THURTS - Day 5

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Civil Code - ARTICLES 2180-2182
1. Parents & guardians (ARTICLES 216 to 219, 221, 236, Family Code)
Exconde v. Capuno Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not only for one's own
Cuadra v. Monfort acts or omissions, but also for those of persons for whom one is responsible.
Tamargo v. CA,
The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the
St. Mary’s Academy v. Carpitanos
damages caused by the minor children who live in their company.
Libi v. IAC
2. Owners & managers of enterprises/Employers Guardians are liable for damages caused by the minors or incapacitated persons who are
Pestano v. Sumayang under their authority and live in their company.
Jose v. CA
The owners and managers of an establishment or enterprise are likewise responsible for
Real v. Belo
damages caused by their employees in the service of the branches in which the latter are
Castilex Industrial v. Vasquez employed or on the occasion of their functions.
Carticiano v. Nuval
L.G. Foods v. Pagapong-Agraviador Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their employees and household
helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even though the former are not
Mercury Drug Corporation v. Huang
engaged in any business or industry.
Filamer Christian Institute v. CA
Del Carmen v. Bacoy The State is responsible in like manner when it acts through a special agent; but not when
Jayme v. Aposto the damage has been caused by the official to whom the task done properly pertains, in
Note: distinguish from subsidiary Liability under the RPC [Arts. 102 and 103] which case what is provided in article 2176 shall be applicable.
Medical negligence/malpractice
Ramos v. CA (1999) Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades shall be liable for damages
caused by their pupils and students or apprentices, so long as they remain in their
Ramos v CA (Resolution, 2002)
Nogales v. Capitol Medical
Professional Services v. Natividad The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease when the persons herein mentioned
3. State prove that they observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage.
Fontanlla v. Maliaman (1989) (1903a)
Fontanila v. Maliaman (1991)
Art. 2181. Whoever pays for the damage caused by his dependents or employees may
Merritt v. Government of Philippine Islands recover from the latter what he has paid or delivered in satisfaction of the claim. (1904)
4. Teachers/heads of establishments (ARTICLES 218 and 219, Family Code)
St. Joseph’s College v. Miranda Art. 2182. If the minor or insane person causing damage has no parents or guardian, the
Salvosa v. IAC minor or insane person shall be answerable with his own property in an action against him
where a guardian ad litem shall be appointed. (n)
Ylarde v. Aquino
Amadora v. CA
Mercado v. CA What is the defense of an employer being held vicariously liable? Due diligence in the
Aquinas School v. Inton selection and supervision of the employee. Both must be present, as the absence of even
one is enough for an employer to be declared as vicariously liable.

Parents & guardians (ARTICLES 216 to 219, 221, 236, Family Code) Art. 236. Emancipation for any cause shall terminate parental authority over the person
and property of the child who shall then be qualified and responsible for all acts of civil
life. (412a)
Family Code - ARTICLES 216 to 219, 221, 236

Chapter 2. Substitute and Special Parental Authority A key fact in establishing NEGLIGENCE to Parents & Guardians is that there is:
a. Authority over the minor or the ward
Art. 216. In default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, the following person shall
b. The minor lives in their company
exercise substitute parental authority over the child in the order indicated:
(1) The surviving grandparent, as provided in Art. 214; When the two elements do not concur, then vicarious liability does not apply to
(2) The oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or Parents/Guardians with regard to the wards/minor’s acts which cause damage to others.
disqualified; and
(3) The child’s actual custodian, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or
disqualified. Culpable Act or Omission: 15 year old Dante was allowed by the
driver to drive (guilty of double homicide through reckless
Whenever the appointment or a judicial guardian over the property of the child becomes imprudence) on a jeep resulting to turtle while in a parade with the
necessary, the same order of preference shall be observed. (349a, 351a, 354a) instruction of teacher

Art. 217. In case of foundlings, abandoned neglected or abused children and other Damage: Death of Isidoro
children similarly situated, parental authority shall be entrusted in summary judicial
proceedings to heads of children’s homes, orphanages and similar institutions duly Causal Relation: Exconde, mother of Isidiro reserved right to bring
accredited by the proper government agency. (314a) separate civil action. Trial Court and CA found Dante guilty beyond
reasonable doubt. Exconde filed an action against Delfin, father and
Art. 218. The school, its administrators and teachers, or the individual, entity or institution Dante.
engaged in child care shall have special parental authority and responsibility over the
minor child while under their supervision, instruction or custody. Delfin Capuno was the father of Dante Capuno. Dante Capuno was a
member of the Boy Scouts and a student of Balintawak elementary
Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or school. He attended a parade in honor of Rizal and together with
outside the premises of the school, entity or institution. (349a) other students, the boy boarded a jeep and drove the jeep with the
Exconde v. Capuno driver sitting on the left side (part of an extracurricular activity in
Art. 129. Those given the authority and responsibility under the preceding Article shall be school). The jeep turned turtle and two of its passengers, Ticzon &
principally and solidarily liable for damages caused by the acts or omissions of the Caperina, died as a consequence. Delfin Capuno (father) was not with
unemancipated minor. The parents, judicial guardians or the persons exercising substitute his son at the time of the accident, nor did he know that his son was
parental authority over said minor shall be subsidiarily liable. going to attend a parade; he only knew after his son told him about
the accident.
The respective liabilities of those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not apply if
it is proved that they exercised the proper diligence required under the particular Whether or not Delfin Capuno (father) can be held liable with his
circumstances. son for the damages resulting from the death of Caperina? – Yes

All other cases not covered by this and the preceding articles shall be governed by the Plaintiff wanted to hold the defendant Delfin (father) liable because at
provisions of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts. (n) the time the negligent act was committed, Dante was a minor and was
living with his father. SC agreed and held that the provision only
Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising parental authority shall be civilly liable for applies to teachers or directors of arts and trades and not to any other
the injuries and damages caused by the acts or omissions of their unemancipated children academic institution. Neither the head of the school nor the city
living in their company and under their parental authority subject to the appropriate school’s supervisor could be held liable for the negligent act of Dante
defenses provided by law. (2180(2)a and (4)a) He was not a student of an institution of arts and trades as provided

for by law. could have been prevented. In this case, the defendant could not
have prevented the damage by the observance of due care. He also
SC explained the rationale for the civil liability imposed upon the cannot be considered remiss in the exercise of his parental authority.
parents for damages caused by their minor children who live with
them. This is a necessary consequence of parental authority they The child was at school and it was his duty to send her where she
exercise over them. Parents have the duty to support their children, was. As far as the act is concerned, it was an innocent prank that
keep them in their company, educate them, and instruct them in was usual among children at play at which no parent would have
proportion to their means, which also gives them the right to correct any reason to anticipate. There was no trait in the child’s character
and punish the children. ​The only way they can relieve themselves of which would reflect unfavorably on her upbringing.
this [civil] liability is if they prove that they exercised all the diligence of
a good father of a family to prevent the damage Culpable Act or Omission: 10y Bundoc shot Tamargo with an air rifle

Culpable Act or Omission: 13yo Monfort threw a plastic headband Damage: Death of Tamargo
stating it was an earthworm at Cuadra, which hit her on the eye at the
very moment she turned around Causal Relation: Relatives of Tamargo filed for damages and
Homicide Through Reckless Imprudence which was exempted from
Damage: 12yo Cuadra lost sight of her eye liability, minority. - Before shooting, lived with natural parents - After
shooting, got adopted by Sps. Rapisura
Causal Relation: Whether parents are liable for an act of a minor
child? – No –

– Bundoc, a 10-year old minor, shot Jennifer Tamargo with an air rifle
causing injuries which resulted in her death. The parents of Tamargo
Cuadra and Monfort were classmates in elementary school. Their filed a complaint against respondents Bundoc, the natural parents of
teacher assigned them, together with 3 classmates, to weed the grass the boy. Prior to the incident, the spouses Rapisura filed a petition to
in the school premises. Monfort found a plastic headband and she adopt Bundoc in a special proceeding. This was granted by the CFI.
joked Cuadra about it, saying that it was an earthworm. At that Petition for adoption was granted after Adelberto shot and killed
moment, Cuadra turned around to face her friend and the object hit Jennifer. In their Answer, respondent spouses now claim that they
Tamargo v. CA
her right eye. She rubbed the injured part and treated it with powder are no longer indispensable parties to the action since parental
Cuadra v. Monfort
but it got swollen. She had to undergo surgery to treat the eye but authority had shifted to the adopting parents (Spouses Rapisura).
despite efforts, she completely lost sight of her right eye. Petitioners then claim that since Bundoc was actually living with his
parents at the time of the shooting, parental authority was with them.
Whether or not the father can be held liable for the injuries caused
to the girl? – NO Whether or not the natural parents are indispensable parties to the
case? – YES
SC used Arts 2176 and 2180 in explaining liability for fault or
negligence. When the act or omission is that of one person for whom SC explained the doctrine of imputed negligence or vicarious liability
another is responsible, the latter becomes himself liable (e.g. father in where a person is not only liable for torts committed by himself, but
the case of the injury caused by the child). also for torts committed by others with whom he has a certain
relationship and for whom he is responsible.
The basis of the vicarious, although primary, liability is fault or
negligence which is presumed from that which accompanied the Parental liability is made as a logical consequence of the duties and
causative act or omission. The presumption is clearly prima facie and responsibilities of parents which includes the instructing, controlling,
may be rebutted. By diligence of good father of a family, it implies a and disciplining of the child. Civil liability imposed upon parents for
consideration of the attendant circumstances in every individual case torts of their minor children may be seen to be based upon the
to determine whether by the exercise of such diligence the damage parental authority vested by the Civil Code.

