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Equitable Use; Principle of

HELLO! Integration

Precautionary Principle Aims to provide guidance in

This is a compilation of personal notes, transcripts from the development and
lecture sessions, and other reviewers. application of international
● Syllabus environmental law where
● KPB there is scientific uncertainty

Polluters Pay Costs of pollution should be

Date Last Updated: December 11, 2023 borne by person responsible
for causing pollution.

INTRODUCTION Common but differentiated Based on application of

responsibility equity and special needs of
Q: What is Environmental Law? developing countries that
According to Most Highly Qualified Publicist Sands, must be taken into account
Environmental law is the collection of laws, regulations, in development, application
agreements and common law that governs how humans and rules of international
interact with their environment. The purpose of environmental law
environmental law is to protect the environment and create
rules for how people can use natural resources.
Q: What are the Basic Environmental Rights and
Principle Framework

Sovereignty over natural States have sovereign rights

resources and obligation over their natural resources;
not to cause harm Must not cause damage to
the environment.

Principle of Prevention Obligation requiring the

prevention of damage to the
environment and otherwise
to reduce, limit, control
activities which might cause
or risk such damage.

Principle of Cooperation Sic utere tuo ut alienum non

laedas (use your own
property in such a manner as
not to injure that of another)
stands for the proposition Basis Framework
that one State’s sovereign
right to use its territory is 1987 Constitution
circumscribed by an
obligation not to cause Section 16, Article II Oposa v. Factoran
injury to, or within, another Intergenerational justice and
State’s territory. responsibility

Sustainable Development States should ensure Paje v. Casiño

development and use of Writ of Kalikasan
natural resources in a
manner that is sustainable West Tower v. PIC
Precautionary Principle
Principle of intergenerational
equity; Principle of International Service v.
Sustainable Use; Principle of Greenpeace


Precautionary Principle 1987 CONSTITUTION

Section 15, Article II Imbong v. Ochoa

Right to Health Section 16, Article II

Article I, National Territory The state shall protect and advance the right of the
people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord
Section 1, Article XII with the rhythm and harmony of nature

Section 2, Article XII Chavez v. PEA-AMARI

Public Lands Oposa v. Every generation has a responsibility to
Factoran the next to preserve that rhythm and
harmony for the full enjoyment of a
Section 3 & 4, Article XII
balanced and healthful ecology. A minor’s
assertion of their right to a sound
Sections 4,5,7,15, Article X Osmena v. Garganera environment, at the same time, is the
Writ of Kalikasan, Citizen performance of their obligation to ensure
Suit the protection of that right for the
generations to come.
Section 22, Article II

Section 5, Article XII Paje v. Casiño Under Section 1 of Rule 7, the following
requisites must be present to avail of the
extraordinary remedy that is the Writ of
Laws Kalikasan:

Green Laws Protection and conservation 1. There is an actual or threatened

of forests and land-based violation of the constitutional right to a
natural resources, and balanced and healthful ecology.
2. The actual or threatened violation arises
from an unlawful act or omission of a
Blue Laws Protection and conservation public official or employee, or private
of water, marine life, and individual or entity
aquatic resources.
3. The actual or threatened violation
Brown Laws Pollution control and involves or will lead to an environmental
damage of such magnitude as to prejudice
regulation of activities that
the life, health, or property of inhabitants in
affect the environment – two or more cities or provinces.
solid waste management
and environmental impact
assessments Sec 1 Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of
West Tower v.
PIC Environmental Cases does not require that
International Agreements a person be directly affected by an
environmental disaster. The rule allows
UNCLOS Marin Resources, Protection juridical persons to file a petition on behalf
of persons whose constitutional right to a
balanced and healthful ecology is violated,
Rio Conference Sustainable Development or threatened.

