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An Integrated Model for Geriatric Neuropsychological Intervention DEBORAH K. ATTIC nth te aol pie 2a ERATAC NEUROPSYCHOLOCCAL TE RETION INTERVENTION PLANMING: IDENTIFICATION OF INTERVENTION TARGETS AND STRATEGY SELECTION. yerenion eatunion i he prenry source of eli dara from which af mock sie Cured’ Mach belt eon aot ol wenn! ria ychologal evcoccn Sc] wii carts, ioynch jlaning a chs selon vatiabesieret the eration a Testnenr pula and nets andthe process of matching etn lation 1 the choy reich patina dence The nervention evalation the context a wich feo varie re vowed, which flats cretion ofthe tenet plan, These va abies inl 5 Morison + Newopsychologial evaluation 2 allecive satis 2 Unique pace and environmental fasion These varia shoal be systray evewed and incorporated ito thereat tent plan Thi ep of he inerverion procs ees the mon eile ester {stand appcoaches by tegrtingneorepyehologeal data and nied ineapvchi r ‘sterpesomalconcre wth a sheoreal undesinding ofthe cewousatomial conta (of behavior and the appropriate pyehotheapetic aprons runtka 8 MC, 200 Sohibrs & Mater 198%), Goals {oxevenion plang bess wit elucidation ofthe major complains driving the aed fe ‘team, beats the ives to reste gals Wheres some patients and fame hve he ementproces with well-defined goals other lank tthe rower fra ‘anos orying te Reged the eg pelos tha the pt ed frail bgt th al netng de ene poi desi valod outcomer tha seo amenable eset. The quero dtly relevant to his fair incl + What are the factional compli ofthe patent? Tati what would he or he ike to change? 1 Wha te the ptentfncsonal defi fom the perspective ofthe family? Tat 5, what woul hey Uke wo change? 1 From he patie perspective, bat copitive defi ae aoviated wih he functional defi? + From the familys perspective, wha cogutivedefcs ae asocited with the tien Retinal des? Doss the patos report any afecrve dies What i he paula tm rm the perspec of he fay? leghe fear dite in response to copii ad con lalars (ee bee {the alletve den of saline magnitude to conrburer the cognitive 28 Functional Sef (below)? tether any dierepancy beneen patent and family sopre of acon, ope five sflecve ste? I, wha cvoune forthe aerpene? + What cognsne and flctive dete are licely etd the Bncionl com plains ve the nestopepcolagial data ace below)? «Tether ny dictepaney between pat ad fanly cepts? What woud te e= er acount fort Tcl, patie fered forint ate beyond! he sete aes of nr. a francs ew kl pains would be expec through ature story of recovery, td fc patents enay even be expected to decline ver time. Therefor, pols should be ured wii the conte of aa explict wideetanding tha engitve dec wil aged ain! conpeoated fr eather thas cared or wchabliated “enough heaven ond far wl acy deny areas of functional db he lesa understand he tess such Slee ine eo best interven pins suse of atonal anion” tom the pe Frc of both che psent and fay members (Pram 6 MeCae, 2000). Farias Bie basen not doug hngtistedon the todo” bocaue he oraheforgetstochek the fmcmory disorder) doe ot flow the srt ofthe ln exceed siren} oF steve aphid pesie dade) Even the ayer of nervencon the es agp would vty coneserabiy depending on te sours af the problem. “othe eed, the cian shoul defy the presence of any eagatine dysfunction lective dss that may be contbuting ro urotond defi. ado, ewe i toknow bath pater and informane perspectives om he pen cone and afc pe satu When ptt sod informant pore diverge, ichepal eden the source i epancy, becuse ti ifersation cua seo be hell i plaming (ese pain oy hive anospyosm wich ca inflcace autora ot nay eller caterer border niin, other sousces of information, sich ax the neuopeyclogal evahat Shout ie will ocnonc the enienon and quanieaton of cog and alc otnatlon The patient’ siotaton to actly parciate athe therapeutic proces shoul be com ied (Klas Been, 1995). The sae of being moxivated valve eting compelled, ey lus «nod ot dete, 0 ac. The guctons deel leant oth tr ce + Is the patent sfficiemly motivated co sctvely garciate in eaten? Soe ‘eal. te ose willing to stend esions? Ie he ese wing 0 pape a Practice ssguments that feguie cfc process? {ier a