Consumer Behavior

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Consumer Behavior

Topic: “cultural factors and consumer buying behavior”

Submitted by: Amina Allah Ditta

Class : BBA 7th semester

Submitted to: Ma’am Madiha

Date 22, Jan,2024

What is culture ?

According to Shiffman:
“culture is the sum total of learned beliefs, values and
customers that serve to direct the consumer behavior of
members of a particular society.” culture is the fundamental
determinants of a person’s wants and behavior.

Components of culture:
 Norms (specify ranges of appropriate behavior ).
 Sanctions (penalties for violating norms).
 Cultural values
 Consumption patterns

Culture factors:
Culture factors are the established beliefs, values, traditions,
laws, and language of a society . cultural factors affect
consumer behaviors and marketing strategy.
Demographics refer to the characteristics of a specific group of people
based on factors like age, gender, income, education, and location.
These consumer insights give firms crucial information for efficiently
tailoring their strategy.


Language expresses, embodies and symbolizes culture

reality. Language is therefore the key to develop an
understanding and communicating with the various world cultures.
Consumers normally employ their local language and culture as a
way to create identity of a brand. According to Hank and Agnoli
(1991), a given culture’s language can play a vital role in
determining consumer perceptions, evaluations, and decisions.

Personal values affect consumer behavior in several ways. First,

they influence our needs and wants, and how we prioritize them.
For example, someone who values adventure and novelty may
seek more variety and excitement in their consumption choices,
while someone who values tradition and stability may prefer
familiar and reliable products and services.

Nonverbal communication
Eye contact lets a customer know that you're listening to what
they're saying. By maintaining it when the customer is speaking, it
tells them that you're paying attention to their story and
recognizing the significance of their roadblock. Your facial
expressions also play an important role in how a customer will

Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy has the power to influence customer
behavior by creating persuasive messages that evoke emotions,
cause customers to react, and shape how they think about
products or services. Through various forms of advertising, a
marketing department can effectively capture people’s attention
and guide them towards a desired action.
What is sub-culture ?
Sub culture defined as a sub division of a national culture, or an enclave
within it with a distinct integrated network of human behavior, beliefs,
attitudes, habits, values, norms, and orientation toward life and life after

The concept of sub culture refers to a totality of ways of thinking,

behaving, learning and living of majority of people living within a
bigger complex whole. The concept of subculture suggests both a
separate identity as well as a part of the whole.

For example, people living in various provinces of Pakistan have own

sub cultures which differs markedly from one another and an essential
part of the main Pakistani culture. The rural or urban cultures are other
examples of sub cultures of Pakistan. Similarly Muslim culture is
different from the sub cultures of minorities living in Pakistan.

The sub cultural groups in Pakistan could be identified on the basis of

ethnic orientation, religious affiliation, geographical identity, belief
system and language.

Variation In Cultural Values

the cultural values that have the most impact on consumer behavior can
be classified in one of these general categories;

 Environment oriented values

 Self-oriented values
 Other-oriented values

1. Environment oriented values

Prescribe a society’s relationship to its economic and technical as well as
its physical environment. As a manager, you would develop a very
different marketing program for a society that stressed a problem-
solving, risk-taking, performance-oriented approach to its environment
than you would for a fatalistic, security, and status-oriented society.

 Cleanliness
 Performance/status
 Traditions /change
 Risk taking /security
 Problem solving
 Nature

2. Self-Oriented Values
Self- oriented values reflect the objectives and approaches to life that
the individual member of society find desirable. Again, these values
have strong implications for marketing management.

 Active /passive.
 Material / nonmaterial.
 Hard work /leisure.
 Postponed gratification /immediate gratification.
 Religious /secular.
 Sensual gratification/ abstinence.
3.Other-Oriented Values
Reflect a society’s views of the appropriate relationships between
individuals and groups within that society. These relationships
have a major influence on marketing practice.

 Individuals/ collective.
 Youth/ age.
 Extended/limited.
 Competitive /cooperative.
 Diversity /uniformity.

Culture variations in communications

There are two types of communication ;

1. Verbal Communication System
2. Nonverbal Communication System

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication also has a big impact on consumer

behavior. In fact, it represents 80-85% of the entire
communication. It is not only referred to body language, but it
includes more, such as space and time perspective, appearance,
colors and symbols meanings.
Cross-culture marketing strategy
Cross-cultural marketing is defined as “a form of marketing that is
adapted to the customs, traditions, and beliefs of a specific group of
people.” In order to reach consumers in other cultures, businesses
need to be respectful of cultural differences and produce marketing
strategies that are tailored to each specific culture.

Cross-cultural marketing considerations

When planning your marketing strategy, it's important to consider the

cultural differences between your target markets. What may be
considered acceptable in one culture may be seen as offensive in
another. Here are some key cultural considerations to keep in mind
when planning your cross-cultural marketing campaigns:
 Languge: Make sure your ad copy is translated correctly and
that your overall message will be understood by your target
audience. This means hiring a competent translator with
expertise in your industry. Don't just rely on Google Translate.
Many companies before you have died on that sword.

 Values: What values are important to your target market?

Make sure your marketing campaign respects these values.

 Symbols: Be aware of the different meanings that symbols

can have in different cultures. A symbol that is positive in one
culture may be negative in another.

 Colors: Different cultures assign different meanings to colors.

For example, white is often associated with purity and
innocence in Western cultures, but with death and mourning
in Eastern cultures.

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