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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A Questions /  

/ ()
+,-. $ '* %#$ #$   !"
Organelle Tissue Organ System Organ Similar cells organized into .1
groups and performing same
functions, are known as:
() ()
() () ) / () 2345'*67'*89! :;
'*6C '*'?@A-.0B '* > )(
'*<= Which of these tissues also .2
Muscular Connective Epithelial
Nervous Tissue makes the glandular tissue in
Tissue Tissue Tissue
Q/ animals?
Multicellular Colonial Unicellular Unicellular .3
What is TRUE about volvox?
Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Prokaryote
ab _` %^ ] 4YZ[\9;
Population Community Biosphere Habitat Members of the same species .4
living in the same place at the
same time make a:
\9jJkGlm2nop! qrHs
jJ9|} jJ{kG jJdz xy 2t uvw
Pharmacology Bio-technology Physiology Anatomy If a scientist is studying the
methods of inserting human
insulin gene in bacteria, which
branch of biology may this be?
~9op€[H Eb
jJ x„ ‚ƒ jJ
The scientific study of plants is .6
Histology Anatomy Botany Zoology
) 0.‰/ Š called:
jJ‹'?-@Œ-.Ž jJ ˆA.- jJ^ ~23op!†‡
Paleontology Zoology Genetics Ecology The study of fossils is called:
+˜™š œž \•–—; ~2!‘’\:“
Ÿ ƒ ”
Abdul Malik Jabir Bin “Al-Qanun-fi al-Tib” is .8
Bu Ali Sina Aristotle
Asmai Hayan written by:
¦§¨© 2Y'?-@A-.¡|¢[\9£\
¥N 9¤ P
Sodium Which one is a .9
Protein Glucose Water
Chloride macromolecule?
~ªab P8\« ¬2010
­173.5 ­170.5 ­175.5 ­180.5
Human population in Pakistan .10
173.5 M 170.5 M 175.5 M 180.5 M
in 2010 was:
Y³ ² ± °
The reproductive organ of a .11
Flower Leaf Stem Root
plant is:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test
½¾ »¼ ¸· .0¹º
- L ´µ¶ ~26OPL
Frog Horse Euglena Rabbit Which one is a unicellular?
5 4 3 2 ~2 .13
A biologist uses ______ senses
in observations.
// ( / Ì-0ÍÏ ~2 ÅÆ£Ç!ÈÉJkG
The most basic step of .14
Experimentation Observations Deductions Hypotheses
biological method:
// (
Law Theory Hypotheses Experimentation Deductions are drawn from:
àá9\ During
During data While taking At which point is a biologist .16
None of these hypotheses
organization observations most likely to use reasoning?
/ / /-
ËÊ - ѹèé= ÊË-ѹèéE| ~23âãä© ål
êÔ æç
Male Female This mosquito spreads dengue .17
Aedes Culex
Anopheles Anopheles fever:
) -.Ó Y¿ Á H ëì H dí  Yî  FEb £ \9
ˆ0ò ñ „ð <ï á .18
Cactus Pines Cinchona Siddurs Which plant bark was used to
cure malaria?
  ! ¯ô I õ ¯ö ÷ø £ ¯ö ÷ùú
dídý© ûü9ëì
þ dí dý©
Diarrhea &
Cancer Malaria Diarrhea What was the only effective .19
Malaria remedy for malaria from the
17th to the 20th century?
1885 1882 1883 1884 A.F.A. King listed .20
observations in:
ØÐn Ô© ¯Ù \:
“Plasmodium is the cause of .21
Hypotheses Deduction Theory Law
malaria”, this statement is a:
5   ; Ö  G G  Ø Ðn 

àá9  êÙ ¬ ~ E

None of these Results Theories Law The hypotheses that often .22
tested and never rejected are
( 0 ~2E!sâdí
<ý ¨©   
Which is responsible for .23
Virus Plasmodium Amoeba Paramecium
spreading malaria fever?
£åÊË-ѹèé £åæç ~2dí L
£<ý £ ì E
Anopheles Culex Malaria in sparrows is .24
Virus Marshy Areas
Mosquito Mosquito transmitted by:
) )
á$'( ·&N'( %á$ _á$ 2£ !£\9"!#LML6OPL .25
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Only Fungi Only Protista Fungi & Fungi & In which kingdom would you
Monera Plantae classify unicellular
[ \9 )r DE ! * „ €[ ! +; 
Grant’s 2Ý
Canis lupis
Which one may be the correct .26
E. Coli Saccharaum
way of writing the scientific
name of an organism?
- .0/
S2Ý,+ 0‡26OS+;
 ! £ \9 " ! < m 2 1 Ê2$ 3 6O
) ) 2£
¸· - .Œ-.š-.0-4 _ á$ ·&N
A certain organism is .27
Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista
multicellular, adapted for
photosynthesis, and has
multicellular sex organs. To
which kingdom does it belong?
.Œ7 Q
: ! „ H   Ê5 6-  8: 9.0- : áG

WX A <@ ? m23;;<='>

Species Genus Class Family In binomial nomenclature, the .28
first letter of the ______ name
is capitalized.
_` ab F EE
Biodiversity means _____ of a .29
Community Population Variety Number
~ G +;ENH
»1 J20 J2 I10
How many kinds of organisms .30
10 Million 2 Million 2,00000 10,000
inhabited the earth?
/ .P
!©$ !WX !,@ !ÊË-ѹO- ~K"LM2NA
Orders Species Classes Families A genus is a group( of related:
/ 0ò-.S- 0/
~23;op!QR- @ +;
‚ƒ xy jJV T:U
The classification of organisms .32
Botany Anatomy Entomology Taxonomy
is studied in: (
/ 0ò-.S- 0/
~2<@\8WpHQR- @E[
 ·¸-.Œ-.š-.Y XáN ß©! According to simple .33
Homo Mammalia Primates Chordata classification class of human
\ ~2YZ [á$ !
, ] \V ¸· - .‰0O-
The common example of .34
Moses Algae Ferns Mushrooms
kingdom fungi is:
) ) -·¸-. .š-.0-4
Π~2 !!\V
·&N _ á$
Ferns are assigned to _____ .35
Protista Animalia Plantae Fungi
bc !EV  ¯EG$ ^E_`a
490 280 290 180 m23 .36
How many people are added
to the world population each
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

m df|
10000 1000 100 10 There are ___ micrometers in .37
one millimeter.
Ym9 JO
/ 4
Q- 0ò- jkl /)
2[\9g<!Yh Eb
The _____ is a major .38
Cholesterol Cellulose Peptidoglycan Chitin
component of plant cell walls.
The 2 E F s ¯© ! h  t
ˆ-0¹7z xyz w§ \du!v| __________ is the membrane .39
Nucleus Nucleolus Chloroplast Mitochondrion enclosed structure in
eukaryotic cells that contains
the DNA of the cell.
2 Ü  + Hh  {9|} ~€
) //-) ¦ƒb m23;‚9 
Fs¯© † ʄN
DNA Lipids Proteins
Poly- Smooth endoplasmic .40
saccharides reticulum is the area in a cell
Î/ where ______ are synthesized.
.0/ //-)
ˆÊË-э.R- ‰6O ,+- 0‡ ¯‚Ê„N ) 2 !!du!v|
Cellular Photo- Protein The mitochondrion functions .41
Lipid storage
Respiration Î/
synthesis synthesis in:
-.0/ //-)
Š‹DNA ,+ 0‡ ¯‚Ê„N
¯‚ATP 2 !!w§
DNA Photo- Protein .42
ATP Synthesis The chloroplast functions in:
Replication synthesis Synthesis
/ /
2EDNAŒ< HÊË-ѹ-.01$£\9
l \du!v| ˆ-0¹7z w§ Which of these cellular .43
All of these Mitochondrion Nucleus Chloroplast organelles have their own
/ DNA?
/ <d!
—; ªá4sINŽf|
\–—K— ” •J ’ ‘ “K—
Zacharias Who developed the first .44
Robert Brown Louis Pasteur Robert Hooke
Janssen microscope?
” •J \Z ’ ‘ “K— \–—K—
Who discovered the nucleus in .45
Louis Pasteur Laveran Robert Hooke Robert Brown
plant’s cell?
Fs¯© Ym9 /)
i! JO
Which one is present in the .46
DNA Cholesterol Chitin Cellulose
cell wall of fungi?
9Z œ D |›
The stack of thylakoids is .47
Leucoplasts Granum Cristae Stroma
K¥¦§ ~23 žEŸ!  ¡¢
¦ ¤€ \£ã©
Active Gas exchange in gills and .48
Turgor Osmosis Diffusion
Transport lungs occurs by:
¨©  © h  ªC I H «[ h
­2j ­¨ ­® ­1j
G2 M S G1 In which 23 n‚¬pÁHŠ .49
stage of cell
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

cycle, the cell is preparing

enzymes for chromosome
3¯© aªCIH«[h
In which 21°|E±r<2
­2j ­¨ ­® ­1j stage of the cell .50
G2 M S G1 cycle each chromosomes is
duplicated and so it consists
of two chromatids?
9  E| ² ³  a ´ £ \µ© h
¶· ¸©NH ¹<m23 ¯©
°|º °|º\„ ©»J ©º m F°£
Sister Non-sister Homologous Sister Prior to cell division, each .51
Chromatids Chromatids Chromosomes Chromosomes chromosome replicates or
duplicates its genetic material.
The products are connected by
a centromere and are called:
! ©»J
¿0!NÀéÁz á| £ ¹ [ \9  s   \E H ¤ T
„4F» Ã!Ä­ „½!¾|
Loss of the 23E¼£¤0
Pairing of Formation of Condensation of .52
nuclear Which event distinguishes
homologous metaphase plate chromosomes
membrane meiosis from mitosis?
ÉN ʲ¦©
 Ë  £  h  È©
2Å; Łƣ¤0á|£Gw\9¤T
DE l The daughter 
The 2
cells are Chromosomes .53
All of these chromosome Which of these distinguishes
genetically undergo
number is meiosis from mitosis?
different from crossing over
the parent cell
Í ©Á H ¤ Tm;  Ω
 àΩ© \EHI¤T ´£II¤T ´£I¤T  Ω
Do not During meiosis Before Before meiosis For mitosis, the chromosomes .54
duplicate I meiosis II I of cell duplicate during
interphase. When do the
chromosomes duplicate for
 àcE­G05 HI
> = FE Ï
The cells of _____ do not enter .55
Epithelial Nerves Kidneys Liver
G0 phase.
4 3 2 1 .56
The phases of mitosis are:
~2Ý £ÑsYÒ9¤0á|
dý© Ô Ó þ
Errors in the control of mitosis .57
Diarrhea Constipation Ulcer Cancer
may cause:
23 ¹!ȪCI
I­N II­N ­Â ­y
At what stage does the .58
Prophase I Prophase II Metaphase Anaphase
crossing over occur?
„Ω ¿! „< „×Ø ~ÕHt2Ö!\GP„L¤TÖ
To make To cut To make To make The word "meiosis" is a Greek
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

double larger smaller word meaning:

~2ÅÙځG  Û³Üw
¤0á| ¤T ÝÞ
Fragmentation Sea star regenerates its lost .60
Mitosis Meiosis Budding
arm through:
) //-) 2£àIß'?-@A-.¡|"!¬p
† â- .Œ7z ʄN á¦nƒ!
To what category of molecules .61
Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins Carbohydrates
do enzymes belong?
s9 - Y Y¿±ãäpåCsI
s” •J sèç sæ–
Wilhelm Who first used the term .62
Luis Pasteur Emil Fischer Ibn-e-Nafees
Kuhne enzyme?
~ÕHt2ÖP„L ߃Â
E| í ëì ê The term metabolism is .63
Matter Deficiency Change Division derived from a Greek word
; 4 Y'?-@A-.¡| F<  ð î ¯ ïkG
) ~
ˆò¯© ߃·ñ- ߃y ߃Â
Decomposition Catabolism Anabolism Metabolism The biochemical reactions in .64
which larger molecules are
synthesized, are called:
) //-)
àá9 † ʄN á¦nƒ! ~ ¬pF[óô
None of these Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates Almost all enzymes are:
 H  3õEHÊ„N
 s öN  ÷9äpI
úáû ùá êøN 23;Y  ¿
Pepsin Amylase Lipase Protease Which enzyme is used to .66
remove protein stains on
23 !¨üI—¦ /  äp
<[ ëE  ýþ
In what medium does the .67
Light Base Modification Acidic Alkaline
enzyme trypsin work?
 !s !£ s ! äpH\8
41o C 39o C 37o C 35o C The optimum temperature for .68
the maximum working speed
of human enzymes is:
IY©|  Lu
1958 1963 1956 1858 In which year was the .69
induced-fit model proposed?
sIY©| ~½
s< „ sèç s\–—K— s”
Who proposed the lock and .70
Ronal Ross Emil Fischer Robert Brown Aristotle
key model?
) //-)
NÜ N† NʄN Ná¦nƒ! ~23¹ùáäp
)/ /
Starch Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates Lipase enzyme acts on:
[§ ˆÊËÑ.R0BáÊËÑ҉0/ m23 N!äp
Shapes of Concentration Specificity of different .72
pH Temperature
active sites of substrates enzymes is determined by:

