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Lecture :
Blood Cells
Presentation Group B
Lecture Outline Introduction
01 About Blood Cells



• The average human adult has more than 5 liters of blood in
his/her body. Blood carries O2 and nutrients to living cells
and take away their waste products.Through the circulatory
system, blood adapts to the body’s need.
• Blood contains liquid plasma and blood cells.Blood cells are
formed in the bone marrow. All blood cells arise from the
same bone marrow stem cells.
• The immortal, undifferentiated,Pluripotent stem cells give
rise to Erythrocytes (RBCs),Leukocytes(WBCs),and Platelets
• Erythrocytes also known as Red
Blood Cells .
•The most numerous type in the blood.
•Function to transport of O2 in the
•The shape of RBC is ideal for this
•Seen from the top, RBCs appear to be
circular, but a side view shows that
they are actually biconcaved discs.
• This shape increase life span surface area-to-
volume ratio of the cell, thus increasing the
efficiency of diffusion of O2 & CO2 in and out of
the cell.
• RBCs also have a flexible plasma membrane.
• RBCs contain tremendous amount of
hemoglobin,the protein that binds O2.
• They have limited life span of about 120 days.
• RBCs are produced through a process under

• Leukocytes also known as White Blood Cells.

• WBCs protect the body from infection.
• They are much fewer in number than red blood cells,
Accounting for about 1% for our blood.
• The most common WBC is the neutrophil.
• There are several different types of White Blood Cells Neutophil,
Eosenophil, Basophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte.
• Platelets also known as thrombocytes.
• Platelets are small, colorless cell fragments that play crucial
role in blood clotting.
• When a blood vessel is injured, platelets rush to the site and
form a plug to stop bleeding.They also release chemicals that
attack more platelets and promote the formation of a stable clot.
• Additionally, Platelets help repair damage blood vessels by
releasing growth factors that stimulates the growth of new cells.
• Without platelets, even minor injuries could cause life-
threatening bleeding.
• Each day, The average healthy adult produces about 100 billion

• Thrombokinase is an enzyme released by platelets which helps in

coagulation of blood. When the blood flows out at the time of
injury, platelets release thrombokinase which acts on pro-thrombin
converting it into thrombin.

• Platelets, or thrombocytes, are anucleate disk-shaped cells, 2–4

μm in diameter, that play a vital role in the hemostatic process.

• Platelets are produced in the bone marrow under the influence of a

growth factor known as thrombopoietin.

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