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gtd TODOIST Setup Guide David Allen Company LICENSE AGREEMENT David Allen Company, Inc. owns the intellectual property rights, including but not limited to all copyright and trademark rights, in these materials and the associated support materials collectively, the "Program Materials.” The Program Materials are and remain the property of David Allen Company. Upon completion ofthe David Allen Company program supported by the Program Materials, David Allen Company grants you, as an individual, a icense to use this copy of the Program Materials. Neither you nor your employer nor any other party are granted any ownership rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other rights whatsoever in of to the Program Materials. As examples, neither you nor your employer nor any catner party may: (a) reproduce, in any form or by any means, the Program Materials; (b) prepare derivative works ofthe Program Materials; () distribute copies of the Program Materials forsale or to persons who have not completed the David ‘Allen Company program supported by the Program Materials, (d) perform or display the Prograrn Materials publicly; or (e) authorize others to do any of the foregoing, What is a copyright? Copyright isa form of protection provided to authors of original works by the laws of the United States and intemational lteaties to which the United States isa party, The copyright laws of the United States give the awe tothe copyrights {oa work the exclusive rights o: 1, Reproduce the copyrighted work in copies however produced (e.g,, photocopying, scanning, faxing, electronically) 2. Prepare derivative works (e.g, translations, revisions, abridgements, dramatizations, video adaptation, any form, in which the work may be transformed or adapted) 3. Distribute copies for sale; 4, Perform or display the work publicly; and 5, Authorize others to do any of the above. ‘What is the copyright policy of the David Allen Company? tis the policy of the David Allen Company to reserve all copyrights to itself and to vigorously pursue any unauthorized use of is work. What is a mark? A mark is any word, name, phrase, design, symbol, or device or any combination of the same, used to identify goods (trademarks) or services (service mark) from a single source. ‘What is the policy of the David Allen Company with respect to its marks? Itis the policy of the David Allen Company to restrict to itself, and those persons licensed by it, all use of its marks and ta vigorously pursue any unauthorized use of ts mars, Which are the marks of the David Allen Company? Getting Things Done*, GTD®, Natural Planning Model®, GTD Weekly Review*, and Horizons of Focus* are marks owned by the David Allen Company (DAC). ‘As the purchaser of the Program Materials, you are entitled toa single-user license. If you wish to have additional copies ‘of any of the Program Materials, add to your license, or obtain further information about the David Allen Company's other license opportunities, please contact DAC’s Legal Department at for details. I you have any questions regarding copyrights or marks of the David Allen Company or if you are interested in obtaining, a license to use the marks or words of the David Allen Company, please contact DAC'S Legal Department at legal® for details. Todoist®is registered trademark of Doist, All other trademarks are held by their respective owner. (© 2017 Davis Aen Company. lis ese. getngngsdoe com TABLE OF CONTENTS FOCUS OF THIS GUIDE WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM THIS GUIDE 1 Focus oF TH cue UNDERSTANDING THE GTD° BEST PRACTICES AN OVERVIEW OF THE KEY BEST PRACTICES OFTHE GTD METHODOLOGY 2 WHATIS gro? G10 FIVE STEPS OF MASTERING WORKFLOW 2. THREE STAGES TO INTEGRATING GTO 3 THEGTO WORKFLOW MAP 4 THEGTO WEEKLY REVIEW® CHECKLIST APPLYING GTD 10 TODOIST SETTING UP TODDIST FOR GTO PROJECTS AND NEXT ACTIONS 5 USING TODDISTTO MANAGE PROJECTS AND NEXT ACTIONS LISTS 5 THEMOST COMMON GTDLISTS 5 SETTNGUPLSTS 8 ADDING ITEMS TO YOUR LisTs 3 USING SHORTCUT KEYS 3 USINGSIRI® 3) EXPLANATION OFTHE COMMON GTO LIsTs 18 LINKING PROJECTS TO THEIR RELATED ACTIONS: 19 THE GTD WEEKLY REVIEW ‘13 MOVING ITEMS BETWEEN LISTS (conrmuen) (©2017 Dave Alen Company Alnghs reserved, 823.84 TNOV2021_ toms sowrone tC TABLE OF CONTENTS (conrwueo) APPLYING GTD 10 TODOIST® (covrmusy 20 USING FILTERS 20 OTHER WAYS TO SET UP LISTS IN TODOIST 25 CREATING FOLDERS 26 = CUSTOMIZING YOUR CONTEXTS 26 USING THE TODOIST INBOX 28 REVIEWING YOUR LISTS 28 USING DUE DATES, REMINDERS, AND PRIORITY FLAGS 30 MARKING ITEMS COMPLETE 30 SHARING LISTS EMAIL 33° INTEGRATING ACTIONABLE EMAIL WITH TODOIST 33 TWO OPTIONS FOR MANAGING ACTIONABLE EMAIL 35 USING TODOIST WITH GMAIL 37 USING TODOIST WITH OUTLOOK 39° -GETTING YOUR INBOX TO ZERO CALENDAR 40 WHAT BELONGS ON YOUR CALENDAR 41 SETTING UPA CALENDAR FEED 4) REVIEWING YOUR CALENDAR REFERENCE 42 USING TODOIST TO STORE REFERENCE INFORMATION CONCLUSION FINAL THOUGHTS AND NEXT STEPS 45 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (©2017 Dave Alen Company Alnghs reserved, 823.84 TNOV2021_ FOCUS OF THIS GUIDE Our focus with this Guide is to show you how to use Todoist® for your GTD® workfiow. This Guide will focus ‘on configuring and populating Todoist for your Projects lists and plans, Next Actions lists, Waiting For lsts, and Reference. We strongly recommend the Pro or Business versions to get the most out of Todbist for GTD. Recent changes to the Free version have limited the functionality quite e bit (namely, you can only create five projecsylists in total). However, if you want to stay with the Free version, we have included some suggestions in this Guide ‘to work around the limitations. The instructions in this Guide match the latest version of Todoist, with the latest features available, as of November 2021. If you are new to Todoist, this Guide should be an excellent starting point for you to build a solid GTD foundation for optimizing your productivity using the builtin features. If you already have an established system in Todoist, Use this Guide as an opportunity to fine-tune or simplify if you have found youlve underused or overbuit your setup. We are aware that there are many features and ways to configure your system in Todoist. This is not a technical Guide, nor will it cover all the instructions for how to use Todoist. We'll leave that to the folks at Todoist to share with you through their excellent support material This Guide focuses on the methods we have found work well for GTD for a wide range of people. I's also important to note that no one tool will handle ll of your needs for GTD, including Todoist. Even with your lists managed in Todoist, you'l stil have your calendar and email in other programs. Whatever configuration you choose in tools like Todboist, be careful not to overcomplicate it to the point where you can only maintain it when you are at your peak of mental clarity, I's too easy to have a complicated system {all apart when you're not at your best. Your GTD tools should be complex enough to manage your workflow, but simple enough that if you were sick in bed with the flu, you could stil easily maintain them. Don't worry about using every available feature and add-on in Todoist. There may be more offered than you will ever need. Focus on what makes a difference for you OK. ..let’s get started! Be careful not to overcomplicate your systems to the point where you can only maintain them when you are at your peak of mental clarity. 