  / -
/ Q
Êj  ¦$á©–!ªC£\9HˆÊ  -
Electron .73
All of these
Krebs Cycle Glycolysis 2Å
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Chain In which of these steps of

respiration, CO 2 is produced?
Q sq| 23;d §£\9HH
v[ k9·û |›
Plasma In which component of the leaf .74
Cytoplasm Thylakoids Stroma
Membrane cells, chlorophyll is present?
/ -
) 2Ý cE«[Ê
‰ \9£\
Aäp9·¸.0- Ò-‰ â½› â½á 9¤
Which of these can enter into .75
Acetyl Co-A Citric Acid Pyruvic Acid Glucose
Krebs cycle?
àsB sHJY! s\! s V ˜dEsI9øF
None of these Karl Lohmann Calvin Fritz Lip Who discovered ATP?
~2Å ë"j=óô£YHøF
7.6 kcal 7.0 kcal 7.4 kcal 7.3 kcal One mole of ATP releases .77
energy about:
~2 „!#j=¯< 
øF øF F¯© ¯©F
The major energy currency of .78
all cells is:
) ~23„;$!%&£'B
àá9 :E ˆ($ - Ô
The loss of electrons from an .79
None of these Both Oxidation Reduction
atom is called: Î/
- .0/
~2)©NáG*\EH,+ 0‡
àá9 ,$ ð+„ ¦$á©–! Which is evolved as byproduct .80
None of these Oxygen Nitrogen CO 2 in the process of
photosynthesis? Î/
- ¯ ½©  . s   , +  0‡
sqk9šû sqP+ sqP/  IHw§
Internal External The dark reactions take place .81
Membrane Membrane Membrane in the _____ of the
chloroplasts. Î/
  0   s1 N   ¹ H, +  0‡

2Å 2345£
4% 3% 2% 1% Only about ____ of the light .82
falling on the leaf surface is
absorbed during the
/ Q
Y: 8]9 v[ ©7 23;d I¹!Ê6j
Vacuole Golgi Complex Cytoplasm Ribosomes Glycolysis occurs in:
s\–—K— s\!\= s\< s\;
The details of dark reactions .84
Robert Brown Malvin Calvin Sheldon Schwann
were discovered by:
>" ?9 @A¦z¯BN £\9 
) //-) Cj=Y¿
â- .Œ7z † ʄN á¦nƒ!
Nucleic Acids Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates What are the primary .85
nutrients that provide quick
useable energy to body?
 \ ˆF- . G œ©L© E   DÓ .86
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

All of these Esophagus Duodenum Stomach Ulcers occur in:

FHE  Ü  N [ \9 ! ¬p
àá9 úáû ùá êøN 23»Û9áknƒ!
None of these Amylases Lipases Proteases Which group of enzymes .87
breaks up starches and other
) )/ ) )/ ) )/
\J9£ý·KYL YE£ý·KYL Ï£ý·KYL )
2Å;. D£ D9\IsJb.-0.é’
Small YE£Ï Small Small
Hepatic portal vein carries .88
intestines to Liver to heart intestines to intestines to
blood from:
colon heart liver
Q.Ed!A¦z íßP 2 LôMNO9
Ó ˆ¦z
Over-intake Mineral The disease of Kwashiorkor .89
Ulcer Protein-energy of nutrients deficiency and Marasmus may be due to:
) P !  á„Û Á H @ FS N [ \9 ! ½I
XYEE ë„ø ¬OVW$ˆ0.-
N!Uµ 2sT
Milk and Breads and Fats, oils and .90
Meat Group Which food group is our
cheese cereals sweets
body’s best source of energy?
) ~2YZ8×
s[ â+.- 0è 9¤ \Z7
Which is an example of .91
Glycerin Fatty Acid Glucose Riboflavin
^×b ] \ ð+„
The example of micronutrients .92
Potassium Magnesium Zinc Nitrogen
/) )
04 ~2 „!¯ôs £í\ý$
`  _ ˆ0.-
The name of the disease .93
Anemia Fever Flu Tetanus
caused by iron deficiency is:
~2Å j= H†
07 kcal 06 kcal 09 kcal 04 kcal One gram of lipids contains .94
9¹Ha½I£Eb cE|çY
) 0
Š+.R- ~
Defecation Ingestion Mastication Lubrication The process of grinding food .95
with the help of teeth in oral
cavity is called:
úáû ⽧kn Id P ~2)©N<½ÊËÑÒ-01
Amylase HCl Mucous Water The product of gastric juice is:
jk$^×b l¦m;Y³ jk$¦§ ~©9e; fÂg
Gain ; Gain chloride Stomata close when guard .97
Lose water
potassium ions Become turgid ions cells:
) r¤v['?F- .P
t- @-0¹7zS ‚ê©Gs 2EopE!q+ 2DEFGHnÔH\8
Are capable
Are Produce Have limited Which is correct about human .98
multinucleate antibodies life span red blood cells?
vw dG vw dE ¨u dE ¨u dG Å ø£Ç÷LE"£\9HYE
Left Ventricle Right Right Atrium Left Atrium Which of these chambers has
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Ventricle the thickest walls in human

3   H x žEŸ ! E| y| H '*  \I
H \ êz p ê¦$ 2
All of these Capillaries Veins Arteries Exchange of materials .100
between blood and
surrounding tissues occurs in:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A Questions /  


*+$,"-. &'(     .1
Radicals Compounds Elements Mixture Which one of these compounds can
be separated by physical means?
 012345 6789:;
I? EFGH D? =>?@ABC < .2
Argon Nitrogen Oxygen CO The third abundant gas found in
the Earth’s atmosphere is:
1.66 ×10-24 KKamuJ
1.66 ×10-23 g 1.66 ×10-24 kg 1.66 ×10-24 g .3
mg One amu is equivalent to:
OamuLMNAC O 2  
-25 -25 -24
192×10 1.92×10 53.12×10 32 Which one of these is a molecular .4
mass of O 2 in amu?
CO2 H 2O O3 H2 Which one molecule is not tri- .5
18 amu 18 g 18 mg 18 kg The mass of one molecule of water .6
`< /0ab\]^_
Me 1 dM Lc
Mercury metal is found in ______ .7
Plasma Gas Liquid Solid
o n lm k fgT!"#$"%hij
Calcium Magnesium Sodium Lithium The lightest element is:
39 40 14 12 What is the mass number of .9
fuvw" F:x? Fe2 (SO4 )3 rst
4 3 2 1 .10
Valency of iron in Fe2 (SO4 )3 is:

C2 H 4 O 2 CH 2 O C6 H12 O 6 fAyNRS"TU" VMCz

CHO .11
Molecular formula of glucose is:
O3 H 2O HCl CO2 Which one is an example of .12
diatomic molecule?
†‡ˆ`ˆ m„  ‚ƒ e  }~C€?|
J.J. Thomson Rutherford Bohr Planck The concept of orbit was used by:
O N L M
Which one shell consists of three .14
O Shell N Shell L Shell M Shell
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test
90-šF› 30-L™y
60-ž 131-hmœ? ˜ .15
Strontium- Phosphorus-
Cobalt-60 Iodine-131 Which radioisotope is used for the
90 32
diagnosis of tumor in the body?
˜ Ÿ0 ¡C-12“
99.7% 98.9% 97.6% 96.9% The isotope C-12 is present in .16
abundance of:
m„  ‚ƒ*+$" ¦ ¤¥I  ¢Ÿ ”F3~£O 
J.J. .17
Rutherford Neil Bohr Goldstein Who discovered the proton?
ªFY©Fª”F3 ªFY©FªF« ª”F3FªF«
ªF« f˜§‰"w¨©C|
Protons & Electrons & Electrons & .18
Electrons The nucleus of an atom consists of:
Neutrons Neutrons Protons
:}~£O]¬­®¯ ±
²m m„  †‡ ‚ƒ
Which scientist proposed the plum .19
Dalton Rutherford Thomson Bohr
pudding theory?
f³´§ªF«µ Ÿ µ ŸK
32 18 8 2 K shell can accommodate ______ .20
Xe Ar Ne He Which noble gas does not have .21
 valence shell?
eight electrons in its
ns2np5 ns2np4 ns2np3 ns 2 The general electronic .22
configuration of the halogen family
f Ã:ĔR–?BC
5 4 3 2 The number of isotopes of carbon .23
 Ž   ~^ Å Æ  Ç ] È© É “” R–?
P-32 Co-60 U-235 C-12 f˜§ .24
Which isotope is used to generate
 electricity in nuclear reactors?
H§ÑC‹ WX LMWX º*+ T½¾F«
»¼ fÊ Ë:ÌsmŸÍÎÏÐ
Completion of Atomic Atomic Electronic Mendeleev Periodic Table was .25
a subshell Number Mass Configuration based upon the:

 Ò0F‡Ó Ôµ ÉA: ÌsmŸÍÕ?Öy­×
.Í­×]ÜF .ÍÛH
.Í­× .ÍÙÚ f³´Ø.Í .26
Very Long Normal
Long Periods Short Periods th th
4 and 5 period of the long form
Periods Periods
of Periodic Table  are called:

Ý ‹ÞRST" ß" ¦F«:EÂ 
hmœ? ;FK há hà
Which halogen has the lowest .27
Iodine Bromine Chlorine Fluorine
6 5 4 3 .28
How many blocks are there in
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

modern Periodic Table?

f Ã:æç.ÍèÓ
32 20 18 8 .29
Number of elements in 4th period is:
³< /0“FéÌsmŸÍ*+$ ê" u°,V
4 3 2 1 Alkali metals are found in which .30
group of Periodic Table?
WX f³<Øëìí: ÌsmŸÍ
Atomic The horizontal rows of elements in .31
Atomic Mass Groups Periods
Number the periodic table are called:
ïA𠂃 m„  ²m
Who introduced the atomic .32
H. Moseley Bohr Rutherford Dalton
´Ø .Í ñO F ò  Ì smŸÍ Õ? Öy ­×
.Í­×]ÜF .ÍÛH
.Í­× .ÍÙÚ f³ .33
Very Long Normal
Long Periods Short Periods th th
6 and 7 periods in long form of
Periods Periods
Periodic Table are called:

f<§ÞRST"ß" ¦F«:EFGH
5 4 3 2 .34
The electronegativity of nitrogen is:
fó.WXC Li
182pm 172pm 162pm 152pm .35
The atomic radius of Li is: 

fÞRST" ß" ¦F«:BC
4.0 2.6 2.0 1.0 .36
The electronegativity of carbon is:
 gT$"%Fùm?   fô§3õö&  žF÷ø *+$ ê" HF
úw" ê ¾œ? gT$"%F
Coordinate A bond formed between two non- .37
Metallic Ionic Covalent
Covalent metals is expected to be:
ªF« ªF«Œ ªF«F fûüÀý&ž ÉAþRS"TU" VMgT$"%F
Four Three Two A bond pair in covalent molecules .38
One Electron
Electrons Electrons Electrons usually has:
H 2O CO2 KBr CH 4 Which compound is not directional .39
in its bonding? 
OgT!"#$"%0F« gT!"#$"%RST" ß" ¦F«J
gT$"%Fùm? gT$"%FNq   f<§:­&žø ñ
¾œ? gT$"%F
Coordinate Polar
Ionic Covalent When an electronegative element .40
Covalent Covalent combines with an electropositive
element the type of bonding  is:
   O§    º*+ T½¾F«: 
 µ Ÿ  ‹ | O     ïF  WX
12 10 8 6
Considering the electronic
configuration of atoms which atom
with the given atomic number will
be the most stable one?
L„gT$"%F L„NRS"TU" VM L„úw" ê  L„ hi F F ~  /0 ø      
Covalent Inter- Metallic .42
Ionic Force 2
Force molecular Force
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Force Which one is the weakest force

among the atoms? 
  T$%   #" ê
m Y ·m  f˜ Ÿ0&žg " F"
 " ¦
Dative Triple Double Single Covalent bond found in methane is:
" ß
2.0 1.8 1.6 1.0 The difference between the .44
electronegativity of hydrogen and
chlorine is:
"Y "·m    !m f˜  ‚&žEF
Triple Lines Double Lines Single Line Dotted Line Hydrogen Bonding is denoted by:
f#q$ƒC NaCl
1713o C 1613o C 1513o C 1413o C .46
Boiling point of NaCl is:
NH3 N2 C2 H 4 O2 A good example of triple covalent .47
bond is:
­&žgT$"%F ­&ž¾œ? ­&žúw" ê f&C':ªF«ø  
Covalent Ionic Metallic Transfer of electrons between .48
Bonding Bonding Bonding atoms results in:
 §   ³ ´()  * : dM þRS"TU" VM É  º+—
,-µ Ÿ. ,-[ø ,-Ý. f
Very high Moderate Very low In the evaporation process, liquid
None of these
energy energy energy molecules which leave the surface
of the liquid have:
<^/RS"T0" -m ]112 
hà há 2 EF
Which one of these gas diffuses .50
Chlorine Fluorine Helium Hydrogen
 8 9"%
  5— 6  *7" m :  `³ ab hi 3 : µ M 4

˜  ‚
gdm-3 kgdm-3 gcm-3 mgcm-3
Gases are the lightest form of .51
matter and their densities are
expressed in terms of:
z > =e <
Which one of these is not .52
Glucose Glass Plastic Rubber
E@:dM C3[FD <§P?@3#q$ƒA2 
Initial Inter-
Nature of External Which one of these does not affect .53
temperature molecular
liquid Pressure the boiling point?
of liquid Forces

Increase of Increase of Increase of The vapour pressure of a liquid .54
Increase of
inter- temperature pressure increases with the:
polarity of
Nm-2 mN 2 N m2 fP—/?óCC3 .55
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

The SI unit of pressure is:

40o C 39o C 38o C 37o C The normal body temperature of .56
human is:
120o C 100o C 60o C 0o C .57
The boiling point of water is:

0.001gcm-3 0.108gcm-3 1.08gcm-3 1.00gcm-3 f¢R:[0

The density of water is:

< =e LV Um Lc ST^JO
Rubber Plastic Glass Diamond Which one is crystalline solid?
˜§ QŽ Y? O    ~^ ÖZ C3 sWX
[FF [\ [FD [@M  .60
Voltmeter Electrometer Barometer Manometer Which instrument is used to
measure atmospheric pressure?
é_[0 dMLc]^O 
b a[0 `
Sugar in Which one of these is a ‘liquid in .61
Fog Opal Butter
Water solid’ solution?
jF˜§h µ Ÿ  B„ c×` Ùd e B„ Ùd`Ùd é
˜§h i? ˜§Ph ˜ §hۘå If the solute-solute fÙd ñ § fg
Dissolves Does not Dissolves forces are strong enough than those .62
Dissolves and slowly dissolve readily of solute-solvent forces. The
precipitates solute: 
rÕ?po " " FnO 
]^Cé_ /qF po
Milk of Which one of these is heterogeneous .63
Sugar Solution Ink Milk
Magnesia mixture?
]^Cs ]^Cé_ 
v u f˜^µ‚sCgU" 0" -Qt
Chalk Sugar .64
Jelly Paints Tyndall effect is shown by:
Solution Solution
1dm3 c× 100c×
 1dm3 ]^ Öéá1]^ f§µwhÉ ÃµF:þAÙdÞOA
1dm3 of 1 kg of Molarity is the number of moles of .65
1dm3 of 100 g of solution solute dissolved in:
solvent solvent
:]^ c× :]^ Ùd :Ùd c×  
BA@F x:º*78 9y
Solvent to Solute to Solvent to .66
Both A and B Concentration is ratio of:
solution solution solute
4€[0 ]^{|
]^CB~ }” fQ{J:]^z
Drops of ink Starch .67
Soap Solution Toothpaste The example of true solution is:
in water Solution
f˜Øe§ ÝÉFµFC]^
]^‚RS±ƒ"#„ ]^‚RS±ƒ"#„
Ùd c× The component of solution which is .68
Unsaturated Saturated
Solute Solvent present in smaller quantity is
Solution Solution
f&'(Ü hH[0
MgCl 2 KBr NaCl C6 H 6 Which compound is insoluble in .69
LcdM dMdM 1dM dM1 Q{:]^` .70
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Solid in Liquid Liquid in Gas in Liquid in Gas Butter is an example of which

Liquid Liquid solution?
 ± 9„ ]^z
9  ]^ Q{:rÕ?po
True .71
Suspension Colloid Solution Milk of Magnesia is an example of:
a[0 {| u fQ{:
Sugar in .72
Salt in water Starch Paints Which is an example of colloid?
. ‡]ˆO‰C[0 D?FEF
Œ ºŠ‹Y© ‡
Redox Formation of water from hydrogen .73
Decomposition Neutralization Acid-Base Reaction and oxygen is:

" CF^ K 2Cr2O 7
˜§ ºŽ?
+7 +14 +6 +2 The oxidation number of chromium .74
in K 2Cr2O 7 :
]^ ]^Cé_ PF«O 
Sodium ]^C~“
Sulphuric Sugar Which one of these is not an .75
Chloride Lime Solution
Acid Solution electrolyte?
  ~^ ” m=CO O  •–—
 Å3m˜12 L`˜ QŽ
O2 O3 H2 Cl 2 .76
Nelson's cell is used to prepare
caustic soda along with gases.
Which of these gas is produced at

ÎbF«CD?  F ™÷[0 D?FEF
›.:D? " :EF During the formation of ˜§ P šF
Hydrogen H^
Oxygen has Hydrogen has water from hydrogen and oxygen, .77
behaves as Oxygen gains reduced oxidized which of these does
oxidizing electrons not occur:

" C Cl  KClO 3
+6 +5 +4 +3 The oxidation number of Cl in .78
KClO 3 is:

‡]º. ‡]. "
‡]ºŽ? ‡]›. fH§žŸC H 2 S
Addition Redox Oxidation Reduction The conversion of H 2 S to sulphur .79
Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction is:

fºŽ? " CŸ H 2SO 4
-10 +8 +6 +4 The oxidation number of sulphur in .80
H 2SO 4 :

-3 +6 +5 +3 The oxidation number of nitrogen .81
in HNO 3 :

-2 -1 +2 +1 fºŽ? " Chá HCl .82
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

The oxidation number of chlorine

in HCl is:
C6 H 6 NaCl CH 3 COOH NaOH Which is an example of non- .83
 f˜Ø™C~ ¡Jž:¾3x?
¤ ­ŠH£ ¢—. ­ŠŽ?"
The process of coating a thin layer .84
Alloying Galvanizing Reducing Oxidizing
of zinc on iron is called:
o x? n lm ©O .85
Calcium Iron Magnesium Sodium Which one of these metal burns
with a brick red flame?
Sodium is extremely reactive metal, .86
Phosphorus Sulphur Nitrogen Hydrogen
but it does not react with:
   e  XCPx?®  XC ¯*+$ ê" u°,V°±
­&žúw" êQµ  ­&žúw" êF ­&žúw" ê³´
­&žúw" êH f²F:L
Moderate Weak Strong .87
Non-metallic Pure alkali metals can be cut
metallic metallic metallic
bonding simply by knife but iron cannot
bonding bonding bonding
because of alkali metals have:
¶l "w" Ý\2 
^ ¥I x? lm
Which one of these is less .88
Silver Gold Iron Sodium
u#" F«:  
³¼½%:¾ ³qF«« ³RST"ß" ¦F««  
<§ f¸¹e³´^º±F« [O?*+$ ê"
Good They are They are
They have Metals lose their electrons easily .89
conductors of electro- electro-
electron because:
heat positive negative
n Á ¿À lm < ٔ [O?\2 
Magnesium Selenium Aluminum Sodium Which one of these is brittle?
¿À l ¥I x? f\­]µ Ÿ ‹
Aluminum Cesium Gold Iron The most reactive metal is:

˜§P@ÃC*7" 8w,VŸ‘QÄ3Å 2
lm ¥I ¾ x?
It is not affected by any single .92
Sodium Gold Zinc Iron
mineral acid or base:
Ì]Í ÇÈÉ f˜§­C¥n3Ƨ
Ì  ʨËc
Golden Lustrous When burned in the air, the color .93
Yellow Brick Red
Yellow White of magnesium flame is: 

fÞRST"ß" ¦F«:hà
3.0 2.1 3.5 4 .94
The electronegativity of fluorine is:
f :D?3*:;
48% 47% 46% 45% The amount of oxygen in earth’s .95
crust is:
]^_ ¿À lm pXq f\­]Ý ‹
Mercury Aluminum Sodium Potassium The least reactive metal is:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

³KKþAâLÎé8 CO2
0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 How many number of moles are .97
equivalent to 8 grams of CO2 ?
C2 H 2 O C2 HO CH 2 O fAyÏ*7" 8± !" Cz
CHO .98
The empirical formula of glucose is:
f³´§Å LñҔ235-Ñ—
PÃÓ ª”F3 ªFY© ªF«
When U-235 breaks up, it .99
Nothing Protons Neutrons Electrons
Atomic Mendeleev Long form of Periodic Table is .100
Mass Number Atomic Mass
Number Postulate constructed on the basis of:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A Questions /  

!"  Which solutions are not reached .1
Strategized Prepared
Best Solution Candid Solution through proper algorithms or
Solution Solution
work planning?
 /01 -. +,
____ is a graphical representation .2
Solution Flowchart Graph Matrix
of an algorithm.
3 45 6 7 89 : ;<= >? @ A 2 /01
Diamond Process Connector Terminal Which symbol in the flowchart is .3
used to either start or end the
/01 [\:  Z&':
____ means to test if the required .4
Flowchart Validation Algorithm Verification
solution is there.
 S^$ _`ab:3c3d
'opA 'klKL 'ij '8h e _`fS gT
Runtime Error Syntax Error Logical Error Random Error In a _____ error, the solution is
working but not giving required
e_qT$ 8.:R8*r)Ss
u [;t:  /01
_____ refers to a task or program .6
Problem Proposition Algorithm Flowchart
that requires a solution.
eB_ v
v xy [\: c
A well-defined problem does not .7
None of these Ambiguities Validation Errors
 R„;   vƒ'(  ‚  €
It is important to _______ the .8
Guess Make an image define understand
problem before solution.
eˆ0‰}* †{|}u‡
g ‚ Œ Š‹
Before problem solving, we need to .9
Chose Define Understand Analyse
first ______ a problem.
 ‘t(Ws)Ž2|}u
5 7 3 2 How many questions (Ws) are .10
required in problem solving?
g*!" ‚*u Š‹*~ e$“SS”2•u–’S
Selecting the Defining a Analyzing a ______ helps to understand the .11
None of these
best solution problem problem given problem.
8£Š /¡=/¢ ƒ": „;  ž}Ÿ:ž}— :$B}—2˜™š› ~œT
All of these Act it Out Guess, Check Divide and #$B
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

and Improve Conquer This strategy divides a complex

problem into smaller problems:
e$ _3~¤*
8£Š  §œ ¥¦
The strategy depends upon the .13
All of these Algorithm Complication Nature
______ of the problem.
8£Š ®: ¬­ « e$“SS”2|ª¨©)
All of these Time Energy Money A candid solution can help to save:
8£ &¶V· &¶V·µ ³´µ e$“S±²*¯ ¯°
All of these Planned Unplanned Undefined The word “candid” refers to:
¸S” SR; 2 ¹º 7 |}   ~ )
H ½¾M¿
FGIKL D »¼D  /01 e$ ( .16
Translator Trace Table Algorithm Flowcharts _______ are helpful to know about
the steps used to solve a problem.
 ÀÁ 3s77~‡/01
ÄÅ &Ã &'( Â e$ }
A flowchart is a ______
effective visual graphical good
presentation of the steps to solve a
&;ÉÊ #$ÆÇ2¹;j7/01
8£Š È/¡= ÈA
Decision Which is include in requirements .18
All of these Output Input
Making for a flowchart?
Calculation Display an Taking data .19
Processing input Input means:
input output from the user

&;ÉÊ Ï: È/¡= ÈA e$ 456

The ______ steps are used for
decision making processing output input
performing calculations and
storing the results of calculations.
ÜÜ 7 (A + B).(A + C)  [Û
A + (B + C) A.(B.C) A.B + A.C A + (B.C) e$B_ .21
Expression (A + B).(A + C) is equal
é to:
æçè ¿ M
äåK A¦, â ±SãA¦,
â eB_ &:zÝÞ3Fß½àLKN&':2A¦,
A¦,Bêë:ìz 8;áA¦,
Distributive Commutative The order of application of two .22
Identity Law Associative Law
Law Law separate terms is not important in:
[;t:4U [;t:ðñ
v ˜¦:S e$) ¯$&Síîï¯
Moral Boolean .23
None of these Both A, B “It is cold outside” is:
Proposition Proposition
e$ _ÜÜ7 "17"2ò&óï
10100 10001 10110 10000 Number “17” is equal to ______ in .24
binary system.
(1024)7 bytes (1024)5 bytes (1024)6 bytes (1024)4 bytes e$ _ÜÜ7ôïõ
1 Petabyte is equal to:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test
øK ¿
 ö÷ ùú¾ûKLýü
15 18 16 17 Hexadecimal system has total .26
______ numbers.
H  }45ò)67§ÀÁ3:Sþ8&Sþ
ò= òö÷K  ò&óï
ò e$ .27
Octal Number Decimal Binary Number
Number System The system used for representation
System Number System System
of numeric data is called:
æçK¿ M $d38&Sþ@A2A
8£Š ö÷K FßûKLýü v &
Which one is the type of number .28
All of these Hexadecimal Binary Decimal
æçK¿ M $ 8&SþÉA2A
: v & ö÷K FßûKLýü
Which one is not a type of number .29
Roman Binary Decimal Hexadecimal
H :}458&Sþ2§ ;s;: 
æçK¿ M
= & ö÷K FßûKLýü v #$ .30
Octal Decimal Hexadecimal Binary The number system we use in our
daily life is:
#$S 38&Sþ&
8 16 2 10 The decimal number system has .31
#$ _ Sþ8&Sþ&
 v 82 161 90
The decimal number system uses .32
None of these 2 to 8 1 to 16 0 to 9
digits from:
$ Sþ&ÉA2A
65 99.9AB 56.47 115 Which one is not a decimal .33
68 67 66 65 .34
The decimal value of letter ‘A’ is:
#$S 38&Sþv
8 2 10 16 The binary number system has .35
0, 0 1, 1 0, 9 0, 1 The binary number system .36
consists of two digits:
H 4
 58&SþÉAD 67|}ØÌ
æçK¿ M
ö÷K FßûKLýü v = & } .37
Hexadecimal Binary Octal Decimal Which system is used by digital
computers to store data?
æçK¿ M
#Sþ2òö÷K FßûKLýü
8 16 10 9 The hexadecimal number system .38
has total numbers:
æçK¿ M
$43òö÷K FßûKLýü ÉA2A
3F2B 6510 156 798 Which is an example of .39
hexadecimal number system?
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

#$ºv3 (3)10
(1000)2 (1111)2 (11)2 (10)2 .40
The binary value of (3)10 is:
e$&óï¼ IPV4
30 32 29 31 The IPV4 address is made up of .41
_____ binary bits.
 í:S} Ì=)2 $r :

R'  :  e$ =

Routing is process of taking data
Area Path Network Channel
from one device and sending it to
another device in different:
8£ ‰}+S ‰}8*c ‰}&'3() e$“S8%í8*4!:"#$
All of these Correction Error Detection Authentication Communication protocol covers:
‰ _ /, 7 |} 40 , 4-U 8.
¹* ¼ 8. 4!: eˆ0 .44
Information Address Message Protocol The receiver must be capable of
7 M accepting the:
456 $
:í ñ3 3 e$ 1T ï;DfÉ2)
Communication .45
Server Keyboard Internet It connects multiple computers:
"#$ e$  45"#$)
8£Š Í8@ D
Communication A communication medium is also .46
All of these CPU Computer
Channel called a:
:*: #
 ;D :
Channel Computers
Network of
Network Networks are connected together .47
networks to make a larger network which is
3 <=>? D¡ D
The most well-known example of .48
Internet File Sharing Router Computer
network of networks is:
e$ o,67|}=:D
>É: †A: ôÉ@: :†
A computer network is established .49
Resources Virus Website Password
for the purpose of sharing:
"#$;Í <=D:`
8£Š <=>? #B3C7>É:
User Hardware .50
All of these File Sharing Examples of resource sharing are:
Communication Sharing
<=F` <=E #B3<=D:`
8£Š <=3
Hard Disk Scanner The examples of hardware sharing .51
All of these Printer Sharing
Sharing Sharing are:
3"#$;Í 3<="I
3<=>? 3<=3 #$4)GH*Í:
User Application .52
File Sharing Printer Sharing Video conference is an example of:
Communication Sharing
QR3|}KL PØD   $ J   KL Ì 2 D ‡ M ˜N O :
Storage Computer .53
Device Ability Data Ability #
Capacity Storage
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