Under the Family Code, the school, its administrators, and teachers,
The law assumes that when the minor commits a tortious act, the have special parental authority and responsibility over its students.
parents were negligent in the performance of their legal and natural This responsibility applies to all authorized activities, whether inside or
duty closely to supervise the child who is in their custody and outside the premises of the school or institution. Under Art 219 of the
control. The law presumes that the parents were derelict in the Family Code, if the person under custody is a minor, those exercising
discharge of their duties. Parental dereliction is only presumed and special parental authority are principally and solidarily liable for
the presumption can be overturned under Art 2180 by proof that they damages caused by the acts or omissions of the minor. However, for
exercised the diligence of a good father of a family. petitioner to be liable, there must be a finding that the act/omission
considered as negligent was the proximate cause of the injury caused.
In this case, during the shooting of Jennifer by Adelberto, parental (Remember the 3rd element: causal relationship)
authority was still lodged in the Bundoc spouses, the natural parents
of Adelberto Thus, it is the natural parents who are indispensable Here, the respondents failed to show that the negligence of the
parties to the suit for damages. SC also said that parental authority petitioner was the proximate cause of the victim’s death. The
cannot retroact to the time the shooting happened. Retroactive proximate cause was not the negligence of petitioner nor the reckless
effect cannot accrue at a time when the adopting parents had no driving of the minor. It was the detachment of the steering wheel
actual or physical custody over the adopted child. Retroactive effect guide of the jeep. Hence, the reliance on Art 219 of the Family Code
may possibly apply only if such is essential or beneficial to the was unfounded. Considering that the negligence of the minor driver or
adopted child. the detachment of the steering wheel guide was an event over which
the petitioner academy had no control, petitioner may not be held
Culpable Act or Omission: During the enrollment campaign of the liable for the death resulting from such accident.
school, 15y Daniel drove jeep in a reckless manner while Sherwin and
other high school students were riding resulting jeep to turtle Culpable Act or Omission: Unknown, no eyewitnesses but its
theorized Wendell shot Julie Ann and committed suicide or both got
Damage: Sherwin died shot because Wendell was a narcotics informer

Causal Relation: Detachment of steering wheel, not reckless driving Damage: Julie Ann and Wendell died with a single gunshot wound
of James inflicted from same firearm, licensed to Libi, on Jan. 14, 1979.

– Causal Relation: Whether Parents Libi liable?

Defendant St. Mary’s Academy conducted an enrollment drive. During –

the drive, Sherwin was part of the campaigning group. Sherwin
St. Mary’s Academy
v. Carpitanos
Carpitanos was riding a jeep on the way to an elementary school. The Julie Ann Gotiong and Wendell Libi were sweethearts until the time
jeep was allegedly being driven by James Daniel, a 15-year student Libi v. IAC when Julie Ann broke up her relationship with Wendell. Wendell kept
from the same school. Allegedly, James Daniel drove the jeep in a pestering Julie Ann to get back together but she refused and even
reckless manner and as a result the jeep turned turtle. Sherwin stayed at her friend’s house to avoid Wendell. Then, both Julie Ann
Carpitanos died from the injuries he sustained. The parents of Sherwin and Wendell died from a gunshot inflicted with the same firearm. The
now filed a case for damages against the parents of Daniel, the gun was licensed in the name of petitioner Crescencio Libi. As a
vehicle owner, and St. Mary’s Academy before the RTC. result of the tragedy, the parents of Julie Ann filed a civil case
against the parents of Wendell to recover damages from their
Whether or not the petitioner should be liable for the death of vicarious liability under Art 2180. Petitioners’ defense was that they
Sherwin Carpitanos? – NO exercised the due diligence of a good father of a family. The mother of
Wendell claimed that her husband owns a gun which she kept in a
When the lower court held the academy liable for the death, it pointed safety box and Amelita’s key is always in her bag. They have never
out that petitioner was negligent in allowing a minor to drive and in seen their son taking or using the gun. She admitted, however, that
not having a teacher accompany the minor students in the jeep. on that fateful night the gun was no longer in the safety deposit box.

Whether or not petitioners (Wendell’s parents) should be liable for
the damage? – YES

SC said that there are serious doubts as to whether the petitioners

had really been exercising the diligence of a good father of a family by
safely locking the gun. Wendell could not have gotten the gun unless
one of the keys to the safety deposit box was negligently left lying
around or he had free access to his mother’s bag.

The diligence of a good father of a family consists of the instruction

and supervision of the child. Here, petitioners were remiss in their
duties as parents in not diligently supervising the activities of their son
despite his minority and immaturity. It was only at the time of
Wendell’s death that they allegedly discovered that the son was a
drug agent and that the gun was missing from the safety deposit box.

SC also said that the civil liability of parents is primary and not
subsidiary. Hence, the responsibility shall cease when they prove that
they exercised the diligence of a good father of a family. The liability
of the parents for felonies committed by their minor children is
likewise primary and not subsidiary. Thus, in both quasi-delicts and
crimes, the parents primarily respond for the damages.

Owners & managers of enterprises/Employers
Covers acts of negligence of
Covers ALL acts of negligence
employees in the service of the
Covers employees acting in the scope of
Article 2180 par. 4 & 5 branch/establishment or in the
their assigned tasks.
occasion of their functions.
The owners and managers of an establishment or enterprise are likewise responsible for
damages caused by their employees in the service of the branches in which the latter are What is the distinction then?
employed or on the occasion of their functions.
● Atty. Go says that the distinction lies in the character of the negligent act. Thus if the
Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their employees and household employee does an act or omission in connection of his/her duties in the service of
helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even though the former are not the establishment or his/her official functions, and injury results by reason of fault or
engaged in any business or industry. negligence then Par. 4 applies.
● Otherwise stated: In Paragraph 4, the employer of the negligent employee must be
What are the requisites to hold employers liable under Paragraph 4 of Article 2180? engaged in a particular trade or industry. In Paragraph 5, this requirement is absent.
1. Existence of employer-employee relationship between the culpable employee and Paragraph 5 includes non-industrialized and non-specialized employer-employee
the employer to be held vicariously liable; relationships such as kasambahays, casual drivers, etc.
2. The employee committed a culpable act or omission;
3. The culpable act is either in the occasion of the employee’s functions or committed At 2PM on Aug. 9, ’86, Ananias Sumayang and Manuel Romagos were
in the service of the branches where he/she is employed; and riding a motorcycle along the national highway in Tabagon Cebu. As
4. The employer did not exercise due diligence in the selection AND supervision of they came upon a junction where the highway connected with the
the culpable employee. road leading to Tabagon, they were hit by a passenger bus driven by
Gregorio Pestaño and owned by Metro Cebu Autobus Corporation,
which had tried to overtake them, sending the motorcycle and its
Quiz: What are the requisites to make employers vicariously liable under Paragraph 5 of passengers hurtling upon the pavement. The RTC ruled in favor of
Article 2180? Sps. Sumayang, alleging that Pestaño was negligent in driving the
1. Existence of a quasi-delict (refer to the elements under Article 2176); bus. Pestaño negligently attempted to overtake the motorcycle at a
2. Existence of an employer-employee relationship between the culpable employee dangerous speed as they were coming upon a junction in the road,
and the employer to be made vicariously liable (refer to the four-fold test in Labor); and as the motorcycle was about to turn left towards Tabagon. Metro
and Cebu was also held directly and primarily liable along with Pestaño,
as the latter’s employer under Art. 2180 of the Civil Code. The RTC
3. The culpable act was committed within the scope of their assigned duty.
Pestano v. held that Metro Cebu did not observe the diligence of a good father of
Sumayang a family to prevent the damage, nor in the supervision of its
NOTE: In the selection of its prospective employees, the employer is required to examine employees, and maintenance of its vehicles.
them as to their qualifications, experience, and service records. With respect to the
supervision of its employees, the employer should formulate standard operating procedures, Was MCAC vicariously liable for the negligent act of Pestaño? - YES,
monitor their implementation, and impose disciplinary measures for their breach. To establish it has not proven that it exercised the diligence of a good father in
compliance with these requirements, employers must submit concrete proof, including supervising its employees as evidenced by the broken speedometer.
documentary evidence.
Both of them should be liable due to their negligence. As a
professional driver operating a public transport bus, he should have
It is important to make a delineation between Par 5 & 6 of Art. 2180; difference: anticipated that overtaking at a junction was a perilous maneuver and
should thus have exercised extreme caution. The CA said that
Par. 4 of 2180 Par. 5 of 2180
allowing Pestaño to ply his route with a defective speedometer
showed laxity on the part of Metro Cebu in the operation of its
Owners and managers of an Employers in general WHETHER
Applies to business and in the supervision of its employees. The negligence
establishment/enterprise engaged in any business/industry

alluded to here is in its supervision over its driver, not in that which highly likely that it was the defective cross joint which caused the
directly caused the accident. The fact that Pestaño was able to use a driver of the Ford Escort to lose control of the vehicle.
bus with a faulty speedometer shows that Metro Cebu was remiss
in the supervision of its employees and in the proper care of its As to Proof of Due Diligence in Selection & Supervision
vehicles. It had thus failed to conduct its business with the diligence SC held that proof of due diligence in the selection and supervision of
required by law. employees is not required. The responsibility of employers is
premised upon the presumption of negligence of their employees. It is
Key Take-Away: the negligence of the employee which gives rise to the presumption
● Under Articles 2180 and 2176 of CC, owners and managers of negligence on the part of the employer. Before the presumption of
are responsible for damages caused by their employees. the employer’s negligence in the selection and supervision of its
● When an injury is caused by the negligence of a servant or employees can arise, the negligence of the employee must be first
an employee, the master or employer is presumed to be established. While the allegations of negligence against the
negligent either in the selection or in the supervision of that employee and that of an employer-employee relation are enough to
employee. This presumption may be overcome only by make out a case of quasi-delict, the failure to prove the employee’s
satisfactorily showing that the employer exercised the care negligence during trial is fatal to proving the employer’s vicarious
and the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection liability. In this case, respondents failed to prove their allegation of
and supervision of its employees. negligence against the driver. In fact, the driver was acquitted in the
case for criminal negligence arising from the same incident.
Culpable Act or Omission: Bus (on the correct lane), driven by Jose,
operated by MCL and owned by Metro Manila Transit collided with a On Liability of the Owner of the Car
Ford Escort driven by Macarubo Art 2180 makes the persons specified therein responsible for the
quasi-delicts of others. Burden is upon MCL to prove that Macarubo is
Damage: Hood of Ford severely damaged, death of Macrubo and one of the specified persons who are vicariously liable for the
removal of left eye, fracture and lacerations of passenger, Abraham negligence of the deceased. It was not alleged in the case that
Macarubo was the son, ward, employee, or pupil of the respondent as
Causal Relation: Parents Macarubo and Abraham filed a case for to make Macarubo liable for the negligence of the Ford driver. The
damages. allegation that Macarubo was the authorized driver is not equivalent
to an allegation that he was an employee of Juanita Macarubo.