1 2017 Dovid Alen Company, lghsresened. 23-44 TROV2OD geinthingsdane com oqusoFTascuoE UNDERSTANDING THE GTD BEST PRACTICES To get the mast out of Tadoist as a tool for your GTD practice, it’s review the fundamentals of the Getting Things Done® approach, so you understand how the methodology and tools will intersect. WHAT IS GTD? GTD isthe shorthand brand for “Getting Things Done,” the groundbreaking work-life management system and bestseling book! by David Allen, which provides concrete solutions for transforming overwhelm and uncertainty into an integrated system of stress-free productivity. GTD’S FIVE STEPS OF MASTERING WORKFLOW CAPTURE Collect anything and everything that's grabbing your attention. CLARIFY Define actionable things into concrete next steps and successful outcomes. ORGANIZE Sort information in the most streamlined way, in appropriate categories, based on how and when you need to access it REFLECT Step back to review and update your system regularly. ENGAGE © Make trusted choices about what to do in any given moment. THREE STAGES TO INTEGRATING GTD 1, Understanding You understand the distinct differences in the five steps of Mastering Workflow. You understand a project versus a next action. You know how to transform what you've collected by asking the key processing questions, clarifying what something is, and what you want to do about it. 2 Implementation You have installed at least the basic gear to support your GTD practice, including ubiquitous collection tools, functioning reference systems for your non-actionable information, and seamless buckets with “clean edges" for tracking your projects and next actions 9. Behavior Change The five steps of Mastering Workflow are second nature to you. You have changed the way you think and work and are achieving stress-free productivity on a regular basis. When you “fall off” you know ‘what to do to get “back on.” This Guide will leap forward to the Implementation stage, by configuring Todoist as an organizing tool for your projects, actions, and reference. Success at the implementation stage depends on your understanding of GTD. If you are committed to GTD and experiencing stress-free productivity, don't shortchange yourself by skipping the "Understanding” stage. ‘Gerng Things Dane The A of Stess-Free Prat Ving, New Yok; 2001, 2015 harack or papers 1 2017 Dovid Alen Company, lghsresened. 23-44 TROV2OD geinthingsdane com ANDESTANDNG THE TD BST PACT 2 gtd THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO GET A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF GTD, INCLUDING: Read or listen to the book Getting Things Done is the essential manual for this methodology (part one is an excellent overview of the whole game). Take a course The courses offered by our global partners around the world are excellent primers for understanding the key steps of Mastering Workflow. Practice, practice, practice The GTD Workflow Map (shown below) is a fantastic coaching tool for walking yourself through the core models for capturing, clarifying, organizing, reflecting, and engaging THE GTD WORKFLOW MAP Goals ren of Foss acyl, sed delice (rei or str). Forme o do.spetie toa (hy oF une (ena eer) Sonnac Maybe ts edors Forme :o da soonaelan (Nese Actions loess) Dasespocte rears tres tan 2 mines In communication tem ad bone Pape al ins fers We recommend getting the full Workflow Map, with all of the GTD models, which comes as PDF download. Visit our online store at to leam more, (© 2017 Das Alen Company A rghis ese, B23-N4 QMDCSTANDNE TH 1D EST PRACTIC 3 gtd THE GTD WEEKLY REVIEW" CHECKLIST Any tool you use will take effort to keep clean and current, so that you can trust your action choices, The Todhist application is no exception. Rest assured, the GTD Weekly Review? is what ties this whole thing together, ensuring that you have actions for all the active parts of your projects on a consistent basis, so you can trust that what you are choosing fram your Next Actions lists is current. The GTD Weekly Review steps include: GET CLEAR Capture Loose Papers and Materials Gather all accumulated business cards, receipts, and miscellaneous paper-based materials into your intray Get “IN" to Zero Clarify completely all outstanding paper materials, journal and meeting notes, voicemails, dictation, and emails. Empty Your Head Put in writing and clarify any uncaptured new projects, action ites, waiting for's, somieday/maybe's, etc. GET CURRENT Review Next Actions Lists Mark off completed actions. Review for reminders of further action steps to record, Review Previous Calendar Data Review past calendar in detail for remaining action items, reference data, etc., and transfer into the active system. Review Upcoming Calendar Review upcoming calendar events—long and short term. Capture actions triggered. Review Waiting For List Record appropriate actions for any needed follow-up. Check off received ones Review Project (and Larger Outcome) Lists Evaluate status of projects, goals, and outcomes, one by one, ensuring at least one current action ite on each. Browse through project plans, support material, and any other work-in-progress material to trigger new actions, completions, waiting for's, etc. Review Any Relevant Checklists Use as a trigger for any new actions. GET CREATIVE Review Someday/Maybe List Review for any projects which may now have become active, and transfer to “Projects”. Delete items no longer of interest. Be Creative & Courageous ‘Any new, wonderful, hare-brained, creative, thought-provoking, risk-taking ideas to add into your system??? 2 See the Geting Tings Dore book or our GTD Nishodloy Guides fora GTO Week Resi checklist, (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ANDESTANDNE THE 10ST PAA 4 APPLYING GTD TO TODOIST PROJECTS AND NEXT ACTIONS USING TODOIST 10 MANAGE PROJECTS AND NEXT ACTIONS LISTS Todbist is an excellent option for managing the Projects, Next Actions, and Waiting For lsts in your system, We recommend you create lsts in Todoist to match the common set of lists recommended in the Getting Things Done book, which we describe in more detail over the following pages. THE MOST COMMON GTD LISTS Here are the 10 lists that are a good starter set for most people: Agendas 6. Home Anywhere 7. Office Calls 8 Waiting For Computer 9, Someday/Maybe Errands 10. Projects ose Sorting your next actions by context (ists 1-7 above) is recommended because when you are choosing what todo, context will always be your first limitation. For example, if you are at work, you don’t want to be seeing (and having to take the time to skip over) actions that require you to be at home to do. Contexts should map to the people, places, and tools you need to get work done. SETTING UP LISTS Let's set up the 10 suggested ists in a PC, Mac, or web version of Todoist now. You can always go back to customize these