The limit to store data in a

computer is called:
6 7 |}KL Ì  XS :í
 ˜¦:S eT}45 .54
G-Mail Google Drive Dropbox
Both A & B We can use services like _____ to
store data.
D:í DWX e$B_UVvÉM8.:
3 D
Internet Computer
Server Client _____ is a computer that has .55
Computer Computer access to information and
programs stored on a server.
ZS [ ò } Æ Y:í @: : ;¡Ü @:

 v :í\WX :í WX e

None of these client/server server client Web browsers and web services .56
combine to form the ______
;¡Ü B A˜¦:S D:] D:` #$ _WX)
Browser Both A & B Software Hardware A client is a:
6 5 4 2 .58
The types of connection are:
_b _*a _8; _Wt`
Single House General Multipoint .59
Which one is a type of connection?
Connection Connection Connection Connection
_Wt` #$c¢AAdS7=:S
8£Š _ISO _Wt!Wt
Multipoint A direct link between two devices .60
All of these ISO Connection Point to Point
Connection is called:
;Í:::íWX MH $ ÆÇ28 ^3eA D:]Ɂ2A
eA jA= &Siê fLmgh]É
Client Server Which of these doesn’t includes .61
Online Piracy Liability Softlifiting
Overuse the types of software piracy?
op &n3() o}fLçm l $ o}kɁ2A
Decryption Identity Theft Phishing Crime Hacking Which one is not a cybercrime?
M7 e$ r|ƒ4q#¦,µ3D:]É
eA &n3() o}fLçm l
Making illegal copies of a software .63
Piracy Identity Theft Phishing Crime Hacking
is called:
 _  s 7 ô8* 2D:]É
D:]É&u D:` D:]É # .64
Open Source
Free Software Hardware Software Software that do not have
copyright reservation are called:
(:u É 7 v w  D: ]É  ˜x D: ]É y

8£Š {â D:]É &*w :† #zB}

All of these Software Key Encryption Password Some software companies sell .65
software with a confidential text,
~Ü l o}kÉ ~}  ‰}|á {â 3D:]É457}ê#¦,µ .66
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Breaking Hacking Cybercrime Cracking #$

Searching software key by using
illegal means is called:
MH ;Í:::íWX #$ ‰}4 
eA jA= fLmgh]É &Siê
Client Server Installing more copies of the
Online Piracy Softlifiting Liability
Overuse software than you have licenses for
is called:
]É ;†µD ‡R €ˆY*
<jFâ` e$‰}(:u:4 ˜*3D:
eA o}kÉ l
Hard Disk
Cybercrime Hacking Installing and selling unauthorized .68
Loading copies of software on refurbished
or new computers is called:
#$ ‰}jA¡D:]É#¦,µ
‰SXŠS ~} eA eA j
Downloading illegal software is .69
Fraud Cracking Piracy Online Piracy
‰ }45*D67‹7˜Œ.í#¦,µy
8 &Siê ‰SXŠS l #$  .70
Crime Liability Fraud Hacking Using computer for some
unauthorized activities is called:
Ž45y*†X$ }3R‘=)
&*w ;B“ ’ ô8* e_ .71
Encryption Trade Secret Patent Copyright _______ is a way to protect an
#$ ‰}(:u:‰}”8.:ô8*
&;É• 8* eA ô8*
Duplicating and selling software .72
Counterfeiting Copy Piracy Copyright
having copyright is called:
eJ  8*–RR ‘= ‡—˜7
8£Š ’ kÉ ô8*
______ law says that some idea or .73
All of these Patent Cyber Copyright
product cannot be copied.
 ž}SS}˜RÁ67 ìd*3 ™‡T;:

v ;B“ oš :† #

None of these Trade Secrets Encryption Password The secrets that are playing an .74
important role for the success of a
company are called:
›0 œ w Ì  X$ŠY *
8£ ìžS &Siê &S; e .75
All of these Availability Liability Confidentiality _______ means we want to keep
our data confidential.
&*w ìžS ®¡ &S; e } .76
Encryption Availability Integrity Confidentiality It means that we want to have
access to the data when we want:
v 3gÕ ¦:| §¨Ž ¦:| §¨ 
  ¤¥ 2 £  Ì X $ Y * <¢ .77
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

none of these book unreadable readable e

Encoding means conversion of the
data to a/an _______ format.
#$B_:z67ª¨Ì:| ©¨Ž
3A 3{â 3ùú« ¬æ« K m­ 3:†
A _____ is required to read the .78
All of these Key Captcha Password
unreadable data.
¯ ®& s.: p}
A computer expert who can steal .79
Hacker Debugger Programmer Cracker
5 4 3 2 How are many methods of .80
substitution cipher?
#$B$³´µ:) XTµ)
Definition List Nested List Unordered List Ordered List An individual list item can contain .81
another entire list called:
e$ Ù¶)HTML
 v B A˜¦:S ¸¹ ·.:
HTML is not a _________ .82
None of these Both A, B Markup Programming
 ¤¥ R Rƒ _ } 45 *   ¹ @:
8£ e$
Text Edit NotePade Notepad++ .83
All of these Webpages can be created and
modified by using:
   F¼   º 8; »HTML )
 v e$ _ .84
start & end end start
None of these An HTML element usually consists
of a ______ tags.
#$½Ì¾ 
<html> <title> <head> <body> The ______ element is a container .85
for metadata.
  6 7 |} KL  ¹HTML )
v B A˜¦:S e}45¿ .86
html htm
None of these Both A, B To save the HTML page, you can
use _______ as file extension.
³ _ <Â 3 d 2 ÀÁHTML
1 6 5 4 e$ .87
There are ______ types of
headings in HTML document.
#$ _4567|ÃS2£3»SUÄ
th tr table td ______ tag is used to display data .88
in tabular form.
 v B A˜¦:S Æ '( eT„ cÅ`)
None of these Both A, B Text Image A hyperlink can be applied to:
 '(  Ç¡. È 3 ¹ @: )   Ä &ï
B A˜¦:S background e$ 4567|„ .90
bgimge bg
Both A, B In “body” tag ______ is used to
make a picture of a background
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

image of a webpage.
4 3 2 1 The number of elements of HTML .91
 Ì fí:S  Ì )   |} Í 
;¡Ü Ä Æ cÅ` eT .92
Browser Tag Text Hyperlink Clicking on _______ will take us
from one page to the other.
<BR> <IMG> <B> <BODY> .93
Which one is a singular tag?
v $ÄÐÑ2A
<HR> <BR> <a> .94
None of these Which one is a paired tag?
#} u¹*Ò7Ä ‡
8£Š Õ cÅ` /Ó&Ô
They provide some information .95
All of these Anchor Hyperlink Attributes
with respect to a specific tag:
#$ _ º&S ÀÁHTML)
Ö0 Ö× Ö) Ö:S
An HTML document basically .96
Four Sections Three Sections One Section Two Sections
consists of:
#$ _SUU*¹@:2Ö
ÖA¡ Ö&ï Ö¸p ÖÂ
Which section contains the actual .97
Down Section Body Section Top Section Head Section
contents of a webpage?
B A˜¦:S
<PP> </P> <P> Which tag is used to create a .98
Both A, B
8£Š #$Ä67|})Üj
</br> <a> <br> .99
All of these Which tag is used to break a line?
µ¸j µÚÛ: µ:ÝÞ µÝÞÙ $ d3µ@A2A
Loop List Definition List Ordered List Unordered List Which one is not a type of lists?
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct form of verb.

S.# Questions A B C D
If I see Aslam, I’ll ______ him to dinner
1. inviting invited invite has invited
2. If I ______ out, I’ll turn off the TV. go went gone had gone
If you ______ tricks on people, they will not
3. plays playing played play
trust you again.
If the farmer ______ all his kiwi-fruit in the
4. market, he will be very pleased.
sold sells sell has sold
I’ll ______ you with your homework if I
5. can.
helping help helped helps
6. They _______ for London tomorrow. leave leaves left will leave
7. Good students always _______ hard. worked will work work works
8. She _______ for London tomorrow. is leaving was leaving has left left
have been
9. I ______ here for two hours. was waiting waited
am waiting
has been
10. It _______ to rain an hour ago. begins is beginning
11. He decided to ________ examination. take taking took taken
12. The earth ______ around the sun. revolve revolves revolved revolving
was have been has been
13. She ______ in this office for seven years. is working
working working working
has not have not
14. I ______ you since Monday. did not see will not see
seen seen
15. He always ______ back home late. come comes has come had come
16. They ______ tea every morning. take took takes are taking
17. She ______ apples. is liked is liking like likes
has been
18. She ______ English at present. learnt is learning will learn
has been
19. She _______ since morning. sleep has slept will sleep
20. He _____ the truth. speak speaks speaking spoken
21. The sun ______ in the west. sets set will set setting
has been
22. He ______ in the sun for an hour. stand stood will stand
23. She _______ English now. speak is speaking spoke
24. I already ______ three cups of coffee. took take has taken have taken
25. The boys are ______ their home task. doing do done did

Q. No. 2. Choose the word with correct spellings.

S.# A B C D
26. Daune Dunes Daone Doone
27. Chaus Chaos Chaes Chuos
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

28. Patriotism Patriutism Petriotism Patrioticm

29. Secrifice Sacrifice Sacrifike Sacrifile
30. Absolately Absoletely Absalutely Absolutely
31. Informatoon Infoormation Information Infoarmtion
32. Companian Companion Companien Compinian
33. Megrated Migreted Migrated Migratid
34. Lonely Lonly Lonley Lonily
35. Countrywide Cuntrywide Contrywide Countrywied
36. Impressive Impresive Imprissive Imprassive
37. Embellish Emballish Embalish Embelish
38. Recrut Recruit Recrute Racruit
39. Micerable Miserable Mizerable Meserable
40. Nomorous Numberous Nomarous Numerous
41. EnvornmentalEnviramental EnvironmentalEnvironmentel
42. Decibels Decibles Dicebels Dicebles
43. Vahiclas Vahicles Vehicles Vehiculs
44. Ensight Ensite Insight Ensighte
45. Illustarte Ilustarte Illustrate Ellustrate
46. Crambling Crumbling Krumbling Crembling
47. Raner Rendier Render Rander
48. Otaman Ottuman Ottoceman Ottoman
49. Severe Sevre Sivere Savere
50. Venture Vanture Vinture Ventire

Q. No. 3. Choose the correct meaning of underlined words.

S.# Questions A B C D
51. The word meditation means: Sound sleep Dozing Deep thought Slumber
52. Is hall not abandon the true faith. Hate Strong Given up Like
We should face it bravely to save the
53. honour of Pakistan and Islam.
Repair Cope with Correct Rectify
54. This is my own, my native land. Old Real Secondary Natal
Media play a very constructive role
55. Negative Complex Easy Positive
for society.
Can we say the world is just a click
56. Very near Far away In the way Out of way
Abu Jehl began to knock at the door
57. Politely Slowly Forcefully Angrily
She simply posed a counter question
58. Pleased Helped Enraged Annoyingly
that infuriated Abu Jehl.
59. Do not be afraid of death. Attended to Scared Squared up Cope with
We should face it bravely to save the
60. Repair Cope with Correct Manage
honour of Pakistan and Islam.
61. Interior means: Outside Inside Boundary Floor
62. Appointed means: Selected Rejected Heavy None
63. Recruit means: Dismiss Grow Employ Support
64. I made up my mind means: Resolved Through Wrote Worked
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

65. Drug addiction is a common problem. General Mutual Decided Famous

66. Outcast means: Vagabond Bond Band Virtuous
67. It is a big source of discomfort. Pill Pain Time Means
68. The word demonstrate means: Dictate Show Experiment Test
As it
69. Apparently means: Obviously Clearly Fused
70. Manifold means: Many layers An object As it appears
71. And twinkle on the milky way. Blink Fade Dark Dim
Time has come that we should look
72. Repair Streamline Correct Incorrect
back to rectify our mistake.
Fated to
73. The doomed hero is saved. Brave Great Foolish
74. The word expedite means: Slow Dull Fast Improve
Easy to Difficult to
75. Word devotion means: Poor Loyalty
know know

Q. No. 4. Choose the correct option according to the grammar.

S.# Questions A B C D
We shall wait here until you come.
Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective
76. The underlined part of the
Phrase Phrase Phrase Clause
sentence is a/an:
He made the people work. The
77. Adverb Infinitive Adjective Gerund
underlined word is a/an:
I like to see a smiling face. The Adverb
78. Adjective Adverb Infinitive
underlined word is a/an: Phrase
The candle flame danced in the
79. Metaphor Simile Imagery Personification
dark. The underlined word shows:
If I were he, I would not do such a
80. mistake. This sentence is Type Zero Type-I Type-II Type-III
The moment which is lost is lost Indefinite Reflexive Possessive Relative
forever. The underlined word is: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
Why don’t you go along with your
82. Preposition Conjunction Interjection Noun
brother? The underlined word is:
He came when night had fallen. The
83. underlined clause is an adverb Condition Place Time Reason
clause of:
84. ‘Life’ is a/an: Adjective Adverb Verb Abstract Noun
85. Transitive verb needs a/an: Object Subject Verb Interjection
Some are born great. The Possessive Indefinite Reflexive Personal
underlined word is a/an: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
Saqib is leaving ______ Friday at
87. on at by from
If you had studied hard, you _____
88. would will will have would have
The moment which is lost is lost
Indefinite Reflexive Relative Possessive
89. forever. The underlined word is
Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Most of us take life for granted. It is Simple Compound Complex

