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moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) A @ Emilia Scutea 8 ¥

Circuite Analogice si Numerice / Analog and Digital Circuits, Sem. 1, 2020/2021

Dashboard / My courses / CAN / ADC (2020/2021 - V. Dadarlat - A. Peculea) / Sesiunea de examene / ADC exam - 27th January 2021, 10 a.m.

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Question 7 Desprefactorul de incarcare al portii fundamentale SI-NU construita in tehnologie TTL, se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Ne . . ae .
aa aan Regarding the Fan-in (Fl) and Fan-out (FO)factors of the fundamental NAND gatebuilt in TTL technology, the following can be stated: (choose 2
Marked outof
Select one or more:
YFlag question
Finish attempt... UOa. Factorul de incarcarela intrare pentru nivelul “O” logic are aceeasi valoare ca factorul de incarcarela iesire pentru nivelul “O" logic;
. The Fan-in factor for logic level “O" has the same value as the Fan-outfactor for logic level “O";
Timeleft 0:24:36
b. Valoarea factorului de incarcarela iesire reprezinté numéarul maxim de porti care pot fi comandate de poarta SI-NU;
The value ofthe FO factor represents the maximum number ofgates that can be driven by the NAND gate;

OcPe bazafactorului de incarcare, o poarta SI-NU implementata in tehnologie TTL, poate comanda cel putin 20 de porti SI-NU de acelasi fel;
Based on theFI and FO factors, a NAND gate implementedin TTL technology,can drive at least 20 NAND gatesof the same kind;

d. Factorul de incarcarela intrare se calculeazaé pe baza curentilor de intrare;

The FI factor is calculated based on the input currents;

Oe. Factorul de incarcarela intrare pentru nivelul “0” logic este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in factor for logic level “0” is less than 1;
Cuplarea in paralela iesirilor a doua porti TTL sau CMOS, custructura obisnuitd, va rezulta in: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Coupling the outputs of two TTL or CMOS gates, with usualstructure, in parallel will result in: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

OC a.Distrugerea ambelor porti sau a uneia dintre porti;
Destruction of both gates or one of the gates

O b. Modificarea parametrilor portilor;

Changingthe gates’ parameters.
OC c.Functionarea corect a uneia dintre cele doua porti;
Proper operation of one of the two gates

O 4. Nivelulde tensiune al iesirii comune poatefi folosit intr-un sistem digital;

The commonoutput voltage level can be used in a digital system.
Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,’ x G uartinterface baud rate - Google x | +

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moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) a @ Tudor Campan @ ~

Circuite Analogice si Numerice / Analog and Digital Circuits, Sem. 1, 2020/2021

Dashboard / My courses / CAN / ADC (2020/2021 - V. Dadarlat - A. Peculea) / Sesiunea de examene / ADC exam - 27th January 2021, 10 a.m.

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Question 9 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Not yet - .
aa answered Checkthe correct option (s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)

Marked out of .
050 Select one or more:

Y Flag question O a. La semnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezinta de doua ori durata impulsului.
Finish attempt... For digital signals,if the filling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration.

Timeleft 0:29:38 Ob. Factorul de umplere este mereu jumatate din perioada.
The filling factor is always half the repetition period.

©cPentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regime in thecircuit must be longer than this period.
Od. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration ofthe transitory regime in thecircuit mustbe less than this period.

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@ CursADC4in1.paf * Th ADC exam 27th January 2021,, x =@ Lab.pdf x + _ x

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moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) B @ Andrei Muth ¥

- Question 9 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)

we Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)

[*] Marked outof

Y Flag question
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Timeleft 0:14:05


Select one or more:

Sistemul are un port de intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa C1A3H

The system has an input port that can beread through a variable located at address C1A3H


MRAM Wess etextRV

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Radu zamescu ~

Circuite Analogice si Numerice / Analog and Digital Circuits, Sem. 1, 2020/2021

Dashboard / My courses / CAN / ADC (2020/2021 - V. Dadarlat - A. Peculea) / Sesiunea de examene / ADC exam - 27th January 2021, 10 a.m.

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S g Question 2 Caracteristica statica de transfer a inversorului CMOS ... (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)
CMOS inverter static transfer characteristic ... (choose 3 answers)
Marked outof
0.50 Select one or more:

¥Flag question Oa. Depinde de tensiunea de alimentare

Finish attempt... Depends on the supply voltage

Time left 0:39:48 Ob. Depinde de tensiuneade prag a tranzistorului Mn

Depends on the threshold voltage of the transistor Mn.

Oc. Depinde de numarul de porti comandate de inversor

Depends on the numberofgatesdriven by the inverter

© d. Depinde de viteza cu careintrarea trece din starea logica 0 in starea logica 1

Depends on the speed at which the input changesfrom logic state 0 to logic state 1

Oe. Depinde de tensiunea de prag tranzistorului Mp

Depends on the threshold voltage of the transistor Mp

COf. Depinde de frecventa maxima la care poate operacircuitul

Depends on the maximum frequency at which the circuit can operate

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Pree fl
Marginile de imunitate la perturbatile statice ale circuitelor logice integrate: (alegeti 2 réspunsuri)
Immunity margins to static perturbations of logic integrated circuits: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more:
C. a. Pentru starealogicé “0", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru “O" la intrare si cel maxim pentru “1” la intrare;
For the logic state “0,it is calculated as the difference between the minimumvoltagelevelfor “O" at the input and the maximumfor“1” at the input;
Ob.Pentru starea logica “0”, se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune maxim pentru “O" la intrare si cel maxim pentru "0" la iesire;
For the logic state “0”,itis calculated as the difference betweenthe maximum voltage levelfor “0” at the input and the maximum for “0” at the output;
c. Se numesc si margini de zgomot;
They are also called noise margins;
d.Pentru starea logica “0”, se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru “0 la iesire si cel minim pentru “1” la intrare;
For the logic state “0”, it is calculatedasthe difference between the minimum voltage levelfor "0" at the outputandthe minimum for "1" at the input;
Oe. Nusse pot calcula pentru ambele stari logice “0” si
Cannotbe calculated for both logic states "0" and "1 ;
Se considera circuitul basculant detip RS din imagine.Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Considerthe RS flip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement(choose 1 answer)

JL i|
Select one:
O a.instareaT1 = saturatsi T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impulsla intrarea S determina blocarea tranzistorului T1;
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked,the applying of a pulse at the input S determines the blocking ofthe transistor T1
O b. Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnaleloraplicate pe catod daca tensiunea este pozitiva si suficient de mare;
Diode D1 allows the passageofsignals applied to the cathodeif the voltageis positive and high enough
O c.Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1si C2 se asigura ca diodele D1 si D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale pozitive;
By using capacitors C1 andC2 it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2will receive only positive signals on the cathode
® d.Prin aplicarea unui impulsla intrareaS,circuitul R2C2 genereaza un semnalcu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulse to inputS, the circuit R2C2 generates a signal with a negative voltage peak

Clear my choice
Se considera stabilizatorul cu reactie fara amplificator de eroare din figura, pentru care dioda Zenerare tensiunea de prag egala cu 5.6V si Vout reprezinta tensiunea deiesire:
(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
It is considered the voltage regulator with negative feedback and withouterror amplifier in the figure, for which the Zenerdiode has the threshold voltage equal to 5.6V and
Voutrepresents the output voltage: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

O a. Circuitul stabilizeaza tensiunea doar daca RL nuisi modifica valoarea
Thecircuit regulates the voltageonly if RL does notchangeits value
O b.Circuitulstabilizeaza tensiunea chiar daca RL isi modifica valoarea
Thecircuit regulates the voltage evenif RL changes its value
c. Daca pe Vout masurém 5.0V,tensiunea VBEvafi 0.6V
If we measure 5.0V on Vout, the VBEvoltagewill be 0.6V.
O d.Daca pe Vout masuram 4.9V,tensiunea VBEva fi 5.5V
If we measure 4.9V on Vout, the VBEvoltagewill be 5.5V
© e. Daca pe VBE masuram 0.5V,tensiunea Voutva fi 5.0V
If we measure 0.5V on VBE, the Voutvoltagewill be 5.0V
Desprefactorul de incarcare al portii fundamentale SI-NU construita in tehnologie TTL, se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Regarding the Fan-in (Fl) and Fan-out(FO) factors of the fundamental NAND gatebuilt in TTL technology, the following can be stated: (choose 2

Select one or more:

0 a. Factorul de incarcarela intrare pentru nivelul “0” logic este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in factor for logic level “0” is less than 1;

Ob.Factorul de incarcarela intrare se calculeaza pe baza curentilor de intrare;

The FI factor is calculated based on the input currents;

O c. Pe baza factorului de incarcare, o poarta SI-NU implementata in tehnologie TTL, poate comanda cel putin 20 de porti SI-NU deacelasifel;
Based on the FI and FO factors, a NAND gate implemented in TTL technology, can drive at least 20 NAND gatesof the samekind;
Select one:
Beene ec
b. Amplificatoarele Al si A2 suntlegatein reactie negativa;
Amplifiers Al and A2 are connected in negative reaction
c. Rezistentele R si r formeaza un divizor de tensiune;
Resistors R and r form a voltage divider
d. Circuitul este asimetric;
Question 1 Alegeti varianta/variantele de raspuns corectein cazulcircuitelorlogice integrate CMOS(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Choosethecorrect answervariant(s) for CMOSlogic circuits (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.50 out of
Select one or more:
Y Flag question
a, Posibilitatea ca in regim static numarul sarcinilor comandatesa fie foarte mare
Possibility thatin static regime the numberofdrivenloads to be very high ¥
(1 b. Nivelurile ale semnalelor de iesire extrem de apropiate de valoarea tensiunii de alimentare pentru starea 0 logic
Outputsignallevels extremely close to the power supplyvoltage value for logic state 0
1 c Gamrestransa a temperaturilor de functionare
Narrow operating temperature range
( d. Nivelurile ale semnalelor deiesire extrem de apropiate de 0 V pentru starea 1 logic
Output signallevels extremely close to 0V forlogic state 1
e. Consum extrem de redus
Extremely low power consumption 7
(1 & Structuri metal-oxid-semiconductorcu simetrie necomplementara
Metal-oxide-semiconductorstructures with non-complementary symmetry

Question 2 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Checkthe correct option(s) for the pulse: (choose2 answers)
Mark 0.50 out of
Select one or more:
Y Flag question
(1 a. Factorul de umplere este mereu jumatate din perioada.
Thefilling factoris always half the repetition period.
(1 b. Pentru a definicorect perioada impulsului, durata regimuluitranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regimein the circuit must be longerthan this period.
c La semnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezinta de douaori durata impulsului.
Fordigital signals, if thefilling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration. v
d. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulserepetition period, the duration of the transitory regimein the circuit must be less than this period. v
Dashboard / My courses / CAN / ADC (2020/2021 - V. Dadarlat - A. Peculea) / Sesiunea de examene / ADC exam 27th January 2021, 10 a.m.

Started on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:00 AM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:57 AM
Timetaken 57 mins 8 secs.
Grade 3.50 out of 6.00 (58%)

Question 1 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2

Partially correct raspunsuri)
Mark 0.25 out of Check the correct option(s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more:
a. La semnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%,
perioada reprezinta de doud ori durata impulsului
For digital signals, if thefilling factoris 50%, the repetition period is
twice the pulse duration.
b. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului

tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica decat aceasta.

To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the
transitory regimein the circuit must beless than this period. 7
c. Pentru a defini corectperioada impulsului, durata regimului
tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetitionperiod, the durationof the
transitory regimein the circuit must be longerthan this period.
d. Factorul de umplere este mereu jumatate din perioada.
Thefilling factoris always half the repetition period.

Question 2 Care este metoda uzuala de selectare a celulelor de memorieintr-un

Correct circuit integrat (alegeti 1 raspuns)?
Mark 0.50out of Whatis the usual methodof selecting memorycells in an integrated
050 circuit (choose 1 answer)?

Select one:
@ a. Pe bazacoincidentei selectiei pe orizontala si pe verticala;
Basedon thecoincidenceof the horizontal and vertical selection ¥
© b. Pe baza unui circuit dedicat de generare de adrese;
Based on a dedicated address generation circuit
© .Pe bazaliniei de chip select;
Based onthe selectchip line
© d, Pe bazaadresei trimisape liniile de date;
Based on the address sent on the datalines
Question 3 Se considera circuitul basculant monostabil din imagine. Selectati
Incorrect afirmatiile corecte (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.00 outof The monostablecircuitin the pictureis considered.Selectthe correct
050 statements(choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Circuitul este simetric;
The circuit is symmetrical
b. Circuitul poate avea doua stari, una stabila si una instabila;
The circuit can have twostates, one stable and one unstable
c. Condensatorul C comandablocarea tranzistorului T2 daca
tensiunea UCIscaderapid;
Capacitor C controls the blocking of transistor T2 if the voltage UC1
drops rapidly
d. Tranzistorul T2 la saturatie, determina cresterea tensiunii in baza

tranzistorului T1 prin descarcarea condensatorului C’;

The transistor T2 at saturation, determines the increase of the voltage
on the base of T1transistor by discharging the capacitor C' %

Question 4 Dioda semiconductoare- la echilibrul termic: (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Correct Semiconductor diode- at thermal equilibrium: (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 outof
050 Select one:
© a. Curentul electric va trece cel mai bine prin semiconductor
The electric current will best pass throughthe semiconductor
© b. Semiconductorulare rolul unei rezistente cu valoare micé (Ohm)
The semiconductoracts as a low valueresistor (Ohm)
© c. Curentul electric nu se va produce deloc prin semiconductor
Electric current will not be produced atall through semiconductor

© d. Curentul electric va trece partial prin semiconductor

The electric current will partially pass through the semiconductor

Question 5 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii
Incorrect suntcorecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.00 outof Considerthe 80C51 microcontrollersystem in the figure. Which
1.50 statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)

BBS RE: 6° 8I


Select one or more:

Circuitul generator de tact este format atat din componente externe
microcontroller-ului cat si din componenteintegrate in acesta
The clock generatorcircuit consists of both external components of
the microcontroller and componentsintegratedin it

Pentru activarea portului deintrare se foloseste selectia liniara
Thelinear selection is used to activate the input port

Circuitul generator detact este format exclusiv din componente
externe microcontroller-ului
The clock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of components
external to the microcontroller %

Pentru activareaportului deintrare se foloseste selectia totala
The total selection is used to activate the input port

Mi e.
Sistemul are un port deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediulunei
variabile localizata la adresa A47SH
The system hasan outputport that can bewritten througha variable
located at address A475H %

Sistemul are un port de intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei
variabile localizata la adresa C237H
The system hasan input port that can be read through a variable
located at address C237H
Sistemul are un port de intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei
variabile localizata la adresa E4A1H
The system has an input portthat can be read through a variable
located at address E4A1H %&

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectia partiala
Thepartial selection is used to activatethe inputport

Sistemul are un port de iesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei
variabile localizata la adresa 41B7H
The system has an outputportthat can be written through a variable
located at address 41B7H

Circuitul generatorde tact este format exclusiv din componente
integrate in microcontroller
Theclockgeneratorcircuit consists exclusively of components
integratedin the microcontroller

Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

The characteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)
Select one or more:
% a. Impedanta deintrare foarte mare (ideal 00)
Very high input impedance(ideal 0) W
b, Tensiunea deiesire nu este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
Oututvoltage is not bounded by powersupplies values
¢. Tensiunea intre intrari foarte mare (ideal <0)
Very high difference between the values of input voltages (ideal oo)
“ d, Curenti de intrare foarte mici (ideal 0)
Very small input currents (ideal 0) 7
e, Amplificarea sau cdstigul in tensiune (AV) foarte mic (ideal 0)
Very small amplificationor voltage gain (AV) (ideal 0)
% £. Tensiuneade iesire este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
Oututvoltage is bounded by power supplies values W
g. Impedanta deiesire foarte mare(idealoo)
Very high output impedance(idealoo)
h. Impedanta de intrare foarte mica (ideal 0)
Very small input impedance(ideal 0)

Question 7 Ce componeneinglobeaza un microcontroller? (Selectati doua
Correct raspunsuri)
Mark 0.50 out of What components does a microcontroller include? (Select two answers)
Select one or more:
a. Tastaturé
~ b, Numaratoare;
Counters W
cc. Sursa de alimentare;
Power supply
d. Ecran;
e, Memorie;
Memory ¥

Question 8 Alegeti varianta/variantele de raspuns corectein cazulcircuitelor logice

Correct integrate CMOS(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.50 outof Choose thecorrect answer variant(s) for CMOS logic circuits (choose 2
050 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Gamarestransa a temperaturilor de functionare
Narrow operating temperature range
b. Nivelurile ale semnalelorde iesire extrem de apropiate de valoarea
tensiunii de alimentare pentru starea 0 logic
Outputsignal levels extremely closeto the powersupply voltage
value forlogic state 0
c. Posibilitatea ca in regim static numarulsarcinilor comandatesa fie

foarte mare
Possibility thatin static regime the numberof driven loadsto be very
high ¥
~ d.Consumextrem de redus
Extremely low power consumption W
e. Structuri metal-oxid-semiconductorcu simetrie necomplementara
Metal-oxide-semiconductorstructures with non-complementary
f. Nivelurile ale semnalelor deiesire extrem de apropiate de 0 V
pentru starea1 logic
Output signal levels extremely close to 0 V forlogic state 1