later, after you've experimented, to discover what works best for you, We encourage you to give these lists some time, especialy i the concept of sorting by contexts is new to you. Important: if you are a Free version user, we recommend reading this section thoroughly to understand the concept of the recommended GTD lists, but your setup will be diferent than described due to the Free version limitation of only being able to create five projectslsts in total, We have recommendations for @ setup specifically for Free version users at the end of this section. We recommend doing this initial setup on your desktop device and not your mobile device. There are two ways to view your Todoist data: as Lists or Boards. We'll show the List view throughout this Guide, {or consistency. Whichever view you choose is entirely personal preference. Both are functional for GTD. (©2017 David Alon Compa, Alighisresoned. €23-A4 7NOVZO21 gotingthingsdonecom maser Torwoust = 5 gtd To switch between List and Board, click the ellipsis in the top-right comer of each lst. Tcomments 2¢share 3 viow eve View ® © View ae Lis . Sort Bod © croup wy TARE LY Sort by Defaut ~ While there are number of ways one could set up Todoist, there is one method, in particular, we have found to work well fr all users of Todoist, which is to use the “Projects” area for all lists. We found this method to be ‘simple and easy to use, and it takes advantage of a feature that allows emailing tasks directly to your lists. On page 20 we explore other, more complex methods (stich as using Labels for contexts instead of the Projects area) if you want to experiment with your selup. We recommend reading ahead to page 20 before starting your setup, so you have a good averview af what's possible. ‘SETTING UP TODOIST USING THE PROJECTS AREA With this method, you will be adapting the “Projects” area of Todboist to menage all of your lists. Youll need to get creative in your thinking and essentially ignore that this area is called “Projects.” Think of it as simply your “lists” area. 1. Deleting or Archiving Old Entries If you've already populated Todoist, then take the opportunity now to delete or archive any “Project” entries, you have created that are no longer serving you. Be aware that deleting current Project entries that have “Tasks” assigned to them will delete the Project and the related Tasks. If you don't have the time to do that cleanup ow or aren't sure what to do yet, capture it as a Mind Sweep item to clarify later. You can delete or archive a projectlist by clicking the ellipsis to the right of the project name. 2. Adding New Lists Now, create 10 lists that match the starter set recommended in the Getting Things Done book. To add a new lst, click the + sign that appears when you hover to the right of the Projects header | ~ smu +|and add these 10 lists. ‘Agendas Anywhere Calls, Computer Errands Home Office Waiting For Projects Someday/Maybe The final Projects view will look lke this, which is now a combination of your master Projects list, Next Actions lists by context, Waiting For ist, and Someday/Maybe list: (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘cng crovoraoust = gtd © Projects Projects Agendas Anyoere calls computer Errands Home ottice Waiting For ec ec eee ee ee SomedsyMaybe We recommend moving Projects to the top of your lst view and Someday/Maybe at the bottom. Visually, this gives 1 good view of Projects being a higher horizon above Next Actions lists (Calls through Waiting For). To move a ist, hover to the left ofthe list name, click on the handlebar icon, and drag and drop the list to @ new location, => Projects Agendas anywhere You can also assign colored dots to your various lists if you would find that valuable. To do that, click on the elipsis to the right of the project name and select Eait project. Select a new color from the drop-down lst. Color coding lists won't mean much beyond just being a visual cue for you. For example, some peopl like to make all of their Next Action lists the same color, so your eyes naturally go to those lists as a group. it project ® ems & (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘ocrng co vovaoust = 7 gtd ADDING ITEMS TO YOUR LISTS Using the Projects area of Todos, ll new projects and actions will be added as entries under the 10 lists you just created. For example, to create a new errand, go to the Errands list, click on + += | and add the errand as a new task. To add a new project, go to the Projects lst, click on Add Task and add the project name. This is again where you will need to get creative about how Todboist is built, OF course, a project is not a “task,” but adding a task is the only way to create a new entry for the Projects list. You have a number of options available when adding a new entry, including. 6°o 000 semeaue | [ @ moor CED we 1. Describing the project or next action 2, ‘Adding additional details » Adding a due date (By choosing a date from the schedule that appears or using natural language (e.g, next Fri third Tues in Aug, Mon, etc.) 4, Assigning to a list or project (assigning to project method described later in the Guide) 5. Assigning a label 6. Adding a priority flag (Not an approach recommended in the GTD methodology) 7. Adding a reminder (Which is different than due date in that you will get a push notification) Clicking Add Task or pressing return/enter on your keyboard will save the entry. Once you save the new item and hover over it with your mouse, youll then see additional options including 00% 8 Edit the task 9. Schedule (Same as #2 above to add a due date) ‘10. Add Comments 11, More options (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 Peg T0000 8 gtd USING SHORTCUT KEYS The abiity to capture information and facilitate tasks quickly, through shortcut keys, can greatly enhance your productivity, Todoist offers many shortcut keys for common functions in the app. Shortcuts will vary by platform, so check out the shortcuts for your version of Todoist here. You can also see the shortcuts for your version by entering the ? symbol in the app. Here is a short list of the most common ones: Add a Label: @ ‘Add a Project (or assign to list if you are using the setup we suggest at the beginning of this Guide): # Quick Add inside the app: q Quick Add using menu-bar icon: Shift + Command + Aon Mac or Ctrl + Alt + A on Windows, USING SIRI If youre an iPhone user, you can use Siri to add new and view existing items in Todoist. For more instructions and examples on using Siri with Todoist, view the helpful support doc on the Todoist website. Now, well go into ‘greater detail about what goes on these lst. EXPLANATION OF THE COMMON GTD LISTS AGENDAS This list tracks the topics and agenda items for people you interact with regularly. For example, if you have a standing meeting with a particular team, and want to capture agenda items to bring up at the next meeting, this is the place to capture them. The Agenda list is not for tracking next actions that you need to take related to that person or team (for example, a call you need to make to that person, which would instead go on your *Calls” lst). Once you're on the call, you may refer