A bus operated by petitioner Manila Central Bus Lines, driven by Jose Culpable Act or Omission: A fire broke out at Wasabe Fastfood Stall
collided with a Ford Escort driven by Abraham and Macarubo. Ford (owned by Real) that spread out to BS Masters Fastfood stall (owned
Jose v. CA
Escort just came from a party and the driver had no sleep. The car by Belo).
encountered mechanical trouble and had to be repaired as the
cross-joint was detached. As a result of the collision, the left side of Damage: Damage to Belo’s stall by fire
the Ford Escort’s hood was damaged. The driver of the Ford was
seriously injured. The passenger was rushed to the hospital but Causal Relation: Investigation revealed that the fire broke out
despite surgery, he died. A case for damages was filed against the because of the leaking fumes coming from the LPG stove and tank
Real v. Belo
petitioners Jose and MCL. installed at REAL’s stall.

Whether or not petitioners should be held liable for damages? – NO Belo filed for damages against Real for failing to exercise due
diligence in maintaining the equipment in good condition, in the
SC found that based on the position of the two vehicles, the bus was selection and supervision of employees, and that such negligence is
on its proper lane and it was the Ford Escort which usurped a the proximate cause of the fire. Real argued it was a fortuitous event
portion of the opposite lane. The Ford was positioned diagonally on and he exercised due diligence in selection/supervision.
the highway, with its 2 front wheels occupying the Bus’ lane. It was

Is the owner liable? Yes, she is vicariously liable. She failed to within the scope of his assigned task when the tort was committed.
exercise the diligence of a good father in supervising her employee
and stall. Use in Going to/from meals
● GR: Not within the scope of employment
Fire is not a fortuitous event because for Art. 1174 to apply, there ● XPN: When there’s evidence of special benefit to the
should be an entire exclusion of human agency from the cause of employer (such as when by using the vehicle, the
injury or loss. Evidence showed it came from the leaking fumes and employee’s time off is reduced and he’s able to devote more
that the employees failed to prevent the fire from spreading. time to perform his duty

Thus, whenever an employee’s negligence causes damage or injury Use in Going to/from work
to another, there instantly arises a presumption that the employer ● GR: Not part of service to employer
failed to exercise due diligence by virtue of Art. 2180. Real was ● XPN: If employer derives some special benefit from having
unable to submit proof that the equipment or LPG stove was the employee drive home (having employee at work earlier),
maintained and checked for defects. There was no evidence of special errand or roving commission rule (ex. Employee is
exercising diligence in selection and supervision of employees. required to circulate in an area with no fixed hours of work or
to go to and from his house to various outside places of work
After some snacks and chat with friends at 2AM, Abad while driving ● X2X: Employee is not deemed to be acting within the scope
Castilex’ company pickup, collided with Vasquez’ motorcycle, resulting of employment (ex. Personal errand
in the death of Vasquez in Cebu Doctors 8 days later. Sps Vasquez
filed an action for damages, while the hospital intervened to collect Use outside regular working hours/Employer-loaned vehicle for
unpaid balance. Trial Court ordered Abad and Castilex to pay jointly employee’s personal use
and solidarily. CA affirmed but made Castilex only vicariously liable. ● Employer is not liable even when there’s incidental benefit to
Caltex argued it is not vicariously liable because Art. 2180 par. 5 employee
should only apply to instances where the employer is not engaged
in business/industry. Since it is engaged in manufacturing and selling, In this case, Abad was carrying out a personal purpose not in line
it is covered not under par. 5 but par. 4. with his duties. It was beyond normal work hours (2AM).

Whether par. 5 requires the person not to be engaged in Requisites to hold employer liable under CC
business/industry? No. 1. Employer-employee relationship
2. Plaintiff acting within the scope of assigned task
Castilex Industrial v.
It just means it is not necessary for the employer to be engaged in any 3. Defense of due diligence in the selection and supervision of
Vasquez (repeat
case) business or industry. Both paragraphs could apply in this case employees not duly proven
because par. 5 is only an expansion. Par. 4 is applicable when the
employee is performing functions which are beyond their office, title Under RPC
or designation but which are still within the call of duty. 1. Employer is engaged in any kind of industry
2. Commits felony while in the discharge of duties
Whether Castilex is vicariously liable for the death resulting from 3. Insolvent and has not satisfied civil liability
the negligent operations by its managerial employee under Article
2180 par. 5 providing that employers are liable for its employees NOTE: In order for liability to attach to persons mentioned in par. 4 & 5
acting within the scope of their assigned task, not engaged in any of Article 2180, the employees must have committed the act causing
business or industry? No. damage in either two situations:
1. In the course of service of the establishment or enterprise
Abad was going from work AFTER he tended to his own personal OR acts within their function
business. Such is not within the service of the branch or the 2. When the employee is doing acts within the scope of official
occasion of his functions. It is important to establish the duty.
employer-employee relationship and that the employee was acting 3. Employers

liable for the acts of Darwin. That Darwin was not an employee at the
Atty Go says that the difference between the two is: time of the accident. He was only hired as a casual and has worked
with Nuval only for 5 days. That Darwin was not authorized to drive
Nuva;’s vehicle.

W/N Nuval, as the employer, is liable? Yes.

(WON Nuval as employer can be held liable for the tort committed by
Darwin? YES)

Once a driver is proven negligent in causing damages, the law

presumes the vehicle owner equally negligent and imposes upon the
latter the burden of proving proper selection of employee as a
defense. Darwin’s job was to drive Nuval’s children to and from the
school and had easy access to the keys. Nuval cannot claim he
exercised diligence as his main defense, and that Darwin was no
● Par. 5 applies when an employee is acting in the scope of longer his employee (he presented a payroll showing this but no proof
their assigned task given to them by the employer. of termination). There was also no evidence of contributory
○ In the former, the character of the act is in the negligence as there is insufficient proof to show Zacarias could have
service of the establishment or their functions. In evaded the vehicle.
the latter, the character of the act is done within the
assigned task given by the employer. RECAP:
● Par. 5 is merely an expansion of Par. 4 in that, even if the It was not sufficiently proven that the employment of Darwin with
employee was not acting in the service of any establishment Nuval had already been terminated. It was also not proven that Darwin
and is not doing acts which part of his/her official functions; stole the car from Nuval. SC was convinced that Darwin was Nuval’s
as long as the employee is acting within the direction of the driver at the time of the accident. In this case, Darwin was acting
employer, the employer is still held liable. within the scope of authority given to him when the collision
occurred. Darwin had easy access to the keys of the vehicle. True,
Culpable Act or Omission: The jeep, driven by Darwin (owned by Darwin was hired to take Nuval’s children to school, but no proof was
Nuval) collided with the car of Zacarias when Darwin swerved into the presented to show that it was his only task. His authority was to drive
lane of Zacarias one night. Nuval’s car. Once a driver is proven negligent in causing damages, the
law presumes the vehicle owner equally negligent and imposes the
Damage: Zacarias suffered injuries and leg was operated on, resulting burden of proving proper selection of employee as defense.
in his limp.
– ● This case was a prime-example of Art. 2180 (5), Nuval was
held vicariously liable because of the negligent acts of his
Carticiano v. Nuval Carticiano was on his way home to Cavite, with Zacarias driving his driver Darwin. Darwin was Nuval’s personal driver, and was
father’s Ford Laser car. At the same time, Nuval’s jeep driven by acting in the scope of his assigned task which is DRIVING
Darwin was travelling the opposite direction. When the two cars were Nuval’s owner type jeep. It didn’t matter that Darwin was not
about to pass one another, Darwin veered the vehicle and occupied driving Nuval’s kids at the time.
Zacarias’ lane. As a result, the 2 vehicles collided. As a result, Zacarias
suffered physical injuries and he eventually filed this case for Culpable Act or Omission: Son of Sps. Vallejera was hit by a van
damages. Zacarias alleged that the proximate cause of the accident L.G. Foods v. driven by Yeneza (owned by LG Foods)
is Darwin’s recklessness in driving Nuval’s jeep. He also alleged that Pagapong-
Nuval did not exercise due diligence in the selection and Agraviador Damage: Death of child of Sps. Vallejera
supervision of his employee. Nuval claims that he cannot be held

Causal Relation: A criminal case was filed but was dismissed as driver
committed suicide. Thereafter, Sps. filed a civil case against LG Foods The complaint sufficiently alleged the death of the son was caused by
as the employer of the deceased driver, alleging that it failed to a negligent act of the employer’s driver and the employer is civilly
exercise due diligence in the selection and supervision of its liable for negligence for failing to exercise diligence in the selection
employee. and supervision of the employee.

