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[ corr BAS rae Setters BES wks aca BAGS Rey 6 CHP PTR | MEME ARGS atk SE RA eR WAG CATA AAAS THT PAH war, BtttINs, BIF-92091 area Uifals 20 THM 989e TAH/O GT 2039 RH GF, TIA, @ AL S0B-AMVAY/QOSd LAH AIR-G AS SHAK GSA, 20d (Rod ACA vaR TRA) LA Ma Ob A AHS AOA Te AS-Gs aes eyors, FAST SCATTER PR etfeateratent etetere AzeT s— 2 HTT at > 1 refips FrcaTaTT ss |tcatt (>) a2 exfeeerararen seers BIS-CBS ites BSF (wie 6 Sora) orga aifserraten, 2099 AteT BAST VV | (2) 22 UB-Gs as ices Fea AHS elo CHEE QcATET RECA, OTF Has a BAT SSH VES cetarst Mears seat phe at rearetty fSferw Fremfsro miata crea, a8 efeerrarteta carr fog erates aera wratena vigata “eS ABSIT Bate a enfant, Fat acatey Bars AT (834¢ ) WU 8 BF 0.00 BaqWw THeTCH CCH, STBATS, GA >, 2d 2 Feat | faa at epics fara fog at aiferet, «8 afeeteraterra— Q) (2) (©) (8) @) ) () (v) @) “opmipat” of vigdia ert a fac afiea aed com aio at RASC ACF CSA AN GA toa oe fgets oarARe Baa HOGS BAA, UA g— (@) Veter efocis SIR PRAS GTO SETATTAI; (a) FoeH oeR BATE; Cl) Gr BRAS Frat Sforacs VULGH as SECA CHA STEM, afara a Rotaaata ef caer aria; aay (@) ara sheers feb cM aioe fece fom face’, frafeea, fer a1 ora sfScue AafeTe Mae Co Fa | “ORR” Ge TAT ARGS Ak SHAK ATA, Aodo (Rode ALAA WAR TRA); “Sage sere” wet OF afaerraieta Baia HiME ert freniea ory SATS asm Raitt AL-Ge as SoH BSS AATAT CH BHT; “agers” wd Mantel ogre a S¥iCwA AT! SCH Fala OT CIES TAS CH Hla] Ux Be wiasia Valor con Ties Rae WEES Vera; “SAPG” BE ALCS IE BYACHA CHM BSS; “SHH af B-Ge as aSaces, WM I GAM, A com Tira aae om wersig Fat CULE VTA; “eH, “fecat” ) «2 afaermreta er cae wahiers fare AIC, CHM sities Aas Bows oer aAAfer ste fica sat Wace | (2) RR Copbors Set ar Sora afters force wrata tomIATS ATA share fC AT | (9) BIS CISA CHA, Qood UA GIE-» 6 WHE COATS THTTTE ACATAAS cet Sal COTbwIA BTS BA | (8) corm wit OER core Sonica efog, wea axe vigor Swe AO SY ITA COMITS whe Ba aera sacs, USE crm fetes, atte wfearr Fase CTIAS eT Fal TCA | 91 Preis) aarftena fomete afert cama vite ees wera Gay Pretafer afer 2 wea MS are ca, RMT aeons, sat fee sta, cA Frerafacr Preraehia rm Safes wa TIC BT sa BACw acs | (2) Prefers cram afte come after Bape, of ema ota ficaTett aor (*) Wt a8 aot 7eB wa, Be GI Dee COR Prmafaia oad 6 wf aearrEs feet WIet BEI, Baars (0) aa Reta ACTOR, ree vights wt sca weet, Bdro ATOM CGE, SSIS, GA d, 203) (8) ait ae aa , BS GTA Dare Pree sibad 6 wf ACERS fe, URI Rat Fara AIO Cre, wiela DIghta Wea Hee onface 1 (0) carn Pirarrafaice corr ter ett wat RRcq AT TERI a Pete were oe, TAN AR, APH G afta TeRl Sal BA, HZ AhHTT PSA BA aA wae eatftraret rect SCI | 1 Cet @ fay (>) Ba-afeery (2) a feta ICA, UR Ge as Bye ahh TA ea Ca, Bata