to the Agenda lst for that person, but i's the Calls lst that is triggering the action to make the phone call, not Agendas. To create an agenda for a particular person, click on the Agendas list and click the Add Task button, ‘Agendas eer he Or, use the keyboard shortcut q to create a new lst entry (what Todoist calls a Task). Click here for a ful ist of Todoist keyboard shortcuts. Then, enter the name of the person or group for which you want to create an agenda (e.g., Boss, Spouse, Marketing Team). For example: CO schtse) [© howeie oF (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 merwgarDToTWousT =) gtd To capture specific items for that Agenda lst, save the task, then click on the comment icon to the right of the task © David lon 2 atk The entry will remain static, as long as you need agenda items for that person, whereas the Comment field will be dynamic, as your agenda topics for them change onion ip {ralne ertteaton owt podcast | Dinner in SF? soe ifthe Agenda entry already exists, a faster way to get to the Comment field is to hover to the right of the subject line and click on the comment icon Agendas © avid atten a You might also find it helpful to add related fles to your agenda entries. Click on the paperclip icon or microphone icon below the “Write a comment” field to upload a file: Write a comment (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 rerwgerDToTWoUST 10 gtd r, another way to do ths is to create Sub-tasks within the item. For example: ‘Agendas avi Aten - ; Coaching on nesting and sub-tasks: Markeong team Keep it simple, clean, and current on One of the most common things " ‘our coaches see is out of control Marketing meetings systems caused by confusing and ‘overcomplicated lst structures using Advertising channels features like nesting and sub-tasks, Franchisee marketing materials Moms doctor Another common use of the Comment feature is when you are sharing your Todoist entries with others and want ‘them to be able to comment on the content. We talk more about collaboration and sharing later in the Guide. You could easily have half a dozen people and meetings that you are tracking through Agenda lists—your direct reports, your boss, your assistant, your spouse, the weekly staff meeting, the monthly board meeting, etc. ‘Agendas Dovid len Marketing ream Monts doctor ‘Again, you can also change the order of any of your lst entries by dragging and dropping the entry to a new position within the lst. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘rng cro ToTOOOsT 1 gtd Some people have so many items for just one person or team that they create an entire list for them, rather than park them as an entry under the Agendas list. For example, if David were your boss and you often have a large volume of agenda items to track, you might create a list dedicated to David: Projects Agendas awa Allen Anywhere cats Computer érrands Horne oftice Wating For Somedayitayoe if you create a list fora specific person or meeting you'l have a litle more flexibility in how easily you can add new entries to that Agenda topic by using your shortcut keys to create a new Task or drag and drop a Task from ‘anather list, versus going to Agendas list > Person/Meeting > Comment field. Just be careful you don't create so many lists that it becomes difficult to find what you need and keep them current, Remember, Agendas are for standing iterns to discuss or bring to a meeting. They are nat where you would g0 to be reminded of a next action you have related to that person. For example, if you needed to pull together some SEO figures for the next matketing meeting (which is also an agenda item), this ist would not be your reminder to do that, something like your “Computer” list would be. Go ahead and add any people or regular meetings you have as new “Tasks” under your Agendas list, as placeholders, that would make sense to you. ANYWHERE An action that can be accomplished, without any restriction about where it’s done, would go on this list. Notice in the example below that all the next actions on this list start with a verb. That is the recommended best practice forall of your next actions entries so that when it comes time to choose what to do, you've already Settings > General > togele off Smart date recognition > Update to not have the date you enter recognized in this way. Or, you can override the smart date feature for each new entry by pressing backspace after its trigaered. ‘Smart date recognition @ on Automatically recognize due dates when typing a task If you're not sure whether you want to keep it on or not, keep it enabled and see if it helps or hinders you when adding new items. You can always tur it off later. The Waiting For list should be reviewed as necessary (at least once a week in the GTD Weekly Review), {riggering appropriate actions on your part to follow up, light a fire, or just check the status. Go ahead and capture any new items for your Waiting For list that come to mind. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘cng cro voTaoust 15; gtd ‘SOMEDAY/MAYBE These are the things you might want to do at some point in the future, but with no commitment ‘to move on them at present. They could represent next actions or projects that were current at one time or not. Mary people find they triage things onto and off the Someday/Maybe list when their priorities shift. Your only ‘commitment to items you put on the Someday/Maybe list is that you will review the choice regularly in your GTD Weekly Reviews. That should give you the freedom to capture onto this list without the stress of feeling like you've made @ commitment you may not have the resources to take on, Someday/Maybe ‘Move 401k investments around Replace webste host earn alan Clean of old cell phone and donate Open new fein Dub Go ahead and capture any new items for your Someday/Maybe list that come to mind. PROJECTS The Projects list tracks any of your desired outcomes that require more than one action step to complete, which you expect to be done over the next 12-18 months. Projects should always have 2 defined endpoint. Projects Take hiking trip to Yosemite © Paton party for Anne © Get 61D up and running O Redesign website Any notes you have about the project, also known as your project plans/project support, can be added to the Comments field for each project on the list, as well as uploading relevant files. While this Comments field may not be robust enough to capture all of your project details, and it may not make sense to transfer everything to this location (such as all of the emails also related to the project) it will be useful for quick bullet lists of notes, files, milestones, and “future” actions you want to capture, The current next actions and waiting fors for the project are not tracked in this Comments field but on those list. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘cng cro voraousT 16 gtd Example of project support included as a file attachment and in the Comments field of a project: w snonsop ea: Premrsis, Stowe Caer cose Pe You can use the nested/sub-task approach we explained earlier in the Agendas and Errands sections to capture project support. Remember, the recommendation is that project support only holds future actions, project plans, notes, and support material. Current next actions on a project are instead tracked under the correct contest lst Go ahead and capture any new projects for your Projects list that come to mind. If you have more project planning to do on the project, or need to add more details to the project plans, add that as the next action ‘on a context list (e.g, Computer, Office, Waiting For, etc.) now as well. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 merwgarDToTwoust| 17 gtd LINKING PROJECTS TO THEIR RELATED ACTIONS Sorting next actions by context, not by project, can initially seem awkward, Some people are used to having multiple files, piles, notepads, documents, and spreadsheets related to a project, with next actions for the project buried amongst all of that information. Next Actions lists don’t replace project plans—we would just call that data “project support,” and in our experience, it rarely works to have current next actions buried among project support for day-to-day action management. Think of the last time you had 20 resus for "yosemite? minutes free and decided to work on a key project. How easy was it to dig oo through your project support to find the | eerie a immediate next actions based on the a te se ted tools, people, and places avalable YOU curamne . at the moment? You probably chose to foe avoid it and do something else, especially © ects annexe nat if you knew there was stil thinking to do ‘on next actions in the project materials. When your next actions are already defined and sorted by context, you can move more quickly, more easily, and more in sync with how you are naturally choosing what to do frst—by context. Then project support remains the parking lot for actions that are incubated for future action. You can always add a keyword for the projact in your next action or waiting for description. That way, you can rely on the powerful Todoist search function in the top middle of Todoist, use the shortcut keys (/) or (£) or (ttl fin Windows 10} to pull together related information. For example, if you wanted to pul together everything related to the “Yosemite” project, searching on that keyword will show you the results, fall entries that include that word. USING LABELS You can also use labels for a specific project and search on that label. For example, you could label the project, and all ofthe related next action and waiting for items, Then, when you search on that label, you can see everything related to the project in one quick view. To acd a label to an entry, type the label name in the subject line, starting with the “@" symbol. If the label does not currently exist, you will be prompted to add the new label nn wn | Label nt found, reate Yosemite fem Cick o creat now label Ifthe label does exist, typing the @ symbol and the first letter of the label will display your list of existing labels to choose from. Select the correct label and then save the entry. uy hing oes) @ Aryunere (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘ecnecrovoraoust 1B gtd Be careful that whatever additional criteria you add for creating new entries, ike creating and adding labels, Preferences ‘on your desktop version, METHOD THREE: Emailing Directly To The Inbox The third way to send items to the Inbox isto use the “Email tasks to this project” feature. This allows you to forward existing emails or send new emails directly to the Inbox, which has a unique email address. To find your unique address for the Inbox, click on the tools icon to the right of the Inbox view. Select Email tasks to this project. Inbox ens Lf Sor + passa G vowas toe new ov Import rom cempte mat aes toi rte = Prot clear eed snow completes Copy the email address from the window that appears and add it to your address book Email tasks to this project ~ Send or forward an email to tis address to create a task. The emai’ subject wil become the contant ofthe ack while the body wil be added aba comment Inbox cael a8k.19472066 2164882085.031 Copy to elaboard To test it out, send a new Mind Sweep item to that email address. The subject line will become the task name, and the body of the email will be added in the Todoist Comment field Dap bee? (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 PG 1010 a Here's how it appears in the Todoist Inbox: Inbox TDeemments Lt 6 © Dan-updated bust? The Comment field will show the text of the body of the email: Sub-task Comments 1 Aetvty td PACT. w/s0890 0 ‘Need to know how thie willbe ealeulated Dan--updated budget? We cover more about using this Email tasks to project feature later in the Guide and other plug ins to make your ‘email and Todoist integration more powerful. REVIEWING YOUR LISTS On a daily basis, we recommend reviewing your Next Actions lists (the ones we set up as contexts, such as Calls, Computer, ec.), when appropriate. On a weekly basis, in your GTD Weekly Review, we recommend reviewing your calendar and all of your actionable lists in Todoist; including Projects, Next Actions, Waiting For, and Someday/Maybe lists. This will be valuable time spent to acknowledge what you've completed, capture any new next actions, and ensure each project is moving forward. USING DUE DATES, REMINDERS, AND PRIORITY FLAGS DUE DATES We recommend using due dates judiciously. A quick way to erode trust in your system is to create a pattern of false due dates, where you are continually questioning what's a “real” versus “made up" due date, as well ‘as spending your valuable time changing dates on overdue Tasks you thought you would get to. If you do want toadd a due date, Todoist makes it easy with some quick select options and a date picker window launched through the ellipsis: (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 mwgeroTorwonst 2B, gtd comments Qt shwe IT sot one ) Send storyboard to Meg for new website El oe Ty Add oak above O dna Sendptte foro ate LY Aa tsk below Z esiask [© soe about London ction Gow The Upcoming view will show you all items that have a due date. This is a very useful view to stay on top of your timely items. 