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Ancient Greece

07/09/2011 10:58:00

Ionians are Athenians gifted dialect Dorians main city Sparta conservative No need for walls military was so great Polis Triple unity of the city o The city o The citizens o The gods Government o Democracy-rule by the people (Athens) o Monarchy-rule king queen (Sparta) o Oligarchy rule of elite o Tyrant-take over power illegaly Peloponnesian league Entire Peloponnesus area Messenian people slaves Proved troops for wars Leading up to Persian War King gyges of Lydia attack ionian city colophon alliance against Lydia King Croesus gyges successor conquers 12 ionian city

Ionians didnt resist takeover o Taxes were light o Similar cultures o End rivalry of Ionian city-states Start of Persian Empire 550 BCE median king astyages overthrown grandson Persian king cyrus cyrus defeats lydians absorb territory Ionians revolt Resent Persia Sparta for help Help from Athens and Eretria with ships Battle of Marathon 490 BCE Darius king of Persia Invade greeks for aiding Ionians Persians captured Eretria Athenians land in marathon bay Significance of battle of Marathon 1st great encounter east and west (conflict) darius and persions defeated first time (shook military) prove greek warriors superior westward expansion Persian empire checked

Persian defeat encourage rebellion in empire Greek inspired by hope of maintaining their culture Xerxes 486 egypt revolt Against Persia darius died delay invasion of Greece spent winter of 481 planning invasion of Athens, Sparta, and allies king Leonidus Spartan controlled greek army 10,000 men were occupying narrow pass of Thermopylae many men gone b/c of religious festival chose 300 spartans to hold position Battle of Thermopylae Xerxes sent medes then cissians then immortals all failed against Spartans o Advantages Long spears Superior armor Narrowness of the pass Persians won b/c defeated all the greeks Losses Greeks-300 Persians-20,000 The battle of Salamis Themistocles and Athenian fleet went to Athens then headed to island of salamis

Entrance was narrow Persian ships got stuck Themistocles sank many ships Delian League Athens supreme city-stat after Persian war las 479-404 BCE Delian league 477 BCE established at Island of Delios Abuse of Delian League Athens use money to rebuild Athens Delian fleet became Athenian fleet Did not agree Athens destroy city Became Athenian empire Golden age 460-429 BCE Age of pericles pericles is leader Commissioned the Parthenon Athenian arts excelled Reasons for Peloponnesian war Greeks began to see Athens as oppressor Fear and resentment lead some to look to Sparta Old rivalry between Ionians and Dorians 432 BCE Athens barred Megara ships form Delian ports, Megara Dorian city The Peloponnesian War Phase 1: 431-421 BCE

o Spartan army attacked Attica and Athens o Athens attack Sparta and its Allies o Plague killed 1 in 3 in Athens, including Pericles Phase 2: 421-412 BCE o Alicibiades, nephew of Pericles broke peace treaty in 420 BCE named General of Athens o 416 BCE attacked Melos o 415 BCE large fleet that drained Athenian treasury o Night before invading Syracuse, someone broke all statues of Hermes in Athens Phase 3: 412-404 BCE

Lysander and the Thirty Tyrants Spartan General Established Oligarchy of thirty men 8 month reign of terror The Supremacy of Sparta 404-371 BCE Persia gave gold to Athens to rebuild and create disorder 387 BCE Treaty between Sparta and Athens Ionians required to return their lands that were part of Lydia back to Persia Sparta received enough gold to enforce treaty Peace Conference 371 BCE 1st peace conference in Greek history

Thebes not allowed to sign behalf of Boetian allies Conference sated all commercials and diplomatic ties would be broken with an aggressor state Battle of Leuctra Theban army under Epaminondas Used strong left wing to overpower and envelope Spartan right wing Supremacy of Thebes 371-362 BCE Freed Messenia Athenian-Spartan alliance Battle of Mantinea 362 BCE Epaminondas killed Macedon King Philip II ruled 359-336 BCE Invades Greece Athens and Thebes allied and were defeated at Battle of Chaeronea and Greece was under Macedonian control Alexander the Great Continued with Philip II plan conquered Persia and others Greek culture followed him, Hellenization Successor Wars 10-13 years of fighting between Alexanders family and generals over the succession to his throne Results on Successor Wars Antigonid empire-Macedon (323-148 BCE) Selucid empire-Syria (323-64 BCE)

Ptolemaic empire-Egypt (323-31 BCE) The Flowering of Greek Culture 479-336 BCE Occurred between the end of the Persian War and the beginning of Alexanders the Greats Reign All cities excelled in Athens Drama Aeschylus 525-456 BCE Father of Greek Tragedy The Persians Prometheus Bound Oresteia Sophocles 496-406 Oedipus Rex Antigone Euripides 480-406 BCE Medea The Trojan Women

Greek Comedy Aristophanes 450-384 BCE Most famous Greek comics The Clouds The Frogs Historians Herodotus- father of history Thucydides Xenophon Greek Philosophers Socrates 4469-399 BCE Considered 1st great philosopher Believed state could only be pure by the improvement of the citizen Plato 427-437 BCE Student of Socrates Founded The Academy, 1st university of the western world in 386 BCE Platos Cave: The Philosophy of Forms

07/09/2011 10:58:00

07/09/2011 10:58:00

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