90. Both A and B
an example of: Sentence Sentence Sentence
He is fond of cooking. The Present
91. Gerund Infinitive Past Participle
underlined word is a/an: Participle
The shoe is pressing on my toe. The Preposition Adjective
92. Noun Phrase Adverb Phrase
underlined phrase is a/an: Phrase Phrase
That was the reason why he came Adverb Adjective
93. Noun Clause None of these
late. The underlined clause is a/an: Clause Clause
If I were you, I would not do that.
94. Type I Type II Type III None of these
This sentence is conditional:
95. I feel _______ the poor. for with to at
You must be punctual. The
96. Verb Modal verb Adjective Adverb
underlined word is:
You disappointed me. The Dependent
97. Phrase Clause Conjunction
underlined word is: clause
Painting is a good fun. The
98. Verb Noun Gerund Article
underlined word is a:
Abstract Uncountable
99. “Committee” is a/an: Proper Noun Collective Noun
Noun Noun
Players must abide _______ the
100. to with by for
rules of the game.
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

ISLAMIYAT (Compulsory)
Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A  
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‫‪The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test‬‬

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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

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c¹cº $ ¥
¢£¤ © ¸ ‰ W~¶· .49
c°852 c°851 c°850 c°849 َ ْ ‫ َر‬9 L[ .50
Y®¯^ِ ْ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬
<¿Áì < ¿À <ÙÚ <»¼I8c ½FZ cF¾FZ¾¿ .51
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

cF ÌÎÍ Áì ÙÚ c FrûFË YO^Ê5ï/!" # $%& .53
c ½
cF¾FZ tuv &ˆ y YÏÉ^6? XÐÑ<ÒÓÔ .54
<x w <A— <bcL[ <Üû ÕÝ .55
ã â ς ¼á ÞKßà@Üû ÕÝ .56
éê d*  çQ è ÃF L[ çQ Û YûF  äcåæF/r sef .57
َ ‫   َﺧ‬Ë  ‫ﺎﱃ َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬
‫ﺎﺗ ُﻢ‬ ٰ ‫  َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬ë  
î^ô î^ó î^ò î^ñ OK 8 ‫ﺤﺎﺑِ ٖ َو َﺳﻠ َّ َﻢ‬ َ َ َ ّٖ ‫اﻟﻨ ِﺒ‬
َ ‫ﲔ َﺻ ّ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﻠَﻴ ْ ِ َو َ ٰ آ ِﻟ ٖ َوأ ْﺻ‬ َّ .58
JùìíîI5ïð@r s
ü  û*  ú  ù 
ٰ ‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬
‫ﺎﱃ‬ ٰ ‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬
‫ﺎﱃ‬ ٰ ‫ﺎﱃ َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬
‫ﺎﱃ‬ ٰ ‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬ õnö÷£<ø*/ F8 3 .59
‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬
ý þ 8 Ì Rِ ْ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬
َ ْ ‫  َر‬W 9  X 
 F   F .60
/ Fì€8=? /R
> F> rÎ> H†> .61
ٖ ‫ﲔ َﺻ َّ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﻠَﻴْ ِ َو َ ٰ آ ِﻟ‬
َ ّٖ ‫اﻟﻨ ِﺒ‬ َ ‫   َﺧ‬Ë h ^  
َّ ‫ﺎﺗ ُﻢ‬
i  LÒ Ê ¥Îá  E?  K  ù I 8 ‫ﺤﺎﺑِ ٖ َو َﺳﻠ َّ َﻢ‬ َ
َ ‫ َوأ ْﺻ‬.62
%. ,- )* + '( JYùÀb2/ ‰<=?
> .63
5­Fì  Ò Q Y}^ ◌/
ٌ " .64
  *å ¶* YnQ/Q^ Î .65
c°8 c°7 c°6 c°5 JK/c°¯Rf .66
َ ‫  َﺧ‬Ë’8L8³E †FF
‫ﺎﺗ ُﻢ‬
LI5 ì LI½F LI? LIœ  < ‫ﺤﺎﺑِ ٖ َو َﺳﻠ َّ َﻢ‬ َ َ َ ّٖ ‫اﻟﻨ ِﺒ‬
َ ‫ﲔ َﺻ ّ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﻠَﻴْ ِ َو َ ٰ آ ِﻟ ٖ َوأ ْﺻ‬ َّ .67
•r s
/5 ‚ƒ / /5 /F øKráF> ِ ْ ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬
َ ْ ‫ َر‬99*[  .68
)*. -. E. ŽE. YŒ<‫ﺎﱃ َﻋ ْﻨ ُﻬ َﻤﺎ‬
ٰ ‫ ( َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬E  .69
û M ê £  *8^8Rِ ْ ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬ َ ْ ‫_ َر‬H` .70
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

JøK 4
8ö¶h% cF‚<  K"ö¶
ä#L$ JäFr[‰! .71
äF ä jÄ

> @c @L[ @+ Ym†K i(& * .72
$ '()

L2>” Â>” ½1>” 50>” Ym¹M.•ñîLÔ8/[ .73

6s 5 D 4Q Y öbKFhÎ5öA3D .74
<K@Y<c ½FZ cF¾FZÒ
Ù 9 Ú 8b .75
tuv cC AB c ?c*ì5@ J:;<F5Fû*/=@jk> .76
 23 E8rM53 E8F53 E8f53 ùLDÖ ‫ﺎﱃ َﻋ ْﻨ‬
ٰ ‫  (‹ َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬.77
û*  ú  ´  ë 
ٰ ‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬
‫ﺎﱃ‬ ٰ ‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬
‫ﺎﱃ‬ ٰ ‫ﺎﱃ َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬
‫ﺎﱃ‬ ٰ ‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬ ٰ ‫ َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ‬G[(  .78
YM^5 < ‫ﺎﱃ َﻋ ْﻨ‬
‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬ ‫َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ‬

JK I HF A َ ْ ‫ َر‬W9 XYZ 

®ø†<ِ ْ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬

c‘­ ¢Ò~| M L َ ْ ‫  _  َر‬H`

cå @  <  < ِ ْ ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬
lm>i jk>i gh>i cd>ef YZ[\]^_`ab<=?
> .81
<r³/¸ <r³/µ¶· <r³/ ´ <r³/ O Y±<²/ .82
Q^O P^O 5* F^O N<O YûF  *å .83
Y>V WX>V 6>V TU JýKR=? LS
> .84

aa Z I  @ / [\ ¢‘  LÎ 8 f 

W cJ `(b· J -J _áJ .85
k j( E i(G[ h{(Ê  ýá  Fd<efg .86
ٰ ٰ ٰ ٰ f0g/¢hi<Ž .87
L2>” Â>” ½1>” 50>” JY5 n•R .88

LI™š LI˜ LI— LI– َ ْ ‫ َر‬99*M‘ ’8“”

ِ ْ ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠ َﻴ‬
rs q`v _(Hl Yž?5<ِ ْ ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬
َ ْ ‫ (_ َر‬.90
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

g º† uª t }8 .91
JYùÀb2/¶ ‰<=?
> .92
 *å  ¶* YnvmQ/Q^ Î .93

w^F; c,<F; ^F; LI^F; YF£@F;¶ .94

َ َ َ ّٖ ‫اﻟﻨ ِﺒ‬
َ ‫ﲔ َﺻ ّ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﻠَﻴْ ِ َو َ ٰ آ ِﻟ ٖ َوأ ْﺻ‬
ٖ ِ ‫ﺤﺎﺑ‬ َ ‫   َﺧ‬Ë
َّ ‫ﺎﺗ ُﻢ‬
571T26 571T24 571T22 571T18 .95
Y®C m<‫َو َﺳﻠ َّ َﻢ‬
} |F { ‡ YY<xy@/ z^ .96
ù5ã ùr³ ù ~b5$ ½ûö.•<æÔ5`8¾¿ ï .97

LI™š LI˜ LI— LI– َ ْ ‫ َر‬99*M‘ ’8“”

ِ ْ ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠَﻴ‬
Þ ^ ù  8ِ ْ‫ﲪ ُﺔ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ِ َﻠ َﻴ‬
َ ْ ‫  َر‬W 9  X 
:* :/ :߁ :€ ö .99
â ã ς ¼á ÞKßà@Üû ÕÝ .100
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A Questions /  

    2 1 
2-by-2 1-by-1 1-by-2 2-by-1 .1
The order of matrix  2 1 is:
 2 0
   
     0 2 
Singular Unit Scalar Zero  2 0
  is called _______ matrix.
 0 2 
3-by-2 2-by-1 1-by-2 2-by-2 .3
Which is order of a square matrix?
2 1
    !"#$  0 1  
 3 2 
1-by-3 3-by-1 2-by-3 3-by-2 .4
2 1
Order of transpose of  0 1  is:
 3 2 
1 2
%&& Adj  
-1 0  -1 2  1 -2  -1 -2   0 -1
        .5
 2 1  0 -1 0 -1 0 1 1 2 
Adjoint of   is:
0 -1
&&  x y    '()*
x + 2y   2x - y   x - 2y  2x + y  .6
Product of  x y    is:
2 6
&& x ,- = 0 +
3 x
-9 6 -6 9 .7
2 6
If = 0 , then x is equal to:
3 x
3 3
x3 x2 x3 x2 -2/3

8 8 9 9
( 27x ) -1
= _________ .8

%./012 7 x
x 1/7
x 7 x .9
Write 7 x in exponential form:
%./0134 4 2/ 3
4 6 2
4 3
4 3 3
4 2 .10
Write 4 2/ 3 with radical sign:
:; 678
1 594
 / 3 35
None of 35 3 .11
3 In 3
35 the radicand is:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test
4 5 4 5  25  2
- -  16  = __________ .12
5 4 5 4  
<=  5 + 4i
5 + 4i 5 - 4i -5 - 4i -5 + 4i .13
The conjugate of 5 + 4i is:
>? i9
-i i -1 1 .14
The value of i9 is:
a = log n x x = log an x = log n a a = log xn %,- a x = n +
If a x = n , then:
%,- y = log z x +
yz = x xz = y zy = x xy = z .16
The relation y = log z x implies:

e -&&$CDE '1' @AB

0 10 1 .17
The logarithm of unity to any base is:
10 -1 0 1  .18
The logarithm of any number to itself
as base is:
1 ∞ 0.4343 0 loge = __________ (e ≈ 2.718) .19
 = >? log  
logp q
logq - logp logp + logq logp - logq .20
logq p
The value of log   is:
p logp p
log   log ( p - q ) log   logp - logq = _______ .21
q logq q

NO N LM K J ( 4x + 3y - 2 )

Inequation Equation Sentence Expression ( 4x + 3y - 2) is an algebraic:
   4x 4 + 2x 2 y PQ
4 3 2 1 The degree of polynomial 4x 4 + 2x 2 y .23
1 -1 -7 7 ( 3 + 2 )( 3 - 2 ) = _____ .24
 U! a + b RST
a- b a+ b a- b -a + b .25
Conjugate of surd a + b is:
-2b -2a 2b 2a 1 1
- = ______ .26
a - b2
a - b2
a - b2
a - b2
a-b a+b
2 2 a2 - b2
a-b a+b (a + b ) (a - b) a+b
=? .27

a+b a-b a2 - b 2 a2 + b2 ( )(
a + b a - b = ______ ) .28
WXYZ[/A\$]^_V  9a 2 - 12ab
2 2 2 2
-4b 4b 16b -16b What will be added to complete the .29
square of 9a 2 - 12ab ?
Dab_V x 2 + 4x + m \$>`? m
16 4 -8 8 .30
Find m so that x 2 + 4x + m is a
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

complete square.
)* c P(x) = x 2 + 2kx + 8 P Q (x - 2) +
%d->? k ,-
-2 2 -3 3 If (x - 2) is a factor of .31
P(x) = x 2 + 2kx + 8 then the value of k
ab_efa[Z[/ x4 + 64 K
4x2 16x2 -8x 2 8x2 What should be added to complete the .32
square of x4 + 64 ?
%D- P(a) ,-)*c P(x) PQ (x - a) +
a The polynomial (x - a) is a factor of the
1 0 x .33
polynomial P(x) if and only if
P(a) = ____ .
)* c (x3 - kx2 +11x - 6) P Q (x -1) +
g0h>? k ,-
18 -18 6 -6 If (x -1) is a factor of polynomial .34
expression (x3 - kx2 +11x - 6) the value
of k is:
kS l 20x 3 y 3  5x2 y 2 ij
5xy 100x5 y 5 20x 3 y 3 5x2 y 2 .35
H.C.F of 5x2 y 2 and 20x 3 y 3 is:
kS l x 2 + x - 6  x - 2 ij
x+2 x-2 x+3 x2 + x - 6 .36
H.C.F of x - 2 and x 2 + x - 6 is:
2 kS l a 2 - ab + b 2  a 3 + b 3
a2 + b2 (a - b ) a 2 - ab + b 2 a+b .37
H.C.F of a 3 + b 3 and a 2 - ab + b 2 is:
kS l a 3 - b 3  a2 - b 2
a 2 - ab + b 2 a 2 + ab + b 2 a+b a-b .38
H.C.F of a2 - b 2 and a 3 - b 3 is:
mnop 30xyz  45xy  15x2
15x2 yz 15xyz 90x 2 yz 90xyz .39
L.C.M of 15x2 , 45xy and 30xyz is:
4 4 2 2 2 2 mnop a4 - b4  a 2 + b 2
a-b a -b a -b a +b .40
L.C.M of a 2 + b 2 and a4 - b4 is:
a 2 + 5a -14 a + 3
q 2 ×
a-2 a+3 a+7 a+7 a - 3a - 18 a - 2
a+3 a-6 a-2 a-6 a 2 + 5a -14 a + 3
Simplify 2 × = _______
a - 3a - 18 a - 2
%&& ( x,y ) ,- ( x - 1,y + 1) = ( 0,0 ) +
( -1,-1) (1,1) ( -1,1) (1,-1) .42
If ( x - 1,y + 1) = ( 0,0 ) , then ( x,y ) is:
%&& ( x,y ) ,- ( x,0 ) = ( 0,y ) +
(1,1) ( 0,0 ) (1,0 ) ( 0,1) .43
If ( x,0 ) = ( 0,y ) , then ( x,y ) is:
%/_$s ( 2,-3 ) r
Point ( 2,-3 ) lies in quadrant:
IV III II I %/_$s ( -3,-3 ) r .45
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Point ( -3,-3 ) lies in quadrant:

