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Key word 1.1&1.

Key word Arti Indonesia Explanation
Aerobic respiration Respirasi aerobik Aerobic respiration is an event of
the breakdown of glucose with
the help of oxygen to produce
energy in the form of ATP
(adenosine triphosphate). ATP is
used by organisms to carry out
various energy-requiring
activities. Organisms that
perform aerobic respiration are
Animals, plants, most fungi, and a
small part of bacteria.
Air sac Kantung udara The air sac looks like a balloon
and connects with the trachea,
which is a kind of auxiliary device
for breathing. This bag can
increase the efficiency of the
respiration process by providing a
wide surface for gas exchange
and maintaining air supply.
Bronchiole Bronkiole
Bronchus Bronkus The bronchus are the respiratory
passages that are in the chest
cavity. This channel is the result
of primary branching from the
main respiratory tract, namely the
trachea (throat).
Cartilage Tulang rawan Cartilage is a connective tissue in
various parts of the body. Before
becoming bone, the human body
is composed of cartilage. As it
grows, cartilage will slowly turn
into regular bone.
Larynx Laring The larynx is an organ in the neck
that protects the trachea, which is
an organ involved in sound
production. The larynx is one of
the organs that plays an
important role in the human
respiratory system. The larynx
itself is located in the section
before the trachea.
Respiration Respirasi an oxidation process to be able to
produce energy, by breaking
down complex molecules into
simpler molecules. All organisms
on this earth, from a single
bacterial cell to coral reef colonies
and even humans to blue whales,
undergo a process of respiration.
Respiratory system Sistem pernapasan Humans can do two ways of
breathing, namely using chest
breathing and abdominal
breathing. Humans breathe using
a tool or respiratory organs
consisting of the nose, pharynx,
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and
lungs. In normal lungs, the
volume of air can reach 4500 cc.
Trachea Trakea The trachea or windpipe is the
organ that connects the larynx to
the bronchi. In the respiratory
system, the function of the
trachea is not only as a
passageway for air to enter and
exit, but also to filter dirt particles
that may be carried by the air
before entering the lungs.
Vocal cords Pita suara Our vocal cords are part of the
larynx and are primarily used to
produce speech. This organ
vibrates when we expel air from
the lungs and causes a decrease
in pressure. This is what allows us
to produce different tones.
Voicebox kotak suara
Windpipe tenggorokan The throat is a canal or tube
about 12 centimeters long. The
throat extends from behind the
nose to the esophagus. The
tonsils, the back of the tongue
and the soft palate are part of the

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