CaN Tia TAUPO aay wSese BE cam faore aftr OT COR AY, TSsA Mes getara cal fern VR, aa wy acute, oral RW VLG ats SHH aR NSS AVIA AeA WG AMIowIA TAS GTI 6 MCA VETS aetwtat Aeala AM AeA AB Mae cores cme Boro ARE HAA SLA TS Fat Es UE MS Ae A, CM Horace wre TAS Gforacs alerts setarH weg cores fas anfeata oy fet Cree TEC A | (a) Veats aarara Heyl VG ad sce aA iia Disha STSCI ahemrg wot eee! cle SR, TLGe ons avacra Med aga CTT HOR ast aia Sa CELA SIAR oe Bem SECA eft ia oye Be aioe FNS AEM Ves aetHat AY WEG ak Hrs Bs Bate weaia ers SrA careers =a eat sacs | (0) Ba-afeerr (2) 4 TA RR eEs A CHA, OIA TBS, corActa “Stew ‘fice feamrg wage aifecs, wet s— (#) careers aT SSN cra AIG, foA aera GES AR AT; @) Geos a ecw vigts wtia peay aafro enferd cae CANT FANS CHT RRA A BT WES Baa Ge UlbeA fel REGS as aSacH Hoa BACT; (A) Verte gata Feel VeGe ast eeowa Biot ofa wafer o comma wafaca, ahh ance, wef *ficnces frowet feats wfc | ATOM CITES, BISAS, Gd, 20d 8>r> (8) Grrl eterere cam Shr BCE ons oyace vighics reAfea Sy AMT Ve, wes ager ar oT alee aece facapal sat Ber ek Tee eer SHI UT URS VLGe ne sere eos satdcw Re (@) Corre teem, Aras aries sas Boren, com wits Ae-oe ae SST CHAS Di, HARE aia wht MAIC CRA AI SIEM, Ura HETTATS ets 10H CRA CHV GAA APS AUIS Wife VAG Ata Pa VACA | (y) at com Padres Reams sera aega aed cere anfeata CANS cHeAt Gy, wie Vee ca AAS BART RII Next Below Rule TAWA AcnAfS ane mH WRIA COHBST al Fat AAA | (9) Renee Teya fawn, gers aeres ae cet wine wire Feerca Sere Sree AAT Fal BOHM, AL-Ge as Sacra HAT arc VATS onfaca 8 UA AE ICH A, CL SARA cofeTS KRIS aria stat YOR Tat BAIR, Ura TAFSHRICY AGH aS SETH IAT SACS REA | (&) eel Fine Gem iis Recs aoe yetmES eretaN ete wre , fefecw Verte sett Fea wh GEat SAS crt wa cI, Ura Bra ca He SHAM FA STS, A VA VS eg AAV crow ARTS ars asacea fad cael Sica eae TwEA TGS Me WEE cI atcatem aera we Bet CRA BIR aes BARA | wal KOT Dighia atetaet “SAY D1 CUATCAA AAT —(9) os vighter Vee Bey vrerECH aaa CCN TT CTT OA ACT CHTTCAA CHEM CHT Sib IaCw FS AAT CHEM Vea, Wels () cafes Gry ea fir; aaa BdbQ ETO CITED, SATS, Gb, 2099 (@) Sage ayers sys BAERS TER SAC egw Ace UfSatee HAE s wet HE Me GH, OF Vr-efeeia oA capt FAN IAT CRCE meta Biba fit OBGS BEc4 At | (a) Sage ayers, car facts crea, Ea-afaery (9) aa Ga ate CAMA wa BP at se shaw enfaes | (9) Gr PHoih oe vga ow oa WA Rae, weal viRkter aAfeaA AOS BA A CO FOR AEH FcMee Veer, wield yater vightER, eA CI ENA fof Femeta at aaa oie eae, M8 YBO TT EA wha oT Ofteor sefscrorr eH, AZ ETT RAT] OTA CATER FATE ISAT AT VAC | (8) COM wit ae vighten Rew wy vightEA a ae om CECE OAT TH armic sedseaia aac cafeere wifes ont al afta QB set afar wreta afgers watwa ftata ia 2Bro BB ated ode cx a fates Ree wre Efbe TORS 2a | (©) a8 wir BROS Or RT HAA CRT, COA RCTS CHCA, OB afer Ream eerie esha ee, Aree afortiona cram acute fe at stor, SATS SSATP, eCATET REC | 301 ABT 6 Bet ase fafSy ACT Cla ida shad, BiooTA EA e BIS RAM BEA D9 1 MASE SAL) Corr 91H GIA HOTAICH ates FoMeta TATA Be tera wy Pidifre crorarcra Aig Uae AC OR AIaSe IEA | (2) Res ae Zeiowia cor shorts, aH ) AF afserra ory fea stew co whoa Combe APNE Her SIRI CALTTTEAA Vise RAS erat Fat BVA (2) 982 sara Gate ibis Femiens Bem, Feats wy HAE aE shit a¥s awogs cen UimaSias yori SEPIA Be mitten amie coe fries sface | (9) 4F% aera Fafa Aes « qonafeens afer me acTAfeeTe afer cars BEC | 8dv8 alericr™ cca, OTSAS, GAs, 2039 (8) aves afore aed aaa teTAS Crem Rees Hm RECS ACAIAAS CHEAT BAAR GR AH VlaeMs aamfts conbera fers Bows AH wratrs same Coro Fda Sat RA | (@) VLG ae BHF Bas Bioisins capdel Vira THAT HT BT axe, WE A, Shislors Ganfos Ge Ge oiler tors face | (y) @ioistera CCH Government Servants (Seniority of Freedom Fighters) Rules, 1979 G8 FFP HATE BALA | vee aor ef, Font d@| fey atarcat YB Ls) shoring Fyffe ce cor vaca BP Rca, Rel () Af rors BB (A) ad aera Bf; (A) Fat camer eertetae Bis ©) Res wrote Bb; (8) mentale gb; (0) erfs eB @ sar ys (&@) tfafee gf; aae (@) werd Bea Bf () Sage ayers ca bts Roe wHTEIES Yb o CE YE TT ornfad aga Saw sified sae Bat aaa efoa fiers AAS HS slams eA Sat waa | ARETE CITED, BfSIAS, | ds, 2099 Babe (9) BB-Ge a egicrs ETE, Sige ayers Ro GETUTERS YE 9 BgaT Bb aga sacs fC | svi af Ger YI) ators Bit ceeys mfg aKa sfoaee ariiiacia s/os ara af err BS weit sirewr ox ef CaETA ate aera Efba ofsanet bra arora fees SEcq AT | (2) Ba-afeary (9) aa BA Bes Bb ofa DIA TIES les VE rel eB wibiais gba fens ast ARs AIC GAT CTAICAT BA Gee CIBIA TBReCss Borgir TIATR Bee] TTT Aes eT WES, MTA ) ar BH Cras wee eSq sR a Ba serra aeafeos wet wrest a Sfifis afeaa sat aIEIEAIe Vat TRIG eA CHT Vee, SrgS sys, ores ow THOS yo nea sacs onfaca | (QQ) @ wR eat Roe wETUIEfe gS view eI GE wR © (fA) WHOA Tey eter aT RCT wee IAS ra A GZ TS Be wreTOTA Tat BfeeT Saye asorecs wae At fae, Rote SrETUISS yF NEA Fal AAC AT | (9) @ Ghiern oy Rem weoEis BB aoe aol aOR BSF BEF TAINS ffSoTs eroTAA Shes OR GRIER UAT Be eI aga Fa VIA vee BS ffsorea corm afore wt ako sat Vaca A ae ERA YE COTTE 28 (ofart) ater Sfas Bca AT | (8) faere wETCTE iTS BF wy CHR Ba ARS ATS Sat TAs (@) WH asd aris Bag wate! OR A oETUI fe tA ) 98 afters errr eee aa Iss CHES WHepifiS sat UES sia, AR wre wae Fa ST wT Va wera afew wee wrIa 1c7 Sites afar wact, AeoTTTEs UIMTBAS Vet ral I MBE cA asa APTI Cras era Melfas ge AGS SPAS A Gea AGIVM Cora HEA ecw, AIHA YO! A SATA HAF} OPH VAATCLA | 2d: FATA BB (9) cain saforaia aftarca at ce FMT BHR etota SHAT uf Bier at CAs Ser Bas at Rea AT AOA HSM