Question 9 Marginile de imunitate la perturbatile statice ale circuitelor logice
Partially correct integrate: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.25 outof Immunity marginsto static perturbationsof logic integrated circuits:
(choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Pentru starea logicd “1”, se calculeazd ca diferenta dintre nivelul de
tensiune maxim pentru “0” la intrare si cel maxim pentru "1"la intrare;
For the logic state “1”,itis calculated asthe difference between the
maximumvoltagelevel for "0" at the input and the maximum for "1"
at the input;
b. Se numescsi margini de zgomot;
They are also called noise margins;
c. Pentru starea logicd "1", se calculeazé ca diferenta dintre nivelul de
tensiune maxim pentru "1" la intrare si cel maxim pentru "1’la iesire;
For the logic state "1",itis calculated asthedifference between the
maximumvoltagelevel for "1" at the input and the maximum for “1”
at the output;
d. Nu se pot calcula pentru ambele stari logice “0” si "1";
Cannotbecalculated for both logic states "0" and
e. Pentru starea logica "1", se calculeazca diferenta dintre nivelul de

tensiune minim pentru “1” la iesire si cel minim pentru “1 la intrare;

For the logic state "1",itis calculated asthedifference between the
minimum voltagelevel for "1" at the output and the minimum for "1"
at the input; W

Question 10 Roluri posibile ale unui circuit cu treistari (three state) sunt: (alegeti 2
Correct rspunsuri)
Mark 0.50 out of The possible roles ofa three state circuit are: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more:
“ a. De aconecta mai multe surse de datela aceeasi magistrala ;
To connect multiple data sources to the same bus W
“ b, Driver de magistrala
Busdriver W
c. Decodificarea adreselor de pe magistrala de adrese;
Decoding addresses on the address bus
d. Poarta NU pentru intrérile Chip Selectale circuitelor integrate;
NOgate for Chip Select inputsof integrated circuits

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Se considera circuitul basculant de tip RS din imagine.Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Consider the RS flip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement(choose 1 answer)

a. In starea T1 = saturatsi T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impuls la intrarea S determina blocareatranzistorului 11;
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked, the applying ofa pulse at the input S determines the blocking of the transistor T1
b.Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigura c4 diodele D1 si D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale pozitive;
By using capacitors C1 and C2 it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2will receive only positive signals on the cathode
© ¢ Prin aplicarea unui impulsla intrareaS, circuitul R2C2 genereaza un semnal cu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulse to inputS, the circuit R2C2 generates a signal with a negative voltage peak ~
d. Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnalelor aplicate pe catod daca tensiuneaeste pozitiva si suficient de mare;
Diode D1allows the passage of signals applied to the cathode if the voltage is positive and high enough

Ce componene inglobeaza un microcontroller? (Selectati doua raspunsuri)

What components does a microcontroller include? (Select two answers)

Select one or more:

a. Tastatura;
b, Memorie;
Memory ~

c Sursa de alimentare;
Power supply

d. Ecran;
e. Numaratoare;
Counters w
Select one or more:
Sistemul are un port de intrare care poate fi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa C237H
The system has an input port that can be read through a variable located at address C237H W

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectia totala
The total selection is used to activate the input port

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului
The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components external to the microcontroller %

Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa A475H
The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address A475H

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectia liniara
The linear selection is used to activate the input port

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente integrate in microcontroller
The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components integrated in the microcontroller

Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa 41B7H
The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address 4187H ¥

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectia partiala
‘The partial selection is used to activate the input port w
Sistemul are un port de intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa E4A1H
The system has an input port that can be read through a variable located at address E4A1H
Gircuitul generator de tact este formatatat din componente externe microcontroller-ului cat si din componenteintegrate in acesta
The clock generator circuit consists of both external components of the microcontroller and components integrated in it
Despre factorul de incarcare al portii fundamentale 1-NU construita in tehnologie TTL, se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Regarding the Fan-in (Fl) and Fan-out (FO)factors of the fundamental NAND gate built in TTL technology, the following can be stated: (choose 2
Select one or more:
a. Factoruldeincarcare la intrare pentru nivelul “0” logic este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in factor for logic level “0” is less than 1;
bb Factorul de incarcare la intrare pentru nivelul “0” logic are aceeasi valoare ca factorul de incarcarela iesire pentru nivelul “0” logic
‘The Fan-in factor for logic level "0" has the same value as the Fan-out factor for logic level "0";
c. Factorul deincarcare la intrare se calculeaza pe baza curentilor de intrare;
‘The Fi factor is calculated based on the input currents, ¥
d. Valoareafactonului de incarcare la iesire reprezinta numarul maxim de porti care pot fi comandate de poarta SI-NU;
‘The value of the FO factor represents the maximum numberof gates that can be driven by the NANDgate: ¥
e. Pe baza factorului de incarcare, 0 poarta SI-NUimplementata fn tehnologie TTL, poate comanda cel putin 20 de porti SI-NU de acelasifel;
Based on the Fl and FO factors, a NAND gateimplemented in TTL technology, can drive at least 20 NANDgates ofthe same kind;

Care magistrala este bidirectionala? (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Which bus is bidirectional? (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
a. Nici un raspuns;

© b. Magistrala de adrese;
Address bus %
c. Magistrala de adrese si cea de date;
Address and data bus
d. Magistrala de date;
Data bus

Care afirmatii sunt adevarate in cazul circuitelor de memorie bazate pe celula de memorie SRAM CMOS (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)?
Which statements are true for memory circuits based on SRAM CMOS memory cell (choose 2 answers)?

Select one or more:

a. Au nevoie decircuite de comparare;
They need comparison circuits
b, Capacitatea de integrare este mai mica decat in cazul circuitelor DRAM;
The integration capacity is lower than in the case of DRAM circuits ~

c Au nevoie decircuite de reimprospatare;

They need refresh circuits
d. Capacitatea de integrare este mai mare decat in cazul circuitelor DRAM;
Integration capacity is higher than in the case of DRAM circuits

e. Nu au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;

Thereis no need for refresh circuits ¥
Timpul de comutare directa este: (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Forward switching time is: (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
a. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea de conductie in starea de blocare
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the conductionstate to the cut-off state

b, Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea normalain starea inversa
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the normalstate to the reverse state

© c Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea de blocare in starea de conductie
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the cut-off state to the conduction state w

Se considers stabilizatorul cu reactie fara amplificator de eroare din figura, pentru care dioda Zenerare tensiunea de prag egala cu 56V si Vout
reprezinta tensiunea de iesire: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Itis considered the voltage regulator with negative feedback and withouterror amplifier in the figure, for which the Zener diode has the threshold
voltage equal to 5.6V and Vout represents the output voltage: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Daca pe Vout masuram 4.9V,tensiunea VBE vafi 5.5V
If we measure 4.9V onVout, the VBEvoltage will be 5.5V
b. Daca pe Vout masuram 5.0V,tensiunea VBE vafi 0.6V
If we measure 5.0V onVout, the VBEvoltage will be 0.6V 7
¢. Circuitulstabilizeaza tensiunea chiar daca RL isi modifica valoarea
The circuit regulates the voltage even if RL changes its value
_ d, Daca pe VBE masuram 0.5Y, tensiunea Voutva fi 5.0V
If we measure 0.5V on VBE, the Vout voltage will be 5.0V
€. Circuitul stabilizeaza tensiunea doar daca RL nu isi modifica valoarea
The circuit regulates the voltage only if RL does not change its value

Desprecurentii portii fundamentale $I-NU construita in tehnologie TTL, se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Regarding the currents of the fundamental NAND gate built in TTL technology, the following can be stated: (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
© a. Poarta nupoate absorbi curentIa iesire;
The gate cannot absorb currentat the output; *
b. Poarta absoarbe curentla iesire cand comanda cu nivel “1” logic;
The gate absorbs current at the output when it commands with logic “1” level;

C Poarta genereaza curentla iesire cand comanda cu nivel “O° logic;

The gate generates output current when it commands with logic "0" level;
d. Poarta absoarbe curentla intrare cand este comandatacu nivel "0" logic;
The gate absorbs current at the input when it is controlled with logic “0” level;

€. Poarta genereaza curent la intrare cand este comandata cu nivel “0” logic
The gate generates currentat the input whenit is controlled with logic level “0”;
Questor 1 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
ieore Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in thefigure. Which statementsare correct? (choose 4 answers)
Mark 125 ut of
150 ane
YF legquestion He |

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Select one or more:

Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=1,2V si ILED=10mA,valoarea aproximativaa rezistentei RL prin
care este comandatLED-ulva fi de 3050
‘We know that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=1,2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate valueof the RLresistor
through which the LED is controlled will be 3050
Gircuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului
The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components external to the microcontroller %
Rutina de tratare a intreruperii corespunzatoare intreruperii externe 0 trebuie sa rezolve problema salturilorde tensiunela apasarea taste
‘The interrupt service routine corresponding to the externalinterrupt 0 must solve the problem of voltagejumps when the keyis pressed (key
Sistemulare un port de iesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa 645BH
Thesystem has an outputport that can be written througha variable located at address 645BH W

Rutina de tratare a intreruperit corespunzatoare intreruperii externe 0 nu trebuie sa rezolve problema salturilor de tensiune la apasarea taste
The interrupt service routine corresponding to the externalinterrupt 0 must notsolve the problem ofvoltagejumps when the key is pressed
(key bouncing) %
Circuitul generator detact este formatatat din componente exteme microcontroller-uluicat si din componenteintegratein acesta
The clock generatorcircuit consists of both external components of the microcontroller and components integrated in it,
‘tim ca pentru 1OH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=425V.Pentru ca VLED=1,2V si ILE }0mA,valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin
cate este comandat LED-ulva fi de 1050
‘We know that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V, For VLED=" 2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value ofthe RL resistor
throughwhich the LED is controlled will be 1050
Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa AC2OH
‘The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address AC2OH
Gircuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componenteintegrate in microcontroller
‘The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components integrated in the microcontroller
Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=1,2V si ILED=10mA, valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RLprin
care este comandat LED-ulva fi de 4400
‘We know that for |OH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtys |,25V. For VLEL 2 and ILED=10mA, the approximate value of the RL resistor
through which the LED is controlled will be 4400

Question 2 Roluri posibile ale unuicircuit cutreistar (three state) sunt: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Inconect The possible roles ofa three state circuit are: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 090out af
050 Select one or more:
F Flag question
El a. Dea conecta mai multe surse de date la aceeasi magistra
‘To connect multiple data sources to the same bus ¥
Gb. Poarta NU pentruintrarile Chip Select ale circuitelor integrate;
NO gate for Chip Select inputs ofintegrated circuits
© cDecodificarea adreselor de pe magistrala de adrese;
Decoding addresses on the address bus %
4.Driver de magistrate

Question 3 Dioda semiconductoare - la echilibrul termic:(alegeti 1 raspuns)

Comeet ‘Semiconductordi fe - at thermal equilibrium: (choose 1 answer)
‘Mark 050 out of
050 Select one:
F Fag question
© a, Semiconductorul are rolul unei rezistente cu valoare mica (Ohm)
‘The semiconductor acts as a low value resistor (Ohm)
© b.Curentulelectric va trece cel mai bine prin semiconductor
‘Theelectric current will best pass through the semiconductor
© ¢ Curentul electric nu se va produce deloc prin semiconductor
Electric current will not be produced at all through semiconductor 7
© 4. Curentulelectric va trece partial prin semiconductor
The electric current will partially pass through the semiconductor

Question & In cazul unui oscilator cu punte Wien: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Incorrect In the case of a Wienbridgeoscillator: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 000 out af
050 Select one or more:
F Flag question
Ga, Semnalele de comanda sunt dreptunghiulare
‘Thecontrolsignals are rectangular
Ob.Bucla de reactie negativa permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii oscilaiilor
The negative feedback loop allows the occurrence and increase of the amplitude ofthe oscillations
Bucla de reactie pozitiva permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinil oscitatillor
“The positive feedback loopallows the occurrence and increase of the amplitude oftheoscillations %
OF G.Bucla de reactie pozitiva determina frecventa de oscilatie
The positive feedback loopdetermines the oscillation frequency
© e. Bucla dereactie negativa determina frecventa de oscilatie
‘The negative feedback loop determines the oscillation frequency %

Question 5 Se considerd circuitul basculant monostabi 1agine. Selectati afirmatile corecte (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Comet ‘The monostable circuit in the picture is considered. Select the correct statements (choose 2 answers)
‘Mark 050 outof
1 Fiag question

Select one or more:

© a. Circuitul poate avea doua stéri, una stabila si una instabila
The circuit can have two states, one stable and one unstable
Gb. Tranzistorul 72 la saturatie, determina cresterea tensiunii in baza tranzistorului T1 prin descarcarea condensatorului C;
‘The transistor T2 at saturation, determines theincrease ofthe voltage on the base of T1transistor by discharging the capacitor C"
OF .Gircuituleste simetric;
Thecircuitis symmetrical
@ d. Condensatorul comanda blocarea tranzistorului T2 daca tensiunea UC1 scaderapid;
Capacitor C controls the blocking oftransistor T2ifthe voltage UCI drops rapidly 7

cueston 6 La memoriile CAM semnalele de matching... (alegeti 1 raspuns):

Correct For CAM memories the matching signals... (choose 1 answer):
‘Mark 0.50 out of
Select one:
F Flag question
(© a. Suntinscrisein memorie in locul datelor existente;,
Are stored in memory instead ofexisting data
(© b,Starea 1" logic indica faptul ca nic un bit memorat nu corespunde cu bitul cautat;
Logie state "’ indicates that no stored bit correspondsto the searched bit
© cStarea'o” icd faptul c& un bit memorat corespunde cubitul cautat;
Logic state ‘0'it icates that a storedbit correspondsto the searched bit
© 4. Indica daca s-a gasit corespondenta Intre cuvantul cutat si cel memorat;
Indicates whether the match between the searched and the stored word was found
ueston 7 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Incorrect Check the correct option(s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 000 our of
050 Select one ormore:
1 Flag question © a La semnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezinta de doua ori durata impulsulu
For digitalsignals,ifthefilling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration. w
Gb. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimuluitranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica decat aceasta.
‘To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of thetransitory regime in the circuit must be less thanthis period.
1 Factorul de umplere este mereujumatate din perioads.
Thefiling factoris always half the repetition period.
El d. Pentru a defini corect pericada impuisului, durata regimuluitranzitoriu din circuit trebuie s& fie mai mare decat aceasta.
‘To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration ofthetransitory regime in the circuit must belonger thanthis period. »

cussion 8 Daca in cadrul executiei une intreruperi se activeaza o a douaintrerupere (cu un nivel de prioritatedifert), care este comportamentul
conect microcontroller-ului? (Selectati un raspuns)
‘Mark 050 out of Ifa secondinterrupt is activated during the execution ofan interrupt (with a different priority level), what is the behaviorof the microcontroller?
050 (Select an answer)
'F Flag question
Select one:
© a. Se continua executia intreruperii curente, indiferent de nivelul de prioritate al celor doua intreruper
‘Theexecutionof the currentinterrupt is continued, regardless ofthe priority level of the two interrupts
© b.Se executaintotdeaunaintrerupereacuprioritate mai mare;
‘Theinterrupt with higher priority is always executed
© Se executa intotdeauna cea mai noua intrerupere;
The newest interrupt is always executed
© d.Se executaintreruperea cu prioritate mai mare, doar daca acestea sunt declansate simultan, altfel se continua executia intreruperii curente;
‘The interrupt with higher priority is executed, only if they are triggered simultaneously, otherwise the execution of the currentinterruptis

cussion Caracteristica static’ de transfera inversorului CMOS ...(alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

Comeet (CMOSinverter static transfer character (choose 3 answers)
Mark 050 out of
050 Select one or more:
YF Fiag question © a. Depinde de tensiunea de prag a tranzistorului Mp
Dependsonthe threshold voltage ofthetransistor Mp
1 b Depinde de frecventa maxima la care poate opera circuitul
Dependsonthe maximum frequency at which the circuit can operate
c Depinde de tensiunea de alimentare
Depends onthe supply voltage ¥
(Fd. Depinde de viteza cu care intrarea trece din starea logica 0 in starea logica 1
Depends onthe speed at which the input changes from logic state 0 to logic state 1
e.Depinde de tensiunea de prag a tranzistorului Mn
Depends onthe threshold voltage ofthe transistor Mn 7
1 f.Depinde de numarul de porti comandate de inversor
Depends on the numberof gates driven by the inverter
Question 3 in cazul unui oscilator cu punte Wien: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Correct In the case of a Wienbridgeoscillator: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.50 out of
050 Select one or more:
a, Semnalele de comanda sunt dreptunghiulare
The control signals are rectangular
b. Bucla de reactie negativa determina frecventa de oscilatie
The negative feedbackloop determines theoscillation frequency
c. Bucla de reactie pozitiva permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii
The positive feedback loopallowsthe occurrenceandincrease ofthe
amplitude oftheoscillations
d. Bucla de reactie negativa permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii

The negative feedback loopallowsthe occurrenceandincrease of the
amplitude oftheoscillations W
e. Bucla de reactie pozitiva determina frecventa de oscilatie

The positive feedback loop determines the oscillation frequency W

Question 4 Microcontrollerele din familia 8051 pot utiliza interfata seriala UART in
Incorrect urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua raspunsuri)
Mark 0.00 out of 8051 family microcontrollers can use the UART serial interface in the
0.50 following ways: (Select two answers)
Select one or more:
a. Rata Baud fixa;
Fixed baud rate
b. Rata Baud variabila generata de un numarator(timer);
Variable baud rate generated by a timer
“ c. Rata Baud citita printr-un terminal;
Baudrate read through a terminal %
d. Rata Baud inscrisa in memorie;
Baud rate inscribed in memory %

Question 5 Roluri posibile ale unuicircuit cu trei stari (three state) sunt: (alegeti 2
Correct raspunsuri)
Mark 0.50 out of The possible roles of a three state circuit are: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more:
a. Poarta NU pentru intrarile Chip Select ale circuitelorintegrate;
NOgate for Chip Select inputsof integrated circuits
“ b. Dea conecta mai multe surse de date la aceeasi magistrala ;
To connect multiple data sources to the same bus W
c. Decodificarea adreselor de pe magistrala de adrese;
Decoding addresses on the address bus
“ d. Driver de magistrala
Busdriver W

Question 6 Ce sunt diodele luminiscente? (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Correct Whatare light emitting diodes?(choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out of
050 Select one:
© a. Diode carela polarizarea directa, electronii din regiunea n se
recombina cu golurile din regiunea si elibereaz energie sub forma
de lumina si cdldura
Diodes that when forward biased, the electrons in the n region
recombine with the holesin the p region and release energyin the
form of light and heat
© b. Diode care la polarizarea inversa din regiunea n elibereaza energie
sub formade lumina si calduré
Diodes that, upon reverse polarizationin the n region, release energy
in the form of light and heat
© c. Sunt diode care permit trecerea curentului in ambele sensuri si au
rolul de a creste rezistenta circuitului
There are diodes that allow the passageof currentin both directions
and have the role of increasingthe resistanceofthe circuit

Question 7 Careeste metodauzuala deselectare a celulelor de memorieintr-un

Correct circuit integrat (alegeti 1 raspuns)?
Mark 0.50 outof Whatis the usual method ofselecting memory cells in an integrated
0.50 circuit (choose 1 answer)?

Select one:

© a. Pe bazaliniei de chip select;

Based onthe selectchip line
Ob. Pe baza adresei trimisape liniile de date;
Based on the address sent on the datalines
© c. Pe baza coincidentei selectiei pe orizontala si pe verticala;
Basedonthe coincidence ofthehorizontal andvertical selection W
© d. Pe baza unui circuit dedicat de generare de adrese;
Based on a dedicated address generation circuit

Question 8 Se considera circuitul basculant monostabil din imagine. Selectati
Correct afirmatiile corecte (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.50 out of The monostablecircuitin the pictureis considered.Selectthe correct
050 statements(choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

“ a. Condensatorul C comandablocarea tranzistorului T2 daca
tensiunea UC1 scade rapi
Capacitor C controls the blocking of transistor T2 if the voltage UC1
dropsrapidly ¥
b, Circuitul poate avea doua stari, una stabila si una instabila;

Thecircuit can have twostates, one stable and one unstable W

cc. Circuitul este simetric;
The circuit is symmetrical
d. Tranzistorul T2 la saturatie, determina cresterea tensiunii in baza
tranzistorului T1 prin descarcarea condensatorului C’;
The transistor T2 at saturation, determines the increase of the voltage
on the base of T1transistor by discharging the capacitor C'

Question 9 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii
Partially correct suntcorecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.75 out of Considerthe 80C51 microcontrollersystem in the figure. Which
1.50 statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)

BBS RE: 6° 8I


Select one or more:

Sistemul are un port de intrare care poate fi citit prin intermediul unei
variabile localizata la adresa C237H
The system hasan input port that can be read through a variable
located at address C237H W

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente
integrate in microcontroller
The clock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of components
integratedin the microcontroller

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectia liniara
Thelinearselection is used to activate the input port

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente
externe microcontroller-ului
The clock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of components
external to the microcontroller

= e.
Sistemul are un port deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediulunei
variabile localizata la adresa 41B7H
The system hasan output port that can be written through a variable
located at address 4187H W

Sistemul are unport deiesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei
variabile localizata la adresa A47SH

The system has an output portthat can be written through a variable
located at address A475H

Sistemul are un port de intrare care poate fi citit prin intermediul unei
variabile localizata la adresa E4A1H
The system has an input port that can beread through a variable
located at address E4A1H

Pentru activarea portuluide intrare se foloseste selectia partiala
The partial selection is used to activate the input port 7

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectia totala
Thetotal selection is used to activatethe input port

Circuitul generatorde tact este format atat din componente externe
microcontroller-ului cat si din componente integrate in acesta
The clock generator circuit consists of both external components of
the microcontroller and componentsintegrated in it

Question 10 Marginile de imunitate la perturbattile statice ale circuitelor logice

Correct integrate:(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Mark 0.50 out of Immunity marginsto static perturbationsof logic integrated circuits:
050 (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

~ a. Pentru starea logica "0", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de
tensiune maxim pentru "0"la intrare si cel maxim pentru “0”la iesire;
For the logic state “0’,itis calculated asthe difference between the
maximumvoltagelevel for “0” at the input and the maximum for “0”
at the output; 7
b. Se numescsi margini de zgomot;

They are also called noise margins; ¥

¢. Pentru starea logica "0", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de
tensiune minim pentru "0" la iesire si cel minim pentru “1” la intrare;
For the logic state "0", it is calculated asthe difference between the
minimum voltage level for “0” at the output and the minimum for “1”
atthe input;
d. Pentru starea logica "0", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de
tensiune minim pentru “0la intrare si cel maxim pentru "1" la intrare;
For the logic state 0’,itis calculated asthedifference between the
minimum voltagelevelfor “0” at the input and the maximum for “1”
at the input;
e. Nuse pot calcula pentru ambele stari logice "0" si "1";
Cannotbecalculated for both logic states "0" and "1;

~ AimSpicetool

Marginile de imunitate la perturbatiile statice ale circuitelor logice integrate: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Immunity margins to static perturbationsof logic integrated circuits: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a, Nu se potcalcula pentru ambele star lagice “0° si
Cannotbe calculated for both logic states "0" and "1";
b, Pentru starea logica “0", se calculeazé ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru 0" la iesiresi cel minim pentru “1" la intrare;
Forthe logic state "0", itis calculated as the difference between the minimum voltage level for “0” at the output and the minimum for “1” at the
c Se numesc si margini de zgamot;
They are also called noise margins; #
d. Pentru starea logicai “0", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintrenivelul de tensiune maxim pentru “0” la intrare si cel maxim pentru “0” la iesire;
Forthe logic state “0°,itis calculated as the difference between the maximum voltage level for “0° at the input and the maximum for “0° at the
output ¥
¢, Pentru starea logica “0”, se calculeaz’ ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru °0" la intrare si cel maxim pentru “1" la intrare;
Forthe logic state "0°,itis calculated as the difference between the minimum voltage level for “0” at the input and the maximum for "1" at the

Dacain cadrul executiei unei intreruperi se activeaza o a douaintrerupere (cu un nivel de prioritatediferit), care
este comportamentul microcontroller-ului? (Selectati un raspuns)
If a secondinterruptis activated during the execution of an interrupt (with a different priority level), what is the
behavior of the microcontroller? (Select an answer)

Select one:
a. Se executa intotdeauna cea mai noua intrerupere;
The newest interruptis always executed
b. Se continua executia intreruperii curente, indiferent de nivelul de prioritate al celor doua intreruperi;
The execution ofthe currentinterrupt is continued, regardless of the priority level of the twointerrupts

c. Se executa intotdeauna intreruperea cu prioritate mai mare;

Theinterrupt with higherpriority is always executed W

d. Se executa intreruperea cu prioritate mai mare, doar daca acestea sunt declansate simultan,altfel se
continua executia intreruperii curente;
Theinterrupt with higherpriority is executed, onlyif they are triggered simultaneously, otherwise the execution
ofthe currentinterrupt is continued
Bifati varianta/Variantele corecte referitoare la filtrele trece sus si trece jos: (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Check the correct option (s) for the high-pass and low-passfilters: (choose 1 answer)
Select one:
a Filtrul trece sus atenueazafrecventele joase si altereaza mai putin frecventele inalte.
The high-passfilterattenuates the low frequencies and less alters the highfrequencies. #
b, La ambele filtre, distorsiunile introduse de circuit asupra semnalului de intrare potfi reduse daca constanta de 1p RC este mai mare decat
durata impulsului,
In bothfilters, the distortionsintroduced by the circuit on the input signal can be reduced if the time constant RC is greater than the pulse
. Raportul de divizare depinde de frecventa doarin cazul filtrului trece sus.
Thedividing ratio dependson the frequency only forthe high-pass filter.
d. Reactanta capaditiva a condensatorului scade odata cu cresterea perioadei.
The capacitive reactance ofthe capacitor decreasesas the period increases.

Se considera schema de principiu a unui circuit basculant. Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Consider the general diagram of a flip-flopcircuit. Select the correct statement(choose 1 answer)

R R ‘ ]
whe nn ae,
rl] le

Select one:
a. Rezistentele R si r formeaza un divizor de tensiune;
Resistors R and form a voltage divider W

b. Amplificatoarele 1 si A2 sunt legate in reactie negativa;

Amplifiers A1 and A2 are connectedin negative reaction
c. Circuitul este asimetric;
The circuit is asymmetric
d. Circuitul este monostabil;
The circuit is monostable
Era gresita problema, de fapt is numa 3 corecte, nu 4

f@5 com>



Circuit generator ce tact ete format excluscn componente extememiciocontler-uli
“Thedock generatorcreuit consists exclusivelyofcomponsns external tothe microcontrller
Stim ca pants OH=10m, circuitul4511 are VOHIyp=425V.Pent ca VLED=20si1LED=10mA,valoareaaproximativa a rezstentl RL pin care este comanclat LED-ul va fide3350
We know that for OH=10ma, circuit4511 has VOHtyp=4.25V. ForVLED=2Vand LED=10m4, theapproximate value ofthe RL resistor throughwhich the LEDis conti wll be 3350
‘Microcontrollernu folosasta memoria de programn
“The microcontroller does not useprogram memory
‘wlerocontrlierulfoloceste daar memoria interna deprogram
“The microcontrolleruses onitheinternal program mamory
CGreuitl generatorde tact este format exclusiv cin componente integrate in microcontroller
“Thedock generatorcicut consists exclusivelyofcomponents integrted in the microcontroller
CGrcuitl generatorde tact este formatattdin componente exemn= microcontrolleruli cat si cin componente integrate in acesta
‘Thelock generatorcicut consists of both extemal components ofthe microcontroller and components integrated init
‘Sstemul are un port ce istecavepoate i srs prin interecklunevarable localzata le acres 38208
“Thesystem hes an output portthat can be writen through a variable located at address 3420H
‘Sistemul are un port de istecarepoate i ars prin intermeunevariable Localzata la adrasa A70SH
‘The gjstem hes an output port that can be writen through a variable cated at acessATOSH
‘lcrocontrllerulfoloceste doar memoria externa de program
“The microcontroller uses onlythe external progcam memory
Stim ce pantry ]OH=Toma, circuitl 4511 are VOHIyp=425V.Pentru ca VLED=2YsiILED=1omA, voloareseproximativa a rezistentel AL pin care este comancit LED-ul va fide 1000
‘We know that for=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHIyp=4.25V. ForVLED=2Vand LED 10mA,theapproximate value ofthe RL resistor through whichthe LEDis contlle wll be 10002
Sim ca pantraOH= Toma, circuitl 4571 are VOHTyp=425V.Pent ca VLED=2Vsi LED=1omA,valoares aproximativa a rezistentel RL pin care este comandiat LED-u a fide 2250
‘We know that for CH=10mA,creuit 4511 has VOFIyp=4.25V. ForVLED=2V and ILED=10mA,theapproximate value ofthe RL resistor through whichthe LEDis controlled will be 2250.

Careafirmatii sunt adevdrate in cazul circuitelor de memorie bazatepe celula de memorie SRAM CMOS (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)?
Whichstatements are true for memory circuits based on SRAM CMOS memory cell (choose 2 answers)?

Select one or mare:

a. Au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;
Theyneedrefresh circuits
b. Nu au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;
There is no need for refresh circuits w
c.Capacitatea de integrare este mai mica decat in cazulcircuitelor DRAI
The integration capacity is lowerthanin the case of DRAMcircuits ¥
d. Au nevoie decircuite de comparare;
They need comparisoncircuits
e. Capacitatea deintegrare este mai mare decat in cazulcircuitelor DRAM;
Integration capacity is higherthanin the case of DRAM circuits
Cuplarea in parale! a iesirilor a doua porti TTL sau CMOS, cu structura obisnuité, va rezulta in: (alegeti 2 rspunsuri)
Coupling the outputs of two TTL or CMOSgates, with usual structure, in parallel will result in: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Functionarea corecta a uneia dintre cele douporti
Proper operation of one of the two gates
b.Distrugerea ambelorporti sau a uneia dintre porti;
Destruction of both gates orone of the gates
c. Nivelul detensiune al iesirii comune poatefi folosit intr-un sistem digital;
‘The commonoutputvoltage level can beused in a digital system.
d. Modificarea parametrilar portilor;
Changing the gates’ parameters. ¥

Dioda semiconductoare- la echilibrul termic: (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Semiconductor diode - at thermal equi rium: (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
a. Curentul electric va trece cel mai bine prin semiconductor
The electric current will best pass through the semiconductor

b. Curentul electric nu se va produce deloc prin semiconductor

Electric currentwill not be produced atall through semiconductor W

cc. Curentul electric va trece partial prin semiconductor

The electric currentwill partially pass through the semiconductor

d. Semiconductorul arerolul unei rezistente cu valoare mica (Ohm)

The semiconductoracts as a low valueresistor (Ohm)

In cazul unui oscilator cu punte Wien:(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

In thecase of a Wienbridgeoscillator: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more:
a. Bucla de reactie pozitiva permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii oscilatiilor
The positive feedback loopallows the occurrence andincreaseof the amplitudeof the oscillations »
b. Semnalele de comanda suntdreptunghiulare
The control signals are rectangular
c. Budla de reactie pozitiva determina frecventa deoscilatie
The positive feedback loop determines the oscillation frequency ¥
d. Bucla de reactie negativa permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii oscilatillor
The negative feedbackloopallows the occurrenceand increase ofthe amplitude of the oscillations
e. Bucla dereactie negativa determina frecventa deoscilatie
The negative feedback loop determines theoscillation frequency
Alegeti varianta/variantele de raspuns corecte in cazulcircuitelor logice integrate CMOS(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Choosethe correct answer variant(s) for CMOSlogiccircuits (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Nivelurile ale semnalelor de iesire extrem de apropiate de valoarea tensiunii de alimentare pentru starea 0 logic
Output signallevels extremely close to the power supplyvoltagevaluefor logic state 0
b.Posibilitatea ca in regim static numarulsarcinilor comandate sa fie foarte mare
Possibility that in static regime the numberof drivenloads to be very high ¥
c. Structuri metal-oxid-semiconductorcu simetrie necomplementara
Metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with non-complementary symmetry
d. Gama restransa a temperaturilor de functionare
Narrow operating temperature range
e. Nivelurile ale semnalelor de iesire extrem de apropiate de 0 V pentru starea 1 logic
Outputsignallevels extremely close to 0 V forlogic state 1
f. Consumextrem de redus
Extremely low power consumption 7
fin ADC exam - 27th January 2021, = x

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moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Diana Adriana Hover ~
Se considera circuitul basculant de tip RS din imagine. Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Considerthe RS flip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement (choose 1 answer)


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Timeleft 0:32:43

Select one:
© a. Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigura ca diodele D1 si D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale
By using capacitors C1 and C2 it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2 will receive only positive signals on the cathode

Ob.Prin aplicarea unui impulsla intrareaS, circuitul R2C2 genereaza un semnalcu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulse to inputS, the circuit R2C2 generates a signal with a negative voltage peak
O c. Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnaleloraplicate pe catod daca tensiuneaeste pozitiva si suficient de mare;
Diode D1 allows the passageofsignals applied to the cathodeif the voltageis positive and high enough

O d.instarea T1 = saturat si T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impuls la intrarea S determina blocarea tranzistorului T1;

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13:23 @ ea

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Mark 0.00 outof 0.50

¥Flag question

Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Checkthe correct option(s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

¥ a.Lasemnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezinta de doua ori durata impulsului
For digital signals,if the filling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration. W

b. Factorul de umplere este mereu jumatate din perioada.