lack of motivation duet Genta! nrvoge tem dysfnction, "ulin in goer nrion/pathy or emotional dates? Ave personality ators op tserroncoustoasume that a patent wil be incin ro expend the neces fore sn sad peice new technics orf se compenenry sete jst bese ot ‘he cree tha inpeing function ie detiabl, Siler to underandang the source of enohnal day hen stablshing pal, i seal 0 ientify the source of min hee crasee mnivstion that may bea hace fo eaten. Contra merci sym! cma NeumOPSHCHOLOGEAL MTERVEATION re re frcapion ie men roa pci pa lessthan-optimal levels of modtvation should he addressed price tothe initiation of he SSDS at nteaa te oon pet Nearopsychologleal Fralation zheng ai ae utenti aig seo Mowlcatonandsuseny lesion. Te uetonsdiecty rests alae ince What yh pine general lela opntve Fei ‘What diagnos 3 suppor bythe data? Whar dos ths dagoosis suggest abort . tipster? What doa the likely wearoneaonialeacturs nd syste et eu Sow the Hily cognitive defies, behavioral Change, and emotional ee tions of che pavert? What doer it suggest about ely progesion aad che earoeivioal changes that wil evolve oes time? Wher aype afand how severe 4 men iver ress ‘Thc gps of creive define prs’ Ae he Kllowing process alt: processing, cogsitive Bex, sequent hae yp of exc 2 Ete pocening advantage by oar (tbl over aorta Gene Level of Coetne Fonctonng Gene inforaton hot he ge of oie composed moder sce polo wile toe for fucerexpooton ofthe pti sad nf {Stem anindnunl abe amos neta fr cane i Hel abo ‘mopar nad exces ace pen ees sicine whl evel of ape utecnmaybestieig omen sotscdnemery de. boughypoties tout Creat cnt dere fom eet stage nfocation, ore pre perf dats (ps usu once of pce yes of xhiqus mh invention an. negate Model fr teen as lpartance ofthe daensisiey Sold. Fins, knowledge ofthe diagnos ution of hypothrses elo the cogpitie ered, abeha orl sequela hee aly atend vations Whesses (Role! & Branch, 2999), This appccnion of the Pecbchavora sequdac tha charsstae he pcenton and once of aha set and sydomes guides herve proces Foe examples patient nthe ec lle stapeofAlheimers deste (AD) wil lel extube memory dete eth cor ed scqisinon and api forge) earctivecempromises, al mild wot dng bles. Areatie depression and some mld changes in night may sea be seas be use thae defies ae common nearly AD (Kola 8 Wel Bos 200; Inconean > ent with aston ofa propesive guage dice. primary progres ephana llkey demonstsatea moda fo severe aphats syne, and Gependogon esse she les. may demonriatcher ops det lta a Pysensnngh ie ne compromise frontal some nthe early o-middle ego of hoes. The nt penton gal for theserwopateni woud be ey diferente pase Si Flocapitalize on rates with varying lel of compen Second, knowledge of the dagnsis allows the ciniin ta incorporate preg ant Pet pateres of forte cognate and behavioral charges ine nerves pan (Rola € Branch, 199), Im both opal and eal ear, testes sald be Se ected tht would serve he pais well in she fre Nearopscolegial Proc The clnician wes the bined aeacopsychologicl data to generate or reve hypotheses about copntie strengths and weakasss co fut elne te westment apron The ‘onscllaion of ining from tesing allows for spect planing Benue he conce me othe patent and fay ota tet the deficits clervedon test, thse las sll fon aurcpatin ofthe types of complains and goal the patents aly tay bring Yo the seston. Mealy the lian sere in how netepeytologcal test perforant les to every lunconal capacies eg, devi, medication management, Banal deer som making: Pamuk 8 McC, 2000) Hever wher complairs dng sigicantly foo es: Hndigs, the source ofthe dicepancy shouldbe deced The newopercholgi profile not ouly ominbates to appeepite goa selection bc als ince and excndes the nse of specie echnigus, nr the mow bio sense, sees shoul be elected that allow the pce to weave ent to cmpentate for clive wesknesies ejood dhe principle, the poten infnce of eich compro ‘mised nenocopiive docain on each tccaiue being consieed should be reneged For instance the cinicin wl want desermin de satre of the memory ise: Ist characterized primary by a storage or settieval deft? Obviously ectnigassined at

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