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CEG BANIKANNI-PARAKOU Année Scolaire : 2019-2020

Classe : 4ème Durée : 2h Période : Juin 2020 Civilization today is not the simple thing that it was in the far
2ème DEVOIR SURVEILLE DU 2èmeSEMESTRE olden days.The modern age is the age of equality as far as
EPREUVE : Anglais
children’s rights and duties are concerned. Therefore let us
educate our girlsas we educate our boys.
I- Compétences àévaluer unpublished
CD N 2Réagir de façonprécise et appropriée à des Critères d’évaluation
messages lus ou entendus Apres avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en
CD N 3Produire de façonappropriée des textes de types - Répondant par ‘’true’’ ou ‘’false’’ aux affirmations sur le
et de fonctions variés texte ;
- Répondant aux questions de façon approfondie ;
II – L’épreuve - Complétant les phrases par les verbes appropries ;
A- La réaction à un texte lu - Reliant les mots avec leurs synonymes.
Contexte Tâche/Consignes
En Afrique, par le passé, les filles ne vont pas à l’école
comme les garçons même si certains parents ont la capacité de le Item1: Answer by true or false according to the texte
faire. Mais de nos jours, les filles comme les garçons vont tous à 1- The text is about the importance of education
l’école. 2- In rural areas people neglected girls’ education
Support 3- Instead of sending girls to school our parents of rural areas
Text: Girls’ education would rather send them to the farm or to the fishing port
InAfrica and precisely in the rural areas people generally 4- Today’s civilization and the one of the past are the same.
considered girls’ education as putting water into a perforated
basket. Our parents could not see the better side of a girl’s life Item2: Answer these questions on the text
which is for example,to become some important personalities such 1- How did people consider girls’ education in the rural areas ?
as doctors, nursesand teachers.They were convinced that the most 2- What did our parents think the roles of girls were ?
important role of a girlwas simply to serve her husband, cook, 3- Should parents neglect girls’ education according to the
clean the house, wash and bring up children. So rather than send modern age ? justify your answer
girls to school they prefer to send them to farm or to the fishing
port. This inability to see beyond the nose had caused an Item3: Fill in the gaps with: Should – Shouldn’t – Were –
irreparable delay to the development of our countries. Neglected - sending
1- If I ………………… Ali, I would send my daughter to Consigne
2- Boys and girls ……………. be educated in the same WRITING
3- In the past parents…………..girls’ education Reorder the following words to get meaningful sentences:
4- Parents ……….. take into account young girl’s 1- All/education/for/
education by………………them to school 2- Daughters /to/parents/school/should/their/send
Item4: Match the words in column A with their synonyms in 3- School/all/to/go/do/the/children/? /
column B 4-Family/don’t/go/my/girls/school/to/in

1-people neglected girls’ a-rural regions
education b-male children
2- easily c- people considered girls
3-rural areas ’education as putting water into
4-boys a perforate basket

B- Production d’un texte de type particulier

A voir la place importante qu’occupent les femmes
instruites dans nos sociétés, l’éducation des filles est aussi
importante que celle des garçons.

Critères d’évaluation

Tu montreras ta capacitéà :
- Ordonner les mots pour obtenir des phrases
grammaticalement correctes et significatives ;
- Recopier sans faute les mots contenus dans ces phrases.

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