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85, Match photos A-D with sentences 1-4. 1 John Smiths from Liverpool in the UK. 2 Maria Fernandez's from Granada in Spain. 3. Toru Yarmashitais from Osakain japan. 4. Natalia Mezurts from Poznafin Poland, Read the Focus box. Underline the capital letters in Exercise 1. Understanding capital letters People's names start with CAPITAL eter * John Smith Maria Fernandez Place names start with CAPITAL letters: * Granada in Spain « Poznatin Poland 3 a Look at the website. Underline the people's names. Circle the place names. 4 Read themessagesand complete the table, Use the capital letters to help you. International Student = Pveserorwmvosenteitcy onterence act juage schica in Bertin in Germany. I'm from Lublin in Polend. Are you an Landon Univers Engh tecche? Whee ee you ton? Listen to these people: Br ity Davies. 1m rom Chicago inthe US. Marco Siva: he's from Buenos Aresin Argentina. Iman Engish teacher ata unberstyin Moscow in Monika Lewandowski: she's from Warsaw in Poland. Russia, It nice to meet you. Berjarrin Carter: e's from Aucktand in New Zealand. Marixo Sato: she's from Fukuoka in Japan. Hil Nice to meet you. I'm Josefina Flores. I'm from Spd Me e's gern dane in Vicar Acaouloin Masco, n Engh nacho at b Read the website again, Answer the questions. 1 Is Benjamin fram the UK? 2 Whereis Marco from? 3 Is Mariko from Tokyo? 4 Whereis Monika from? 2 5 Where is Sang from? 3 Name From Place of work

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