RU, WA Cl AAA OT Sw fort arled ecw, OR ATS RA AeA BIB | (2) SR aan, rr fifeon eiedt a orig fess abfeceda fSfarw, ae 25 (ae) fra Seg CrTDTS WAR URE w(t) Frers BT Feta YB Aga face onfaces | (©) Retest Gy Sa-efeara (2) a Bae cruters afSitS BP acme eB, Ba Baye oerced Fran pica 68 afterrarera waa GAT CHA erate BB fre ty Raa (8) 42 efeararna fea ota een Bi aT, ccmET Ba, wanes yiba Ties Fetcate BE Nes Fat TAC (@) Feta Bre eee MR Bice wrRta MATE ae OPES afer ACT Fat RA Al Ae TAA HM BIA fess Hae Biecw orerlw BA, SAA GANS Sar CO BE CET WEA A | 221 GS YBH0) cor seen Bioraice ef STA U(RA) API is ame EE AGA Fat WRI ae Gal Vials Meat Riba forts Ves IM HST WEA AT 8b Teo CITES, BTSAS, Bd, 2099 Q) Gr fiefs Scr a¥e enfS YS ugaia URAY AAS eee, Barge agora facabal are AN ane GAT GA Bia ARS aoe at Pepe sfeA Bal aga Pat WEA (©) B2-Ge ate ayrcwa vig Glas cor weet whoiaice WB teas oles apis yb aga Fat UEC AT (8) FH, IN Ta, FSS Hho wT eS UE Heete cH faetA ae fats Cle AL-GS Ae SSCA Bia CHUNG SCAT BEC | 201 BHF BBs) AEG ans agacw vga GT wee eaew ted tae fren cer seat oe ered OT Ged aacs OT CHA HHiaice Sarge aere BETA YB Aga sae mises GAR Ma YB wiela Ufba fra eeow aH HET RA Al (2) Re Sitio GT eras EM fae e ATE we aURCATH, FAH FAA, SIANGS STO ST AVG ask ace Ties « wiser way yb Prdifae eeca1 28 | Cafes YG Les, FICE aa, Fae aforttTa a af afer aor Cus wor Cafes BB fdifaw sare GLe ae sErcHA afoaid CHB wf Caffe BB atReea | ae) wet Gea BL) a eid, gE are ales, Urs AOE ASTRA DQ (aa) TH AS Af CawTA THA Ges BB aBcaA | ) GR Shirt rea sea aera wid SMITH y (AS) APT ACE UA Aaael aba GT BILAN Bay aR A ateca wIfaed CAAA Bea BBS WRC | (©) Gor Pitt Clas GTA sects CiICds SAAT 9 (4) APT ACA GPA Bea aia aa oI a of wet em YB Gem aera wifes oa orate Ram TR 5 (8) Ba-efaery (9) aa Bair eis Ger gfe again ta COM SHIA Ofte EF aineat eifers for afte yfta oafie aa am ote aA et sw afc | (@) Sera Bea YG aay Bata Ory AfSq Beata MSI FATS SEs Bigs faery PAA Fat BAC | TRETOM CITES, STSAS, Fl >, 2039 Babp 2b Biba Tae (9) acess itis yb fore BGe nk were aye Rafe Fam 6 valores THIS HT Sal VI | () Bia Gr Fer Oa whore age fdifte wa GAA AMT sHIEH Borge wera free mia sacs Bare | (9) Senet St a wiesta waa efaw cifecey wea yoo wage Sere YE gE SHC | (8) Fore afafafecw, com wfodt aft a8 aol HEB BI A, OAs Baie HAS cam sorta BF shen afeany wr FSR, Bai-aifaata (2) waa feta wae orgie wet Som Tee, Be wipes wa se (AA) fA oT Yfocw Tea aAafS fice nf | 29.1 BE Datta EA (9) a Hoa if cowrn Yrs aistena, Be ys anes 3cé fof adore cl Caw TRIER, CHE CaETAA FATA Rica UfbareA aor Rata Bea RECA | (2) Gr mitt ed curr yore aster Be gb arated cd fe aoe rer RTC, CE COTA Baa BSA CISA ARTs BfKsIA VACA | Rb | BE Bare ATA sate Ale corte corn Mice yfba GHIA ore Rata C4 MIRA