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Social Science Portfolio

2022-23 Term 1
Name : Siddhant Jain
Class : IX
Section : C
Roll no. : 27
House name :Tuslidas
Academic Year : 2022 - 23
Social Science Term 1 Chapters
 History
1)The French Revolution
2)Socialism in Europe and the Russian revolution

 Geography
1)India size and location
2) Physical features

 Civics
1)What democracy why democracy?
2) Constitutional designs
3)Electoral politics

 Economics
1)Story of village Palampur
2)People as a resource
 History
1) The Fench Revolution :
Reflection :
We learnt that the French Revolution is a landmark in the
history of Europe and the world. It ended the monarchy system
and feudal system in France. The French Revolution inspired
people to fight for their freedom and to create an independent
nation. We learnt the important ideas from French Revolution
that is liberty, freedom and equality. These ideas were
introduced not only introduced in France but also in European
2) Socialism in Europe and the
Russian revolution : 24/6/2022
Refection :
We learnt about the thoughts of liberals, radicals, conservatives
and socialists. The Russian Revolution took place because of
the peasants and working class people of Russia against the
government of Tsar Nicholas II. The impact of Russian
Revolution put an end to autocratic. We learnt the ecvents of
October and also the causes that led to start of Russian
Revolution and the causes of Stalinism and collectivization and
the reaction of peasants on it. The Russian Revolution inspired
many people to raise their voice for their freedom.
 Geography
1) India : Size and Location : 18/6/2022
In this chapter we learnt about the following things :
1. Size and Location of India
2. India’s strategic location at the head of the Indian ocean
3. Longitudinal and Latitudinal extent
4. Standard Meridian of India
5. Land routes that helped in exchange of ideas and
6. Countries who the neighbours of Indias
7. Long coast line of india on Indian ocean
2) Physical Features of India : 24/6/2022
Refection :
India has different forms of land forms like mountains , plains,
desert, islands, plateau, etc. We learnt the six physiographic
division of India
. i) The mountains are the major sources of water and forest
(ii) The Northern plains are the granaries of the country. Early
civilisations started here
.(iii) The plateau is a storehouse of minerals and important for
industrialisation of the country
.(iv) The coastal regions and island groups provide sites for
fishing and port related activities.
Thus, the diverse physical features of India have immense
future possibilities for development.
3) Drainage
Reflection :
In this chapter we learnt that the drainage system of India
is mainly controlled by the features of subcontinent. They
are divided into two parts. The word drainage means the
river system of an area. We learnt many things about river
like its source, it drains in, its length, its tributaries, its
flows, its special features etc. We learnt the importance
of lakes and rivers in the economy of the country and the
pollution of rivers affects the quality of water. We got to
know about facts which were related to drainage.
 Civics
1)What democracy why democracy?: 14/6/2022
Reflection :

Democracy is a form of government in which rulers are

elected by the people. We learnt about the features of
democracy and a broader meaning of democracy. We got to
know about how Pakistan, Mexico, China, Zimbabwe are not
a democratic country. We learnt about the advantages and
disadvantages of democracy. We got to know how India is a
completely democratic country.
2)Constitutional designs : 6/7/2022
Reflection :
We learnt that in democracy, there are certain basic rules that
the citizens and the government have to follow. All such rules
together are known as Constitution'. It is the Supreme Law of
the country. It determines the rights of citizens, the powers of
the government and how the government should function. It
also determines the relationship among people living in a
territory called citizens and also the relationship between the
people and government.
3) Electoral politics : 15/7/2022
Reflection :
In this chapter, we learnt that why are election necessary
in democracy. Merits and demerits of political
competition. We learnt the system of election in India
whole process of election in detail from the voters list to
counting of vote. And also what makes election in India
democratic because of the independent election
commission. We learnt about the problems to free and
fair election.

1) The Story of Village Palampur : 5/4/2022
Reflection :
The story of Palampur is a story of a village where Farming is
the main production activity. We learnt about four factors of
production deeply. We got to know how to grow more crop
from the same piece of land. We learnt about Green
Revolution, its advantage and disadvantage and effects of
fertilizers. We learnt about the capital needed in farming and
sale of surplus and the situation of small, medium and large
farmers , when they have arrange capital for the next season.
1) People as Resource : 23/6/2022
Reflection :
From this chapter, we learnt that educated and healthy
population is an asset to the country while the uneducated and
unhealthy population is a liability to the country. Population
becomes a human capital when investments are made in health
training and education. We learnt about the economic
activities. We learnt how Japan became so developed because
it invested on the people in education and health. We got to
know about education and health scenario in India and what
steps government is taking to provide education to all. Proper
health of person makes him realize his potential. Also we learnt
different type of unemployment and effects of it.
Map Work
Subject Enrichment
First Term - SS Project
First Periodic Marks
10/10 marks
Some School Activities

Product Designing competition

We had Independence Day and Teachers Day
Celebration. Also English and Hindi Extempore
and slogan writing. Various other competition.

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