The filling factor is alwayshalf the repetition period.

c. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare

decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regime in the circuit must be longer
than this period. *

d. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica
decat aceasta.
Tocorrectly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regime in the circuit must be less
than this period.

Question 2

Mark 0.50 outof 0.50

YFlag question

Ce componene inglobeaza un microcontroller? (Selectati doua raspunsuri)

What components does a microcontroller include? (Select two answers)

Select one or more:

a. Sursa de alimentare;
Power supply

b. Ecran;

~ c.Memorie;
Memory ¥

d. Tastatura;

~ e. Numaratoare;
Counters ¥

Question 3

Mark 0.00 outof 0.50

Y Flag question

Se considera circuitul basculant monostabil din imagine. Selectati afirmatiile corecte (alegeti 2
The monostable circuit in the picture is considered. Select the correct statements (choose 2 answers)
13:26 il © @

“ b. Capacitatea de integrare este mai mica decat in cazul circuitelor DRAM;

The integration capacity is lower than in the case of DRAM circuits W

c. Au nevoie de circuite de comparare;

They need comparison circuits

d. Au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;

Theyneed refresh circuits

~ e. Nu au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;

Thereis no need for refresh circuits ¥

Question 9

Mark 0.50 outof 0.50

¥Flag question

Timpul de comutare directa este: (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Forward switching time is: (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
a. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea de blocarein starea de conductie
The necessarytime for a transistor to switch from the cut-off state to the conduction state W

b. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea normala in starea inversa
The necessarytime for a transistor to switch from the normal state to the reverse state

c. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea de conductie in starea de blocare
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the conduction state to the cut-off state

Question 10

Mark 0.00 outof 1.50

YFlag question

Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4

Select one or more:


Pentru activarea portului de intrare se folosesteselectia liniara

The linear selection is used to activate the input port

Sistemul are un portde intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa

it O <
13:26 il © @

( & moodle3.cs.u

Select one or more:


Pentru activarea portului de intrare se folosesteselectia liniara

The linear selection is used to activate the input port

Sistemul are un portde intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa

The system has an inputport that can be read through a variable located at address C237H


Circuitul generator de tact este format atat din componente externe microcontroller-ului cat si din
componenteintegrate in acesta

The clock generator circuit consists of both external components of the microcontroller and
components integrated in it

Pentru activarea portului de intrare se folosesteselectia partiala

The partial selection is used to activate the input port W


Pentru activarea portului de intrare se folosesteselectia totala

The total selection is used to activate the input port

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componenteintegrate in microcontroller

The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components integrated in the microcontroller

Sistemul are un portde iesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa

The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address A475H %&

Sistemul are un portde intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa

The system has an inputport that can be read through a variable located at address E4A1H

4 j
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului

The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components external to the microcontroller %

Sistemul are un portde iesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa

The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address 41B7H

it O <
‘Th ADC exam - 27th January 202° x
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Question 2 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Not yet
ae ,
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system ‘innthe the figure.
fi Which
, statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)
ba (*] [*|
Marked out of
_ ¥ Flag
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Timeleft 0:54:26

3 aR 222 BUEEE Bre




Select one or more:

‘Th ADC exam - 27th January 202° x
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Circuite Analogice si Numerice / Analog and Digital Circuits, Sem. 1,

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Quiz navigation 4
Question Bifati varianta/variantele corectereferitoarela filtrele trece sus si trece jos: (alegeti 1 raspuns)

ba ba (‘] [*| snore Checkthe correct option (s) for the high-pass and low-pass filters: (choose 1 answer)
Marked out of
aol eeelect one:.
Fig O a. Raportul de divizare depinde de frecvent doarin cazul filtruluitrece jos.
Finish attempt ... question The dividing ratio dependson the frequency only for the low-passfilter.
Timeleft 0:26:39 O b. Dac’ aplicdim un semnalsinusoidalla oricare dintre cele douafiltre, raspunsul este tot sinusoidal, doar
atenuatsi defazat.
If we apply a sinusoidal signalto either of the twofilters, the responseis still sinusoidal, only attenuated and out
of phase.
c. Reactanta capacitiv’ a condensatorului creste odatcu sc&derea perioadei.
The capacitive reactance of the capacitorincreases as the period decreases.
O 4d.Filtrultrece jos atenueazi frecventele joase si altereazmaiputin frecventele inalte.
The low-passfilter attenuatesthe low frequencies andless alters the high frequencies.
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Quiz navigation Started on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:00 AM

[5 State Finished
v4 a a Completed on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:58 AM
y Time taken 58 mins 40 secs
v ejv Grade 3.75 out of 6.00 (63%)

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page Question 1 Timpul de comutare directa este: (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Correct . P P ,
Finish review Forward switching timeis: (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50
Select one:
\ Flag
Seon a. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea normala in starea inversa
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the normal state to the reverse state

b. Timpul necesar comutérii unui tranzistor din starea de conductie in starea de blocare
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the conduction state to the cut-off state

¢) c. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea de blocare in starea de conductie
The necessary time for a transistor to switch from the cut-off state to the conduction state V

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Question Alegeti varianta/variantele de raspuns corecte jn cazul circuitelor logice integrate CMOS(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
c t . eo
4 ores Choose the correct answer variant(s) for CMOS logic circuits (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.50 out

sta Select one or more:

¥ 4 \ Flag
Seon a. Structuri metal-oxid-semiconductor cu simetrie necomplementara
Showall questions on one Metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with non-complementary symmetry
age wae . . . re a rye
pag vb. Posibilitatea ca in regim static numarul sarcinilor comandate sa fie foarte mare
Finish review Possibility that in static regime the numberofdriven loads to be very high ¥
vy) c. Consum extrem de redus
Extremely low power consumption ¥

d. Nivelurile ale semnalelor de iesire extrem de apropiate de valoarea tensiunii de alimentare pentru starea 0 logic
Output signal levels extremely close to the power supply voltage value for logic state 0

e. Gama restransa a temperaturilor de functionare

Narrow operating temperature range
f. Nivelurile ale semnalelor de iesire extrem de apropiate de 0 V pentru starea 1 logic
Output signal levels extremely close to 0 for logic state 1

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Quiz navigation ion 3

Question Marginile de imunitate la perturbatiile statice ale circuitelor logice integrate: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
c t . . . . a a
4 ores Immunity margins to static perturbations of logic integrated circuits: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
Y Flag a 6 , , , , , . .
Peeion v) a. Pentru starea logica “0”, se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune maxim pentru “O"la intrare si cel
Showall questions on one maxim pentru “0”la iesire;
page For the logic state “O", it is calculated as the difference between the maximum voltage level for “0” at the input and
Einienreviews the maximum for “0” at the output; ¥

b. Se numescsi margini de zgomot;

They are also called noise margins; ¥

c. Pentru starea logica "0", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru “0”la intrare si cel
maxim pentru “1”la intrare;
For the logic state “O", it is calculated as the difference between the minimum voltage level for “0” at the input and
the maximum for “1” at the input;

d. Pentru starea logica “0”, se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru “0”la iesire si cel
minim pentru “1”la intrare;
For the logic state “0", it is calculated as the difference between the minimum voltage level for “0” at the output and
the minimum for “1” at the input;

e. Nu se pot calcula pentru ambele stari logice “0” si "1";

Cannotbe calculated for both logic states "0" and "1";

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Question Microcontrollerele din familia 8051 potutiliza interfata seriala UART in urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua raspunsuri)
LU 2 LC iW UC Partiall
an yo
8051 family microcontrollers can use the UARTserial a. . .
interface in the following ways: (Select two answers)

Mark 0.25 out

of 0.50 Select one or more:
y Flag vy) a. Rata Baud variabila generata de un numarator (timer);
question Variable baud rate generated by a timer ¥

b. Rata Baud citita printr-un terminal;

Baud rate read through a terminal

c. Rata Baud fixa;

Fixed baud rate

d. Rata Baud inscrisa in memorie;

Baud rate inscribed in memory

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Question 5 Care magistrala este bidirectionala? (alegeti 1 réspuns)
1 2 3 © t . sey .
4 ores Which bus is bidirectional? (choose 1 answer)
v o o Z Mark 0.50 out

| 8 [9 STS Select one:

¥ 4 \ Flag
Seon a. Nici un raspuns;

b. Magistrala de adrese si cea de date;

Addressand data bus

c. Magistrala de date;
Data bus ¥

d. Magistrala de adrese;
Address bus

CELSO GY icleaiera
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Question Se considera circuitul basculant de tip RS din imagine. Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Cc t . . ee .
4 ormee Consider the RS flip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50

\ Flag
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Select one:
a. Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigura ca diodele D1 si D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale pozitive;
By using capacitors C1 and C2 it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2 will receive only positive signals on the cathode

b. In starea T1 = saturat si T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impuls la intrarea S determina blocarea tranzistorului T1;
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked, the applying of a pulse at the input S determines the blocking of the
transistor T1

ec. Prin aplicarea unui impuls la intrarea S, circuitul R2C2 genereaza un semnal cu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulseto input S, the circuit R2C2 generates a signal with a negative voltage peak ¥

d. Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnalelor aplicate pe catod daca tensiuneaeste pozitiva si suficient de mare;
Diode D1allows the passage of signals applied to the cathodeif the voltage is positive and high enough
4 a 0 @ G ° i

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Question In cazul unui oscilator cu punte Wien: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
| t . . .
4 meorree In the case of a Wien bridge oscillator: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.00 out

sta Select one or more:

4 3 4 V Flag
Seon a. Bucla de reactie negativa permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii oscilatiilor
Showall questions on one The negative feedback loop allows the occurrence and increase of the amplitude of the oscillations
age . . . was
pag b. Bucla de reactie negativa determina frecventa de oscilatie
Finish review The negative feedback loop determines the oscillation frequency

v) c. Bucla de reactie pozitiva permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii oscilatiilor

The positive feedback loop allows the occurrence and increase of the amplitude of the oscillations *

vy) d. Bucla de reactie pozitiva determina frecventa de oscilatie

The positive feedback loop determines the oscillation frequency ¥

e. Semnalele de comanda sunt dreptunghiulare

The control signals are rectangular

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Question Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Partiall . . . . .
4 an Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)
(6 Mark 0.50 out

vy of 1.50 10
. \ Flag
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PO.O/ADD —P2.0/A8 - A Y2
PO.1/AD1 —_P2.1/A9 B Y3
PO2/AD2 P2.2/A10 c Y4
PO3/AD3 P2.3/A11 Y5
PO4/AD4 P2.4/A12 a1y6

P2.7/A15 oO MAT
P1072 P3.0/RXD ce
P12ECl P3.2/INTO 10k 82
P13/CEX0 P3.3/INT1 k_S2
P14/CEX1 —P3.4/T0 3°
P1SICEX2 P3674 oO “ay
P16/CEX3 P3.6WR = -
19 R4
18 x1
PSEN 10k _S3

11K dy

Select one or more:

Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa A7O5H
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Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa A705H

The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address A705H

Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA,circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2Vsi ILED=10mA,valoarea
aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 2250
Weknow that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value
of the RL resistor through which the LED is controlled will be 2250

Microcontrollerul foloseste doar memoria externa de program

The microcontroller uses only the external program memory

Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA,circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2Vsi ILED=10mA,valoarea
aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 335Q
Weknow that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value
of the RL resistor through which the LED is controlled will be 3350 *

Circuitul generator de tact este format atat din componenteexterne microcontroller-ului cat si din componente
integrate in acesta
The clock generator circuit consists of both external componentsof the microcontroller and componentsintegrated
in it

Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa 3A20H

The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address 3A20H ¥

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v) g.

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componenteexterne microcontroller-ului

The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components external to the microcontroller *

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componenteintegrate in microcontroller
The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components integrated in the microcontroller

Microcontrollerul nu foloseste memorie de program
The microcontroller does not use program memory

Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA,circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2Vsi ILED=10mA,valoarea
aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 100Q
Weknow that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value
of the RL resistor through which the LED is controlled will be 100Q

Microcontrollerul foloseste doar memoria interna de program
The microcontroller uses only the internal program memory

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Question La memoriile CAM semnalele de matching... (alegeti 1 raspuns):
1 2 3 © t . , ,
4 ores For CAM memories the matching signals... (choose 1 answer):
oY oY oY o Mark 0.50 out

oY LJ Z Y Flag
Seon a. Starea ‘0’ logic indica faptul cd un bit memorat corespunde cu bitul cautat;
Showall questions on one Logic state ‘0’ indicates that a stored bit corresponds to the searched bit
age woe eee . . r
pag b. Starea ‘1’ logic indica faptul ca niciun bit memorat nu corespunde cu bitul cautat;
Finish review Logic state ‘1' indicates that no stored bit correspondsto the searchedbit

c. Indica daca s-a gasit corespondenta intre cuvantul cautat si cel memorat;
Indicates whether the match between the searchedand the stored word was found ¥

d. Sunt inscrise in memorie in locul datelor existente;

Are stored in memoryinstead of existing data

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Question Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoarela filtrele trece sus si trece jos: (alegeti 1 réspuns)
| t .
4 neorree Check the correct option (s) for the high-pass and low-passfilters: (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.00 out

a @ a Flag og . | | . .
Peeion « a. Reactanta capacitiva a condensatorului creste odata cu scaderea perioadei.
Showall questions on one The capacitive reactance of the capacitor increases as the period decreases. *

page b. Raportul de divizare depinde de frecventa doar in cazul filtrului trece jos.
Finish review The dividing ratio depends on the frequency only for the low-passfilter.

c. Daca aplicam un semnal sinusoidal la oricare dintre cele doua filtre, raspunsul este tot sinusoidal, doar atenuat si
If we apply a sinusoidal signal to either of the twofilters, the response is still sinusoidal, only attenuated and out of

d. Filtrul trece jos atenueaza frecventele joase si altereaza mai putin frecventele inalte.
The low-passfilter attenuates the low frequencies and less alters the high frequencies.

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Question 3 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Not yet
Check the correct option (s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)
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0.50 Select one or more:

¥ Flag question 01 a. La semnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezinta de doua ori durata impulsului.
For digital signals,if thefilling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration.

Mb. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica decat aceasta.
Tocorrectly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regimein the circuit must beless than this period.

Oc. Factorul de umplere este mereu jumatate din perioada.

Thefilling factor is always half the repetition period.

O d. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat aceasta.
Tocorrectly define the pulse repetition period, the duration ofthe transitory regimein the circuit must be longer than this period.

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Question 4 Care afirmatii sunt adevarate in cazul circuitelor de memorie bazate pe celula de memorie SRAM CMOS(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)?
Not yet . a
cncwered Which statements are true for memory circuits based on SRAM CMOS memory cell (choose 2 answers)?

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050 Select one or more:
YF Flag question O a.Capacitatea de integrare este mai mare decat in cazul circuitelor DRAM;
Integration capacity is higher than in the case of DRAM circuits

0 b. Au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;

They need refresh circuits

Oc. Aunevoie de circuite de comparare;

They need comparison circuits

O d. Capacitatea de integrare este mai mica decat in cazul circuitelor DRAM;

The integration capacity is lower than in the case of DRAM circuits

O e Nu au nevoie de circuite de reimprospatare;

Thereis no needfor refresh circuits

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Question 5 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)

ol Not yet
answered Considerthe 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statementsare correct? (choose 4 answers)

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Time left 0:48:06 a

Select one or more:
Sistemul are un port deintrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa C1A3H
The cyvstem has an innut nort that can he read through 32 variable located at address C1A2H
Question & Daca in cadrul executiei unei intreruperi se activeaza o a douaintrerupere(cu un nivelde prioritate diferit), care este comportamentul
Not yet microcontroller-ului? (Selectati un raspuns)
If a secondinterruptis activated during the execution of an interrupt(with a different priority level), what is the behavior of the microcontroller?
Marked outof
050 (Select an answer)

¥ Flag question
Select one:
O a. Se executa intrerupereacu prioritate mai mare, doar daca acestea sunt declansate simultan,altfel se continua executia intreruperii curente;
The interruptwith higher priority is executed, only if they are triggered simultaneously, otherwise the execution of the currentinterruptis

© b.Se executa intotdeaunaintreruperea cu prioritate mai mare;

The interrupt with higher priority is always executed

O c.Se continua executia intreruperii curente, indiferent de nivelul de prioritate al celor douaintreruperi;
The execution of the currentinterrupt is continued, regardless of the priority level of the two interrupts

O d. Se executa intotdeaunacea mai nouaintrerupere;

The newest interruptis always executed

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Question 10 Ce se intampla atunci cand se depaseste tensiunea de prag Vtla un tranzistor NMOS?(alegeti 1 raspuns)
Not yet
answered Whathappens when the threshold voltage Vt is exceeded at an NMOStransistor? (choose 1 answer)

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0.50 Select one:

¥ Flag question O a.Concentratia de electroni din zona canalului dintre drena si substrat va depasi concentratia de goluri si atunci regiuneaisi va schimbatipul,
din tip p in tip n.
The concentration of electrons in the channel area betweenthe drain and the substrate will exceed the concentration of holes and then the
region will changeits type, from p type to n type.

