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Title: Online Cake Order System.

1) Saurav Mohan Bhosale (4318).
2) Dhaval Satish Deshmukh (4317).

Class: SYBBA (CA).

Hardware Requirement:
1) Processor- 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
2) HDD- 256 GB (Recommended 50 GB)
3) RAM- 4GB (Recommended 2GB)

Software Requirement:
1) PHP
2) My SQL.

3 Web Browser like Internal Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.

The project “Online Cake Order System” allows users to check for various bakery products available
at the online store and purchase online. The project consists of list of bakery products displayed in
various categories.
The user may browse through these items as per categories. If the user likes a product he may add it
to his shopping cart. Once user wishes to checkout he must register on the site first. He can then
login using same id password next time. Now he may pay through a credit card or cash on delivery.
This system will make things easier for staff as whole ordering process is done by customer only. As
most of the things will be performed online, it will reduce the usage of paper for the cake shop Online
cake order system is a web based application which enables customers to order cakes through online
for home delivery or pick up from the shop .

Scope Of Future Enhancement:

This system helps customer’s to place orders through online also eases the workload on the staff of
cake shop. This system will make things easier for staff as whole ordering process is done by customer
only. As most of the things will be performed online, it will reduce the usage of paper for the cake shop
Online cake order system is a web based application which enables customers to order cakes through
online for home delivery or pick up from the shop . It would be much more comfortable for the
customers to have an online cake order. It would be hassle free for users as they can select the cake
they want and make payment for it. Also it will reduce the purchasing time for customers
The project has a very vast scope in future. The project can be
implemented on intranet in future. Project can be updated in near future as and when requirement for
the same arises, as it is very flexible in terms of expansion. With the proposed software of database
Space Manager ready and fully functional the client is now able to manage and hence run the entire
work in a much better, accurate and error free manner.
ERD Diagram:

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