– The circumstance that no reservation to institute a separate civil

action for damages was made when the criminal case was filed is of
Charles Vallereja, a 7-year old son of the spouses Vallereja, was hit by no moment for the simple reason that the criminal case was dismissed
a Ford Fiera van owned by the LG Foods and driven at the time by without any pronouncement having been made therein. In reality, it is
their employee Yeneza. Charles died as a result of the accident. Then, as if there was no criminal case to speak of in the first place.
an information for reckless imprudence was filed against the driver but
before trial could be concluded, the accused committed suicide and Culpable Act or Omission: 6-wheeler truck driven by Del Rosario
the case was dismissed. Spouses Vallereja then filed a complaint for (owned by Mercury) swerved to its left hitting a red toyota sedan
damages against petitioners as employers of the deceased driver. driven by Huang (owned by his parents)
Alleging that as such employers, they failed to exercise due diligence
in the selection and supervision of their employees. Damage: Car total wreck valued at P300k (the collision hurled the car
over the island where it hit a lamppost, the truck also hit a lamppost).
LG Food argued the complaint is a claim for subsidiary liability (Article Huang paralyzed for life, chest down.
103 of the RPC) and since the driver died, no judgment of conviction
can be done, which is a requirement to hold the employer liable. Huang fault driver for committing gross negligence while driving and
Mercury Drug in failing to exercise the diligence of a good father of a
Whether the cause of action of the civil case is found on Art. 103 of family in the selection & supervision of its driver.
RPC or Art. 2180 of the CC? It is QD under Art. 2180. The criminal
action has ceased and the only recourse of the petitioners was to file Whether the driver was negligent? Yes.
a claim of damages under Art. 2180. The CIVIL CASE is a negligence
suit brought under Art. 2176 of the Civil Code to recover damages Dr. Daza, an expert in Physics, concluded the general direction of the
primarily from LG Foods as EMPLOYERS responsible for their car after impact would be to the left of the truck. Damage was at the
negligent driver pursuant to Art. 2180 of the Civil Code. Mercury Drug right side of the truck. Also, after the impact, he lost control of the
Corporation v. Huang truck and failed to apply his brakes.
Since there was no conviction in the criminal case against the driver,
precisely because death intervened prior to the termination of the Whether Mercury Rug is liable? Yes.
criminal proceedings, the spouses' recourse was, therefore, to sue
the employer for their direct and primary liability based on In the selection of its prospective employees, the employer is required
quasi-delict. to examine them as to their qualifications, experience, and service
There are two separate civil liability: civil liability ex delicto and
independent civil liabilities. With respect to the supervision of its employees, the employer should
● Independent civil liabilities: Contractual, Quasi-delict, act or formulate standard operating procedures, monitor their
omission complained as a felony, obligations from law, right implementation, and impose disciplinary measures for their breach. To
to file an action independent and distinct from criminal establish compliance with these requirements, employers must submit
action. concrete proof, including documentary evidence.

Under Art. 2180, the liability of the employer is direct or immediate. It In this case,
is not conditioned upon prior recourse against the negligent ● Drivers are required to take theoretical and actual driving
employee and a prior showing of insolvency of such employee. tests and psychological examination. However, it was taken

by Del Rosario as a delivery man, not truck man. payroll.
● Del Rosario did not use a truck in the driving tests
● No tests were taken on motor skills development, perceptual Even if he were an employee, Funtecha was not acting within the
speed, visual attention, depth visualization, eye and hand scope of his employment. His duty was to sweep the school passages
coordination and steadiness for 2 hours, not driving.
● No NBI and police clearance
● Attended only 3 driving seminar (last one 12 years ago) Whether Filamer is vicariously liable? Yes (1992 – MR).
● No back-up driver for long trips – not a company policy
● Has driven for 13 hours without alternates Under the circumstances, the school president had knowledge that
● No driving license the jeep was routinely driven home for the said purpose.
● Holding a traffic violation receipt for reckless driving (no
suspension or reprimand, no disciplinary action) In this case, Funtecha requested the authorized driver, Masa, to allow
● Failed to step on the breaks upon impact to reduce damage him to take over the vehicle as he has a student permit. Driving to and
from the house of the school president where both Masa and
Filamer - School Funtecha reside is an act of furtherance of interest of the school.
Funtencha - student Masa’s job demands that he drive home the school jeep so he can
Agustin Masa - director and president of school fetch the students in the morning.
Allan Masa - authorized driver
The clause “within the scope of their assigned tasks” includes any act
Culpable Act or Omission: Kapunan Sr., an 82-year old teacher, was done by an employee in furtherance of the interests of the employer.
walking along Roxas Avenue when he was struck by a jeep driven by The Labor Code and Omnibus Rules are not the decisive law in a civil
Funtencha (owned by Filamer Christian Institute). suit for damages instituted by an injured person during a vehicular
accident against a working student
Damage: Kapunan, Sr. suffered multiple injuries, hospitalized for 20
days There were no rules and guidelines to prohibit employees from taking
over the vehicles if not the official driver or prohibiting the driver and
At the time of the accident, only one headlight of the jeep was son to authorize another employee. It also failed to prove it imposed
functioning. It was also Funtecha, who only had a student driver’s sanctions or warned employees against the use.
permit, who was driving. He persuaded the authorized driver to turn
Filamer Christian over the wheels to him. The two fled from the scene after the incident. Culpable Act or Omission: A Fuso passenger jeep driven by Allan
Institute v. CA (registered in the name of Sps. Del Carmen) ran over Sps. Monsalud
Kapunan Sr. filed a criminal case and reserved to file an independent and their daughter Glenda when they were on their way home from a
civil action. Funtecha was found guilty of serious physical injuries party
through reckless imprudence. Kapunan Sr. filed a civil case against
Filamer and Funtecha and Agustin Masa (the director and president Damage: Death of the 3
of Filamer) for allowing Funtecha to drive despite not having the
necessary license, and Allan Masa (passenger). A criminal case was filed against the jeepney driver and during the
Del Carmen v. Bacoy pendency of the case, Bacoy filed a civil case for damages against
Whether Filamer is vicariously liable? No (1990). Allan and the Spouses Del Carmen. Defendants refused civil liability
averring that they do not own the jeep and that they were never the
The Labor Code provides that there is no employer-employee employers of Allan. Rather, they were employers of Rodrigo, their
relationship between students and schools where students work in driver and the brother of Allan. They claim that Allan stole the jeep
exchange for the privilege to study. Under this provision, petitioner while it was parked beside Rodrigo’s house to take it for a joyride (the
cannot be considered as Funtencha’s employer. He belongs to that jeep can easily be started by merely pushing the ignition key).
special category of students who render service to the school in
exchange for free tuition. He was not even included in the company Whether Sps. Del Carmen are primarily liable for the negligence

caused by Allan? Yes. ● Mayor not in the pickup

The operator of a vehicle is primarily responsible to 3rd persons for –

deaths/injuries consequent to its operation, regardless of whether the
employee drove the vehicle in connection with his employment. The mayor of Koronadal (Miguel) was on board an Isuzu pick-up truck
driven by Lozano, an employee of the municipality of Koronadal. The
In the case of registered motor vehicles, the registered owner of any truck was registered under the name of Apostol, but it was in the
vehicle, even if not used for public service, would primarily be possession of Simbulan. Lozano borrowed the truck to bring the
responsible to the public or to 3rd persons for injuries caused while mayor to the Airport to catch his flight to Manila. However, the truck
the vehicle was being driven on the highways. hit a minor who was crossing the National Highway. The collision
● Main aim of vehicle registration is to identify the owner so sent the child 50 meters away from point of impact. Lozano was
that if any accident happens, responsibility can be fixed on a driving at a very high speed at the time of the accident. The child died
definite individual. despite medical treatment. The parents filed a complaint for damages
against respondents. All respondents denied liability for Marvin’s
Absent the circumstance of unauthorized use or that the vehicle death. Apostol and Simbulan averred that Lozano took the pick-up
was stolen, Oscar cannot escape liability for quasi-delict resulting truck without their consent. Miguel pointed out that the boy’s sudden
from the jeep’s use. The defense that Allan drove in a private capacity sprint across the highway made it impossible to avoid the accident.
still makes him liable because there is a settled doctrine that the Miguel also denied being on board the vehicle. The parents contend
registered owner even if not used for public service would be that vicarious liability attaches to Mayor Miguel. He was not a mere
responsible to the public or third persons for injuries while being passenger, but one who had direct control and supervision over
driven in the highways or streets. Lozano at the time of the accident. The element of direct control is not
negated by the fact that Lozano’s employer was the Municipality of
Res Ipsa Loquitur present in this case: Koronadal.
1. The accident is of a kind which does not ordinarily occur
unless someone is negligent; - not normal for a person to be Lower court found Lozano, Apostol, and Mayor solidarily liable,
sideswept and run over unless the one in charge of the prompting the mayor to appeal.
vehicle was negligent.
2. The cause of the injury was under the exclusive control of Whether Mayor Miguel can be held liable on the basis of Vicarious
the person in charge and – car exclusive control of Oscar, Liability? No.
has the power to supervise and control driver; As he is (WON the doctrine of vicarious liability applies? NO)
aware that the jeep may run without the ignition key, he also
has the responsibility to park it safely and securely and to Elements of Vicarious Liability
instruct his driver Rodrigo to observe the same precaution. 1. Employee chosen by the employer or another
3. The injury suffered must not have been due to any 2. Service rendered with authority of employer
voluntary action or contribution on the part of the person 3. Illicit act done by reason of function
injured. – no evidence death was due to voluntary action or
contribution Four fold test
1. Power of selection
Culpable Act or Omission: A pickup, driven by Lonzano for Mayor 2. Payment of wages
Miguel, registered under Apostol, borrowed from Simbulan 3. Control
4. Dismissal
Damage: Death of a minor, Jayme
Jayme v. Apostol
In this case, Mayor is not the employer. It is the LGU. Mere giving of
Causal Relation: Sps. Jayme sued everyone. directions does not make him liable.
● Simbulan and Apostol had nothing to do with Lozano driving
around To make the employee liable under pars 5 and 6 of Art 2180, it must