O b.Concentratia de electroni din zona canalului dintre drena si sursd va depasi concentratia de goluri si atunci regiuneaisi va schimbatipul,
din tip nintip p.
The concentration of electrons in the channel area betweenthe drain and the sourcewill exceed the concentration of holes and then the
region will changeits type, from n type to p type.

O c.Concentratia de electroni din zona canalului dintre drena si sursd va depasi concentratia de goluri si atunci regiuneaisi va schimbatipul,
din tip p in tip n.
The concentration of electrons in the channel area betweenthe drain and the sourcewill exceed the concentration of holes and then the
region will changeits type, from p type to n type.

Finish attempt
Care este metoda uzuala de selectare a celulelor de memorie intr-un circuit integrat (alegeti 1 raspuns)?
Whatis the usual methodof selecting memory cells in an integrated circuit (choose 1 answer)?

Select one:
O a. Pe bazaliniei de chip select;
Based ontheselectchipline

O b.Pe bazaadreseitrimisa peliniile de date;

Based onthe addresssent on the data lines

© c. Pe baza coincidentei selectiei pe orizontala si pe verticala;

Based onthe coincidence of the horizontal and vertical selection

O d. Pe baza unuicircuit dedicat de generare de adrese;

Based on a dedicated address generationcircuit

Clear my choice
Se considera circuitul basculant monostabil din imagine. Selectati afirmatiile corecte (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

The monostablecircuit in the picture is considered. Select the correct statements (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Condensatorul C comandablocarea tranzistorului T2 daca tensiunea UC1 scaderapid;
Capacitor C controls the blocking of transistor T2 if the voltage UC1 dropsrapidly

b. Circuitul poate avea douastari, una stabila si una instabila;


The circuit can have twostates, one stable and one unstable

c. Circuitul este simetric;

The circuit is symmetrical

d. Tranzistorul T2 la saturatie, determina cresterea tensiunii in baza tranzistorului T1 prin descarcarea condensatorului C’;
The transistor T2 at saturation, determines the increase of the voltage on thebase of T1 transistor by discharging the capacitor C*
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Question 4 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoarela filtrele trece sus si trecejos: (alegeti 1 réspuns)
ba ceos Check thecorrect option (s) forthe high-pass andlow-pass filters: (choose 1 answer)

a ve
Marked out of oe
¥ Flag question a. Raportul de divizare depinde de frecventa doar in cazul filtrului trecejos.
Finish attempt... Thedividing ratio depends on the frequency only for the low-passfilter.
Timeleft 0:36:49 b, Daca aplicém un semnalsinusoidalla oricare dintre cele douafiltre, raspunsul este tot sinusoidal, doar atenuat si defazat.
If we apply a sinusoidalsignalto eitherof the two filters, the responseisstill sinusoidal, only attenuated andout ofphase.
O c Filtrul trece jos atenueaza frecventele joasesi altereaza mai putin frecventele inalte.
The low-passfilter attenuates the low frequencies and less alters the high frequencies.
O d. Reactanta capacitiva a condensatorului creste odata cu scdderea perioadei.
The capacitive reactance of the capacitor increases as the period decreases.

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Question 4 Se considera circuitul basculant monostabil din imagine. Selectati afirmatiile corecte (alegeti 2 réspunsuri)
Not yet a - A -
[*] anew The monostable circuit in the picture is considered. Select the correct statements (choose 2 answers)

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Timeleft 0:46:39

Select one or more:

Oa. Tranzistorul T2 la saturatie, determina cresterea tensiunii in baza tranzistorului T1 prin descarcarea condensatorului C’;
The transistor T2 at saturation, determinesthe increase of the voltage on the baseofT1 transistor by discharging the capacitor C *

Ob. Circuitul este simetric;

The circuit is symmetrical

Oc. Condensatorul C comanda blocareatranzistorului T2 daca tensiunea UC1 scade rapid;

Capacitor C controls the blocking oftransistor T2 if the voltage UC1 dropsrapidly

Od. Circuitul poate avea douastari, una stabila si una instabila;

The circuit can have twostates, one stable and one unstable

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——— e considera sistemur cu microcontroner sUCST ain Tigura. Care anirmatr sunt corectes (alegeu4 raspunsur)
Notyet . . 5 -
[*] anew Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)

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Timeleft 0:57:49

TaReTO2 oe
30 201
6a 60
3pmt 7a 60
80 80
TaHeT S74
sy? 220 100
9 TaReTS2


Select one or more:

Circuitul generator de tact este format atat din componente externe microcontroller-ului cat si din componenteintegrate in acesta

The clock generatorcircuit consists of both external componentsofthe microcontroller and componentsintegratedin it

Ocnras Seo
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Question Despre curentii portii fundamentale SI-NUconstruita in tehnologie TTL, se potafirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 1 réspuns)
Notyet Regarding the currents of the fundamental NANDgate built in TTLtechnology,the following can be stated: (choose 1 answer)
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Flag question a. Poarta nu poate absorbicurentla iesire;
Finish attempt... The gate cannot absorb currentat the output;
Time left 0:57:49 b. Poarta absoarbe curentla iesire cand comandacu nivel “1” logic;
The gate absorbs currentat the output whenit commandswith logic “1”level;
O c Poarta genereazé curentla iesire cénd comandé cu nivel “0” logic;
The gate generates output current when it commandswith logic “0”level;
d,Poarta genereaza curentla intrare cand este comandaté cu nivel "0"logic;
The gate generates currentat the input whenit is controlled with logic level
O e.Poarta absoarbe curentla intrare cand este comandaté cu nivel "0"logic;
The gate absorbs currentat the input whenit is controlled with logic “0”level;

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Question 2 Se considera schema de principiu a unui circuit basculant. Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Ne - . . ae
[*] aan Consider the general diagram ofa flip-flop circuit. Select the correct statement (choose 1 answer)

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050 |
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Timeleft 0:51:51 | ]

Select one:
O a.Rezistentele R si r formeaza un divizor de tensiune;
Resistors R and r form voltage divider

O b. Circuitul este asimetric;

The circuit is asymmetric

O Circuitul este monostabil;

The circuit is monostable

O d.Amplificatoarele A1 si A2 suntlegate in reactie negativa;

Amplifiers A1 and A2 are connectedin negative reaction
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moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) A @ Emilia Scutea 8 ¥

Circuite Analogice si Numerice / Analog and Digital Circuits, Sem. 1, 2020/2021

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Question 3 Se considera stabilizatorul cu reactie fara amplificator de eroare din figura, pentru care dioda Zener are tensiunea de prag egala cu 5.6V si Vout
Notyet reprezinta tensiuneade iesire: (alegeti 2 réspunsuri)
It is considered the voltage regulator with negative feedback and without error amplifier in the figure, for which the Zener diode has the threshold
Marked outof
050 voltage equal to 5.6V and Vout represents the output voltage: (choose 2 answers)

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Timeleft 0:48:28

Select one or more:

©a. Daca pe Vout masuram 4.9V,tensiunea VBE vafi 5.5V
If we measure 4.9V on Vout, the VBE voltage will be 5.5V

Ob. Circuitul stabilizeaza tensiunea chiar daca RLisi modifica valoarea

The circuit regulates the voltage even if RL changesits value

Oc. Daca pe Vout masuram 5.0V,tensiunea VBE vafi 0.6V

If we measure 5.0V on Vout, the VBE voltage will be 0.6V ~
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es Caractensucne ampiicatoareior operationale sunt: (aleget 3 raspunsuriy

Notyet sts -
[*] a The characteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)
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050 Select one or more:
¥ Flag question Oa. Impedantade intrare foarte mare(ideal oo)
Finish attempt... Very high input impedance(ideal oo)

Timeleft 0:47:26 Ob. Tensiuneade iesire estelimitata de tensiunile de alimentare

Outut voltage is bounded by power supplies values

©c. Impedantade intrare foarte mica(ideal 0)

Very small input impedance(ideal 0)

© d. Tensiuneade iesire nu este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare

Outut voltage is not bounded by power supplies values

Oe. Curenti de intrare foarte mici (ideal 0)

Very small input currents(ideal 0)

CO) f Impedantade iesire foarte mare(ideal co)

Very high output impedance(ideal 00)

O 4g. Tensiuneaintreintrari foarte mare (ideal co)

Very high difference between thevalues of input voltages(ideal 00)

Ch. Amplificarea sau castigul in tensiune (AV) foarte mic (ideal 0)

Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV) (ideal 0)

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Question 1 Se considerasistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Not yet . - . 7 .
[*] aevered Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)

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1.50 8
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1 : EF
i LU TRL aii
Time left 0:59:54 J

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SPUya a]
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Quiz navigation 5
ee Care este metoda uzuala de selectare a celulelor de memorie intr-un circuit integrat (alegeti 1 raspuns)?
Not yet . . a a
[*] anew Whatis the usual method of selecting memory cells in an integratedcircuit (choose 1 answer)?

Marked out of .
0.50 Select one:

Y Flag question O a. Pe baza unui circuit dedicat de generare de adrese;

Finish attempt... Based on a dedicated address generation circuit

Timeleft 0:42:51 O b. Pe bazaliniei de chip select;

Based on theselect chip line

O cPe baza coincidentei selectiei pe orizontala si pe verticala;

Basedon the coincidence of the horizontal and vertical selection

O d. Pe baza adreseitrimisa peliniile de date;

Basedon the address senton the datalines

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Caracteristica statica de transfer a inversorului CMOS ... (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

CMOS inverter static transfer characteristic ... (choose 3 answers)

Select one or more:

Oa. Depinde de tensiunea de prag a tranzistorului Mp
Depends onthe threshold voltageof the transistor Mp

Ob. Depinde de viteza cu care intrarea trece din starea logica 0 in starea logica 1
Depends onthe speed at which the input changesfrom logic state 0 to logic state 1

Oc. Depinde de frecventa maxima la care poate operacircuitul

Depends on the maximum frequency at which thecircuit can operate

CO) d. Depinde detensiunea de alimentare

Depends onthe supply voltage

Oe. Depindede tensiunea de prag a tranzistorului Mn

Depends onthe threshold voltageof the transistor Mn.

Of. Depinde de numarul de porti comandate de inversor

Depends on the numberofgatesdriven by the inverter
in cazul unui oscilator cu punte Wien:(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

In the case of a Wien bridge oscillator: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

© a. Bucla de reactie negativa determinafrecventa de oscilatie
The negative feedback loop determinestheoscillation frequency

Ob. Bucla de reactie negativa permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii oscilatiilor

The negative feedback loop allowsthe occurrence and increase of the amplitude ofthe oscillations

© c.Bucla dereactie pozitiva permite aparitia si cresterea amplitudinii osci lor

The positive feedback loop allows the occurrence and increase of the amplitudeoftheoscillations

Od. Bucla de reactie pozitiva determina frecventa deoscilatie

The positive feedback loop determines theoscillation frequency

Oe. Semnalele de comanda sunt dreptunghiulare

The control signals are rectangular
Ce sunt diodele luminiscente? (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Whatare light emitting diodes? (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
O a. Sunt diode care permit trecerea curentului in ambele sensurisi au rolul de a creste rezistenta circuitului
There are diodes that allow the passage ofcurrentin both directions and havethe role ofincreasing the resistance of the circuit

O b. Diode carela polarizarea directa, electronii din regiunea n se recombina cu golurile din regiuneap si elibereaza energie sub forma de luminasi
Diodes that whenforward biased, the electrons in the n region recombine with the holes in the p region and release energy in the form oflight
and heat
O c. Diode carela polarizarea inversa din regiunea n elibereaza energie sub forma de luminasi caldura
Diodesthat, upon reversepolarization in the n region, release energyin the form oflight and heat
Se considera circuitul basculant de tip RS din imagine.Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 raspuns)

ConsidertheRSflip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
O a.Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnalelor aplicate pe catod daca tensiuneaeste pozitiva si suficient de mare;
Diode D1 allows the passage ofsignals applied to the cathode if the voltage is positive and high enough

O b.instarea T1 = saturat si T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impulsla intrarea S determina blocarea tranzistorului T1;
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked, the applyingof a pulse at the input S determinesthe blockingof the transistor T1

O Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigura ca diodele D1 si D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale pozitive;
By using capacitors C1 and C2it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2will receive only positive signals on the cathode

O d. Prin aplicarea unui impuls la intrareaS,circuitul R2C2 genereaza un semnal cu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulse to inputS,the circuit R2C2 generatesa signal with a negative voltage peak
Despre curentii portii fundamentale SI-NU construita in tehnologie TTL, se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Regarding the currents of the fundamental NAND gatebuilt in TTL technology, the following can be stated: (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
O a. Poarta nu poate absorbi curentla iesire;
The gate cannotabsorbcurrent at the output;

O b. Poarta genereazacurentla intrare cand este comandata cu nivel “0” logic;

The gate generatescurrentat the input when it is controlled with logic level "0";

O cPoarta absoarbe curentla iesire cand comanda cu nivel “1”logic;

The gate absorbs currentat the output when it commands with logic “1” level;

O d. Poarta absoarbecurentla intrare cand este comandatécu nivel “0” logic;

The gate absorbscurrentat the input when it is controlled with logic “O” level;

O e.Poarta genereaza curentla iesire cand comanda cunivel “0”logic;

The gate generates output current when it commandswith logic “0”level;
Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)

Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)

8 388583; 3! tl
Select one or more:
Circuitul de reset asigurala intrarea in microcontroller un nivel logic 1 daca tasta nu este apasata

Theresetcircuit ensures a logic level 1 at the input pin of the microcontroller if the key is not pressed

Sistemul are un port de intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa A187H

The system has an input port that can be read through variable located at address A187H

Circuitul de reset asigurala intrarea in microcontroller un nivel logic 0 daca tasta nu este apasata

Theresetcircuit ensures a logic level 0 at the input pin of the microcontroller if the key is not pressed

Sistemul are un port de intrare care poatefi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa C1A3H

The system has an input port that can be read through variable located at address C1A3H

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului

The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components external to the microcontroller
Sistemul are un port deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 2187H

The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address 2187H

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componenteintegrate in microcontroller

The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of components integrated in the microcontroller

Sistemul are un port deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 14B5H.

The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address 14B5H

Circuitul generator de tact este format atat din componente externe microcontroller-ului cat si din componenteintegrate in acesta
Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Checkthe correct option (s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

© a. La semnale digitale, daca factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezinta de doua ori durata impulsului.
For digital signals,if the filling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration.

OC b. Factorul de umplere este mereu jumatate din perioada.

Thefilling factoris always half the repetition period.

© cPentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mica decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regime in thecircuit must be less than this period.