%&& y ,- y = 2x + 1  x = 2 +
5 4 3 2 .46
If x = 2 , y = 2x + 1 then y is:
t@n+$ y = 2x 
( 0,1) ( 2,2 ) ( 2,1) (1,2 ) Which ordered pair satisfies the .47
equation y = 2x ?
 1 x $ (1,1)  ( 0,0 ) uv
2 2 1 0 Distance between points ( 0,0 ) and .48
(1,1) is:
%-z{ |\$}~ (1-1)  x $iy
↔ ≅ = Which symbol is used for (1-1) .49
correspondences between two
† }~ && „ %Y‚ƒ ↔ €
Similar Correspondence Equal Congruent The symbol ↔ is used for:
↔ ≅ = Which symbol is used for two .51
congruent triangles?
:; ‰ ‰
‘ „ N -? ‡ˆŠ‹ŠŒŽ
None of .52
of different size Congruent Equal The similar triangles are:
:; XY˜™š  @u—‘ %i-tuvL+’“uv”•uv–
None of intersect each on different Three points are said to be collinear, if .53
on same line
these other lines they lie:
4 3 2 1 Two lines can intersect only at ______ .54
„ O ’-!$žŸ „ 
NO ¡ „
non- A triangle of congruent sides has .55
unequal right congruent
congruent ______ angles.
!Ÿ ¤¥ !¤¥ %’-„ •¢/Ÿ !£
¦ Ÿ ¤¥
opposite sides opposite In a parallelogram ______ are .56
diagonals opposite sides
and angles angles congruent.
¨ §!p Ÿ !£ ž
In a _______ opposite angles are .57
Rhombus Trapezium parallelogram triangle
Yª/iy© ¦ Ÿ !£
¬2 « – 
Diagonal of a parallelogram divides it .58
five four three two
into _____ triangles.
%­@®¯€Ÿ !£
≅ gm gm
Symbolically a parallelogram can be .59
written as:
L´ ³ _ ž “°
Circle Rectangle Square Triangle Closed figure of three non-collinear
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

points is called:
&& r• ‘ · ’-µ¶$ž
equal concurrent different similar Medians of a triangle are:
:; ¤¥ „ && ’-¦$³
none of these opposite congruent equal Diagonals of a rectangle are:
Yª/i¹&& ©¸
¬2 « – 
Bisection means to divide into _____ .63
five four three two
equal parts.
%€?„  x $iy
≤ ≅ = < Symbol of congruency between two .64
-@º »$¼‚$A ™´
¾ ½  ¦
The ______ of a circle is on the right .65
sector centre radius diagonal
bisectors of each of its chords.
:; %’-º »$Ÿ $žB
» && r•
None of The right bisectors of the sides of a .66
Perpendicular Equal Concurrent
these triangle are:
:; ’-© 90o !/
 ž¿ÀÁ (
None of 3 2 1 In acute triangle _______ angles are .67
these less than 90o .
L´ ³ _ ž ’-r•ŸÃiÄ$
circle rectangle square triangle Altitudes of a ______ are concurrent.
r• w1• Ç » &&
The bisectors of the angles of a .69
Concurrent Equidistant Perpendicular Equal
triangle are:
:; %“Èi-É&&iÊË?Ÿ iÄ$Ìž
None of A triangle having three sides different .70
Equilateral Isosceles Scalene
these is called:
4 3 2 1 .71
A triangle has ______ angles.
 - Ÿ  ¤¥ $  , i- „  !  $ ž B +
„ O
Ž && „ % .72
Similar Equal Congruent If two angles of a triangle are
congruent then the opposite sides are:
©iÏË?Ÿ  ‚Т;Ë?¦/ž¿ÀÑ B
Ö× Õ ÓÔ Ò -
The hypotenuse of a right angled
smaller longer half twice
triangle is _____ than each of the other
two sides.
:; %-w1ئÂÙ”A r‚¢©”B
 » ÚÛ
None of A ______ from a point to a line is .74
Zero Perpendicular Vertical
these shortest distance.
„ O ’-  ! ÜÝ¢ $  , i- „  Þ   $ ž B +
Ž && „
Non- .75
Similar Equal Congruent %
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

If two sides of a triangle are congruent

then its opposite angles are:
„ O %’-!ßà$Ÿ „
r• && „
Non Angles opposite to congruent sides .76
Concurrent Equal Congruent
Congruent are:
%[‚ƒá x $ b  a iÏ 
a-b a :b a+b a×b .77
Ratio between a and b is denoted by:
%di- d  c  b  a XT,- a : b = c : d +
&& && á âã
If a : b = c : d then a, b, c and d are said .78
Unequal Equal Ratio Proportion
to be in:
&& „ âã á %äå$&& x $iæ
Equality Congruent Proportion Ratio Equality of two ratios is called:
≅ α = %-z{€\$Ž
Symbol used for similarity:
‘ Ž !£ -ç
None of .81
Different Similar Parallel Congruent triangles are:
„ ©]è uvé$ Ÿ $ ž
‰ ‰
ê;^ ‡ˆŠ‹ŠŒ
2 5 4 3
By joining mid-points of sides of a
triangle ______ congruent triangles
can be drawn.
‰ ‰
’-  $  ë †  ° ? ‡ˆŠ‹ŠŒ Ž
 iì ‘ ·  .83
None of
both A, B different same Similar triangles are of same shape
but ______ sizes.
ð  ñòíî‡ï8
ö ôõ )ó Å
Pythagoras was a _____ .84
Latin German Arabic Greek
iì  ™š  _  ;Ë ?  $ ž ¿À Ñ  

:; -&&$÷ø$iù$;Ë?Ÿ 
» ¦ LH In a right angled triangle, the square .85
None of
Perpendicular Hypotenuse Base of the length of _______ is equal to the
sum of the squares of the lengths of
the other two sides.
:; d-ž, a2 + b 2 = c2 +
¿!L ( ¿Àúû ¿ÀÑ
None of .86
Acute Obtuse Right If a2 + b 2 = c2 then the triangle is:

None of a2 ±a a c2 - b2 = ? .87
-&&$¿ÀÑ /ž¿ÀÑ
60o 90o 180o 360o In a right angled triangle right angle is .88
:; ¿ÀÁ ( ¿Àúû ¿ÀÑ d-ž, a2 + b 2 > c2 + .89
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

None of Acute Obtuse Right If a2 + b 2 > c2 then the triangle is:


9 4 3 1 .90

Find x = ?
&$ $% "# !  .91
Area Quantity Width Length The region enclosed by the bounding
lines of a closed figure is called the:
.0/ .$/ )*+,-'
/ .
positive or positive and The unit of area is a _________ real .92
positive negative
negative negative number.
  1 2* $3 4 1  5 6  78 9 : 4 ;
@A$ >$3 >? <= ) .93
altitude interior exterior union The ______ of a triangle is the part of
the plane enclosed by the triangle.
HJ R )CDEF4>$34B$1
A triangular region is the ______ of a .94
outlines union intersection complement
triangle and its interior.
c F ^_b
^_`a ^_+ )]*^_'Z[\1
None of Supplementary .95
Right Angle Acute Angle In a triangle there can be only one:
these Angle
lmn @fVk ^ija @fVh
A triangle having two sides congruent .96
Isosceles Equilateral Right Angled Scalene
is called:
)g* 90o ^_o$F#'
t r_s q @fV_p
A quadrilateral having each angle .97
Rhombus Trapezium Rectangle Parallelogram
equal to 90o is called:
_p zy y de
The right bisectors of the three sides of .98
Parallel Concurrent Collinear Congruent
a triangle are:
c} F $| { +
The ______ altitudes of an isosceles .99
none of these four three two
triangle are congruent.
~B* €k2‚4~ 5z'
† +w uv+w uv )*ƒ„4 .100
Median Perpendicular Right-bisector Bisector A point equidistant from the end
points of a line-segment is on its:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A Questions /  

1.032 mm 1.03 mm 1.0 mm 1 mm
A student claimed the diameter of a wire
as 1.032 mm using Vernier Callipers.
Upto what extent do you agree with it?
 45 23 01 &'()*+(,-./-
Watt Newton Kilogram Pascal Which unit is not a derived unit?
7&( 89:;<+/6
=> 45 23 2
Amount of a substance in terms of .3
Mole Newton Kilogram Gram
numbers is measured in:
=C D+ 7& ?%@AB
!+ F CE
Level of a A measuring cylinder is used to .4
Mass Area Volume
liquid measure:
Distance Force Area Speed Identify the base quantity:
1m 3 1dm 3 1cm 3 1mm 3 7& QRRS
One litre is equal to:
6.4 ×10 -3 km 64 ×10-2 km 6.4 ×10 3 km 64 ×10 2 km 7&P T: 6400km
[] `
The standard form of 6400 km is:
7&UVWXYZ\^Y_a,: 0.00580
5.8×102 5.8 ×10-2 5.8×103 5.8 ×10-3 0.00580 can be expressed in scientific .8
notation as:
7&(b cdY\e fghijY^kY^lmE
0.1 m 0.1 cm 0.01 m 0.1 mm .9
The least count of Vernier Callipers is:
200μg 20μg 0.20μg 0.2μg 7&RRn2Eo+p 0.00002g
0.00002 g is equivalent to:
10 3 m 10-9 m 10-3 m 10-6 m 7& QRR Eo+
1 micro metre is equal to:
7&(b cdY\e 
1 mm 0.01 mm 0.001 m 1 cm .12
The least count of screw gauge is:
[ ]
E1 cZtuY \via! OP M &qE9r-./-
Power Displacement Distance Speed Which of these is a vector quantity?
' . 7wQM:!xyz{|$&}~€:xE<‚.ƒ
10ms -2 „ -10ms -1
None of A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its .14
these velocity at the highest point is:
 n 20 $&†8‡Eˆ‰8Š‹Œ:Ž 
5000 m 500 m 250 m 31.25 m 7‘QOP’<8“  -E<n”E!$&†?Q 25ms -1 M: .15
A car starts from rest. It acquires a speed
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

of 25ms -1 after 20 s. The distance moved

] [ by the car during this time is:
Y ]
–>¡ –>KŸ E –>žE –>›œ 7&†•–>:—<2ngh˜Y™aš
Random Vibratory Rotational Circular The motion of a body about an axis is .16
Motion Motion Motion Motion called:
–>KŸ E –>KªE –>¡ –>›œ 7&†•–>¢E? £<¤¥#¦f§¨E©:—
Vibratory Rotatory Random Circular To and fro motion of a body about its .17
Motion Motion Motion Motion mean position is known as:
–>KŸ E [ ]
:–>¡ :–>m¢ :–>KghjY^k¬­®
: 7&=«,r
Random Linear Translatory .18
Vibratory Sea-saw is an example of:
Motion Motion Motion
¯E± 7&OP’<8“/”E 
¦g°k¬Y™a ¯E M
Uniform The distance covered by an object in unit .19
Acceleration Velocity Speed
Velocity time is called its:
s 7&( ¯E
ms-2 ms -1 m .20
The unit of velocity is:
7& QRR (1ms -1 ) 
-1 -1 -1 -1
3.9kmh 3.8kmh 3.7kmh 3.6kmh One metre per second (1ms ) is equivalent .21

90kmh -1 80kmh -1 70kmh -1 60kmh -1 &³´E<Mµ¶
Cheetah can run at a speed of:
s 1 v f = ______ 7G·E¸
v i + at v i + at 2 v i - at .23
a 2 Complete the equation: v f = ______

9ms -2 11ms -2 10ms -2 9.8ms -2 7& Q 'g' ¦g°k¬Y™a —¹Qº2»<f#

The value of ‘g’ is:
[ ½]\^¾
kgms -2 7&( ¼ Y >/-
Ns -1 Ns Nm .25
Which of these is the unit of momentum?
xK´‘EÅf & Qx ¿À&Á.K´‘´ÃÄ
x;´Ã xÅf xK´‘
Earth and When a horse pulls a cart, the action is on .26
Horse Earth Cart
cart the:
 9 : !N  £ $& Æ ? Ç  <È : ÉN ÊË E< . KE  
‘QÌÍ/KE $& 10 N
A string is stretched by two equal and .27
20 N 10 N 5N 0
opposite forces 10 N each. The tension in
the string is:
[ ½] ^¾ & QÎÏ –>-VÐÑn4
 5/w<Ò>Ó: /-
¼ \Y > ÕÖ !NÔ !N
Newton’s first law of motion is valid only in .28
Momentum Friction Net Force Force
the absence of:
[ ½] ^¾ 7×.ØÙڍn¯E:!E!+n—
¼ \Y > ÛE !N ÛÜ
The product of mass and velocity of a body .29
Momentum Work Force Torque
is called its:
kg 7&( #Ý !N
Ns J N .30
The SI unit of force is:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

