Professional Goals and Growth Plan Complete

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Professional Goals and Growth Plan

Anjalyne Leger
Senator Buchanan, 2024

Professional Goal #1:

Professional Goal: Build meaningful relationships with my students through exploring a variety of different
icebreakers and classroom activities to build trust and better meet their academic needs.

This goal as an inquiry question: How can I implement a variety of different activities and icebreakers to help
develop meaningful relationships with my students, and so that my students can build meaningful relationships with
each other.

Rationale: Meaningful relationships with students build mutual trust and respect between student and teacher and
facilitate healthy, effective and safe learning environments. This will also help me in being able to build lessons that
will be interesting, engaging and worthwhile for as many of my students as possible.

Strategies to help me achieve this goal: Spend time in class getting to know my students through icebreaker
activities, talk with coworkers about the interests, needs and important aspects about their students, and become
involved in the school community.

Timeline: I hope to achieve this goal within the first two to three weeks of my internship, however, I understand that
some students form relationships quicker than others. This process will be ongoing, and ways of building these
relationships will vary depending on the students.

Indicators of achievement: Students feel comfortable approaching me for help, students are excited to tell me about
their days/weekend, students have become more engaged in my lessons, I am beginning to see interests of my
students appear in my lesson plans.

Professional Goal #2:

Professional Goal: Use collaborative time to develop a better repertoire of ways to differentiate assignments.

This goal as an inquiry question:In what ways can I use collaborative time to expand my repertoire of ways to
differentiate assignments.

Rationale: Being able to differentiate assignments for students with a variety of academic needs is a mandatory skill
for educators. With that said, I feel that there are many different approaches to differentiation. This is an area that I
feel I can grow and learn in through watching and collaborating with other teachers to see how they approach
differentiating their assignments.

Strategies to help me achieve this goal: Spend time in other teachers' classrooms, observe how other teachers
structure their assignments and assessments, ask questions about differentiating assignments and collaborate with
other teachers when I am creating assignments.

Timeline: Collaborating with coworkers will hopefully take place throughout the entire practicum, but I am
planning to expand my knowledge and have a new repertoire of ways to differentiate as early as February. I plan to
learn at least 2-3 different strategies for differentiation a month.
Indicators of achievement: A more expansive repertoire of differentiation strategies being present in my
assignments, assessments and lessons, students being willing to attempt something new because they feel it is
achievable ( they were met where they are at not where the curriculum expects them to be) , feeling more calm about
how I differentiated assignments.

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