1B inbox BH todey ©) Upcoming REMINDERS In our coaching experience, mary people overuse Reminders and start to go numb to them. If you have access to this feature, use them sparingly when you really need the extra support of being reminded that something is due ‘and start to build your habit af regular reviews of your lists and calendar to trust you know what's coming due. © Complete Brosawel Engagement x © Email Bob re: Broadwell 2 scheale =o efs]~ PRIORITY FLAGS While it's tempting to use priority flags [> in Todoist (or any software program), we rarely, if ever, recommend using them. Doing regular GTD Weekly Reviews to ensure your lists ate clean, current, and aligned to your higher priorities (called Horizons of Focus®* in the GTD methodology) isthe best way to trust your action choices. If you must use them, be prepared to adjust them often to keep them current, as new input comes in that affects ‘your inventory of choices. For more on the GTD approach to priorities, be sure to read about the Three-fold Nature ‘of Work in the Getting Things Done book. * See ne Getting Tings Donetbouk, king IA Work too, of Cur GTD Methodology Gules for move dtl on developing your Hervons of Focus (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘cng cro voraoust 29 gtd MARKING ITEMS COMPLETE Many GTD users ask if they should keep or delete completed items from thei lists Ifyou think youll ever want to retrieve the item, we recommend keeping it. This can be useful for year-end reviews when you want to see ‘and acknowledge all of the projects you completed. You may find this unnecessary though for all of the next actions. Trust that you know best about what would be useful for you to keep. As David Allen says, “When in doubt, keep it. When in doubt, throw it out!” The bottom line is that either works if you are making a choice that works for you. ‘When you mark an item complete in Todoist by clicking the checkbox to the left ofthe tte it oes o a completed items view for each Iist, To see what's on the completed list, click on the elipss to the right of the list and select, Show completed items, Spore 11 soe Ge Z Edit project [il Viewssbowd New OV Ade section import rom template Dy Sport as template Duplicate project mal tasks to this project = Project calendar feed Bi wenive 1 oe pret To move an item back to the actve list, click on the checkmark again, which is good to know if you mark something complete by mistake. ‘SHARING LISTS Todoist isn't just for managing your workflow, you can also use it for collaborating with friends, family, and coworkers, Hore are some practical uses for sharing: * Sending your boss your current Projects list * Sending an errands list to your partner/spouse/roommates * Collaborating with colleagues on a work project * Collaborating with family or friends on a personal project (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘cng cro voTaoust 30. gtd Let's say you want to share your current Projects list with your boss. Click on the ellipsis that appear tothe right of the list name in the Projacts section and choose Share Project. Enter your boss's email address. Ts Add project above J* Add project below Z. Fdit project © Add to favorites isan on] Collaborate The invitee receives an email inviting them to view the list (ie., “Project” in Todoist terms): DAC just invited you to a projact in Tooist: Complete Broadwell © engagement Unfortunately, there is no way to share just one item from a list. You can only share access to an entire lst (ie, “Project” in Todoist terms). That means if you are using the first method for structuring lists, where the projects, View is used forall lists, you are giving others access to everything on any lst you share. If you ate using the other ‘option we describe on page 20, where you are using the Projects view only for projects, you would be sharing just ‘one project at a time. The people you share projects with will need their own Todoist accaunt to collaborate. It will appear as a project in their Todoist, with a person icon to the left of the name. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘rng crovoTooust = 31 gtd [E] complete Groadwell engag... * Once you invite someone to a project, youl be able to share comments back and forth. Commenting can be very useful when sharing lists, for members to capture thoughts and ideas specific to the list. Qa Netty everybody about my comment 2e sure to mention the proposal changes] ¢ 9 © You can also assign tasks when you share a projectlst. Although, in our experience, assigning tasks in many’ programs, including Todoist, sounds easier and more useful than itis in practice. We consistently find that emaling tasks to others, and letting them choose how to capture the commitment in their own system, is more effective. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘ocrng co ToTaoust 32 gtd EMAIL INTEGRATING ACTIONABLE EMAIL WITH TODOIST The master key to managing email is the most difficult habit for many to change—working from a regularly ‘empty inbox. it takes less mental effort to operate from a zero base than to leave anything sitting in the inbox. That doesn't mean that the inbox in email is kept at zero—just that it gets there on some regular basis. The problem is that most people do not have a system for managing their emails beyond the inbox area, so if they can't move on or finish dealing with the email right then, they will leave it in “In” as the safest place. TWO OPTIONS FOR MANAGING ACTIONABLE EMAIL OPTION ONE: Use Lists in Todoist or Your Calendar as the Action Reminder Create @Action Support and @Waiting For Support folders in your email program to hold supporting information for actions that are tracked on your calendar, Next Actions, or Waiting For lists. In this case, the folders only serve a storage buckets to hold the information you need to take the action on. You would be reminded of the action ‘when you review your calendar, Next Actions, or Waiting For ists. It's one less place to look for actions or waiting for items, whereas the first option acs an additional location to look for a complete view of your reminders. © @ACTION SUPPORT © @wamine For support People often like this first option because all of your reminders will be tracked in as few places as possible. Go ahead and create either the @Action and @Waiting For or @Action Support and @Waiting For Support folders {in your email program now. OPTION TWO: Use The Email As The Reminder Create @Action and @Waiting For folders in your email program and use them as an action list. You would not also put those reminders on your calendar, or Next Actions or Waiting For lists in Todoist—the email itself would be the only reminder. That means you need to scan these folders with as much discipline as you would your lists and calendar, for reminders af your commitments. The @ symbol is a trick to push these folders to the top of your email structure for easy access. If the @ symbol does not work in your email program, tty anather symbol © e@action © @warne FoR People often lke this option for the quick win it gives in getting your inbox processed to zero. The downside with this option in email is that you have no place to capture the next action or due date that’s associated with that actionable email. So youll inevitably be doing some “re-deciding” about emails you've already processed if the next action is not apparent in the subject line (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 maser Totwoust 33, gtd FORWARDING ACTIONABLE EMAILS TO TODOIST LISTS You can also use the Email tasks to a project (ie., lists) option. Each of your items (ists or projects) in the Projects view have a unique email address associated with them. We touched on this feature earlier in the Guide, Add each project’sist’s unique email address to your address book now. You can find the address for each to the right ofthe list and choose Email tasks to this project. (Again, Todoist is calling these projects, but if you have set up lists as we recommend at the start of the guide, these are your lists ) calls el 1. Add project above LP Ad project bolow Z Edit project 2S shove proeet D Aad wo tovortes ) Duntcate project Emaltaoks to this project = Project calendar