be established that the injurious act was committed at the time the
employee was performing his functions. The employer-employee The provisions of the Revised Penal Code on subsidiary liability – Articles 102 and 103 – are
relationship cannot be assumed. It is incumbent upon the plaintiff to deemed written into the judgments in cases to which they are applicable. Thus, in the
prove the relationship. It is imperative to determine the dispositive portion of its decision, the trial court need not expressly pronounce the subsidiary
employer-employee relationship using the four-fold test. Under the 4 liability of the employer.
elements, it was not the mayor but the MUNICIPALITY which was
the lawful employer of Lozano at the time of the accident. The Nonetheless, before the employers’ subsidiary liability is enforced, adequate evidence must
spouses also argued that the Mayor had supervision and control over
exist establishing that:
Lozano and how the latter drove the pick-up truck at the time of the
accident. But SC held that assuming he had authority to give 1. they are indeed the employers of the convicted employees;
instructions, he still cannot be held liable. Mere giving of instructions 2. they are engaged in some kind of industry;
to the driver does not establish that the passenger had control over 3. the crime was committed by the employees in the discharge of their duties; and
the vehicle. No negligence may be imputed against a fellow 4. the execution against the latter has not been satisfied due to insolvency.
employee although the person may have the right to control the
manner of the vehicle’s operation. In the absence of an The determination of these conditions may be done in the same criminal action in which the
employer-employee relationship, the driver’s negligence should not
employee’s liability, criminal and civil, has been pronounced, in a hearing set for that precise
be attributed to a fellow employee who only happens to be an
occupant of the vehicle. purpose, with due notice to the employer, as part of the proceedings for the execution of the
Whether Mayor can be held liable for his own negligence in not
warning the driver?
● No, failure of a passenger to assist the driver by providing Revised Penal Code – Articles 102-103
warnings or by serving as lookout does not make the
passenger liable. ARTICLE 102. Subsidiary Civil Liability of Innkeepers, Tavernkeepers and Proprietors of
Establishments. — In default of the persons criminally liable, innkeepers, tavernkeepers,
Whether the LGU can be held liable? and any other persons or corporations shall be civilly liable for crimes committed in their
● No, it must be shown that the action is done in its proprietary establishments, in all cases where a violation of municipal ordinances or some general or
capacity special police regulation shall have been committed by them or their employees.

Innkeepers are also subsidiarily liable for the restitution of goods taken by robbery or theft
Note: distinguish from subsidiary Liability under the RPC [Articles 102 and 103] within their houses from guests lodging therein, or for the payment of the value thereof,
● Articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code pertain to the vicarious liability of an provided that such guests shall have notified in advance the innkeeper himself, or the
employer for quasi-delicts that an employee has committed. Such provision of law person representing him, of the deposit of such goods within the inn; and shall
furthermore have followed the directions which such innkeeper or his representative may
does not apply to civil liability arising from delict.
have given them with respect to the care of and vigilance over such goods. No liability
shall attach in case of robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons unless
committed by the innkeeper’s employees.

ARTICLE 103. Subsidiary Civil Liability of Other Persons. — The subsidiary liability
established in the next preceding article shall also apply to employers, teachers, persons,
and corporations engaged in any kind of industry for felonies committed by their servants,
pupils, workmen, apprentices, or employees in the discharge of their duties.

Medical negligence/malpractice
2. Application of Art. 2180 vs. Doctrine of Apparent Authority:
Three important doctrines arose from this section:
The rules for determining vicarious liability under par. 4 & 5 of Art. 2180 still applies in the
1. Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur in Medical Negligence Cases: medical malpractice cases.

The doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur did not change in Ramos v. CA. Two important points They only apply however if the hospital is the employer of the resident doctor AND NOT
however arose in the case. First, one element of the doctrine was clarified in the context of MERELY a contractor. In order to determine this apply the four-fold test to determine whether
Medical Negligence. Second, the application of the doctrine. there is an employer-employee relationship.

The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur can only be invoked by the plaintiff when the following Q: What if there’s no Employer-Employee relationship between the Doctor and the
requisites concur: KNOWS-BEST- NO ACCESS Hospital?
1. Defendant, having in charge of the instrumentality, either knows the cause of the ● A: Then go to the next level of inquiry.
accident or is in the best opportunity of ascertaining it ○ Did the Hospital “hold-out” the services of the Doctor in the hospital in a
2. Plaintiff has no knowledge and has no access to evidence. manner as to show that the particular doctor is an employee of the
hospital, AND BECAUSE of this representation did the plaintiff RELIED on
For PRESUMPTION OF NEGLIGENCE arising from the invocation of res ipsa loquitur several such representation to engage the services of the doctor?
factors must concur: ■ If the answer is YES, then apply the requisites for the doctrine of
1. The accident is of a kind which does not ordinarily occur unless someone is apparent authority.
2. The instrumentality or agency which caused the injury was under the exclusive Elements of the doctrine of apparent authority in hospitals:
control of person charged negligence 1. The hospital, or its agent, acted in a manner that would lead a reasonable person to
3. The injury suffered must not have been due to any voluntary action or contribution conclude that the individual who was alleged to be negligent was an employee or
on the part of the person injured. agent of the hospital.
2. Where the acts of the agent create the appearance of authority, the plaintiff must
Once the plaintiff has proven the requisites, the burden is shifted to defendant/alleged also prove that the hospital had knowledge of and acquiesced in them.
tortfeasor to prove that he/she/it has acted with diligence with evidence to overthrow the 3. The plaintiff acted in reliance upon the conduct of the hospital or its agent,
presumption. consistent with ordinary care and prudence.
If all the elements concur then the hospital is solidarily liable for the damage caused.
However, it is not for the defendant to explain or prove its defense to prevent the
presumption or inference from arising. Evidence by the defendant to prove that it exercised The critical element is the reliance of the plaintiff upon the representation of the hospital.
due care, comes into play only after the circumstances for the application of the doctrine has Thus, it stands to reason that the plaintiff HAD NO WAY of knowing that the doctor “held-out”
been established to be in an employee or agent of the Hospital, was NOT an employee or agent of the latter.


● The rule for the application of the doctrine of res ipsa is - Whether or not in the
process of the operation, any extraordinary incident or unusual event outside of A close reading of the cases of PSI and Nogales cases will show that the Corporate
the routine performance occurred, which is beyond the regular scope of customary Negligence does not stem from Art. 2180, but rather Art. 2176.
professional activity in such operations, which, if unexplained would themselves
reasonably speak to the average man as the negligent cause or causes of the
untoward consequence.

Corporate Negligence of Hospitals arise from their failure to exercise the following
standard of care: W/N Dr. Gutierrez is liable? YES
1. The use of reasonable care in the maintenance of safe and adequate facilities and
equipment; Dr. Gutierrez is liable. Dr. Gutierrez failed to conduct a pre-operative
2. The selection and retention of competent physicians; evaluation of the patient prior to the administration of anesthesia. This
3. The overseeing or supervision of all persons who practice medicine within its walls; procedure is universally observed to lessen the possibility of
and anesthetic accidents. Seeing her patient for the first time only an
hour before the scheduled operation was an act of exceptional
4. The formulation, adoption and enforcement of adequate rules and policies that
negligence and professional irresponsibility. This led to the failure of
ensure quality care for its patients. the intubation which was the proximate cause of the patient's current
Culpable Act or Omission: Wrong intubation by Dr. Gutierrez
Is the doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur applicable? - YES.
Damage: Comatose condition of Erlinda
Causal Relation: Doctor witness: endotracheal tube entered
Res Ipsa Loquitur – need for expert medical testimony dispensed
esophagus causing delay in oxygen. Second intubation was not
1) The accident is of a kind which does not ordinarily occur
successful because bluish discoloration was observed. Assuming
unless someone is negligent; - brain damage does not
successful, Erlinda brain dead.
usually occur in a gall bladder operation and does not
happen in the absence of negligence in the administration of