F=a/m F=m/a F = ma F =m -a .31
Which relationship is valid?
wQ <!NµànáE2.—n 10kg
70 N 80 N 90 N 100 N How much force is needed to prevent a .32
body of mass 10 kg from falling?
g w=
g w=
w = mg 7&E¸: 'w' 
g .33
m m The equation of weight “w” is:
ac =
v v2 mv 2
ac =
v 7&>P ¦g°k¬Y™aâ
Y Kã
ac = ac = .34
r2 r r r The formula of centripetal acceleration is:
!NìíKã Y Kã
!Nâ 7&†•Â&†8äåæ/–>ç+nèéE<Ò!N’E
ÕÖ êë
Centrifugal Centripetal The force that opposes the motion of .35
Friction Inertia
Force Force moving objects is called:
7&î:ÕÖ#ï [ ] Y  ð.-ñ<nòóEô
0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 The coefficient of friction between rubber .36
and concrete is:
 8äQõ¿#ö ÷ÉNøùú-ûüKE¸E<
þK ý ÛÜ 7
Neutral .37
Equilibrium A Couple A Torque Two equal but unlike parallel forces
having different line of action produce:
<  .
4 3 2 The number of forces that can be added .38
Any number
by head to tail rule are: [ ] \]a
7&†Q<: \^Y K<‚nqE
4 3 2 1 The number of perpendicular components .39
of a force are:
  $& †  Ef 30o  , n gh˜Y™a -x !N  : 45 10
[] ]
A force of 10 N is making 7‘Q Y    !N
8.7 N 7N 5N 4N
an angle of 30o with the horizontal. Its
] [ component will be:
Y [ ][
!NžK2 7& •cZ\e ÉN¢E8x—
Gravitational The resultant of all forces acting on a .41
Net Force Friction Force
Force body is called:
7&î: sin30o
1 0.577 0.866 0.5 .42
The value of sin30o is:
Complete the = ___ 7G · E¸
cosecθ tanθ cosθ sinθ Fx .43
τ= F ×L E = F×τ 7&>P ÛÜ
E = F×L L = F×E .44
The formula of torque is:
]   Š‹  n UE : — !N ¢E ?  è § 
gh˜Y™a#  — !+# 2#
7& •Q .45
Centre of Centre of a Centre of Centre of
Axis Body Mass Gravity A point where an applied force causes the
system to move without rotation is called:
∑T = 0 ∑L = 0 ∑F = 0 ∑τ= 0 7&ˆ:þK
The first condition for equilibrium is:
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test
[ ½]\^¾ 7&=« E!" 
:¼ Y > :!NÔ :ý :!N
The steering wheel of a car is an example .47
Momentum Net Force Couple Force
n8' ´) n8 n8'!+
increasing 7:-$†? -f#$ %
decreasing lowering their decreasing .48
their The racing cars are made stable by:
their width centre of their mass
gravity ] [
x1000 km x42300 km xOP<E, x6400 km
Earth’s gravitational force of attraction .49
1000 km 42300 km Infinity 6400 km
vanishes at:
 n 100kg x I.$& 1.6ms -2 î : g x -: I.
7‘Q-fE —
1600 N 1000 N 160 N 100 N The value of g on moon’s surface is .50
1.6ms -2 . What will be the weight of a
100 kg body on the surface of the moon?
7&†QM:8/<2:012^\Y 3n4#5
8000ms -1 800ms -1 8ms -1 „
The orbital speed of a low orbit satellite .51
%6 Ñ78 2
ö?ö# W= < > 45 9:Y ZkY^k;
The first man who came up with the idea .52
Einstein Hooke Newton Galileo
of gravity was: ] [
10 Nkg -1 5Nkg-1 30 Nkg -1 20 Nkg -1 Near the surface of the Earth, the .53
gravitational field strength is: ] [
k¬Y ™a Y
G M e (R + h)2 Me (R + h)2 7&>P 
 8î:¦g° žK2
G G The formula to find out the value of .54
M e (R + h)2 G (R + h)2 Me
gravitational acceleration “g” is:
7&†Qî: g x-:I.
10ms-2 11ms-2 9.8ms-2 1.62ms-2 The value of “g” on the surface of moon .55
&GxH12^Y\3pI (GPS) CDf§EF
24 22 20 18 .56
GPS consists of _____ Earth satellites.
3800 km 37000 km 380,000 km 38000 km Moon is nearly ______ away from the .57
Earth. [
L :012^[ \3
7&†Q v 0 MM# Y NO
v 0 = gh + R v 0 = g h (R + h) v 0 = gh R + h v0 = gh (R + h)
The orbital speed of artificial satellites .58
can be calculated by:
6×1024 N 6×1024 kg 6×1014 kg 6×104 kg
The value of mass of the earth is: ]  [
667.3×10-10 0.6673×10-10 66.73×10-11 6.673×10-11 7&î: G P.žK2
Nm2 kg-2 Nm2 kg-2 Nm2 kg-2 Nm2 kg-2
The value of gravitational constant G is:
100 J 50 J 10 J 2.5 J }
  % / ?R  K| : 5m 
  ÅfQ   : 23 2 .61
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

The work done in lifting a brick of mass 2
kg through a height of 5 m above ground
will be:
ŸZÛW YÛW & 8ST/UëVW.Uë0X ,-./-
[ÛW [N
Electric Electric Which one of these converts light energy .62
Electric Cell Photocell
Generator Bulb into electrical energy?
7& QEf-ñ<nOPE!NÄ‘Q„ÛE
180o 90o 60o 45o The work done will be zero when the angle .63
between the force and the distance is:
Uëb5 Uëa [Y ]
Uë` Uë_
Nuclear Chemical Kinetic Heat .64
The energy stored in coal is:
Energy Energy Energy Energy
 ] [h Uëc:!ÛE}K x!
 À& ? dK| h .—Ä
Uëg¬\^Y §ij  ] [h [Y ]
Uëklm Uëg¬\^Y § Uë` 7& Q£f/e:
Potential Kinetic When a body is lifted through a height h, .65
Energy Energy Energy the work done on it appears in the form of
M:Åf M:-EW M:nE M:fE# 7& 8£f c /
Speed of Speed of Speed of Speed of In Einstein's mass-energy equation, c is .66
earth electron light sound the:
 =Ò 45 01 7&( #Ý ÛE
 ] [h
Watt Joule Newton Pascal SI unit of work is:
P.E = mgh P.E = mgr P.E = mgp P.E = mgh 7&E¸:Uëg¬\^Y §
2 The equation of potential energy is:
q p Åf I. 7&o+ô7 Uë_
Sun Uranium Earth Moon The biggest source of heat energy is:
[Y ]  ]\^[h
Uë` Uëb5 Uëg Y §
¬ Uëa 7&†•Uë¢E? 1/—Ûr
Kinetic Nuclear Potential Chemical The energy possessed by a body due to its .70
Energy Energy Energy Energy motion is called:
108 W 104 W 106 W 10 2 W 7& QRRsEt
One megawatt is equal to: ] 
7&†Qu \Y ðw:[x
12% 9% 6% 3% .72
The percentage efficiency of solar cell is:
= [ ½d]\Ya
=zn| -VÐnW= < > 7&y?:u :6
Principle of Hooke’s The density of a substance can be found .73
Pascal’s Law
floatation Archimedes Law with the help of:
ƒ ‚ K8€ x &}7~&<6r-.
Lead Aluminum Mercury Copper Which of the substances is the lightest one?
7& QRR01E&01( „x/ †C
10 3 Nm -2 102 Nm -2 1Nm -2 104 Nm -2 SI unit of pressure is Pascal, which is equal .75
[ ]\a
kgm kgm -2 kgm -3 kgm -1 7&( #Ý u½d Y .76
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

[ ½d]\Ya
The SI unit of density is:
930kgm -3 920kgm -3 910kgm -3 900kgm -3 7&u :R
Density of ice is:
7& Q„xۇ1ˆY x‰-
100,130 Pa 103,100 Pa 110,300 Pa 101,300 Pa At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is .78
16.6 15.6 14.6 13.6 .79
Mercury is _____ times denser than water.
ρga ρgf ρgh ρgV 7&RR!N:=nD+
Upthrust of liquid is equal to:
7&( #Ý ݎ
Nm Ns Nm -1 Nm -2 .81
SI unit of stress is:
] ]
’E +g•Y ’E +” ’E +“ ’E +ij ] [
7&†•-ñ<nzŽ1‘¬\^Y hEݎ
Young’s Sheer Bulk Elastic .82
The ratio of stress to tensile strain is called:
Modulus Modulus Modulus Modulus
+f™ ˜ D+ !— 7&†•Œ–):’<+
Plasma Gas Liquid Solid The fourth state of matter is called:
& ? 1/蚍µŠ1
4 3 2 1 .84
Water is found in _______ states.
k¡ F -:D+
Q Ÿ & 8›œ.¦Ež,-./-
All of Surface area .85
Wind Temperature Which of these affects evaporation?
these of the liquid
î : ï[ ] Y  ð. n b¢ †‹ ¢£ n 6 !— 
[ ]Y
î: ïð.nb¢/CEn!$& 2 ×10-5 K -1
8 ×10-5 K -1 8 ×10-15 K -1 6 ×10-5 K -1 2 ×10-5 K -1 7wQ .86
What will be the value of β for a solid for
which α has a value of 2 ×10-5 K -1 ?

0K -273K 32 o F 0 oF 7& ?¤RxŸ cŠ1

Water freezes at:
§!Ö' b¢†‹èª [
­® «¬†‹' Y Û >l.K8€
7&¥¦§& ?%=¨x£nSg©
low uniform
all these small heat Mercury is used as thermometric material .88
freezing thermal
properties capacity because it has:
point expansion
² -¯ ²=Ò =Ò 7& Q( ‹
−1 −1
ms Kelvin Js Joule The unit of heat is:
=± س =± -²f
=± µë =± ´q 7& +l†°
Rose Crocus .90
Daffodils Sunflower Which of these is a natural thermometer?
Flower Flower
100K 273 o C 100 o C 0 oC 7&§¶· Š1
Boiling point of water is:
J kg K -1 J kg K J -1 kg K J kg -1 K -1 º
7&( #Ý ¸¹‹
SI unit of specific heat is:
1760 2500 4200 800 º
7&~/ J kg -1 K -1 ¸¹‹ :Š1 .93
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

The specific heat of water (in J kg -1 K -1 ) is:

7&~/ J kg -1 K -1 ¸¹‹ :-»#
903 470 920 387 -1 -1
The specific heat of iron (in J kg K ) is:
¿À >l
nE  & 8 xè¼zn Ÿ½¾
Thermo- .95
Light Sound Mechanics Refrigerator works on _______ laws.
α β = _ _ _ _ _ /b¢†‹
4α 2α 3α .96
3 In thermal expansion β = _ _ _ _ _
7ÁÂkl:!x8ŒE< Ü>:<
&†?Q Å) &ÃHE &†?QŒE<
&†?QÄ<# What happens to the thermal .97
becomes remains becomes
becomes half conductivity of a wall if its thickness is
one-fourth the same double
bÉ Ê9:Y Z™Y^Ë+
¦KÍ ¿Ì Õ 7&È ‹=Æ
º {’< f/Ç .98
Radiation Convection Conduction In gases, heat is mainly transferred by:
‰8' ÐE:Ï
‰8ÕÖ.Ï ‰8Ó.;Ô ÑÒ.Ï
lower the 7& QÎ ÏŠEINO
insulate the cool the keep the .99
height of False ceiling is done to:
ceiling room roof clean
-:!Þ - Ø<Ù
-Ý -’ÚÛEÜ &ŸKÍ×:‹6r-./-
green a shining
a white a dull black Which of these is a good radiator of .100
coloured silvered
surface surface heat?
surface surface
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

D C B A Questions /  

 !  1940   
Sher-e- Quaid-e- Maulana
Liaqat Ali In Lahore Resolution 1940, the .1
Bengal Azam Zafar Ali
Khan presidential address was given by:
Maulvi Fazal- Muhammad Khan
ul-Haq Ali Jinnah
M$NOD JH5 KL56 )E )*+,-./0 1234567891867
)P.QR )E Muslims @AB:5;<=>?
Muslims and
Muslims Hindus are should In 1867, while exposing the enmity of .2
Hindus are
should learn not our remain Hindus against Muslims, Sir Syed
English. friends. separate Ahmad Khan had clearly declared:
from politics.

 k lmnXo Mc\F1
rstuq p. d.QR @ST23UD 5V.WXYZ[\]
They can ^ _Y\`ab
Economic Muslim The thinking of Muslims while .3
Unity of the
development spend their nation can demanding a separate state of Pakistan
Muslim world
in the country life according get better was:
to their education
religion and
†‡5 ƒ„&[ €\‚
Pandit vwxYyz{|+
Vijay Gopal Raja Ram .4
Dayanand The founder of the Arya Samaj was:
Shankar Acharia Mohan Rai
Š*$‹Œ$ m+‰
1872 1864 1857 1757 When was the war of independence .5
} •– w”[ ŠQRŽ‘m’“\`
Presidential Shura Parliamentary Which system is given importance in .6
System System System Islam?
Ÿ-5 ¡
žm  mœ ™š ›Y\`
Tauheed & .7
Zakat Fasting Prayer The first pillar of Islam is:
$U« ¬ª
­®¯° §¨i©;
Sultan ¦ Š¢“ £2¤ ¥
Qutb-ud-din Ahmad Shah .8
Mahmood Akbar Who founded the Delhi Sultanate?
Aibak Abdali
78 ·‡ x+; x+¶ Š+±
 ²“o³56´mµ$65 š
Benares Jaipur Ahmedabad Allahabad Urdu-Hindi conflict was happened in:
1940T¸30 1940T¸27 1940T¸23 1940T¸21 Š*2±Œ   
March 30, March 27, March 23, March 21, When was the Lahore resolution
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

1940 1940 1940 1940 presented?