food SF Avctive project {Delete project Copy the address for the projects that appears to add to your address book. Repeat for each list. Be sure to name your contact something simple and easy to remember. To assign a pre-existing abel (such as Clients), add the @ symbol before the Label name. For example, to email ‘anew item for the Calls lst, this is how the email would look: In Todoist, the item appears instantly on the Calls ist, with the Label Clients automaticaly assigned: Calls © Accounting re: expense report (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘cng cro voraoust 34 gtd USING TODOIST WITH GMAIL Hf you are a Gmail user, check out the Todoist for Gmail Add-on. This will allow you to click on an email in Gmail and automatically tur it into @ new task in Todois. To get started, click the + symbol in the right panel of Gmail fo go to the Add-on marketplace. Search for and install Todoist for Gmail. Once installed, Todoist will now appear as a new app above the + symbol. + Click on the Todoist icon and log into your Todoist account. Note: if you are not able to log in to Todoist, be sure pop-up windows are allowed for Todoist in your browser. To turn an email into a Todoist task, click on any email then click the Todoist icon, ‘The subject of the email becomes the description of the Todoist task, in the Task content field. Ecitit to reflect, the correct description. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 muwgerDToTWoNsT 35, gtd ny Eaitto “ reflect your Fu Simmtworshop | projector Print Select the Inbox or a Project (lst name if you are using the first option described in this Guide, where projects are lists or project name if you are using the secand option we describe where projects are lists and Labels are contexts). Undats the Suna worst eating toe Computer Unfortunately, assigning a Label is not an option in this Add-on. So if you are using Labels for contexts, you will have to take an extra step to open the item in Todoist and assign a Label. Click ADD TASK button to save the item to Todoist Click VIEW TASK to open the iter in Todois to assign a ProjectiList or Label, if needed (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘crime cro ToTaoUsT 36, gtd USING TODOIST WITH OUTLOOK if you are an Outlook user, check out the Todoist for Outlook Add-on. This will allow you to click on an email in Outlook ‘and automatically turn it into a new task in Todbist. If you are on Outlook through your company, this may not be a feature enabled for you and you should contact your IT department if the instructions don't match what you're ‘seeing. If you are an individual user and the instructions don't match, it may be that your version does not support the Add-in and we recommend contacting Microsoft for additional support. To get started, click the ellipsis in your Outlook ribbon and choose Get Add-ins. © Mark Read @) Syne VW SpamReporter Add-in > D insights Gl OneNote Customize Toolbar... Search for and add Todoist for Outlook. Once installed, Todoist will now appear in your ribbon. The first time you Use it you will be asked to log in to your Tadoist account and allow the integration. To tum an email into a Todoist task, click on any email then click the Todoist icon in the ribbon, * Choose Add to Todsist to select specific criteria for the item before sending to Todoist, such as which list it should be assigned to. + Choose Add to Tadoist Inbox to have it sent to your Todoist Inbox to process and assign criteria later. FA Aad to Todoist © Ad to Todois inbox Example of editing in Outlook, before sending to Todoist: (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 merwgarDTotwoust 37 gtd ‘AddtoTodoist. =X ~My Day eaithe Takname Settings Task name Read daily briefing Date 5 mnapoat % Project (© Newt Actions ¥ Labels Compute | v Prony Fo Prorty 4 v caret ] Click Add task bution to save the item to Tadoist. In Todbist, however you sent it over, the item automaticaly includes a hotlink tothe Cloud version of the email, Open the email by clicking on the underlined words. This works even if you have changed the Task name. Next Actions (© Read daly briefing Youll notice your Todbist list items that are not inked to an email will not have the task name undertined. The primary difference between forwarding an emeil to a Todoist lst versus using the Gmail or Outlook plug ins is that forwarding just sends the text/snapshot of the email whereas the plug ins link the actual Cloud version ofthe email it's personal preference which one to use, as they are both functional for your GTD practice. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 " bimwus! 38 gtd GETTING YOUR INBOX T0 ZERO Getting your inbox to zero means you have decided about what each email means and what you want to do about it Using the questions from the GTD Workflow Map (pictured earlier in the Guide) you would simply ask: WHAT IS IT? IT-ACTIONABLE? NO Is ittrash, to fle as reference, or to incubate (add to your Someday/Maybe list, calendar, Tickler/Bring Forward file)? YES What's the next action? Do now, delegate to someone else, or defer to do myself later? Doitnow {fit takes less than 2 minutes, handle it in the moment. Delegate it ff you need to track this getting completed, track the waiting for reminder in your @Waiting For folder in email or Waiting For in Todoist. Deferit If you need to do it later, track the action reminder in @Action folder in email, Calendar, or on a Next Actions list in Todoist | muttple actions, what's your desired outcome? Track that outcome on your Projects list in Todoist. * For more iftarmaton on using. a Tring Fore We, se the Getng Things Done book (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 merwgerDToTWoUsT 39 gtd CALENDAR WHAT BELONGS ON YOUR CALENDAR Outside of Todcist, your calendar is a critical component in your system for reflecting the action choices that need to be dane ON a specific day versus those that you see on your Next Actions lists in Todoist, which can be done BY a specific day, or on ANY day. Your daily calendar page should represent the “hard landscape” for your day and will provide a trusted foundation at a glance for moment-fo-moment orientation about what's next. There are only three things that belong on your calendar. 1. TIMESPECIFIC ACTIONS ‘Things that need to happen on a specific day and time. Examples + Meetings, appointments, time blocked to work on projects, 2, DAY-SPECIFC ACTIONS. Things that need to happen during the day, but not ata specific time, Examples + Acall you have to make before you leave for the day * Something that you have to finish and submit by the end of the day + An agenda you must cover with someone before they leave the office ‘3. DAV-SPECIFIC INFORMATION information you want to know or be reminded of that day—not necessarily something to do. Examples: + Things that might disrupt your day (server shut-downs, office moves, etc.) + External events to be aware of (marathons, elections, heads of state visits, etc.) * Activities related to other significant people of interest to you (kids, spouses, bosses, assistants, vacations, etc). Here is a calendar showing all three types of ent (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘ocrng eo ToTaoust 40, gtd SETTING UP A CALENDAR FEED Todoist offers a feature to have your items that have a due date appear on your Apple, Google, or Outlook calendar. While it certainly doesn't replace reviewing your lists regularly, you might find it helpful as an extra safety net for reminding you of items that are due. We recommend the calendar feed option for everyone—even though there is another option for two-way syne for Google Calendar users. The one-way calendar feed option is easier to use, in our experience, To set up the calendar feed, click on your Tadoist avatar in the desktop or web app and select Integrations. