Biology 10th

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Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks)

Q.1. Give reasons as to why the following processes are different from each other:
(a) Fission in Amoeba and Plasmodium.
(b) Binary fission and Fragmentation.
Q.2. Define the following processes of asexual reproduction:
(a) Spore formation (b) Regeneration (c) Multiple fission
Q.3. “The chromosomal number of the sexually producing parents and their offspring is the same.” Justify
this statement.
Q.4. “The consistency of DNA copying during reproduction is important for the maintenance of body design
features.” Support this statement with two arguments.
Q.5. List any two differences between pollination and fertilization.
Q.6. Differentiate between binary fission and multiple fission.
Q.7. State the importance of chromosomal difference between sperms and eggs of humans.
Q.8. (a) What is vegetative propagation?
(b) Write any two advantages of practising this method.
Q.9. Differentiate between plumule and radicle.
Q.10. Differentiate between self-pollination and cross-pollination.
Q.11. (a) List any two methods of asexual reproduction.
(b) Explain how spirogyra reproduces.
Q.12. Mention the functions of:
(a) placenta
(b) fallopian tube in the human female reproductive system.
Q.13. ‘Regeneration is not reproduction’. Justify this statement with reason.
Q.14. Write one main difference between asexual and sexual mode of reproduction. Which species is likely to
have comparatively better chances of survival– the one reproducing asexually or the one reproducing
sexually? Give reason to justify your answer.
Q.15. (a) Trace the path of sperms from where they are produced in human body to the exterior.
(b) Write the functions of secretions of prostate gland and seminal vesicles in humans.
Q.16. Why are the testes located outside the abdominal cavity? Mention the endocrine and exocrine function
of testes.
Q.17. List six specific characteristics of sexual reproduction.
Q.18. List four points of significance of reproductive health in a society. Name any two areas related to
reproductive health which have improved over the past 50 years in our country.
Q.19. What are chromosomes? Explain how in sexually reproducing organisms, the number of chromosomes
in the progeny is maintained?
Q.20. List four categories of contraceptive methods. State in brief two advantages of adopting such preventive

9. In plants, chemical coordination occurs through various phytohormones.

(i) Auxins secreted by growing tissues. They provide growth of plants.
(ii) Gibberelins cause stem elongation, seed germination and flowering.
(iii) Cytokinins present in areas of actively dividing cells like fruits, seeds. Promote cell division.
(iv) Abscisic acid inhibits growth, respond to environmental stress. (any three)
10. Exocrine glands Endocrine glands
(i) These glands pour their secretions with the help of (i) These glands are without ducts or are ductless.
ducts. (ii) These glands secrete hormones.
(ii) These glands secrete enzymes. (iii) These glands pour their secretions directly into the
(iii) These glands pour their secretions directly into the blood.
target organs.

11. (a) The man is suffering with the disease Diabetes. Insulin is the hormone which is responsible for this
Pancreas secretes this hormone.
(b) The gland which secrete the growth hormone is pituitary gland.
(i) Deficiency of growth hormone cause Dwarfism.
(ii) Excess secretion of growth hormone cause Gigantism in a person.
12. (a) (i) Auxin, (ii) Abscisic acid.
(b) Movement of shoot towards light (Tropism) Movement in ‘touch me not’ plant
(Nastic movement)
(i) It is slow response towards any stimulus. (i) It is an immediate response towards a stimulus.
(ii) It is directional. (ii) It is non-directional.
(iii) It is growth dependent. (iii) It is growth independent. (any two)

13. (i) Pituitary gland, (ii) Pancreas, (iii) Adrenal gland, (iv) Testes,
(v) Oestrogen, (vi) Thyroxine.
14. (a) Pituitary is often called as master endocrine gland because it controls and coordinates the secretion
of all the other endocrine glands.
(b) Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice as well as a hormone called as insulin. Pancreatic juice helps in
digestion whereas insulin regulates blood sugar level.
(c) Adrenalin is secreted directly into the blood and is carried to different parts of the body. It acts on
heart. As a result, the heart beats faster in order to supply more oxygen to our muscles. The blood
to the digestive system and skin is reduced due to contraction of muscles around small arteries in
these organs. This diverts the blood to our skeletal muscles. The breathing rate also increases because
of the contractions of the diaphragm and the rib muscles. All these responses together enable the
animal body to get ready to deal with the situation.
15. Brain is inside a bony box contained in a fluid- filled balloon which protects from shocks.
Vertebral column protects the spinal cord. Or both are protected by protective layers called meninges,
protective fluid (CSF → cerebrospinal fluid).
16. (a) and (b)

Fig. Human brain.

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