Activity #3

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Prince John Erick Banaag BIT 2-T FSM-B

1. How did Roman portraiture/sculpture reflect the values and ideals of Roman society?

For me, roman portraiture and painting provided valuable insights into the ideals and
tenets of Roman culture. The emphasis on realism in portraiture highlights the importance of the
individual within the societal framework. The Romans prized individualism and verisimilitude.
Idealized traits were often employed in sculptures to portray people in a more positive light and
to symbolize traits like bravery, wisdom, and leadership. The portraits of emperors and
politicians served political purposes by enhancing the authority and legitimacy of the ruling elite.
In addition, as grave monuments attest to, the widespread distribution of portraits and sculptures
extolled the virtues of family piety, emphasizing the importance of family and lineage in Roman

2. What cultural values of the 18th century are being portrayed in Rococo art?

Based on the discussion I have learnt that many of the prevalent social norms of the
eighteenth century are reflected in the rococo art of that era. Above all, the Rococo movement's
focus on grace, decoration, and exquisite details reveals a desire for the opulent and beautiful and
embodies society's inclination toward sophistication and elegance. Second, the Enlightenment
ideals of pleasure, leisure, and the pursuit of happiness are reflected in the love, passion, and
escapist motifs that permeate Rococo art. The idea of the "salon," a space where people may
mingle and have stimulating conversations, and the increasing significance of personal, home life
all fit with the genre's charming and intimate aspects.

3. How has technology influenced contemporary art, and what role does contemporary art play in
addressing social and political issues?

Technology has had a significant influence on modern art in a variety of ways. Social
networking sites, graphic design software, and virtual reality are examples of digital tools that
have enabled new kinds of immersive and interactive creative experiences. The opportunities for
artistic expression have likewise expanded with the advent of these instruments. Modern artists
frequently utilize technology as a means to engage with and comment on social and political
issues. Through the use of digital installations, online platforms, and video art, artists may
broadcast their ideas globally and encourage debates on problems like identity, inequality, and
climate change. Contemporary art is a powerful instrument for questioning norms, igniting
in-depth conversations about the complexities of the modern world, and stimulating thought due
to its dynamic and sensitive nature.

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