anesthesia and the use of endotracheal tube
2) The cause of the injury was under the exclusive control of
Because of occasional complaints of discomfort due to pains which
the person in charge – the instruments used in the
she thinks are being caused by gall bladder stones, Erlina Ramos, an
administration of anesthesia were all under the exclusive
otherwise a robust woman, with her husband, met with Dr. Hosaka, for
control of the respondent doctors
a cholecystectomy. She was admitted into Delos Santos Medical
3) The injury suffered must not have been due to any
Center. On the day of the operation, Dr. Hosaka arrived 3-hours late.
voluntary action or contribution on the part of the person
When he arrived, they abruptly Started.
injured - Erlinda could not have been guilty of contributory
negligence because she was unconscious.
Dean Herminda, Erlina’s sister-in-law, was present in the operation
Ramos v. CA (1999) room for support. She observed that while Dr. Gutierrez, the
*Dr. Gutierrez argued the difficulty to insert the tube because of being
anesthesiologist, was intubating the patient, the patient’s nailbred
obese, short neck and protruding teeth. A preoperative evaluation
became bluish, signaling decrease of bloody supply in the brain. Dr.
could have been done to lessen anesthetic accidents. IN this case, no
Gutierrez remarked that something is wrong with the intubation and
preoperative evaluation
that the patient’s stomach is growing. Dr. Hosaka had to call another
anesthesiologist. Still with bluish nail beds, the patient was placed in a
Whether Dr. Hosaka is liable? Yes.
trendelenburg position. At 3PM that day, the patient was admitted to
the ICU. She stayed there for a month, and then was discharged
Captain of the ship doctrine – As the so-called captain of the ship, it
from the hospital after 4 months. However, since that day, the
is the surgeon’s responsibility to see to it that those under him
patient Erlinada, has been in comatose. She cannot move, see, hear
perform their task in the proper manner.
and is living on mechanical means. She was diagnosed to be suffering
from diffuse cerebral parenchymal damage.
IN this case, no evidence Dr. Hosaka verified if properly intubated. He
was also 3 hours late. (2002)
The Ramos family filed a civil case for damages against the hospital,
- Dr. Hosaka recommended Dr. Gutierrez
Dr. Hosaka, and Dr. Gutierrez. As a defense, they presented the
- Dr. Hosaka’s delay could have caused continued starvation,
testimony of Dr. Jamora who said the cause of brain damage was
risk of acidosis and increased anxiety
Erlinda’s allergic reaction to the anesthetic agent. RTC held them all
liable, but the CA reversed.

Dr. Hosaka is liable. His negligence can be found in his failure to a surgeon by applying the Captain-of-the- Ship doctrine.
exercise the proper authority (as the captain of the operative team) in ● HE IS NEGLIGENT because of the Captain of the Ship
not determining if his anesthesiologist observed proper anesthesia doctrine and his negligence in not arriving on time.
protocols. Dr. Hosaka failed to verify if respondent Dra. Gutierrez ● SC: That there is a trend in American jurisprudence to do
properly intubated the patient. Because of Dr. Hosaka’s tardiness, he away with the Captain-of-the-Ship doctrine does not mean
had little or no time to confer with his anesthesiologist regarding that this Court will ipso facto follow said trend. Dr. Gutierrez
the anesthesia delivery. This indicates that he was remiss in his and Dr. Hosaka worked as a team in the operating room. Dr.
professional duties towards his patient. Hosaka exercised a certain degree of, at the very least,
supervision over the procedure then being performed on
Whether the hospital is liable? YES Erlinda.

For the purpose of allocating responsibility in medical negligence Whether the hospital is liable? NO (MR 2002)
cases, an employer-employee relationship in effect exists between ● There is no employer-employee relationship between the
hospitals and their attending and visiting physicians. hospital and the doctors in applying four fold test
● 1st - Hospital does not hire consultants but accredits and
Hospital in this case failed to adduce evidence that it exercised the grants them the privilege to maintain and admit patients if
diligence of a good father of a family in hiring and supervising they have the necessary qualifications [SELECTION]
physicians. Solidarily liable with its physicians for Erlinda's condition. ● 2nd - it is not the hospital but the patient who pays the
The basis for holding an employer solidarily responsible for the consultants fee [WAGES]
negligence of its employee is found in Article 2180 which considers a ● 3rd - a hospital does not dismiss a consultant; instead, the
person accountable not only for his own acts but also for those of latter may lose his or her accreditation or privileges granted
others based on the formers responsibility under a relationship of by the hospital. [POWER OF DISMISSAL]
patria potestas ● 4th - Does not exercise control; when a doctor refers a
patient for admission in a hospital, it is the doctor who
(NOTE - in the MR, hospital was found NOT liable. Check MR) prescribes the treatment to be given to said patient. The
hospital’s obligations are limited to room accommodation,
Same facts as above. DLSMC, Dr. Hosaka, and Dr. Gutierrez moved for providing the diet and meds recommended by the Dr.,,
a motion for reconsideration. equipment, facilities, services of staff [CONTROL]
● Hence, not solidarily liable for Erlineda
Dr. Gutierrez - alleged that Erlinda’s allergic reaction to pentothal
might have been a reason to her comatose condition. Culpable Act or Omission: Upon transfer to the delivery room,
● SHE IS NEGLIGENT. The faulty intubation was the proximate Corazon experienced convulsions prompting delivery of the baby
cause of Erlinda’s comatose condition. which led to the tearing of the cervical tissue leading to profuse
● SC: found no evidence on the matter. The Court found that bleeding. A hysterectomy was done but Corazon died.
Gutierrez was remiss of her duties by not following the
Ramos v CA standards of care as an anesthesiologist. She omitted to Damage: Death of Corazon
(Resolution, 2002) perform a thorough preoperative evaluation on Erlinda. The
cyanosis and enlargement of Erlinda’s stomach indicate that Nogales v. Capitol Causal Relation: RTC held that the cause is the pre-eclamptic
the tube was improperly inserted into the esophagus instead Medical condition of the patient and misapplying the forceps causing a
of the trachea. Consequently, oxygen was delivered not to cervical tear. Dr. Estrada is liable. Nogales wants to hold CMC liable.
the lungs but to the gastrointestinal tract. The injury incurred CMC argued Dr. Estrada was an independent contractor.
by Erlinda does not normally happen absent any
negligence in the administration of anesthesia and in the Corazon Nogales was having her 4th pregnancy. She was under the
use of an endotracheal tube. exclusive care of Dr. Estrada, who was regularly visiting her at home.
When Corazon started to experience mild labor pains, Dr. Estrada
Dr. Hosaka - contends that the Court erred in finding him negligent as advised her immediate admission to Capitol Medical Center (CMC).

There, Rogelio Nogales, was made to sign consent and waiver the CMC and/or its staff, may use, adapt, or employ
forms bearing the CMC letterhead. After a series of operations, and such means, forms or methods of cure, treatment...”
after being handled by a number of physician-employees of CMC b. Such form made it appear that Dr. Estrada was
(under the direction of Dr. Estrada), Corazon died due to a torn authorized by CMC, and contained no express
cervical tissue, and the baby was extracted, but in a weak and injured recital of the contrary.
condition. 2. Acts of the agent create the appearance of authority
(plaintiff must prove the hospital had knowledge and
Rogelio, on behalf of the children, filed a complaint for damages, acquiesced)
based on negligence (ie., quasi-delict) against CMC (vicariously) and a. Dr. Estrada’s referral of Nogales to CMC gave the
each and every phyisician and the nurse of CMC. impression that Dr. Estrada is a member of CMC’s
medical staff, which impression was further
CMC argues that it is not liable since Dr. Estrada was not an employee, reinforced when Dr. Estrada was collaborating with
but a mere independent contractor, and that the physician-employees other CMC-employed specialists in treating
and the nurse of CMC were not negligent, and that they were under Corazon.
the direct supervision of Dr. Estrada, who should solely be liable. 3. Plaintiff relied upon the conduct of the hospital or its agent,
consistent with ordinary care and prudence
Whether Dr. Estrada is an employee? NO a. patient relied on the hospital to provide complete
Dr. Estrada is not an employee of CMC since the latter did not control emergency room care, choosing of Dr. Estrada due
the former’s methods and manners, but merely supplied Dr. Estrada to connection with CMC, brought to hospital due to
with staff and facility privileges in CMC, considering that the situation fear of complications
was an emergency.
The consent forms and waivers cannot relieve CMC from liability
Whether CMC is liable? Yes, due to its implied act of clothing Dr. because it did not expressly release CMC from liability for injury to
Estrada with apparent authority [Doctrine of Apparent Authority] Corazon due to negligence during her treatment or operation.
- This was a CONTRACT OF ADHESION which is construed
GR: The hospital is not liable for the negligence of an independent strictly against hospital
contractor-physician - Blanket release contrary to public policy

EXC: Doctrine of Apparent Authority No liability on the part of the other physicians and the nurse:
1. Dr. Villaflor – act of reducing MgSO4 were orders of Dr.
The doctrine of apparent authority focuses on two factors: (1) the Estrada
hospital’s manifestations and (2) the patient’s reliance. 2. Dr. Uy – did not participate in delivery, merely resident
For the hospital’s manifestations, it need not make express 3. Dr. Enriquez – anesthesiologist, not expected to correct Dr.
representations to the patient that the treating physician is an Estrada (no evidence of knowledge of error)
employee of the hospital; rather a representation may be general and 4. Dr. Lacson – no unreasonable delay in the delivery of blood
implied; the doctrine of apparent authority is a species of the doctrine (45-60mins)
of estoppel. 5. Dr. Espinola – not negligent by giving order through phone,
hysterectomy did not push through as it is too late
Elements: 6. Nurse Dumlao – no evidence of the nurse’s alleged failure to
1. Hospital or its agent acted in a manner that would lead a follow Dr. Estrada’s specific instructions. No showing that
reasonable person to conclude the individual was an side-drip administration of hemacel proximately caused
employer or agent Corazon’s death.
a. CMC made Rogelio sign consent forms and waivers
printed on CMC letterhead – contained a provision Professional Services Culpable Act or Omission: Dr. Fuentes, who performed the
“That the Physician, personally or by and through v. Natividad hysterectomy and Dr. Ampil who closed the incision, ended the

operation despite 2 missing gauze. Despite the report of 2 missing 1. The use of reasonable care in the maintenance of safe and
gauze after operation, PSI did not initiate an investigation. adequate facilities and equipment;
2. The selection and retention of competent physicians;
Damage: Gauze caused a recto-vaginal fistula cuasing stool to 3. The overseeing or supervision of all persons who practice
excrete out of the vagina prompting the need for another surgery medicine within its walls; and
4. The formulation, adoption and enforcement of adequate
Dr. Fuentes performed and completed the hysterectomy on rules and policies that ensure quality care for its patients.
respondent Natividad Agana. Afterwards, Dr. Ampil took over,
completed the operation and closed the incision. However, the In this case, PSI as owner, operator and manager of Medical City
operation appeared to be flawed. In the Record of Operation, the Hospital did not perform the necessary supervision nor exercise
attending nurses entered these remarks, “sponge count lacking 2, diligent effort in the supervision of the staff. PSI's liability is traceable
announced to surgeon searched done (sic) but to no avail continue for to its failure to conduct an investigation of the matter reported in the
closure.” Despite the report of 2 missing gauzes after the operation nota bene of the count nurse. Such failure established PSI's part in the
PSI did not initiate an investigation. Natividad still felt pains and it dark conspiracy of silence and concealment about the gauzes.
turns out she was suffering due to 2 gauges left inside her vagina
so she and her husband sued PSI. {MY GOD…] Directly liable