Aarhus Convention Public Participation, Access

to Information International Precautionary Principle
Service v. 1. Risk of harm is uncertain
Basel Convention Hazardous Wastes Greenpeace 2. Harm might be irreversible and what
may be lost is irreplaceable
UNFCC, Kyoto Protocol Climate Change 3. Harm that might result will be serious
and Paris Agreement

Section 15, Article II

The State shall protect and promote the right to health

of the people and instill health consciousness among


Imbong v. Petitioners claim that the drugs allowed by and national development policies and programs, shall
Ochoa the RH bill can cause risks such as breast protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to
and cervical cancer making it their ancestral lands to ensure their economic, social,
unconstitutional. This is without basis. It
and cultural well-being. The Congress may provide for
also states that a petitioner only assailed
the sale of contraceptives, not the the applicability of customary laws governing property
contraceptives per se. The court ruled that rights or relations in determining the ownership and
RH law would not lead to the “unmitigated extent of ancestral domain.
proliferation of contraceptives” because
the sale of which will still requires a
prescription from a licensed physician. The INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS
court also ruled that Section 15, Article 2 is

Section 2, Article II
Article I, National Territory
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of
The national territory comprises the Philippine national policy, adopts the generally accepted
archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced principles of international law as part of the law of the
therein, and all other territories over which the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality,
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all
its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its nations.
territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular
shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters
around, between, and connecting the islands of the Section 21, Article VII
archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and
Philippines. effective unless concurred in by at least two-thirds of all
the Members of the Senate.

Section 1, Article XII UNCLOS

It is a fundamental principle of international law that a State
cannot use its domestic law as an excuse not to conform to
Section 2, Article XII its obligations under an international treaty to which it is a

The Convention mandates member states to promote the

Chavez v. Under the 1987 Constitution, private
corporations cannot acquire alienable land
development and transfer of marine technology "on fair and
Pea-Amari reasonable terms and conditions", with proper regard for all
of the public domain. Reclaimed lands
comprising the Freedom Islands, which legitimate interest.
are covered by certificates of title in the
name of PEA, are alienable lands of the Rio Declaration
public domain This conference includes a specific commitment to ensure
information sharing and participation in decision- making. It
also tackled the rules on environment impact assessment,
Section 3 & 4, Article XII ensuring that neighboring states receive necessary
information and transboundary enforcement of
environmental standards.
Sections 4,5,7,15, Article X
Aarhus Convention and Escazu Agreement
This is a multilateral environmental agreement through which
the opportunities for citizens to access environmental
Section 22, Article II information are increased and transparent and reliable
regulation procedure is secured.
The State recognizes and promotes the rights of
indigenous cultural communities within the framework It is a way of enhancing the environmental governance
of national unity and development network, introducing a reactive and trustworthy relationship
between civil society and governments and adding the
novelty of a mechanism created to empower the value of
Section 5, Article XII public participation in the decision making process and
guarantee access to justice: a "governance-by-disclosure"
The State, subject to the provisions of this Constitution


that leads a shift toward an environmentally responsible

society Rules of Procedure

Basel Convention Quasi Judicial Bodies Bangus Fisherfolk v.

The overarching objective of the Basel Convention is to Lanzanas
protect human health and the environment against the Exhaustion of Admin
adverse effects of hazardous wastes. Its scope of application Remedies
covers a wide range of wastes defined as “hazardous
wastes” based on their origin and/or composition and their NATIONAL GOVERNMENT
characteristics, as well as two types of wastes defined as
“other wastes” - household waste and incinerator ash. The Zabal v. Duterte Executive Power; Presidential
goal is the reduction of hazardous waste generation and the Proclamation
promotion of environmentally sound management of
hazardous wastes, wherever the place of disposal. Claiming that Boracay has become a cesspool, President
Duterte first made public his plan to shut it down. President
UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement Duterte issued Proclamation No. 475 formally declaring a
UNFCCC - stabilize greenhouse gasses concentrations in state of calamity in Boracay and ordering its closure for six
the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous months. Petitioners aver that Proclamation No. 475 unduly
anthropogenic interference with the climate system impinges upon the local autonomy of affected Local
Government Units (LGUs) since it orders the said LGUs to
Kyoto - The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement implement the closure of Boracay and the ban of tourists and
under which industrialized countries will reduce their non-residents therefrom.
collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2%
compared to the year 1990 (but note that, compared to the Contrary to petitioners' argument, RA 10121 (Philippine
emissions levels that would be expected by 2010 without the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act) recognizes
Protocol, this target represents a 29% cut). The goal is to and even puts a premium on the role of the LGUs in disaster
lower overall emissions from six greenhouse gases risk reduction and management as shown by the fact that a
number of the legislative policies set out in the subject
Paris - The Paris Agreement central aim is to strengthen the statute recognize and aim to strengthen the powers
global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a decentralized to LGUs. The fact that other government
global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees agencies are involved in the rehabilitation works does not
Celsius above pre-ndustrial levels and to pursue efforts to create an inference that the powers and functions of the
limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees LGUs are being encroached upon. The government’s duty is
Celsius. to enforce environmental laws and to protect the
environment. Thus, the powers and the functions of the
OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK LGUs are not being encroached upon.

