Prophet paid her ransom without any condition. She (r.a)
was freed. She (r.a) requested Holy Prophet to marry Her and this request was accepted by
Prophet, she (r.a) died at the age of 65 in 50.

Hazrat Mamoonah (r.a)

She got married twice before this marriage. Her 1 husband divorced Her because of their own
misunderstandings while the other one died after some time of their marriage. Most of the
Historians are not confirmed about Her year of death or age but according to a Hadith from
Bukhari Sharif, she died in 50.

Hazrat Safiah (r.a)

She was actually a Jew. Her actual name was Zainab but latterly known as Safiah (r.a). Her
number was
11 among Holy Prophet's Wives.
Note: Names written in braces () are patronymic names of the Wives of Holy Prophet.

University of management and technology

Off springs
A hundred and thousands of Historians agreed on it that the Holy Prophet had two Sons and
four Daughters. All of them were from Hazrat Khadija. While few Historians wrote that Holy
Prophet had three Sons

Hazrat Qasim (r.a)

Mother Name: Hazrat Khadija (r.a)
Patronymic Name: Tayyab
Date of Birth: 24 years Before the announcement of Hijra, 11 years before Prophethood
Short Description and Death: He was the eldest son of Holy Prophet who could walk on his
own foot when he died

Hazrat Abdullah (r.a)

Mother Name: Hazrat Khadija (r.a)
Patronymic Name: Tahir
Date of Birth and Death: He was born in Makkah. After the announcement of the Holy
Prophet as the last Prophet of Allah. He died in Makkah.

Hazrat Ibrahim (r.a)

Mother Name: Mariyah Qibtiyah
Date of Birth: Zul Hajja 8 A.Η
Short Description and Death: At the age of 16 months, He (r.a) died in 10 A.H Rabee ul
Awal. The Holy Prophet led His (r.a) funeral prayer and He (r.a) was buried in Medina

Daughters (All the Daughters of Holy Prophet were from Hazrat Khadija)
Hazrat Zainab (r.a) (600A.D-8A.H)
She was younger than Hazrat Qasim (r.a).

Hazrat Sayyidah Raqayyah (r.a) (603A.D-4A.H)

She was the 2nd daughter of Holy Prophet.

Hazrat Sayyidah Umm e Qulsoom (r.a) (Death: 9A.H)

She was the 3rd daughter of Holy Prophet.

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Hazrat Fatimah (r.a) (605A.D-632A.D)
She was the youngest and beloved daughter of holy prophet. She is also known as 'Khatoon e
Jannat' and 'Fatimah Batool'.

Transformation of the Social Order

Ignorant Arab Society
The untaught and illiterate society of Arabs was a society of fierce tribes, men there were
many small, uncivilized and uncultured barbarous and brutish tribes which continued the
wars for a long time without any reason.

Social Discrimination and Social Inequality

There were no ethical rules in Arab. Arab Society was divided into two main groups: richest
& poorest.

Worst Kind of Slavery

Poor people were being enslaved, they were beaten harshly by their ruthless lords.

Status of Women
In the ignorant Arab Society, Women had no respect at all. They were gambled on and buried

Sinful Life
In the ignorant Arab Society, every kind of hell activities were on their peak.

Political Status
Lawlessness and dictatorship had made the Arabs insurgent and mutinous.

Religious Status
There were 360 idols kept in Holy Kaaba which were kept and being worshiped by the
ignored Arabs.

Life of Prophet Muhammad and Transformation of Society

Every possible evildoing was present in Arab Society. In a short period of time, the Holy
Prophet changed all these things. He Reformed and Eliminated Bad Habits of ignorant Arabs.
He Established an ideal Islamic Society. Their belief system, their ethics, their morality, their
social, economic and political conditions were changed. He gave them a Sacred Book that
Allah revealed to Him. He gave them a System of Worship. He gave them Sacred rules and
laws. He Established Institutions of learning and education for them. He United them into one
Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Faith. He made them Most Honest and Most Civilized people.
He also gave them a Mission to guide the humanity to the right path.