Whether Dr. Ampil is liable for negligence? YES. His negligence is *Also vicariously liable as it failed to adduce evidence showing it
the proximate cause of Natividad's injury. exercise diligence of a good father

Elements of Medical Negligence

1. Duty
2. Breach
3. Injury
4. Proximate cause

A patient must only prove that healthcare provider either failed to do

something which is reasonably prudent health care provider would
have done.

Negligence - Act of closing incision despite the information given of

two gauze still missing. The extraction of the gauze from the vagina
established the causal link. What further aggravated such injury was
his deliberate concealment of the missing gauzes from the knowledge
of Natividad and her family.

Whether Dr. Fuentes is absolved?

Yes, because of the Captain of the Ship rule.
The operating surgeon is the person in complete control of the
surgery. His duty is to obey the orders of Dr. Ampil. The control and
management of the thing is in the hands of Dr. Ampil

Whether PSI is solidarily liable? Yes.

Doctrine of Corporate Negligence or Corporate Responsibility

Hospital’s duties include:



Article 2180. The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not only for one's own State NOT liable, only the
Governmental functions
acts or omissions, but also for those of persons for whom one is responsible. [xx] public officer is liable under
INHERENT in office
Art. 2176
The State is responsible in like manner when it acts through a special agent; but not when Public Officer
the damage has been caused by the official to whom the task done properly pertains, in State may be held liable, as Governmental functions
which case what is provided in article 2176 shall be applicable. [xx] acting through as Special FOREIGN to the usual
Agent (Art. 2180, [6]) functions of the office
The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease when the persons herein mentioned
prove that they observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. State may be held liable, as Governmental functions
acting through as Special Private Individual specifically commissioned
Agent (Art. 2180, [6]) by the State
The State is responsible in like manner when it acts through a special agent; but not when
the damage has been caused by the official to whom the task done properly pertains, in State may be held liable as
Proprietary functions on
which case what is provided in article 2176 shall be applicable. an Ordinary Employer (Art. Private Individual
behalf of the state
2180, [4,5])
There are two situations wherein the state can be held liable for the acts of its officials or
agents: State may be held liable as
an Ordinary Employer (Art. Public Officer Proprietary functions
1. Through the negligent acts of its special agent
2180, [4,5])
2. Through the acts of officials in the course of proprietary functions.

What is meant by Special Agent? - A special agent is a private person deputized or

commissioned by the State to perform a special governmental task. Culpable Act or Omission: A pick-up owned by National Irrigation
Administration (NIA) driven by Garcia (employee of agency) bumped a
Proprietary Function vs. Governmental Function - It is important to distinguish what act the bicycle ridden by Francisco Fontanilla, son of herein petitioners, and
State is engaged in in order to determine if liability may attach. If such is Governmental Restituto Deligo
Function then no liability attaches to the Government by way of Vicarious liability. Negligence
Damage: Francisco Fontanilla and Restituto Deligo were injured.
will be attached to the officer causing damage through fault or negligence under Art. 2176.
Fontanilla later died.

However, if the state is exercising Proprietary Functions, then it allows itself to be sued under Causal Relation:
Art. 2180 as a regular employer Fontanlla v. Sps. Fontanilla filed for damages against NIA. NIA argued that it
Maliaman (1989) cannot be liable as it is an agent and doing governmental functions
What’s the difference then? and driver is not a special agent
● Governmental/Public functions are functions that pertain exclusively to the
*Garcia was then a regular driver of the respondent agency who at the
○ Generally, the state cannot be held liable for acts of its employees/agents time of the accident was a licensed professional driver. Qualified for
unless it acts through a special agent, in which case it may be held employment as such regular driver of respondent after having passed
vicariously liable written and oral exams on traffic rules and maintenance of vehicles
● Proprietary functions are actions of the government which is also available to a
private person or entity. Whether NIA liable for torts? Yes.
○ State may be held vicariously liable as an ordinary employer

incidental to the principal aim of the agency, which is the irrigation
The liability of the State has 2 aspects: of lands.
● Its public or governmental aspects – where it is liable for the
tortious acts of special agents only NIA was created for the purpose of "constructing, improving,
● Its private or business aspects [proprietary] – where it rehabilitating, and administering all national irrigation systems in the
becomes liable as an ordinary employer Philippines, including all communal and pump irrigation projects.

Art. 2180(6) provides that the State has voluntarily assumed liability for The NIA is a government agency invested with a corporate personality
acts done by special agent (if public official must not only be separate and distinct from the government, thus is governed by the
commission to specially do a particular task but task must be foreign Corporation Law.
to usual functions)
Therefore, it may be liable for the damages caused by the negligent
If the State’s agent is not a public official and is commissioned to act of its driver
perform non-governmental function, state assumes the role of an
ordinary employer and will be held liable as such.
IN this case, NIA is an agency exercising proprietary function: collect
Involves exercise of sovereignty Connotes merely the exercise
fees for irrigations. NIA assumes liability of an ordinary employer.
and considered as compulsory of proprietary functions and
considered as optional
Negligence of driver
- Francisco thrown 50 meters away due to the speeding
vehicle (caused damage to radiator guard, hood, fender, and
radiator) Culpable Act or Omission: Ambulance turned suddenly and
unexpectedly and long before reaching the center of the street, into
No diligence in supervision the right side of Taft Avenue, without having sounded any whistle or
- Failure of the supervisor, Ely Salonga to caution and make horn. It then hit a motorcycle driven by Merritt, in violation of the
the driver observe the proper speed limit prescribed ordinance and Motor Vehicle Act.
- Even if employer can prove diligence in the selection and
supervision, Salonga ratified the wrongful acts (by allowing Damage: Severe injury of Merritt, lost agility, energy and ability to
the speed limit) work as a contractor. Merritt also had to dissolve the partnership he
had formed with an engineer because he was incapacitated from
NIA claims that it does not perform solely and primarily proprietary making mathematical calculations on account of the condition of his
functions, but is an agency of the government tasked with leg and of his mental faculties.
governmental functions Merritt v.
Government of
● As such, it is not liable for the tortious act of its driver who Philippine Islands Causal Relation: Merritt sued the government. Trial court found the
was not its special agent driver negligent. Act 2457 was enacted authorizing Merritt to file the
case against the government to fix the responsibility for collision and
Whether NIA performs proprietary functions which can make them determine damages.
Fontanila v.
Maliaman (1991)
liable for damage? Yes
Whether the Government is liable? No.
The functions of providing water supply and sewerage service are
regarded as mere optional functions of government even though the State is not liable for the torts committed by its officers or agents
service rendered caters to the community as a whole and the goal is whom it employs, except when expressly made so by legislative
for the general interest of society. enactment. The rule is: by consenting to be sued, a state simply
waives its immunity from suit. In this case, Act 2457 does not operate
Although the community benefited from the service, it is only to extend liability of government but it gives a remedy to enforce pre

existing liability.

Civil Code provides the State is only liable for the acts of its agents,
officers and employees when they act as special agents.

Special agent = one who receives a definite and fixed order or

commission, foreign to the exercise of the duties of his office if he is a
special official

The concept of special agent DOES NOT apply to an executive agent

who is an employee of the active administration and who in his own
responsibility performs the functions which are inherent in and
naturally pertain to his office

In this case, the driver is not a special agent. Thus, the Government is
not liable.