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the Todoist calendar feed URL: Calendar Subscription URL (iCal) https:/ Learn more Google Calendar users: Click the + sign next to Other Calendars and add Todoist URL Outlook Calendar users: Right-click next to Other Calendars and add Todoist URL Apple Calendar users: Click File > New Calendar Subscription and add Todoist URL Note: This calendar feed method can have a lag of up to a day for Todist items to syne to your calendar. So if they don't appear right away, that's why, For more information or support on setting up Calendar Feed, view this belpful support document. REVIEWING YOUR CALENDAR On a daily basis, we recommend reviewing your calendar for time-specific and day-specific actions, any chance you get. On a weekly basis, in your GTD Weekly Review, we recommend reviewing your Calendar backward for ‘any “Oh, that reminds me...” items, and forward for any “I need to start prepping for...” items to capture. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 rermgerDTorwbust = 4 gtd REFERENCE USING TODOIST TO STORE REFERENCE INFORMATION Todoist can manage a limitless number of potentially useful (and fun!) non-actionable simple reference lists and checklists that you would not want to combine with your Next Actions lists. This functionality is open-ended and in one sense, so simple the possiblities are infinite. Have you ever... * had a wild idea you didn’t know what to do with? + wanted to remember the great restaurant you ate at in London? + needed to remember all the things to check before you leave on a trip? * read something inspirational you wanted to keep and re-read every once in a while? * wondered where to put 2 suggestion about something to do the next time you visit @ country? * needed to remember everything you need to handle when you put on a special Kind of event? * wanted to keep track of all the articles, blog posts, or essays you might want to write? * wanted to have a list of clients and prospects to review occasionally? + wanted a place to keep track of the possible gifts to give special people in your life? * needed a place to capture excellent team building and staff recognition ideas? * needed a quick emergency contact list? Here are some possible new reference lists to try: * Checklists + Areas of focus + Higher Horizons of Focus + Fun + Ideas * Inspirations and affirmations * Great quotes + Lists + Might like to buy + Might ike to read * Music to download + Next time in... + Travel * Vacation ideas You have a few options for how to set this up, depending on your preference. As we consistently suggest, be careful to not overcomplicate your system to the point where it becomes unwieldy to find or maintain the information, (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 mrmgeroTotwoust 42 gtd EXAMPLE ONE: Create multiple reference lists within one Reference folder in the Projects view REFERENCE List of house contractors Lot nase Jp Parc Happy Home Painting Packing checklist Ted Al ler checetse ee sippy Dog Waking Conon” Huntington Appliance ove rep) New hire cheekst ine tanascaping Wr has keys to our house To create a folder, create the list that will serve as the parent (REFERENCE in this case), and then drag another list under that list as a sub-list. In ather words, we'te calling it a “folder,” but i's actually a parent list You can also use the Description or Comment fields to capture additional details. EXAMPLE TWO: Create individual items under one Reference list REFERENCE ——> REFERENCE Gate code: 1667 Instructions for updating WordPress ste House Contractors: Patrick - Happy Home Painting House Contractors: Todd ~All Electric House Contractors: Huntington Applicance (stove repair) House contractors: Skippy Dog Walking With this option, you could have dozens, if not hundreds of items of various topics in one list. For that reason, you may want to try adding Labels, like Travel, House, etc. to these list items to be able to sort quickly. EXAMPLE THREE: Create Reference folders by Topic If you expect to have quite a bit of Reference, you may want to consider creating separate folders by topic. For ‘example, if you have many travel-related reference items, you could create a Travel reference folder just to store separate travel sub-lists, or create a list of lists with the details in the Comments field. (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 mmgerDTorwoust | = 43, gtd TRAVEL Hotel membership numbers When in Tokyo office Packing checst Things to doin Boston When visting Mom Places torent global mobile phone ‘You may also find it useful to create a Horizons of Focus folder, with each horizon as its own lst. © © HoRIZONS oF FOCUS ‘Areas of Focus Areas of Focus eB Director of Communkatlons va year Goals7objectves Manager to Bob, Jose and Caroyn Board Member Purpose & Principles Oversee website if you have a project with many project plans, notes, and reference information you will need to capture, that would be a great use of a folder: © Website Redesign Project, Projet meeting notes contractors Branding Plan If managing reference in Todoist seems to limit you in any way, check out Evemote or OneNote just for reference, ‘and keeping your Projects, Next Actions, Waiting For, and Someday/Maybe lists in Todoist. We offer GTD Setup Guides for both of those tools to get you up and running quickly. The possibiies with capturing reference are endless, Just remember to keep it clean and current, and fast and fun, (© 2017 Das Alen Company rghis ese, B23-N4 ‘pcrng ro ToTaoust 44 CONCLUSION ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ‘We hope this instruction guide has been useful Itis intended 2s & supplement to our core education of worklow mastery developed over many years—not a substitute, The most successful implementation of this guide builds ‘on the understanding of the GTD best practices presented in our many learning tools, including the Getting Things Done book, the courses and individual coaching offered by our global partners, and our online learning center GTD Connect®. Please visit our website to take advantage of the many support tools and training available to assist you in getting your GTD system up and running FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT WITH TODOIST, PLEASE VISIT: FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT GTD, PLEASE VISIT: (©2017 David Alon Compa, Alighisresoned. €23-A4 7NOVZO21 gotingthingsdonecom mcs 45

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