University of management and technology


After this circumambulation in the folds of the fragrant biography of the Prophet, the
researcher reached many results, the most important of which are the following:
1. The Biography of the Prophet is a living embodiment and practical application of the
teachings of Islam that God Almighty and Sublime wanted to be implemented and applied in
the real world.
2. The Prophet's biography is a human behavior and a way of life that the Muslim individual
lives in himself and in his person.
3. The biography of the Prophet is the path that leads to the pleasure of God Almighty as a
result of worshiping the one and only God, and following the master of mankind,
Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.
4. The Prophet’s biography is an important tool of interpretation. For whoever tries to address
the interpretation of the dear book of God must study the Prophet’s biography extensively.
5. Through the first example that was mentioned in the body of the research, the Prophet’s
biography clarifies and shows us the story of the fighting of angels with the Muslims in the
Battle of Badr.
6. Through the second example in the body of the research, the Prophet’s biography clarifies
the issue of the spoils, and what is meant by the term khums.
7. Through the third example that was mentioned in the body of the research, the Prophet’s
biography shows us that the Chosen One, peace and blessings be upon him and his family,
promises his companions to state their opinions when consulting them, even if it contradicts
his opinion. Nation. At the end of the research, the researcher recommends that all our
curricula for all stages and educational and educational institutions should include the
vocabulary of the noble Prophet’s biography, as it has a very important role in nurturing and
shaping the personality of the learner as well as motivating him towards creativity and
excellence in the performance of academic duties.

1) Book reference: Islamic Education
Written by: A.S. Bukhari
2) Book reference:
Tafheem E Islamiyat (Qureshi Brothers)
Written by:
Qureshi brothers Publishers
3) Website reference: http://www.tasawwuf.org/

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3) The Holy Quran
1. Al-Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim (1981): Sahih al-Bukhari, Dar Al-Tariq
Al-Amra, Istanbul.
2. Al-Bayhaqi, Ahmad Bin Al-Hussein Bin Ali Bin Musa (2003) Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, Dar
Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, Beirut.
3. Al-Hakim, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Nisaburi (1990): Al-Mustadrak
Ali al-Sahihin, 1st Edition, Dar Al-Kutub Al-'Ilmiyya and Beirut.
4. Hamada, Tariq (1410): Biography Sources and their Evaluation, 2nd Edition, House of
Culture, Morocco.
5. Abi Dawood, Salman bin Al-Ash'ath (d. D.): Sunan Abi Dawood, the Arab Book House 6.
Al-Rafi'i, Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ali al-Maqri (d. DT): the illuminating lamp in Gharib
al-Sharh al-Kabeer, The Scientific Library, Beirut.
7. Abd al-Wahid, Salih bin Taha (1428 AH): Sabil al-Salaam from Sahih Siyat Khair
alAnam, 1st Edition, Al-Ghurabaa Library.
8. Al-Omari, Akram Diaa (1994): The Authentic Biography of the Prophet is an attempt to
apply the rules of the hadiths in the exhaustion of the narrations of the Prophet’s Biography,
6th Edition, Science and Governance Library, Madinah.
9. Al-Awaji, Muhammad bin Muhammad (d. D) the importance of studying the Prophet’s
biography and taking care of it in the lives of Muslims, 1st floor, King Fahd Complex for
10. Al-Soyani, Muhammad bin Hamad (2004): The Biography of the Prophet as it came in
the authentic hadiths, ed. 1, the publisher, Obeikan Library.
11. Al-Tabari, Muhammad bin Jarir bin Yazid Abu Jaafar (2000): Jami al-Bayan fi Taweel of
the Qur’an, 1st Edition, The Resala Foundation, Beirut.
12. Al-Mubarakfoury, Safi Al-Rahman (1427): Al-Raheeq Al-Khattum, 1st Edition, Dar
AlAsmaa, Damascus.
13. Muslim, Abu Al-Hussein Ibn Al-Hajjaj Al-Qushayri (1334): Sahih Muslim, Dar Al-Jeel,
14. Al-Qawasmi, Ibrahim Muhammad (1999 AD): Rules of Modernization.
15. Ibn Faris, Abi Al-Hussein Ahmad Ibn Zakaria (2002 AD): The Dictionary of Language
Standards, edited by Abd al-Salam Muhammad Haroun.

University of management and technology

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