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Zadanie: Dopasuj odpowiednie słowa biznesowe:

1. Our company is experiencing a steady __________ in profits this quarter.

a) decline
b) expansion
c) confusion

2. As a part of our marketing strategy, we need to identify our target __________.

a) employees
b) customers
c) competitors

3. The CEO presented a detailed __________ outlining the company's goals for the upcoming year.
a) agenda
b) forecast
c) gossip

4. Effective communication is crucial for building strong __________ with clients.

a) relationships
b) competitions
c) complaints

5. The team had a productive __________ to discuss the new project.

a) debate
b) collaboration
c) vacation
Zadanie: Wybierz odpowiednie słowo, aby uzupełnić zdania:

1. Our team needs to __________ new strategies to improve sales.

a) implement
b) procrastinate
c) dominate

2. During the meeting, the manager provided a detailed __________ of the project's progress.
a) analysis
b) chaos
c) vacation

3. It's essential to maintain a professional __________ when communicating with clients.

a) attitude
b) confusion
c) relaxation

4. The company is planning to __________ its product line to attract a wider audience.
a) expand
b) shrink
c) ignore

5. Good __________ skills are crucial for effective teamwork in the office.
a) collaboration
b) isolation
c) frustration
Zadanie: Przeczytaj poniższy krótki tekst i odpowiedz na pytania:


ABC Corporation is a leading company in the technology sector. Recently, the company announced
its quarterly financial results. Despite facing some challenges in the market, ABC Corporation
reported a substantial increase in revenue. The CEO credited this success to the implementation of
innovative marketing strategies and the launch of new products.

Additionally, the company revealed plans to expand its global presence by entering new markets.
The CEO emphasized the importance of building strong partnerships with local businesses to ensure
a smooth entry into these markets. ABC Corporation is committed to maintaining a customer-
centric approach and providing top-notch products and services.


1. What sector is ABC Corporation a leader in?

a) Fashion
b) Technology
c) Food

2. How did ABC Corporation achieve a substantial increase in revenue according to the CEO?
a) By cutting costs
b) Through innovative marketing strategies and new product launches
c) By reducing its global presence

3. What is ABC Corporation's plan for the future regarding its global presence?
a) To shrink its operations
b) To enter new markets
c) To focus only on the domestic market

4. According to the CEO, what is crucial for a smooth entry into new markets?
a) Reducing partnerships
b) Ignoring local businesses
c) Building strong partnerships with local businesses

5. What approach is ABC Corporation committed to in its business operations?

a) Employee-centric
b) Customer-centric
c) Technology-centric

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