TA GAT Wels Fal AAA Gee WAS TARA Ve Fal BETH, for ca aafarn Felten strata oy Pode eae, Cas Corey aeuAl Reus wise RAS wats Haws ) qe qewore aes win wa oefie ges THIET Pa VACA Mae AB-CTS Ars SY VES MMB oigha aR meahirw eufses | TETIC CITE, BABII, GA d, 2099 8d> (2) Gan wort TYAS wists SHfYore aS aera arATa Brel fe CAfACw oifecar aiae aka caftara ta Gace Pras Femi wee yd amt erase DAR ara SAAC | (0) aft con sabia wre vIghe AR ifort Bane co wT a Fels aes ar, wre Reet FSA Bar mecca UT tea fora AT fea MRE aeqeIS wierd oftetios aca axe Se wes vist aface erate Rect wAiCeA | ee | Ue eferary H-(>) bint ais He ef aa ClaTA SIDAT srfSs ate aera aca tafe Baye were aes ata aa Be afecara aS crete afore ate ofSRS Bra aa, ROM CREM tema, Bae ae afecamett west fet cA FRE wie Rom ont afer vee afar | (2) Gor Sorat Sra corre aera CARTS onfaCaA AT, wea Batow ca fear WT afer, Cas are ema wry fSeat ANCA ALI eI GAT wreICe woPes wags saw BBA | Fea HOTT itetaet atoms sede Ob | FIAT Goat 6 >I (>) errors safotgs— (*) 98 afeerraren sf orca; @) a safe a seats aafoas, wg o frat oIteEs Fol Ranier ARMICRT TAA S WAGA, FAT FAC, ee ee TOT @ FO Ter aa STE DART; aR (1) ASST, FoI e BeTTEAA ARS VR-e atl aSorowA DIG BRA (2 rr Shor (9) GR aretafee atone Genet, Baa Aerated SAMA a AT CHT Boren Gaia HATS SAT AACA AT aa ARGS atts aSrcera waeka afaret con erieates foes ates scar a; BddQ Teo cca, GSTS, Gv, 2099 @) SRR sate Vefor wlavia 44 aqais afters mfing ayes (a) ® (8) @) ® aifecas a1 feeat vighiret wns sac aI; UR-Ge as eericra ARS cE afeaice fea COTA ete FBITAT aRHICR ear BAS aI eR MAT RRCw COTA AIA aes ACA AT; Garr htt coma acers forca wre eA AI; Gort Terra ice frcafere eecas At feat Fics ) 62 afeatera wala Fiqre HeTTR STM ACI BAA, UAT s— @) @) gHe ¢ (@) fewer; (Si) ARE crea Grn rcTIAfS ) afeary 09 aa WHI (®) & Bae erecta eT co wis frCE eet FAT AI CrTH, were () AE Horie MRS Crom aa BS CIT BART wid cece we ain Bors wikaIa BT ioe fics ofc; () Be wibtis frere ce Tay aera otere afc, CIR Teel aay CHE CR TAR aca BierR ws wrace Awe afes AC; wae (1) Se-aftert (9) aa wits ofS wea wT ae eH iba Ret Ses TIAA Ice sat MHRA UT recs ye] yeu eT efacas Wa WS Ie a, CRE Boe were Ok wot FEE WI cH, Meee Pra TaTA “ATC RACH SH HATA aA at AMA aR, AS CREA SHRI HH FCM STA Pa RECT AT | (2) & orca Sa-cifears (9) ea we (A) SEPIA OAS SAE adc cme eT, GR crea Ranrat aera age wiiia mrdms fig ac aaa fer oA ios ITH Gate OTE SHE stdH Bice (0) B4-efta (9) aa sata ae we aH sfSeIEIA WHE afirr cae Peres Feb orceT wareT afScIT BTeIEA Com Bfcs ae Bor Be aifecaneart Bora cont Borge afer we SCA, HEA STO eT ARCA | 801 MY Het CER WHTET Hae L—(s) a2 afters Ga ca hia Frere enlata apal-wara coon ayore Ui fers cored sea cx, wlata Perce sere SNS RRC Crate FOTEA