Green Benches – courts that handle environmental cases in
Institution Framework
a step to improve effective resolution of environmental
disputes in the country.
National Government Zabal v. Duterte PAB (Pollution Adjudication Board) - for any pollution
Executive Power matter

Local Government Section 16, General Welfare MAB (Mining Adjudication Board) - if pollution becomes
Mining Related
Section 22, Ecological
Balance LLDA - handles any pollution permit within the Manila or
Laguna area
GOCCs and Special Bodies

Congressional Oversight Revised Forestry Code

Committee Primary law which governs the management, utilization, use,
development, and protection of forest lands
DENR v. Yap In PD 705, all unclassified lands of the
Regular Courts Green Benches public domain are public forest.


National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act RULES OF PROCEDURE

There is a need to designate spaces and areas in the
country solely as places where wildlife, flora, and fauna can
grow, and where the rich biodiversity of the ecosystem can Writ of Continuing Writ of Kalikasan
be preserved. There is also a need to reserve certain areas Mandamus
exclusively for the environment, and to exclude all other
forms of land use and utilization. The NIPAS is the primary Subject Matter
law that governs this.
Unlawful neglect in the An unlawful act or omission
performance of an act of a public official or
BLUE LAWS which the law specifically employee, or private
enjoins as a duty resulting individual or entity, involving
Philippine Clean Water Act from an office, trust or environmental damage of
Covers industrial activities (factories, etc.) and household station in connection with such magnitude as to
use of water the enforcement or violation prejudice the life, health or
of an environmental law property of inhabitants in two
rule or regulation, or a right or more cities or provinces.
Maynilad v. Sec The Public Trust Doctrine speaks of an therein;
of Environment imposed duty upon the State and its
representative of continuing supervision
over the taking and use of appropriated Who may file
water. Thus, "[p]arties who acquired rights
in trust property [only hold] these rights One who is personally A natural or juridical person
subject to the trust and, therefore, could aggrieved by the unlawful
assert no vested right to use those rights act or omission. Entity authorized by law
in a manner harmful to the trust.
People’s organization, NGO,
The public is regarded as the beneficial
owner of trust resources, and courts can or any public interest group
enforce the public trust doctrine even accredited or registered with
against the government itself any government agency

Government and its officers Government and its officers
Q: What is an Environmental Impact Assessment? Private individual or entity
An assessment tool that helps decision makers make and
informed decision. Process requiring the proponent to make Venue
a document wherein they know the risks and impacts and
how the proponent seeks to address it

Boracay ECC Requirement: “no person...shall Damages for Personal Injury

Foundation v. undertake or operate any declared
Aklan environmentally critical project or area
Allows damages for the None may be awarded in a
without first securing an Environmental
Compliance Certificate” malicious neglect of the petition for a Writ of
performance of the legal Kalikasan; The party must
duty of the respondent institute a separate action for
Requirements with LGU BEFORE Applying for ECC the recovery of damages.
1. Prior consultation: with the affected local
communities, and
2. Prior approval: of the project by the appropriate

Clean Air Act

Clean Air Act provides for a system for permitting &
regulating — whether to cause emission or not

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