O d. Pentru a defini corect perioad pulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration ofthe transitory regime in thecircuit must be longer than this period.
13:29 & & © 30: “4 59%

OQ @
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
F Flag question

Despre curentii portii fundamentale $I-NUconstruita in tehnologie TTL,se pot afirma urmatoarele:
(alegeti 1 raspuns)
Regarding the currents of the fundamental NAND gate built in TTL technology, the following can
bestated: (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
a. Poarta genereazacurentla intrare cand este comandata cunivel “O"logic;
The gate generates currentat the inputwhenit is controlled with logic level
b. Poarta nu poate absorbi curentla iesire;
The gate cannot absorb currentat the output;
c. Poarta genereaza curentla iesire cand comandacu nivel “0” logic;
The gate generates outputcurrent when it commands with logic “0” level;
d, Poarta absoarbe curentla intrare cand este comandata cu nivel "0" logic;
The gate absorbs currentat the input whenit is controlled with logic “0” level;
e. Poarta absoarbe curentla iesire cand comandacu nivel “1” logic;
The gate absorbscurrentat the output whenit commandswithlogic “ * level;

Question 9
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
Flag question

Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

Thecharacteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)

Select one or more:

% a, Curenti de intrare foarte mici(ideal 0)
Very small input currents (ideal 0)
b. Amplificarea sau castigulin tensiune (AV)foarte mic (ideal0)
Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV) (ideal 0)
c. Impedantade intrare foarte mare (ideal00)
Very high input impedance (ideal 00) 7
d. Impedantade iesire foarte mare (ideal oo)
Very high outputimpedance(ideal 0)
e, Impedanta de intrare foarte mica (ideal 0)
Very small input impedance (ideal 0)
¥ £. Tensiunea deiesire este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
Outut voltageis boundedby power suppliesvalues 7
g. Tensiunea de iesire nu este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
Oututvoltage is not bounded by powersupplies values
h. Tensiunea intre intrari foarte mare (ideal oo)
Very high difference betweenthe valuesof inputvoltages(ideal oo)

Question 10
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
Flag question
© 30k <4 59%

Question 6
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
F Flag question

Se considera schema deprincipiu a unuicircuit basculant. Selectati afirmatia corecté (alegeti 1

Considerthe general diagram ofa flip-flop circuit. Select the correct statement (choose 1 answer)

Select one:
a. Amplificatoarele A1 si A2 sunt legate in reactie negativai
Amplifiers A1 and A2are connectedin negative reaction
b. Circuitul este monostabil;
The circuit is monostable
© c. Rezistentele R si r formeaza un divizor de tensiune;
Resistors R and r form a voltage divider ¥
d. Circuitul este asimetric;
The circuit is asymmetric

Question 7
Mark 0.50 outof 0.50
F Flag question

Dacain cadrul executiei unelintreruperi se activeaza o a douaintrerupere (cu unnivel deprioritate

diferit), care este comportamentul microcontroller-ului? (Selectati un raspuns)
If a second interruptis activated during the executionof aninterrupt (with a differentpriority
level), whatis the behaviorofthe microcontroller? (Select an answer)

a. Se executa intreruperea cu prioritate mai mare, doar daca acestea sunt declansate
simultan, altfel se continua executia intreruperii curente;
The interruptwith higherpriority is executed,onlyif they aretriggered simultaneously,
otherwise the executionof the currentinterrupt is continued
b. Se continua executia intreruperii curente,indiferent de nivelul de prioritate al celor doua
The executionofthe currentinterrupt is continued,regardlessofthe prioritylevel of the two
c. Se executaintotdeauna cea mai nouaintrerupere;
The newestinterrupt is always executed
® d, Se executa intotdeauna intreruperea cu prioritate mai mare;
Theinterrupt with higherpriority is always executed 7

Question 8.
© 30k +44 60%

c. Concentratia de electroni din zona canalului dintre drend si substrat va depaisi concentratia
de goluri gi atunci regiunea igi va schimbatipul, din tip p in tip n.
The concentration ofelectronsin the channelarea betweenthe drain and the substrate will
exceedthe concentration of holes and then theregionwill changeits type, from p type ton

Question 3
Mark 0.50 outof 0.50
F Flag question

Care magistrala este bidirectionala?(alegeti 1 raspuns)

Whichbusis bidirectional? (choose 1 answer)

Select one:

a. Nici un rspuns;
b. Magistrala de adresesi cea de date;
Address and data bus
c. Magistrala de adrese;
Address bus
* d.Magistrala de date;
Data bus ¥

Question 4
Mark0.50 out of 0.50
F Flag question

La memoriile CAM semnalele de matching... (alegeti 1 raspuns):

For CAM memoriesthe matchingsignals... (choose 1 answer):

Select one
® a. Indicd daca s-a gasit corespondentaintre cuvantul cautat si cel memorat;
Indicates whether the match betweenthe searched andthe stored word was found ~

b. Starea ‘1’ logic indica faptulcniciun bit memoratnu corespundecu bitul cautat;
Logic state ‘1’ indicatesthat nostored bit correspondsto the searchedbit
¢. Starea ‘0’logic indica faptul ca un bit memorat corespundecubitul cdutat;
Logic state ‘0’ indicates thata stored bit correspondsto the searched bit
d. Suntinscrise in memorie in locul datelor existente;
Are stored in memory instead of existing data

Question S
Mark 1.50out of 1.50
Flag question

Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statementsare correct? (choose
4 answers)
3 z
© 30k +44 60%

Question 1
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
f Flag question

Despre factorulde incarcare al portii fundamentele SI-NU construita in tehnologie TTL,se pot
afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Regarding the Fan-in (Fl) and Fan-out(FO)factors of the fundamental NANDgate built in TTL
technology, the following can be stated: (choose 2 answers)

Select one or more:

a. Pe baza factorului de incarcare, o poarta SI-NU implementatain tehnologie TTL, poate
comanda cel putin 20 de porti SI-NU de acelasifel;
Based on the Fl and FO factors, a NANDgate implementedin TTL technology, can drive at
least 20 NAND gates of the same kind;
b. Factorulde incarcarela intrare pentru nivelul " logic este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in factorfor logiclevel “0” is less than 1;
% c. Valoareafactorului de incarcare la iesire reprezinta numérul maxim de porti care potfi
comandate de poarta SI-NU;
The value of the FO factor representsthe maximum numberofgatesthat can bedriven by the
NANDgate; v
d, Factorulde incdrcare la intrare pentru nivelul " logic are aceeasi valoareca factorul de
incdrcare la lesire pentru nivelul “O" logic;
The Fan-in factor for logic level “0” has the same valueas the Fan-outfactorforlogic level “0",
% e. Factorul de incarcarela intrarese calculeaza pe baza curentilorde intrare;
TheFl factoris calculated basedontheinputcurrents; 7

Question 2
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
¥Flag question

Ce se intampla atuncicand se depaseste tensiunea de prag Vt la un tranzistor NMOS? (alegeti 1

What happenswhenthethreshold voltage Vtis exceeded at an NMOStransistor? (choose 1

® a. Concentratia de electroni din zona canalului dintre drend gi sursa va epi concentratia de
goluri si atunci regiunea igi va schimbatipul, din tip p in tip n.
The concentrationof electronsin the channelarea betweenthe drain and the sourcewill
exceedthe concentration of holes andthen theregionwill changeits type, from type ton
type. ¥
b, Concentratia de electronidin zona canalului dintre drena si sursa va depasi concentratia de
goluri si atunci regiuneaigi va schimbatipul,din tip n in tip p.
The concentrationof electronsin the channelarea betweenthe drain and the sourcewill
exceedthe concentration of holes and then theregionwill changeits type, from n typeto p

c. Concentratia de electroni din zona canalului dintre drend gi substrat va depasi concentratia
de goluri si atunci regiunea isi va schimbatipul, din tip p in tip n.
The concentration of electrons in the channel area betweenthe drain and the substrate will
exceedthe concentration of holes and thentheregionwill changeits type, from type ton

Question 3.
13:29 & & © 30t “4 59%

OQ @

Question 9
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
F Flag question

Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

Thecharacteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)

Select one or more:

% a, Curentideintrare foarte mici(ideal 0)
Very small input currents (ideal 0)
b. Amplificarea sau castigulin tensiune (AV)foarte mic (ideal0)
Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV) (ideal 0)
c. Impedantade intrare foarte mare(ideal oo)
Very high input impedance(ideal 00) 7
d. Impedantade iesire foarte mare (ideal oo)
Very high output impedance(ideal00)
e, Impedanta de intrare foarte mica (ideal 0)
Very small input impedance(ideal 0)
% £. Tensiunea deiesire este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
Outut voltage is boundedby powersuppliesvalues 7
g. Tensiunea deiesire nueste limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
Outut voltage is not boundedby power suppliesvalues
h, Tensiuneaintre intrari foarte mare(ideal oo)
Very high difference between the values ofinput voltages (ideal00)

Question 10
Mark 0.50out of 0.50
Flag question

Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoarela filtrele trece sus si trece jos: (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Check the correctoption (s) for the high-pass and low-passfilters: (choose 1 answer)

Select one
a, Reactanta capacitiva a condensatorului scade odata cu cresterea perioadei
The capacitive reactanceofthe capacitor decreasesas the period increases.
b, La ambelefiltre, distorsiunile introduse de circuit asupra semnalului de intrare potfi reduse
daca constanta detimp RC este mai mare decat durata impulsului.
In bothfilters, the distortionsintroduced bythe circuit on the input signalcan be reduced if the
time constantRC is greater than the pulse duration.

c. Raportul de divizare depindede frecventa doarin cazul filtruluitrece sus

The dividing ratio dependson the frequencyonly for the high-passfilter.
d. Filtrul trece sus atenueaza frecventele joase si altereaza mai putin frecventele inalte.
The high-passfilter attenuates the low frequencies and less alters the high frequencies. ~

Finish review
Seconsidera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Considerthe 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)




i: SESE EBS32a
@ — Privat

‘Question 3
‘Mark 0.50 outof 0.50,
F Flag question

Alegeti varianta/variantele de raspunscorecte in cazul circuitelorlogiceintegrate CMOS(alegeti 2 rspunsuri)

Choosethe correct answer variant(s) for CMOSlogic circuits (choose 2 answers)
Selectoneor more:
a. Posibilitatea ca th regim static numérul sarcinilor comandate s& fie foarte mare
Possibility thatin static regimethe numberof drivenloadsto be very high w
b. Nivelurile ale semnalelor deiesireextrem de apropiate de 0 V pentru starea 1 logic
Output signallevels extremely closeto 0 V forlogic state 1
‘c. Consum extrem de redus
Extremely low power consumption
4. Nivelurile ale semnalelor deiegire extrem de apropiate de valoarea tensiunii de alimentare pentru starea 0
Output signallevels extremely closeto the powersupply voltage valuefor logic state 0
@, Structuri metal-oxid-semiconductor cu simetrie necomplementar’
Metal-oxide-semiconductorstructures with non-complementary symmetry
{. Gama restransé a temperaturilor de functionare
Narrow operating temperature range

Question 4
‘Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
Flag question

Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

‘The characteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)
Select one or more:
‘a. Curenti deintrare foarte mici (ideal 0)
Very small input currents (ideal 0)
b. Tensiunea de iegire este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare
utut voltageis bounded by power supplies values
¢. Impedanta de intrare foarte mica (ideal 0)
Very small input impedance (ideal 0)
4. Impedianta de intrare foarte mare (ideal oo)
Very high input impedance(ideal oo) v
.¢, Amplificarea sau cdgtigul fh tensiune(AV)foarte mic (ideal 0)
Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV)(ideal 0)
f. Tensiunea intre intrérifoarte mare (ideal 00)
Very high difference betweenthe values of input voltages (ideal on)
4g. Impedianta deiesire foarte mare (ideal co)
Very high output impedance (ideal oo)
h. Tensiunea deiesire nu este limitatd de tensiunile de alimentare
utut voltageis not bounded by power supplies values

Question 5
Mark 0,00 outof 0.50
F Flag question

Microcontrollerele din familia 8051 potutiliza interfata seriala UART in urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua
8051 family microcontrollers can use the UARTserialinterface in the following ways: (Select two answers)
Select one or more:
2. Rota Baud citita printr-un terminal;
Baud rate read through a termipal x6
@ — Privat

Question 5.
‘Mark 0.00 out of 0.50
F Flag question

icrocontrollerele din familia 8051 potutiliza interfata seriala UARTin urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua
8051 family microcontrollers can use the UARTserialinterface in the following ways: (Selecttwo answers)
Selectoneor more:
a. Rata Baud citita printr-un terminal;
Baud rate read through a terminal %
© b, Rata Baud variabila generata de un numarator (timer);
Variable baud rate generated by a timer
oe. Rata Baud fixa;
Fixed baud rate
4. Rata Baud inscrisa in memorie;
Baud rate inscribed in memory

Question 6
‘Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
¥ Flag question

Care este metoda uzuala de selectare a celulelor de memorie intr-uncircuit integrat(alegeti 1 rspuns)?
Whatis the usual method of selecting memory cellsin an integrated circuit (choose 1 answer)?
© a. Pe bazaliniei de chip select;
Based on the selectchip line
b. Pe baza unuicircuit dedicat de generarede adrese;
Based on a dedicated address generation circuit
© c. Pe baza coincidentei selectiei pe orizontala sipe verticala;
Based on the coincidenceof the horizontal and vertical selection
. Pe baza adreseitrimisa pe liniile de date;
Based on the address sent on the data lines

‘Question 7
‘Mark 0.00 out of 1.50
Flag question

‘Seconsidera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte?(alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)
WY ania
@ — Privat

‘Question 7
‘Mark 0.00 out of 1.50
F Flag question

Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura, Care afirmatii suntcorecte?(alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statementsare correct? (choose 4 answers)




Select one or more:

Circuitul generator detact este formatatat din componente externe microcontroller-uluicat si din
componente integrate in acesta
Theclock generatorcircuit consists of both external componentsof the microcontroller and components
integrated in it
Sistemul are un port de intrare care poate ficitit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa C237H
The system has an input port that can be read througha variable located at address C237H.
Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectiatotala
Thetotal selection is used to activate the input port
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului
Theclock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of components externalto the microcontroller %.
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente integrate in microcontroller
The clock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of components integrated in the microcontroller
Pentru activarea portului de intrare se foloseste selectialiniara
The linear selectionis used to activatethe input port
temul are un port de intrare care poate fi citit prin intermediulunei variabile localizata la adresa E4A1H
The system hasan input port that can beread through a variable located at address E4A1H %
Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediulunei variabile localizata la adresa A475H
The system has an outputportthat can be written througha variable located at address A475H ®
Pentru activarea portuluideintrare se foloseste selectia partiala
The partial selectionis used to activatethe input port w-
Sistemul are un port de iesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 4187H
The system has an output Porthea at across 41874
@ — Privat

Question 8
‘Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
Flag question

Bifati varianta/variantele corectereferitoarela filtrele trece sussi trece jos: (alegeti 1 rAspuns)
Check thecorrect option(s) for the high-pass andlow-passfilters: (choose 1 answer)
Select one:
a. Filtrultrece jos atenueazéfrecventele joasesi altereaz& maiputin frecventeleinalte.
The low-passfilter attenuates the low frequencies andless alters the high frequencies.
© b. Dac’ aplicm un semnalsinusoidal la oricare dintre cele douafiltre, raspunsul este totsinusoidal, doar
atenuatsi defazat.
If we applya sinusoidalsignalto eitherof the twofilters, the responseis still sinusoidal, only attenuated and
out of phase. v
¢, Reactanta capacitiva a condensatorului creste odatd cu scdderea perioadei.
The capacitive reactanceof the capacitor increases as the period decreases.
4. Raportul de divizare depinde de frecventdoarin cazulfitruluitrecejos.
The dividing ratio depends onthe frequencyonly forthe low-passfilter.

‘Question 9
‘Mark 0.50 out of 0.50
Flag question

Cuplareain paralela iesirilor a doua porti TTL sau CMOS,custructur3 obignuitd, va rezulta in: (alegeti 2
Coupling the outputs of two TTL or CMOSgates,with usual structure,in parallel will result in: (choose 2
Select one or more:
‘a. Nivelul de tensiuneal iesirii comunepoate fi folosit intr-un sistem digital;
The common output voltage level can be usedin a digital system.
b. Functionarea corect8 a uneia dintre cele douaporti;
Proper operation of oneof the two gates
, Distrugerea ambelorporti sau a unela dintre porti;
Destruction of both gates or one of the gates
4. Modificarea parametrilor portilor;
Changing the gates' parameters. ¥

‘Question 10
‘Mark 0.00 out of 0.50
Flag question

Despre curentii portiifundamentale $I-NUconstruitd in tehnologie TTL,se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 1
Regarding the currents ofthe fundamental NANDgate built in TTLtechnology,the following canbe stated:
(choose 1 answer)
a. Poarta nu poate absorbi curentIa iesire;
The gate cannot absorb currentat the output;
© b.Poarta absoarbecurentla iesirec&nd comand’ cunivel “1" logic;
The gate absorbs current at the output whenit commandswith logic “1" level;
. Poarta genereazi curentla iesire cnd comand& cunivel “O" logic;
The gate generates output current whenit commands with logic “0” level;
4. Poarta genereaz& curentla intrare cand este comandaté cu nivel “0” logic;
The gate generates currentat the inputwhen itis controlled with logic level
@, Poarta absoarbe curentla intrare cdnd este comandata cunivel “O" logic;
The gate absorbscurrent at the input when itis controlled with logic “0” level;
@ — Privat

Started on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:01 AM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:56 AM
Time taken 55 mins 33 secs
Grade 3.00 out of 6.00 (50%)
Question 1
Mark 0.50 outof 0.50
Flag question

Cesunt diodele luminiscente? (alegeti 1 rispuns)

‘Whatare light emitting diodes? (choose 1 answer)
a. Sunt diode care permit trecerea curentuluiin ambele sensuri i au rolul de a creste rezistenta circuitulul
There are diodesthat allow the passage of currentin both directions and have therole ofincreasing the
resistance of thecircuit
© b. Diode care ta polarizarea directé, electroni din regiunea n se recombin8 cu golurile din regiunea p gi
elibereaz’ energie sub forma de lumin8 gi c&ldur’
Diodes that whenforward biased, the electronsin the n region recombine with the holesin the p region and
release energyin the form oflight and heat ¥
¢.Diode care la polarizareainvers& din regiunean elibereaza energie sub forma de lumina gi c&ldur&
Diodesthat, uponreversepolarizationin the n region, release energyin the form of light and heat

Question 2
Mark 0,00 outof 0:50
F Flag question

Se consider& circuitul basculant detip RS din imagine. Selectatiafirmatia corect& (alegeti1 r&spuns)
Considerthe RSflip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement(choose 1 answer)

© a. Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnaieloraplicate pe catod daca tensiunea este pozitiva si suficient de mare;
DiodeD1 allows the passageof signals applied to the cathodeif the voltageis positive and high enough %.
b. Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigur’ c& diodele D1si D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale
By using capacitors C1 and C2itis ensuredthat diodes D1 and D2will receive only positive signals on the
¢. Prin aplicarea unui impuls la intrareaS,circuitul R2C2 genereaz un semnal cu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulse to inputS, the circuit R2C2 generatesa signalwith a negative voltage peak
© din starea T1 = saturat si 12 = blocat, aplicarea unuiimpuls la intrarea S determin8 blocarea tranzistorului
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked, the applying of a pulse atthe input S determinesthe blocking
of the transistor T1