SCT SOAS CHA MO CTT wal Wea, wet BE rhe (*) shoe afer face oie ofeonrAR Crane foot GIFT wae See GS ege aise Mea aT aia we wre SDAA CARTS SICA By axe {SR aietwere CAA Beet core ear Fea, wre STARA BT Fh aT BAC; ae ATO! CITED, GTBAAS, GA d, 2099 Bape (a) Mette oma wey BfoTS GS wEe Comps Zafer, uf fey ace, Frawal after ae FOF a afsrwwIcs CrTalA Bog cota sha aIceR, UE CRAs SSIwSSKA CAA YAN Creu ta weal Fehr ATE weg af SA CefeNS Cm aT SM aceH, wld Gta AME ATT DIAC ATES aT BHATT Mfc 8 We SE ACs, SETS STI TER Sha, Ufeqe alate aes wat Genta a wR eas Ay AA GA aeeR wrest ay wHUsiA feces fore face sfc | (2) Cras Siesta efor ata ta ETE COME TET frets aed RCA BA, AccHTER BV, Vl awA wACGA wT BT Frew NFCA | (9) oftres wre SIE Cr em, Bae afore etfea ta SF EES ‘Frans ateet face | (8) & crea afearT 09 at He (F) FH (2) co VARS eet GT CA mips farce can ertetat apa ahacw eT aa aera Eat BfSAT corr aa a, sfecrt emifie ete, afeyers forsia we eat sa WES oe, CREF air (@) sfoye ofece ofere warts ei WA saws Be He OIA sfc; weal @) sige af afetwers Bake a ee a Bates eee wie aie @) wl oes? afSys oiea Beta we Oat Sac; BEAT (Sl) Ba-afaars (9) Baw (0) 4 Affe ahs wEPIAt sata 9a SSCA ame war, ofeye afore after ov aa B4-aiftera (9) aa WR (#) 0S AAS CX CIR TEMS TAI HATS sAifaCa; TAT @) fewer sft ota oy cfs aie ma sf, Bacar (3) BRE (0) 9 Affe tafe eEpIAd fice aay wise emfiw er aft ov at Br-afeary (9) aa wR (#) co Affe GI cam AME areata sfies onfacs | Badu TIO CITE, BfSTS, GT >, 2039 81 OF WOR CHUM wrtET Tass) @ cH wie fee oe aftermnata Sater cam eet pA eve eT aR ere OfeTS CHT wa a, SfSert ene Se HA OHMS TIA TA CMI TES tes, OR CRI oem @ @) efScurrama esr Bare ae erwifes weer fer Baics Beare sfara ae re wiser fers UfecrTAM edie eae Bara Raat wae FEE SOM SMI TA OAT CA Hee UbaT fAcaoat sata BA corret WA las Bibiaics Bake ars; say wefSeann anes 14 ofSye aie wits eritacra ae OTe ay siren ferris fags com Sharer cae aeifew we CHR wield Beta STATA Bal BAA AI SEES Be faders stat Hc ae fo BeNTSIT rials Boal corres wea fF aT wrens Boas wfaca ¢ Sra AS atte @, RS CHT ore BEA 42 wfSyS ole wh mM Pas SY SICA SCAR, wIet RE FEF VAs wIaa fate fags onl was ay afters welt artitan orfe aa fire aiface | Q) @ cra sfiye af fide a te aac ag TEER oda oT fgfs cmt sitar, G8 cra aire ofa vere sa Renita ar emery wie FATS Facapat hrs cae wR AAcaDAIs Aa aM ale wifwaS cote ea (*) @) Re Be afsemt gees srs aa oA Be arfaa free Raa wefsge Sfer Reva aoe eriaait wera ekaia ie Hat oI few wiser emits eer AWS emis ace Raa, wre er wleyS ofere oferoors watts rat aia ofa cl can ale argue eR Pace macs Beat TEAS BHAI Bore aT 80 aa Ba-) 6 7A (2) 4a BA ATE CHG iow feu saa Se afeatca sie wrdeera wpa Ba; AAR

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