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1 Fix
Types of charges
It's:& Eieic charge
Dec18, Q3, part b It is a binding
liability to pay laid upon a particular asset
The charge sticks to particular asset until the charge is satisfied , .

Jun16, Q3, part b If the asset is transferred the charge follows it ,


June15, Q2, part b The co is not at liberty to deal w/ the charged assets
. .

The co is prevented -

frm dealing freely w/ that property w/o prior

agreement of the holder of the charge .

2 Floating charge
May be created over the co 's presents future assets
Is a charge on a class 1 group of assets ,
rather than specific
asset . For eg : a co .

may charge its stock in trade .

Jan18, Q3, part b While the floating charge remains un crystallised the co
. is at

liberty to deal w/ the assets .

Thus , may sell S replenish part of
the charged asset .

The floating charged does not follow the charged assets when

transferred .

When a
floating charge is crystallised ,
it affectscharged all assets
under it S these assets are subject to a fixed charged .

Differences Fix#rgeFohgChcge

between fixed Mortgage of one 1 more specific Mortgage of some tall of the co 's
charge &

floating charge
June14, Q7, part a .ie#i::::i:::::::::.f::i::i
freely w/ that property w/o prior un crystallised ,
the co . is at liberty
agreement of the holder of the to deal w/ the assets Thus
charge sells replenish part of the

Person er charges on the co or

by any
responsible to ¥399 7h45
register a charge

\ But there
, if is a failure to register a charge , it is the co s every
Office of the co . Who is in default who must pay the penalty
Dec18, Q3, part b Thus ,
there is a practical obligation on the part of the borrowing co .

to register the charge .

Effects of

:* .in#::n:::i:i::::i:ii:.:::::::::n:::i ::: :: : : : : : : :c:c: : : :

failure to
register a

become immediately payable
Dec18, Q3, part b Thus avoid debt
June18, Q3, part b , failure to
register a charge does not the as btwn the
borrowing S the whose the charge is made
June15, Q2, part b co .
person favour

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Nature of charge
& its purpose
Charge include
charge / mortgage
a mortgage

s any
agreement to give 1 execute a
tother wise
June15, Q7, part a There will be a charge where a co transfer the property in its goods to

another as a surety for payment of debts owed by the co to that .

person .

A charge does not title


The charge must be registered with the Registrar within 30 days

of its creation
Procedure of
registering By filing statement of Particulars to be lodged w/ Charge
charge :# charge as
June15, Q2, part b confirmation that each has been registered
The Registrar S the creating the charge 1 copies thereof
must be opened for inspection by any creditors S shareholders free
of charges by any other person on
payment of a fee .

Crystallisation of floating charge is when there is a default in

payment of interest 1 repayment of the principal sum , where it

Explain becomes a fixed equitable charge

“Crystallisation of Events that may cause crystallisation :

floating charge &

events that may
÷÷÷i÷÷÷÷:÷÷÷ : :S "÷÷÷ : iii.
: me . . takeover .
neon arsed
i v) when the creditor take steps to take the
June18, Q3, part b enforce possession of
Dec16, Q9, part a charged assets
v ) If the instrument charge provides the charge crystallised at the

option of the creditors the creditor give notice under such clause
Vi ) If the instrument of charge provides such event that triggers the

crystallisation of the floating charge

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Iii 's :c'T : ' other : : ii. sins;
' "
of floating 's coins safari
.in seen .to?:nite::eates
Low priority given to a floating charge holder when distributing
June18, Q3, part b the proceeds of insolvent liquidation

Time period, The charge must be registered with the Registrar within 30 days
documents, fees & '
type of register book
:* : : nisus : : :*
" " "
to be maintained for in :* two :L
registration of charges
The Registrar will issue certificate of Registration charge as

confirmation that each charge has been registered

June18, Q3, part b
The Registrar S the instrument creating the charge 1 copies thereof
must be opened for inspection by any creditors S shareholders free
of charges by any other person on
payment of a fee .

Types of
-1-1 Mortgage debentures
secured on the property of the co . either in the form of floating
June18, Q3, part b charge la fixed charge I both floating S fixed charge

2 Convertible debentures
" ma

÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷¥±÷÷ : : :* : : : :* : :* .ie
. .
into no

Issued with a fixed date fr redemption are redeemed within a

specified period
4 Simple In a keel debentures
Issued w/o security s they are usually known as bonds
winding up the holders would rank w/ unsecured creditors


where issuance
of mortgage
debentures is
¥ :÷÷÷:÷÷÷:÷÷÷::÷÷÷÷ :P : .si#sixii:::::isniixnieina .
be available especially if the
preferred than ,

issuance of new share market was depressed 1 price volatility

shares During the period of bear market .

Jan18, Q3, part b Whereby ,

bear market reminds the investors of the virtues of
Jun16, Q3, part b a bond 's
safety S stability .

June15, Q2, part b


Shares Debentures
Winding up Not entitled to be repaid the value Entitled to be repaid the nominal
Returnstivedendfrmthecoisann unprofitability
Status shares represents part of ownership Debentures are creditors of the co .

Jan18, Q3, part
June15, Q2, part b
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