Question 3
Mark 0,50 outof 0.50
F Flag question
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x a x

€ C &@ >
* 8 1 @w)
G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch [Bilingual dialogues-... @ Andreea Andreica(. G spurendes bisen -. @ —_L Peeling Chimic » LA. BB Hannibal - streams. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B =

Finish review Correct i of operationa

i l amplifiers
The characteristics i are: (choose 3 answers)
Mark 0.50 outof
Select one or more:
FFlag question s ‘
eee a. Impedanta de intrare foarte mica(ideal 0)
Very small input impedance(ideal 0)

b. Curenti de intrare foarte mici (ideal 0)

Very small input currents (ideal 0) ~

c. Tensiunea de iesire este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare

Outut voltage is bounded by power supplies values ¥
d. Tensiunea intre intrari foarte mare(ideal co)
Very high difference between the values of input voltages (ideal oo)

e. Tensiunea de iesire nu este limitata de tensiunile de alimentare

Outut voltage is not bounded by power supplies values

f. Amplificarea sau castigul in tensiune (AV) foarte mic (ideal 0)

Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV)(ideal 0)

g. Impedantade intrare foarte mare(ideal oo)

Very high input impedance(ideal co)
h. Impedantade iesire foarte mare(ideal oo)
Very high output impedance(ideal oo)
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x x

= C@ @ xe OR WT @ sor)
G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch ff Bilingual dialogues-. Andreea Andreica(. G spurendes bisen -. @ L Peeling Chimic> LA... ff Hannibal - StreamS. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B ~

ion 2 Roluri posibile ale unui circuit cu trei stari (three state) sunt: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
hi t 5 snr
ae The possible roles of a three state circuit are: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.00 outof
Select one or more:
” Fi i
¥ Flag question a. Decodificarea adreselor de pe magistrala de adrese;
Decoding addresses on the address bus

b. Driver de magistrala
Bus driver ¥
c. De a conecta mai multe surse de date la aceeasi magistrala ;
To connect multiple data sources to the same bus

d. Poarta NU pentru intrarile Chip Selectale circuitelor integrate; daze

NO gate for Chip Select inputs of integrated circuits *

Caracteristica statica de transfer a inversorului CMOS ... (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

CMOSinverter static transfer characteristic ... (choose 3 answers)
Mark 0.50 outof
Select one or more:
¥Flag question
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x

€ C &@ > xk © & @ ko)

G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch ff Bilingual dialogues-. Andreea Andreica(... G spurendesbésen-.. @ L, Peeling Chimic » LA BB Hannibal - streams.

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B =

Ce sunt diodele luminiscente? (alegeti 1 raspuns)

a t = =
ees What arelight emitting diodes? (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 outof
Select one:
¥Flag question ‘ a Be z Selb te
a. Sunt diode care permit trecerea curentului in ambele sensuri si au rolul de a creste rezistenta circuitului
There are diodes thatallow the passage ofcurrentin both directions and havethe role of increasing the resistance
b. Diode carela polarizarea inversa din regiunea elibereaza energie sub forma de lumina si caldura
Diodesthat, upon reverse polarization in the n region, release energy in the form of light and heat

c. Diode carela polarizarea directa, electronii din regiunea n se recombina cu golurile din regiuneap si elibereaza
energie sub forma de lumina si caldura esa
Diodes that when forward biased, the electrons in the n region recombine with the holes in the p region and
release energy in the form oflight and heat ¥

Question 5 La interconectarea circuitelor logice: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Partially correct ; ae
y When interconnecting logic circuits: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more: x
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x m=

€ C @ > x* @aA @ Error )

G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch ff Bilingual dialogues-. Andreea Andreica(... G spurendesbésen-.. @ —L, Peeling Chimic» LA... Hannibal - StreamS.

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B =

Caracteristica statica de transfer a inversorului CMOS ... (alegeti 3 réspunsuri)

Correct :
one CMOSinverterstatic transfer characteristic ... (choose 3 answers)
Select one or more:
¥ Flag question
a. Depinde de numérul de porti comandate de inversor
Depends on the number ofgates driven bythe inverter

b. Depinde de tensiuneade alimentare

Depends on the supply voltage W
c. Depinde de frecventa maxima la care poate operacircuitul
Depends on the maximum frequencyat which the circuit can operate

d. Depinde de tensiunea de prag a tranzistorului Mn close

Depends on the threshold voltage of the transistor Mn ¥

e. Depinde de viteza cu careintrarea trece din starea logica 0 in starea logica 1

Depends on the speed at which the input changesfrom logic state 0 to logic state 1

f. Depinde de tensiunea de prag a tranzistorului Mp

Depends on the threshold voltage of the transistor Mp
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x

€ C @ * @aA
G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch fi Bilingual dialogues-... Andreea Andreica(. G spurendes bésen -. @ L Peeling Chimic> LA... ff Hannibal - StreamS. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B =

Partially correct ; cae

y When interconnecting logic circuits: (choose 2 answers)
Select one or more:
¥Flag question
a. Factorul de incarcareal uneiintrari este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in (Fl) factor of an input is less than 1;

b. Factorii de incarcarela intrare/iesire se definesc ca niveluri de tensiune din plaja admisa sau garantata;
Fan-in (Fl) and Fan-out (FO)factors are defined as voltage levels in the admitted or guaranteed range; %

c. Valoarea curentului de iesire a circuitului de comanda trebuie sa fie cel putin egala cu sumacurentilor de intrare
ai circuitelor comandate;
The value of the output current of the control circuit must be at least equal to the sum of the input currents of the
controlled circuits; 7
d. Factorul de incarcare al unei iesiri este definit ca minimul dintre factorii de incarcareai iesirilor nivelurilor logice
“0°51 (re
The Fan-out (FO)factor of an output is defined as the minimum ofthe FO factors of the outputs oflogic levels “0"
and “1"; 7

e, Valoarea curentului de iesire a circuitului de comanda trebuie sa fie mai mic decat sumacurentilor de intrare ai
circuitelor comandate;
The value of the output current of the control circuit must be less than the sum of the input currents of the
controlled circuits;
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x

€ C &@ > x @*#

G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch fi Bilingual dialogues-... Andreea Andreica(. G spurendes bisen -. @ L Peeling Chimic> LA... ff Hannibal - StreamS. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B ~


Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA,circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2Vsi ILED=10mA,valoarea

aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 225)
Weknowthat for |OH=10mA,circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA,the approximate
value ofthe RL resistor through which the LED is controlled will be 2250 ~

Circuitul generator de tact este format atat din componente externe microcontroller-ului cat si din componente
integrate in acesta

The clock generatorcircuit consists of both external components of the microcontroller and components
integratedin it W

Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente integrate in microcontroller

The clock generator circuit consists exclusively of componentsintegrated in the microcontroller close

Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2V si ILED=10mA,valoarea
aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 335Q.
Weknowthatfor IOH=10mA,circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA,the approximate
value ofthe RL resistor through which the LED is controlled will be 335Q

Microcontrollerul foloseste doar memoria interna de program
@ (2) WhatsApp x | ® Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 x fh ADC exam- 27th January 2021 x + a x

¢€ C@ @ xe OR WT @ sor)
G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch fi Bilingual dialogues-... Andreea Andreica(. G spurendes bisen -. et ic» LA... IB Hannibal - Stream Ss. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B ~
Mark 1.90 out ot

¥ Flag question

HY PovAD! P2.1/A9
POZIAD2 —P22/A10
Pow P23/AN1
Po. P24IAI2
P33/NTt m5?
P3470 1
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P3.7/RD clos
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2 PSEN 10k_,S:
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul 2 Epi X Tn ADC exam - 27th January 2021,° x a x

€ C &@ oy) @a @ Error

G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch ff Bilingual dialogues-. Andreea Andreica(. G spurendes bésen -. @ LL Peeling Chimic> LA... ff Hannibal - StreamS. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria voit B ~

8 Daca in cadrul executiei unei intreruperi se activeaza o a doua intrerupere (cu un nivel de prioritate diferit), care este
Correct comportamentul microcontroller-ului? (Selectati un raspuns)
Mark 0.50outof
io If a second interruptis activated during the execution of an interrupt (with a different priority level), what is the
behavior of the microcontroller? (Select an answer)
¥Flag question
Select one:
a. Se continua executia intreruperii curente, indiferent de nivelul de prioritate al celor doua intreruperi;
The execution ofthe currentinterruptis continued, regardless ofthe priority level of the twointerrupts

b. Se executa intreruperea cuprioritate mai mare, doar daca acestea sunt declansate simultan, altfel se continua
executia intreruperii curente;
The interrupt with higher priority is executed, only if they are triggered simultaneously, otherwise the execution of
the current interrupt is continued [cose
c. Se executa intotdeauna cea mai nouaintrerupere;
The newest interrupt is always executed

d. Se executa intotdeauna intreruperea cu prioritate mai mare;

The interrupt with higher priority is always executed W
® (2) WhatsApp x | © Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul2Epi X Th ADC exam - 27th January2021, x - og x

€ C &@ oy) @a @ Error

G dead silence - Caut. © Garfield Deutsch ff Bilingual dialogues-. Andreea Andreica(. G spuren des bésen -. @ LL Peeling Chimic> LA... ff Hannibal - Stream S. »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria raita =
050 re
¥ Flag question ai al
Ro Ro

Select one:
a. Rezistentele R si r formeaza un divizor de tensiune;
Resistors R and r form voltage divider W dose

b.Circuitul este monostabil;

The circuit is monostable

c. Amplificatoarele A1 si A2 sunt legate in reactie negativa;

Amplifiers A1 and A2 are connectedin negative reaction

d. Circuitul este asimetric;

The circuit is asymmetric

@ (2) WhatsApp x | @ Marvel's Daredevil Sezonul2Epi x fh ADC exam- 27th January2021, x oe = x
€ C &@ oy) @a @ Error

G deadsilence - aut... (9 Garfield Deutsch fj Bilingual dialogues-~ Andreea Andreica(... G spurendesbésen-.. @ L, Peeling Chimic» LA... Hannibal - Stream S »

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) & @ Anamaria raita ~

The circuit is asymmetric

Care este metodauzuala de selectare a celulelor de memorie intr-un circuit integrat (alegeti 1 raspuns)?
What is the usual methodofselecting memory cells in an integrated circuit (choose 1 answer)?
Mark 0.50 outof
Select one:
FFlag question
—- a. Pe baza adresei trimisa peliniile de date;
Basedon the address sent on the datalines
b. Pe bazaliniei de chip select;
Basedon the select chip line

c. Pe bazacoincidentei selectiei pe orizontala si pe verticala;

Basedon the coincidenceof the horizontal andvertical selection W close

d. Pe baza unui circuit dedicat de generare de adrese;

Based on a dedicated address generation circuit

Finish review

Question 3 Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 réspunsuri)
Correct The characteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose3 answers)
Matk 0.50 out of
Select one or more:
¥ Flag question T a, Amplificarea sau cAstigul in tensiune (AV) foarte mic (ideal 0)
Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV) (ideal 0)
b. Impedantadeintrare foarte mare(ideal <2)
Very high input impedance(ideal 9) 7
F .Tensiuneade iesire nu este limitata detensiunile de alimentare
Outut voltage is not bounded by powersupplies values
FZ d. Tensiunea deiesire este limitata detensiunile de alimentare
Outut voltage is bounded by powersupplies values
fF e. Impedantadeiesire foarte mare (ideal oo)
Very high output impedance(ideal co)
Tf. Impedanta deintrare foarte mica (ideal 0)
Very small input impedance(ideal0)
Fg. Tensiuneaintre intrari foarte mare (ideal c=)
Very high difference between the valuesof input voltages(ideal ©)
Fh, Curenti de intrare foarte mici (ideal 0)
Very small input currents (ideal 0)
Question 4 Lainterconectareacircuitelor logice: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Correct Wheninterconnectinglogiccircuits: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.50 out of
Select one or more:
F Flag question
F a, Factorii de incarcare la intrare/iesire se definesc ca niveluri de tensiunedin plaja admisa sau garantat’;
Fan-in (FI) and Fan-out (FO)factors are defined as voltage levels in the admitted or guaranteed range;
Tb. Valoareacurentului deiesire a circuitului de comandatrebuiesa fie mai mic decat sumacurentilordeintrare aicircuitelor comandate;
Thevalueofthe output currentof the controlcircuit must beless than the sum of the input currents ofthe controlled circuits;
Fc. Valoarea curentului de iesire a circuitului de comanda trebuie sé fie cel putin egala cu suma curentilor de intrare ai circuitelor comandate;
The value of the output currentof the controlcircuit must be at least equal to the sum ofthe input currents of the controlledcircuits; ¥
Fd. Factorul de incarcare al uneiiesiri este definit ca minimul dintre factorii de incarcare ai iesirilor nivelurilor logice “0” si “1”;
The Fan-out (FO)factorof an outputis defined as the minimum of the FO factors of the outputs of logic levels “0” and "1"; ¥
Te. Factorulde incarcare al uneiintrari este mai mic ca 1;
TheFan-in (Fl) factorofaninputis less than 1;

Question 5 Dioda semiconductoare - la echilibrul termic: (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Correct Semiconductordiode - at thermalequilibrium: (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out of
Select one!
Flag question
© a. Curentul electric va trece cel mai bine prin semiconductor
The electric current will best pass through the semiconductor
© b, Curentul electric va trece partial prin semiconductor
The electric current will partially pass throughthe semiconductor
© ¢ Semiconductorul are rolul uneirezistente cu valoare mic& (Ohm)
The semiconductor acts as a lowvalue resistor (Ohm)
© d, Curentul electric nu se va produce delocprin semiconductor
Electric current will not be produced atall through semiconductor
Question L Microcontrollerele din familia 8051potutiliza interfata seriala UARTin urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua raspunsuri)
ee 8051 family microcontrollers can use the UARTserial interface in the following ways: (Select two answers)
Mark 050 out of
050 Select one or more:
¥ Flag Flag q question F a, Rata Baud fixa;
Fixed baud rate W
Fb, Rata Baud variabila generata de un numarator(timer);
Variable baud rate generated by a timer 7
Tc. Rata Baud citita printr-un terminal;
Baud rate read through a terminal
Td. Rata Baud inscrisa in memorie;
Baud rate inscribed in memory

Question 2 Caracteristica staticd de transfera inversorului CMOS... (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

ee CMOSinverter static transfer characteristic... (choose 3 answers)
Mark 0.50 out of
0.50 Select one or more:
Flag question
Fa, Depinde de viteza cu careintrarea trece din starea logica in starea logic1
Depends onthe speedat which the input changes from logic state 0 to logic state 1
Fb, Depindede tensiunea depraga tranzistorului Mp
Depends onthe threshold voltage of the transistor Mp ¥
Fc, Depinde de tensiuneade alimentare
Depends onthe supply voltage ¥
Td. Depinde de numarul de porti comandate deinversor
Dependson the numberofgatesdriven by the inverter
Fe, Depinde de frecventa maxima la care poate opera circuitul
Dependson the maximum frequency at which the circuit can operate
Ff, Depindede tensiuneade prag a tranzistorului Mn
Depends onthethreshold voltage of the transistor Min ¥
Quesion 7 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Partially correct Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure, Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)
Mark1.25 out
of 1.50 a$ alk
f Flag
question ai
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Select one or more:
Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V, Pentru ca VLED=2Vsi ILED=10mA, valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 2250
Weknow that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V.For VLED=2V andILED=10mA, the approximate value ofthe RL resistor throughwhich the LED is controlled will be 2250
Stim ca pentru 10H MA, circuitul4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2V si LE mA, valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 1009
Weknow thatfor 10} OMA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V, For VLEI 1V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value of the RL resistor through which the LEDis controlled will be 1000
Microcontrollerul foloseste doar memoria externa de program
The microcontroller uses only the external program memory
Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2V si ILED=10mA, valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RL prin care este comandat LED-ul va fi de 3350.
Weknow that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value of the RL resistor through which the LEDis controlled will be 3350
pISticrTgeeca”aeELAheeAseahee Pan”atamewPermgala lagcaalee
We know that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V, For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value ofthe RL resistor thr
Stim ca pentru IOH=10mA,circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2V si ILED=10mA, valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RL pr
We know that for IOH=10mA,circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value of the RL resistor th
Microcontrollerul foloseste doar memoria externa de program
The microcontrolleruses only the external program memory
stim ca pentru IOH=10mA, circuitul 4511 are VOHtyp=4,25V. Pentru ca VLED=2Vsi ILED=10mA, valoarea aproximativa a rezistentei RL pr
We know that for IOH=10mA, circuit 4511 has VOHtyp=4,25V. For VLED=2V and ILED=10mA, the approximate value ofthe RL resistorth
Microcontrollerul foloseste doar memoria interna de program
The microcontrolleruses only the internal program memory 7
Sistemul are un port de iesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa A70SH
The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address A7OSH
Circuitul generator de tact este formatatat din componente externe micracontroller-ului cat si din componenteintegrate in acesta
The clock generatorcircuit consists ofboth external components of the microcontroller and components integrated in it
Microcontrollerul nu foloseste memorie de program
The microcontroller does not use program memory
Sistemul are un port de iesire care poate fi scris prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa 3A20H
The system has an output port that can be written through a variable located at address 3A20H w”
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului
The clock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of components external to the microcontroller %
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente integrate in microcontroller
The clock generatorcircuit consists exclusively of componentsintegratedin the microcontroller
Queston & La memoriile CAM semnalele de matching.. (alegeti 1 raspuns}:
Correct For CAM memories the matching signals... (choose 1 answer)
Mark0.50 out
of 0.50 Select one:
¥ Flag © a, Starea ‘1’ logic indica faptul cd niciun bit memorat nu corespunde cu bitul cdutat;
Logic state ‘1’ indicates that no stored bit correspondsto the searched bit
© b, Starea ‘0’ logic indica faptul c& un bit memorat corespunde cu bitul cdutat;
Logic state ‘0' indicates that a stored bit correspondsto the searched bit
© c,Suntinscrise in memorie in locul datelor existente;
‘Are stored in memory instead of existing data
© d, Indica daca s-a gasit corespondentaintre cuvantul cdutat si cel memorat;
Indicates whether the match between the searched and the stored word was found

