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Littlejohn and Foss (2008), Bulan and de Leon (2002) 1. Transmission models.

Laswell’s Model- The

who are scholars and "without speech or oral Perhaps the most popular model is relatively
experts in the field, regard communication, societies among these is Harold straightforward and tells
communication as "one of could not attain levels of Laswell's representation you that communication
those everyday activities civilization. of communication as an originates from someone
that is intertwined with all of what they tell you is that attempt to answer the and their message flows
human life. They suggest communication functions question "Who says what through a channel, either
that communicating feels so in more ways than you to whom, through what through sound waves or
natural to people that can imagine. medium, and with what light waves
oftentimes the act itself is effect?"
taken for granted.

Communication is from One such revision is a Another transmission A more sophisticated

the Latin term model by Claude Shannon model is by Bruce transmission model was
communicāre, which and Warren Weaver Westley and Malcolm provided by George
means "to share" or "to which incorporates the Maclean, Jr. where they Gerbner where someone
divide out." concept of noise that argued that instead of a perceives an event and
another Latin word refers to anything that having a sender merely reacts in a situation
communis, which roughly interferes with the relaying messages, you through some means to
means "working message. The model is a have a communicator make available materials
together." more mechanical look at who relays his or her in some form and context
communication. account of a selection of conveying content of
events or views/voices some consequence
in society (McQuail, 1985)
Ritual or expressive Publicity model. This Reception model. In Reception model is the
model- an alternative model explains that this model, you come one by David Berlo that
way of looking. communication to understand accounted for factors
expressive model, involves audiences as communication as an that affect how
communication "spectators rather than open process, which communicators are
happens due to the participants or means that messages influenced when they
need to share information receiver. sent and received are send and receive a
understanding and Attention is important open to various message.
emotions. interpretations.
BERLO’S Model The one of the functions of Mediate= base word Media modality refers
reception models show communication is to of this term is media. to the nature of
that it is not just about inform. This is all the Strictly speaking, message, whether it is
saying the message but more made possible media is the plural relayed using text,
also considering how through the use of audio, video, graphics,
form of medium
the message may be media. animation, or a
received because of combination of any of
factors that may these things
influence reception

The media format is the way the data is arranged.

mass media form refers to the particular media technology to which the message is transmitted

All the definitions of media suggest that it is a conduit for transmitting something called information.
One of the more convenient sources of information nowadays is the World Wide Web.

UNESCO defined the LITERACY as the "ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate,
and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts."

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