Teachers/heads of establishments (ARTICLES 218 and 219, Family Code)
Damage: As a result thereof, Jayson’s eyes were chemically burned,
particularly his left eye, for which he had to undergo surgery and had
Family Code - ARTICLES 218 and 219 to spend for his medication. Vision of Jason was not impaired but to
avoid additional charges, his parents requested SJC to pay for the
Art. 218. The school, its administrators and teachers, or the individual, entity or institution medical expenses.
engaged in child care shall have special parental authority and responsibility over the
minor child while under their supervision, instruction or custody. Causal Relation: St. Joseph College (SJC) argued that Jayson and
classmates were given strict instructions to follow written procedure
Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or and not to look into the test tube until the compound cooled off.
outside the premises of the school, entity or institution. (349a) ● SJC: proximate cause of Jayson's injury was his own
negligence in disregarding Tabugo’s instructions and
Art. 129. Those given the authority and responsibility under the preceding Article shall be peeking into the tube. He was of sufficient age & discretion
principally and solidarily liable for damages caused by the acts or omissions of the ● Parents sued SJC for damages as it did not agree to pay.
unemancipated minor. The parents, judicial guardians or the persons exercising substitute
parental authority over said minor shall be subsidiarily liable. W/N SJC can be held liable for the accident? - YES; Petitioners were
"negligent since they all failed to exercise the required reasonable
The respective liabilities of those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not apply if care, prudence, caution and foresight to prevent or avoid injuries to
it is proved that they exercised the proper diligence required under the particular the students."
Petitioners could have prevented the mishap if they exercised a
All other cases not covered by this and the preceding articles shall be governed by the higher degree of care, caution, and foresight.
provisions of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts. (n)
SC also said that it was wrong for petitioners to allocate all the
responsibility for the accident on a 12-year old student
Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades – liable for pupils and students or
apprentice as long as in custody (2180) Petitioners were negligent by failing to exercise the higher degree of
care, caution, and foresight incumbent upon the school, its
administrators, and teachers
School, administrators, teachers or individual, entity or institution engaged in child care –
special parental authority over minor (218, FC) Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades shall be liable
● Applies to all authorized activities outside or inside the school for damages caused by pupils, students and apprentices so long as
● Principally and solidarily liable for damage caused by unemancipated minor (219, they remain in the custody.
FC) ● SJC did not take affirmative steps to avert damage and injury
○ Parents, guardians, and other persons with substitute parental authority – to its students although it knew the dangerous nature of the
subsidiary experiments
● SJC did not install safety measure to protect the children
○ Shall not apply if proven proper diligence (219, FC)
● SJC did not provide protective gears and devices
● Tabugo was not in the classroom, the whole time of the
Culpable Act or Omission: Tabugo (teacher) left her Grade 6 science experiment
class while it was doing an experiment. Jayson, the assistant leader of ● 50 students is difficult to monitor
one of the class groups, 12 years old, checked the test tube for results,
St. Joseph’s College but one of the groupmates moved it closer to his eye. The compound How different from the case of St. Mary’s?
v. Miranda in the test tube then spurted out and several particles hit Jayson's eye. ● Here, the cause of the accident was the mechanical defect
and not the recklessness of the minor
JIC: science experiment = fusion of sulfur and iron fillings ● The mishap was foreseeable by the school, its officials, and

Within the premises of the Baguio Colleges Foundation (BCF) is an Culpable Act or Omission: Aquino, the teacher asked his students to
ROTC Unit, which is under the full control of the Armed Forces of the help dig to bury concrete blocks, remnants from the old school shop
Philippines. The ROTC unit has an armory in the basement of BCF. The destroyed in world war II. Aquino left the children to borrow a rope but
ROTC Unit had Jimmy Abon as its duly appointed armorer. As armorer when he left the children. They jumped on top of the concrete block
of the ROTC Unit, Abon received his appointment from the AFP. Not causing it to slide down towards the opening.
an employee of the BCF, he also received his salary from the AFP.
Damage: Ylarde was pinned to the wall, sustained injuries and
Culpable Act or Omission: At night, while in BCF, Abon took and used eventually died.
an unlicensed firearm from the armorer by the AFP as he was the duly
appointed armorer. Causal Relation: Ylarde’s parents filed a suit for damages against
Aquino and Soriano
Then, in the parking space of BCF, Abon shot Napoleon Castro, a
student of the University with an unlicensed firearm In this case, there was a school littered with several concrete blocks
which were remnants of the old school destroyed in WWII
Damage: Napoleon was shot; died. ● One of the teachers started to bury the remnants as they
realized that the stones were serious hazards to the
Causal Relation: Abon convicted of Homicide; Heirs then sued for schoolchildren
damages, impleading not just Abon but also BCF and Benjamin ● Respondent Aquino then gathered 18 of his pupils after class
Salvosa (President and Chairman of the Board of BCF). dismissal to order them to dig beside a concrete block to
make a hole where the stone can be buried
Whether BCF is solidarily liable? No. ● After they finished digging, Aquino went to borrow out a
rope and he told the children not to touch the stone
Under Art. 2180, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and ● But a few minutes after he left, the children jumped into the
Salvosa v. IAC Ylarde v. Aquino
trades are liable for "damages caused by their pupils and students or pit and when a student jumped on top of the concrete block,
apprentices, so long as they remain in their custody." Likewise, "the it slid down towards the opening
phrase used in [Art. 2180] — 'so long as (the students) remain in their ○ One of the children inside the pit got stuck and was
custody' means the protective and supervisory custody that the pinned to the wall in standing position
school and its heads and teachers exercise over the pupils and ○ As a result, Ylarde sustained injuries and eventually
students for as long as they are at attendance in the school, including died
recess time. ○ Ylarde’s parents filed a suit for damages against
Aquino and Soriano
Hence, Abon cannot be considered to have been "at attendance in
the school," or in the custody of BCF, when he shot Napoleon Castro.
Abon was neither at attendance in class nor in recess at the time of Whether Aquino and Soriano are liable? Aquino (Yes), Soriano, the
the shooting. He was already dismissed at 8PM. principal (No) Soriano not liable because academic school not art
● Supported on record that under the instruction of ROTC unit and trades.
commandant, Ugos told Abon not to leave the armory and
guard it. This shows that Abon was supposed to working in Aquino acted negligent because
the armory when he shot Castro ● Failed to avail himself of services of adult manual laborers
and instead utilized pupils to make an excavation near a one
“Recess” tone stone (hazardous)
● temporary adjournment of school activities where the ● Required the children to remain inside the pit, even after
student still remains within call of his mentor; and finishing digging knowing the block was lying nearby
● is not permitted to leave the school premises, or the area ● Ordered them to level the soil knowing the stone is at the
within which the school activity is conducted. brink of falling
● Does not include dismissal ● Went to a place where he is not able to check children’s

safety pursuance of a legitimate student objective, in the exercise of a
● Left children close to excavation, an obviously attractive legitimate student right, and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate
nuisance student right, and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate student
privilege, the responsibility of the school authorities over the student
The negligent act of Aquino in leaving his pupils in such a dangerous continues. Its not required that the teacher is present.
site has a direct causal connection to the death of the child Ylarde. ● He was in the custody of the authorities of school
notwithstanding classes had formally ended
SC also said that the digging cannot be part of work education ● It was immaterial if he was in the auditorium to finish a
● The excavation required strong and mature laborers and not physics
grade four pupils ● Important is a legitimate purpose
● Assuming that Dicon was the teacher-in-charge, there is no
Aquino can also not be said to have exercised the utmost diligence of showing that he was negligent in enforcing discipline upon
a very cautious person Damon or that he had waived observance of the rules and
● A teacher stands in loco parentis to his pupils. He should regulations of the school or condoned their non-observance.
have made sure that the children are protected from all harm His absence when the tragedy happened cannot be
in his company considered against him because he was not supposed or
required to report to school on that day
Culpable Act or Omission: Daffon, while in the auditorium fired a gun
that mortally hit Amadora a graduating student (17 y.o.) Rector, principal and dean of boys not liable because none of them
was a teacher-in-charge exercising only general authority
Damage: Death of Amadora - Dean should be negligent as he had earlier confiscated an
unlicensed gun and returned it without disciplinary action
Causal Relation: - No proof of link with this gun
Daffon was convicted of homicide through reckless imprudence
Parents of Amadora filed a civil action for damages against Colegio de Culpable Act or Omission: Mercado and Quisumbing (classmates)
San Jose-Recoletos. quarreled over a pitogo (empty nutshell used as piggy bank),
belonging to Mercado
P: their son was in the school to finish his physics experiment as a
prerequisite to graduation Damage: Quisumbing got wounded on the right cheek with a razor.

R: Amadora was no longer under the custody of the school because Causal Relation:
Amadora v. CA the semester already ended The Parents of Quisumbing filed a complaint against the school under
Art 2180, the school where his son was studying should be made
Whether teachers and heads of establishment are liable for the liable
death of the student? No
Mercado v. CA
Whether Lourdes Catholic School is liable as it happened during
SC discussed previous cases which discussed that Art 2180 does not recess? No.
apply to academic institutions of learning, but only schools of arts and
trades It would seem that the clause "so long as they remain in their custody,"
contemplates a situation where the pupil lives and boards with the
SC now held that the Art 2180 applies to all schools, academic as well teacher, such that the control, direction and influence on the pupil
as non-academic supersedes those of the parents.

A student is in custody of the school authorities as long as he is under In these circumstances the control or influence over the conduct and
control and influence of the school and within its premises. As long as actions of the pupil would pass from the father and mother to the
it can be shown that the student is in the school premises in teacher; and so would the responsibility for the torts of the pupil.

This situation is not present in this case
● The pupils were going home in this case
● Therefore, it is the father or mother who is responsible for
the damages caused by the minor children
● The proximate cause of the injury was also Quisimbing’s own
● He interfered with Mercado while trying to get the pitogo
from another boy

While Sister Yamyamin, a religion teacher was writing on the

blackboard, Inton left his seat and went to a classmate to play a joke,
surprising him. Yamyamin noticed this and sent him back to his seat
but he kept doing it. Yamyamin kicked his legs, pulled and shove his
head and told him to stay.

Parents of Inton filed an action for damages and violation of RA 7610.

Whether Aquinas is solidarily liable with Yamyamin? No

Aquinas did not have control over Yamyamin as she was a religion
Aquinas School v.
teacher sent by the sisters. Aquinas still had the responsibility to
ensure only qualified catechists are allowed
● Records, certs and diplomas show she was qualified
● She came from a legitimate religious congregation and given
her Christian training so theres reason she would behave
● School gave a copy of the administrative faculty staff manual
● School pre-approved content of the catechesis
● Subject to classroom evaluation (Aquinas did not have
sufficient opportunity to observe as she just started

In addition, Aquinas also acted promptly to relieve her of her

assignment as soon as the school learned of the incident .


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