Queston 9 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la fltrele trece sus si trece jos: (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Correct Check the correct option (s) forthe high-pass and low-passfilters: (choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50 Select one:
Flag © a, Reactanta capacitiva a condensatorului scade odata cu cresterea perioadei.
The capacitive reactance of the capacitor decreases as the period increases.
© b,Laambelefiltre, distorsiunile introduse de circuit asupra semnalului de intrare pot fi reduse daca constanta de timp RC este mai mare decét durata impulsului
In both fiers, the distortions introduced by the circuit on the input signal can be reduced if the time constant RC is greater than the pulse duration.
© c. Raportul de divizare depinde de frecventa doarin cazulfltrului trece sus.
The dividing ratio depends on the frequency only forthe high-passfilter.
© 4d, Filtrul trece sus atenueaza frecventele joasesi altereaz3 mai putin frecventele inalte.
The high-passfilter attenuates the low frequencies andless alters the high frequencies. v
Question 10 Roluri posibile ale unui circuit cu treistari (three state) sunt: (alegeti 2 raspunsuri)
Correct Thepossible roles of a three state circuit are: (choose 2 answers)
‘Mark 0.50out of
Select one or more:
¥ Flag question
F a, Driver de magistrala
Bus driver
Fb, Decodificarea adreselor de pe magistrala de adrese;
Decoding addresses on the address bus
Fc. Poarté NU pentru intrarile Chip Select ale circuitelorintegrate;
NOgate for Chip Select inputs ofintegrated circuits
Fd, Dea conecta mai multe surse de date la aceeasi magistrala ;
To connect multiple data sources to the same bus
Question 6 Seconsidera schemadeprincipiu a unuicircuit basculant. Selectati afirmatia corecta (alegeti 1 réspuns)
Correct Consider the general diagram ofa flip-flopcircuit, Select the correct statement(choose1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out of
F Flag question

Select one:
© a, Circuitul este asimetric;
The circuit is asymmetric
© . Amplificatoarele Al si A2 sunt legatein reactie negativa;
Amplifiers Al and A2 are connected in negative reaction
@ . Rezistentele R si r formeaza un divizor de tensiune;
Resistors R and r form a voltagedivider 7
© d, Circuitul este monostabil;
The circuit is monostable
Ce=n 2LL TC) 3 endO)
| Be L} Or Seka) (a)

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é ’
The Fan-in factor for logic level “O" has the samevalue as the Fan-out factor for logic level “O";

ve. Factorul de incarcarela intrare pentru nivelul “O" logic este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in factorforlogiclevel “0”is less than 1; %

Question 2 Marginile de imunitate la perturbatiile staticeale circuitelor logiceintegrate:(alegeti 2 raspunsuri)

Incorrect : , : = fe
Immunity margins to static perturbationsoflogic integratedcircuits: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.00out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
F Flag
oe Ya. Pentru starea logic’ "1", se calculeaz& ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune maxim pentru “O" la intrare si cel maxim pentru “1”
la intrare;
For thelogic state “1”,it is calculated as the difference between the maximum voltage levelfor “O" at the input and the maximum
for "1" at theinput; *
b. Se numesesi margini de zgomot;
Theyarealsocalled noise margins;
c. Nu se pot calcula pentru ambele stari logice “0”si "1";
Cannotbe calculated for both logic states "0" and "1";

d. Pentrustarea logicd “1", se calculeaza ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune maxim pentru “1”la intrare si cel maxim pentru “1"
la iesire;
For the logic state “1”, it is calculated as the difference between the maximum voltage levelfor “1” at the input and the maximum
for “1"" at the output;
e.Pentru starea logic "1", se calculeaz& ca diferenta dintre nivelul de tensiune minim pentru "1" la iesire si cel minim pentru "1" la
Forthe logic state "1", it is calculated as the difference betweenthe minimum voltagelevelfor “1” at the output and the minimum
for "1" at theinput;

Question 3 Seconsidercircuitul basculantdetip RS din imagine.Selectati afirmatia corect& (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Incorrect Consider the RS flip-flop circuit in the picture. Select the correct statement(choose1 answer)
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of 0.50
CC =n LTC) to eno»)
oh 5 L PMeke) (au)

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é ’

Quiz navigation Started on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:00 AM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 11:00 AM
Time taken 59 mins 56 secs
Grade 1.75 outof 6.00 (29%)
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Question 1 Despre factorul de incarcareal portii fundamentale SI-NU construita in tehnologie TTL, se pot afirma urmatoarele: (alegeti 2
Finish review
Incorrect rspunsuri)
Mark0.00 out Regarding the Fan-in (Fl) and Fan-out (FO)factors of the fundamental NAND gatebuilt in TTL technology,the following can be stated:
of 0.50
(choose 2 answers)
question Select one or more:
a, Factorul de incéircarela intrare se calculeaz& pe bazacurenttlor de intrare;
The Fl factor is calculated basedontheinput currents;
b. Pe baza factorului de incarcare, o poarta $I-NU implementata in tehnologie TTL, poate comanda cel putin 20 de porti SI-NU de
acelasi fel;
BasedontheFl and FOfactors, a NANDgate implemented in TTL technology, can drive at least 20 NAND gatesof the samekind;
c. Valoareafactorului de inc&rcarela iesire reprezint numarul maxim de porti care potfi comandate de poarta SI-NU;
Thevalueofthe FOfactor represents the maximum numberof gates that canbedriven by the NANDgate;
d. Factorul deinc&rcarela intrare pentru nivelul “O"logic are aceeasivaloare ca factorul de inc&rcare la iesire pentru nivelul “0”
The Fan-in factor for logic level “O" has the same value as the Fan-out factor for logic level “O";

ve. Factorul de incarcarela intrare pentru nivelul “O”logic este mai mic ca 1;
The Fan-in factor forlogic level “O"is less than 1; %

Question 2 Marginile de imunitate la perturbatiile statice ale circuitelor logice integrate: (alegeti 2 réspunsuri)
Immunity marginsto static perturbations of logic integratedcircuits: (choose 2 answers)
Mark 0.00out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
& Flag
CS=n LT) 3 en1 dO 2)
Sale ale O Teekenc eo 4

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é ’

Diode D1 allows the passageof signals applied to the cathode if the voltage is positive and high enough

> c.lnstarea T1= saturat si T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impuls la intrarea S determina blocarea tranzistorului T1;
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked,the applying of a pulse at the input S determines the blocking of the transistor T1 %
d. Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigura ca diodele D1 $i D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale pozitive;
By using capacitors C1 and C2 it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2 will receive only positive signals on the cathode

Question 4 Microcontrollerele din familia 8051 potutiliza interfata seriala UARTin urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua raspunsuri)
ei t .
8051family .
microcontrollers one
can use the UARTserialinterface th
in the following ways:(Select two answers)
Mark 0.00 out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
¥ Flag
eso a. Rata Baud fixa;
Fixed baud rate
Yb. Rata Baud citita printr-un terminal;
Baud rate read through a terminal *

c. Rata Baud inscrisa in memorie;

Baudrate inscribed in memory
vd. Rata Baud variabila generata de un numarator(timer);
Variable baud rate generatedby a timer ~

Question 5 Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

Thecharacteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)
Mark 0.00 out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
Sea a. Impedanta deintrare foarte mica(ideal0)
Verysmallinput impedance(ideal0)
b, Impedanta deiesire foarte mare (ideal oo)
Veryhigh outputimpedance(idealoo)
c. Amplificarea sau castigul in tensiune (AV) foarte mic (ideal 0)
CMe se) CO1d 100% Wed17:331 Q @

of Bo © Paekenc) eo 4

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) M& @ loan George Fabian-Bob 3g ¥

Variable baud rate generated bya timer 7

Question 5 Caracteristicile amplificatoarelor operationale sunt: (alegeti 3 raspunsuri)

Incorrect The characteristics of operational amplifiers are: (choose 3 answers)
Mark 0.00 out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
anion a. Impedanta
Impedanta de intrare
intrare foarte mica (ideal 0)
foarte mica(ideal
Very small input impedance(ideal 0)
b. Impedantade iesire foarte mare(ideal oo)
Very high output impedance (ideal oo)

c. Amplificarea sau cAstigul in tensiune (AV) foarte mic (ideal 0)

Very small amplification or voltage gain (AV) (ideal 0)
d. Curenti de intrare foarte mici (ideal 0)
Very small input currents (ideal 0)
Ye. Tensiuneaintreintrari foarte mare(ideal oo)
Very high difference betweenthevaluesof input voltages (ideal oo) *

Z f. Impedantade intrare foarte mare(ideal oo)

Very highinput impedance(ideal oo)
vg. Tensiunea deiegire nu estelimitaté de tensiunile de alimentare
Oututvoltage is not bounded by powersupplies values *
h. Tensiuneade iesire estelimitat& de tensiunile de alimentare
Oututvoltageis bounded by powersupplies values

Question 6 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statementsare correct? (choose 4 answers)
Mark 0.00 out

@ Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help Fe Sat Veteo
Cale Sa 0 Peeeed eo 48
moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob & ’

Question 6 Se considera sistemul cu microcontroller 80C51 din figura. Care afirmatii sunt corecte? (alegeti 4 raspunsuri)
I ‘neorrect | . ; : ‘
Consider the 80C51 microcontroller system in the figure. Which statements are correct? (choose 4 answers)
Mark 0.00out
of 1.50
¥ Flag




+ Frere
Select one or more:
Sistemul are un port deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 2187H
The system hasan outputport that can be written through a variable located at address 2187H

Sistemul are unport deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 14B5H
Ce a=n 2LO TC) eC cy OM)
| Be Ly} PrSkea) ( a)

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é ’
Sistemul are un port deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 2187H

Thesystem hasan output portthat can be written througha variable located at address 2187H
Sistemul are unport deiesire care poatefi scris prin intermediul uneivariabile localizata la adresa 14B5H
Thesystem hasan output portthat can be written througha variable located at address 14B5H
Sistemul are unport de intrare care poate fi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa A187H
Thesystem hasaninput port that can be read througha variable located at address A187H ¥
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componenteintegrate in microcontroller
Theclockgeneratorcircuit consists exclusively of components integratedin the microcontroller %
Circuitul dereset asigurala intrarea in microcontroller un nivel logic 0 daca tasta nu este apasata
Thereset circuit ensuresa logic level 0 at the input pin ofthe microcontrollerif the keyis not pressed ¥
Circuitul de reset asigurala intrarea in microcontrollerun nivel logic 1 daca tasta nu este apasata
Thereset circuit ensuresa logic level1 at the input pin of the microcontroller if the key is not pressed
Sistemul are unport deintrare care poate fi citit prin intermediul unei variabile localizata la adresa C1A3H
Thesystem hasaninput port that can be read througha variable located at address C1A3H %
Circuitul generatorde tact este format atat din componente externe microcontroller-ului cat si din componenteintegrate in acesta
Theclock generatorcircuit consists of both external components of the microcontroller and components integrated in it
Circuitul generator de tact este format exclusiv din componente externe microcontroller-ului
Ce =CnLO TC) eadO)
Sale ale O Mrekenc) eo 4

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é ’

Question 3 Seconsidercircuitul basculantde tip RS din imagine. Selectati afirmatia corect& (alegeti 1 raspuns)
Denes ;
Considerthe . eeein the picture.
RSflip-flopcircuit . Select the correct statement(choose1 answer)
Mark 0.00 out E
of 0.50 £
¥ Flag



Select one:
a. Prin aplicarea unui impuls la intrareaS,circuitul R2C2 genereaz4 un semnal cu varf negativ de tensiune;
By applying a pulseto input S, thecircuit R2C2 generates a signal with a negative voltage peak
b. Dioda D1 permite trecerea semnalelor aplicate pe catod daca tensiuneaeste pozitiva si suficient de mare;
Diode D1 allows the passageof signals applied to the cathode if the voltageis positive and high enough

» c.lnstarea T1= saturat si T2 = blocat, aplicarea unui impuls la intrarea S determina blocarea tranzistorului T1;
In the state T1 = saturated and T2 = blocked,the applying of a pulse at the input S determines the blocking of the transistor T1 %
d. Prin utilizarea condensatoarelor C1 si C2 se asigura ca diodele D1 $i D2 vor primi pe catod doar semnale pozitive;
Byusing capacitors C1 and C2 it is ensured that diodes D1 and D2 will receive only positive signals on the cathode

Question 4 Microcontrollerele din familia 8051 potutiliza interfata seriala UARTin urmatoarele moduri: (Selectati doua raspunsuri)
Incorrect aac a P 7
eS 8051 family microcontrollers can use the UART serial interface in the following ways: (Select two answers)
Mark 0.00out
of 0.50
Select one or more:
@ Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help Fe Sea YO
So) call 1-5) Ly} PMSend (a)

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é ’
Ine ming 1actor 1s always nai we repeuuonperio. 7%

Question 9 Care magistrala este bidirectionala? (alegeti 1 raspuns)

Correct Which busis bidirectional? (choose 1 answer)

Mark 0.50out
of 0.50
Select one:
ee a. Magistrala de adrese;
Address bus

» b. Magistrala de date;
Data bus
c. Magistrala deadrese si cea de date;
Address and data bus
d. Nici un rspuns;

Question 10 La memoriile CAM semnalele de matching... (alegeti 1 raspuns):

For CAM memories the matching signals... (choose 1 answer):
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50
Select one:
question a. Starea ‘1' logic indica faptul c& niciun bit memorat nu corespundecubitul cautat;
Logic state '1' indicates that no stored bit corresponds to the searchedbit
b. Indic& dac& s-a glsit corespondenta intre cuvantulc&utat si cel memorat;
Indicates whether the match between the searched and the stored word was found W

c. Suntinscrise in memorie in locul datelor existente;

Are stored in memoryinsteadof existing data

d. Starea ‘0' logic indic& faptul cd un bit memorat corespundecubitul cautat;

Logic state ‘0'indicates that a stored bit corresponds to the searchedbit
Ce=n LT) et My OO)
So) call 1-5) Ly} Okea) ( a)

moodle3-cs-utcn (exam replica 3 - created Dec 31, 2020) = @ |oan George Fabian-Bob é

Question 7 Timpulde comutare direct’ este: (alegeti1 réspuns)

Forward switching
o a
. :
(choose 1 answer)
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50
Select one:
a. Timpul necesar comutarii unui tranzistor din starea normala in starea inversa
The necessarytimefora transistor to switch from the normalstate to the reverse state
+b. Timpul necesar comutérii unui tranzistor din starea de blocare in starea de conductie
The necessarytimefor a transistor to switch from the cut-off state to the conductionstate

c. Timpul necesar comut&rii unui tranzistor din starea de conductie in starea de blocare
The necessarytime for a transistor to switch from the conduction state to the cut-off state

Question 8 Bifati varianta/variantele corecte referitoare la impuls: (alegeti 2 réspunsuri)

eoreed Check the correctoption (s) for the pulse: (choose 2 answers)

Mark 0.25out
of 0.50 Select one or more:
¥ Flag va. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sd fie mai mica decat aceasta.
question Tocorrectly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regimein the circuit must be less thanthis period. ~
b. La semnale digitale, dac& factorul de umplere este de 50%, perioada reprezint& de dou’ ori durata impulsului.
Fordigital signals,if thefilling factor is 50%, the repetition period is twice the pulse duration.
c. Pentru a defini corect perioada impulsului, durata regimului tranzitoriu din circuit trebuie sa fie mai mare decat aceasta.
To correctly define the pulse repetition period, the duration of the transitory regime in the circuit must be longer than this period.

vd. Factorul de umplere este mereujumatate din perioada.

Thefilling factor is alwayshalf the repetition period. *

Question 9 Care magistrala este bidirectionala? (alegeti 1 raspuns)


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