¾¿ º1
Anjuman-i- ¹OY *2^1906
Majlis-e- Muslim .11
Himayat-i- Congress Established in 1906:
Ahrar League
Dar-ul- Dar-ul- Dar-us- .12
Dar-ul-Harab Ulemas declared the subcontinent:
Saltanat Amaan Salaam
1908 1918 1928 1938 .13
Nehru Report was presented in:
Í >Î$Ï€ Ðяҗ2R

 x+Ô   Ó.  x+\` 8

Faisalabad Lahore Karachi Islamabad Realizing the sensitivity of the nation, .14
the city which was declared the capital
of Pakistan by Quaid-e-Azam was:
+Õ\]YÖ ×
1973 1972 1971 1970 .15
Bangladesh was established in:
Ü5Ý Û &' \-+ ŠØÙoH“ªÚ
Bahawalpur Mysore Bengal Assam Tipu Sultan was the ruler of:
ãsä&åæ 5 áâ9
çš èé Mustafa Recep &à wxY2sÞß
Abdullah Gül Kemal Tayyip Ertu rul Founder of modern Turkey is:
Atatürk Erdo an
$ïYð–ñ+ $ì í
$ìòóô î$ì í
Agha Ch. ŠANê“\ëZ[ë
Hafeez Ch. Rahmat .18
Shorash Muhammad Who suggested the name "Pakistan"?
Jalandhari Ali
Kashmiri Ali
82 81 80 79 How many civil service officers came .19
to Pakistan after partition?
" & & Ã& Šúû^müýþ š 3ý‘5 o“
General Zia- General General Ayub Under whose rule were textbook .20
ul-Haq Yahya Khan Khan boards established in the provinces?
 >   Yo7ors2q
45% 35% 25% 15% Out of the total area for the .21
development of any country, the
percentage of area for forestation
should be:
¾‚ 5¸BwoZ[
50 C o
40 C o
30 C o
20 C In Summer Season, the average .22
temperature of plain areas of Pakistan
á   Ñ Šq-&oZ[
Iran China Afghanistan India Which country is in the north of
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

 ÒYZ[ !
$ Ã"$ #  á
Which country is the partner of .24
America Saudi Arabia China Iran
Pakistan in CPEC?
-Ts ,)o *>+ %í$&'®s(2)
Mount .25
Tirich Mir K-2 Nanga Parbat The world's highest mountain peak is:
ã:; 98 \Y02w[125$3G42567
0<+ 30
Saif-ul- Hamun-e- The largest and most famous salt lake .26
Ansoo Lake Soan Lake
Malook Mashkhel in Balochistan is:
A€ >?€ $5€ Š x+K=o “ 
River .27
River Jhelum Indus River River Ravi Lahore is situated on the bank of:
D Cx Ãe il>BFYZ[
Black .28
Chakor Ababil Hawk The national bird of Pakistan is:
ŠFGw$ x+H÷2Z[
50% 49.5% 49% 48% What percentage of Pakistan's .29
population lives in the plains?
 Ü5Ý K J ²3G4YG•I
Gwadar Bahawalpur Sukkur Attock The largest city in the desert region is:
ØN .w5 2‹Ló5 MG\`KuÃ"
ØN R ØV.Q ilm ØN ÅPþ O
vani (given in In Arab society, before the advent of .31
respected buried alive burnt
marriage) Islam, in the age of ignorance, girl was:
EÁÁ^4 ST o UV $ £ nX o W 2 ?  X ®  \`
All human EG .32
All children All men are All women are
beings are Islam is a religion of nature in which
are equal equal equal
equal according to its teachings:
_wU2$ ©23`‹Ãa
&-20 &-18 &-16 &-14
The legal age of marriage of girls in .33
20 Years 18 Years 16 Years 14 Years
Punjab is:
kmb hib ebb
jb c‚5md2 b
fèg fèg fèg
fèg Who was the first wife of Hazrat .34
Hazrat Hazrat Hazrat Muhammad ?
Hazrat Hafsa
Zainab Khadija Ayesha
rUstp  !qp
Begum Salma Begum
Begum c&5Ç ¡d2Z[
Maulana Fatima .35
Tassaduq Raa’na She was the first lady of Pakistan:
Muhammad Jinnah
Hussain Liaqat Ali
Ali Jauhar
rUstp  !qp
Begum lm Š2^“u!vw5Z[&+
Begum Salma Begum .36
Maulana Fatima Who founded the All Pakistan
Tassaduq Raa’na
Muhammad Jinnah Women's Association?
Hussain Liaqat Ali
Ali Jauhar
plm r[p 58~ ®¯&å\{}| p Š2^“»G\oëxyzë .37
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Fatima Begum Nusrat Begum Who founded the “Islah-ul-

Begum Farrukh Haroon Humdum Khawateen” association?
Hussain Kamal
 x+Ô   ƒU„
Which city of Pakistan did Arfa Karim .38
Multan Faisalabad Lahore Gujranwala
belong to?
miŠ †5‡ˆ A=&',)o?¡d2Z[
‹Œ -‰
Fahmida Bismah Pakistan's first woman to climb K2 .39
Samina Baig Sana Mir
Mirza Maroof mountain:
“” U ‘’ü miŠü Zb75 [ EBFŽ¡d2Z[
Benazir Dr. Nafis Dr. Fahmida Firdous Ashiq She was the first female Speaker of the .40
Bhutto Sadiq Mirza Awan National Assembly of Pakistan:
85 Y3¡m5•OY
1937-39 1941-43 1939-41 1933-35 .41
The period of Congress Ministries was:
"#$% î$ì í ;<= A^–Y5&—5)K)
Maulvi Fazal- Chaudhry Sir Syed M.A.O School and College was .42
Qazi Isa
ul-Haq Rehmat Ali Ahmed Khan established by:
PŸ Pž P P›œ The establishment of Pakistan is the .43
21st 20th 19th 18th most important event of ______
i© Ý ­®¯° ¢b£¤5
3¥i© vi© x $¡+
Bahadur Qutb-ud-din Aurangzeb .44
Shah Jahan The last Mughal ruler was:
Shah Zafar Aibak Alamgir
1949•o© 1948•o11 1948•o© 1947•o©  ¦YZ[†+§¨
st st st
1 July, 1949 July 11, 1948 1 July, 1948 1 July, 1947 State Bank of Pakistan inaugurated in:
BF  %[ ª Z[ GZ[ «¬  x­ o 1970
During 1970 elections, the National .46
160 112 81 37
Assembly seats won by Pakistan
Peoples Party were:
1718 1717 1708 1707 .47
Aurangzeb Alamgir died in:
1958Á³27 1958Á³© 1957Á³7 1956Á³10
st General Ayub Khan imposed Martial .48
Oct 27, 1958 1 Oct, 1958 Oct 7, 1957 Oct 10, 1956
Law on:
Š€ ´>\µ“´;<
ˏx >¸¹ ¶·¯ &55
Syed Ahmad Shaheed was martyred .49
Balakot Shakargarh Ludhiana Narowal
¾¿ »/4¸ü Šv€º5Y³56 5o&'ù
m.ü ½Àü ¼ü&
Lord Who was the Viceroy of India at the .50
Lord Curzon Lord Minto General Dyer
Mountbatten time of Partition of Bengal?
Ä56i \  i
Ãi ÂLi Á5&',)o
Koh-e- Koh-e- .51
Koh-e-Sufaid Himalayas K-2 Mountain is located in:
Hindukush Karakoram
6790 m 8792 m 8126 m 7690 m $(2*>+ .52
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

The height of Nanga Parbat is:

wxÊ É ÈY Çm
Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan, .53
Rearing Industry Mining Agriculture
it is famous for:
   x+\` x+Ô Í YÃa
Multan Lahore Islamabad Faisalabad The capital of Punjab is:
mGH4 ËGH5 mGH5 ŠE o >H÷oZ[
More than Less than More than What percentage of Pakistan's area is .55
Less than 4%
4% 5% 5% covered by forests?
lmÎÏ r[p
58~ Begum EÌ©Z[yz\Í7\Ío
Mohtarma Begum
Nusrat Maulana Remained side by side with Quaid-e- .56
Fatima Farrukh
Haroon Muhammad Azam in the struggle of Pakistan:
Jinnah Hussain
Ali Jauhar
U ‘’ü ÖÞ×ÎÏ E†5ÐÑÒ3Ólm23ÔZ[3Õ
‹Œ Mohtarma
Dr. Nafis Mohtarma Busy in changing the lives of millions .57
Samina Baig Benazir
Sadiq Bilquis Edhi of Pakistanis:
2017Ü15 2016$5[24 2015$5[16 2010$Û24 The Punjab Government passed the
Sep 15, 2017 Feb 24, 2016 Feb 16, 2015 Jan 24, 2010 “Punjab Protection of Women Against
Violence Act” on:
Ý lm 5VßàYº1>áâã&
7Á16 7Á15 7Á14 7Á13 Fatima Sughra hoisted the Muslim .59
16 Years 15 Years 14 Years 13 Years League flag on the Civil Secretariat, on
that time his age was:

&-9 &-8 &-7 &-6 ŠAQRé=

9 Years 8 Years 7 Years 6 Years At what age did Arfa Karim get a .60
certificate of excellence in computer
ñƒëB` ïðrs ƒëBF5 \ìíî
 £2Z[êë
Islamic Progressive- Two-Nation Collective .61
The ideology of Pakistan is based on:
Ideology ness Theory System
Áx®¯ó ¢b£¤5 Š¢“ £2¥ò¤
3L 3¥i©
Zaheer-ud- Aurangzeb Who founded the Mughal Empire in .62
Humayun Shah Jahan
din Babar Alamgir Delhi?
Y[ó Yö„ Y$ Y75
Turkey stood in the First World War .63
Japan Germany America Russia
1946 1944 1942 1940 .64
Cripps Mission arrived in India in:
ú Ãûùxo¸i2 !
þ- ý \Z
ü ¸ The nation awarded Liaqat Ali Khan .65
Ameer-ul- Quaid-e- Quaid-e-
Madr-e-Millat the title of ________ for his great
Momineen Millat Awam
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

790,65 755,096 796,096 670,570 The total area of Pakistan (in Sq. Km) .66
  yz   $ £Yk ¸oÑ5Z[
Mumbai Khalistan Kashmir Palestine The main cause of tension between .67
Attacks Movement Issue Issue Pakistan and India is:
ËI x+Ô Ó.  
It is the largest industrial city of .68
Sialkot Faisalabad Karachi Lahore
ŠE.>“†o x
1030 1016 1085 1043 Women can complain against violence .69
at number:
_wU2$ ©23‹Ãa
&-19 &-18 &-17 &-16
The legal age of marriage of boys in .70
19 Years 18 Years 17 Years 16 Years
Punjab is:
ä &
 æ%+ & \
The word used for “Nazria” in English .71
Vision Ideology Thought Theme
85 Y3¡m5•OY
1937-39 1941-43 1939-41 1933-35 The period of Congress Ministries .72
)€ ´)))))))ë´;<ë
ËI &' ˏx
Syed Ahmad Shaheed was martyred .73
Kashmir Sialkot Bengal Balakot
• Y & $=5
1933 AD 1932 AD 1931 AD 1930 AD The second round table conference was .74
held in:
!x$ !x# !x" !x )úA\G\o!x !))))))
Company Korangi Committee Bagh-e- The _____ was named as “Liaquat .75
Bagh Bagh Bagh Jinnah Bagh”.
1908 AD 1918 AD 1928 AD 1938 AD .76
Nehru Report was presented in:
 %& Ã%& '%& Ã"%&
In the South of Pakistan ______ is .77
Dead sea White sea Red sea Arabia sea
Ã+5 ->? Ã+5 @ * ä(7+5 w) Y$5€ 5Ã@€
5 +þ Ã+5 $x
Sindh Sagar Rachna The Doab between river Chenab and .78
Chaj Doab Bari Doab
Doab Doab river Ravi is called:
 >   Y o7ors2q 
55 % 45 % 35 % 25 % Out of the total area for the .79
development of any country, the
percentage of area for forestation
should be:
$,+lm lmÎÏ $Þ
Ý lm †$Þ
Ý c¡§5ßàYº1>áâã& .80
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Fatima Mohtarma Fatima Sughra Sadaf The woman who hoisted the Muslim
Aafandi Fatima Sughra League flag on the Civil Secretariat
Jinnah was:
Ÿ-5 ¡
žm  mœ ™›Y\`
Tauheed and .81
Zakat Fasting Namaz First pillar of Islam is:
3+ 2 „ 
Number of pages of pamphlet “Now or .82
Eight Six Four Two
Never” were:
G>? GÃa G G56
Conquest of Muhammad Bin Qasim .83
Sindh Punjab Kashmir Balochistan
started from:
1917 AD 1916 AD 1915 AD 1914 AD .84
First World War started in:
Ê \6 ¸
Dar-ul- Dar-ul- Dar-ul- .85
Dar-ul-Harb Ulema declared the subcontinent:
Saltanat Salam Amaan
*$ .7ù2&'
1911 1910 1909 1908 .86
Partition of Bengal was annulled in:
qÁ  5&oZ[
2s 8$=  Ñ
The country situated in the North of .87
Turkey Sri Lanka China India
Pakistan is:
9Á5) o>?5A€
= <5 ;í :
The desert situated between river .88
Thar Rohi Cholistan Thal
Indus and Jhelum is:
@[ „ x  E\>2k %+}!?¸
Five Four Three Two Types of environmental pollution are:
_wU2$ ©23`‹Ãa
&-22 &-20 &-18 &-16
Legal age for marriage of girls in .90
22 Years 20 Years 18 Years 16 Years
Punjab is:
61 km 60 km 50 km 49 km The length of Hisper Glacier is:
79065 755096 796096 670570 The total area of Pakistan is:
A€ N€ $5€ >?€  3G4YZ[
Jhelum River Sutlej River Ravi River Indus River The largest river of Pakistan is:
E.>7†o x
1016 1030 1085 1043 Women can complain against violence .94
oe5fgh Mc\F1
P.jklmnX d.QR ST23UD 5V.WXYZ[\]
Economic ^ _Y\`ab
They spend development Muslim The thinking of Muslims while .95
Unity of
their life in the nation can Muslim world demanding a separate state of Pakistan
according to get better was:
their religion education
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

and belief
&— x+  –Y5K –Y>¸ ØOPQî$Rí
Muradabad M.A.O Ali Garh Ch. Rahmat Ali was a renowned .96
School College College student of:
äóVëWY _156ëŸ5¨2TUU
 ÖlX\Y î$Rí ;<=
Due to Lucknow Pacts “The .97
Quaid-e- Mahatma Ch. Rahmat Sir Syed
ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity”
Azam Gandhi Ali Ahmed Khan
ñ+= î$Rí ;<= 
In 1933, who names the dream of .98
Sir Agha Ch. Rahmat Sir Syed Quaid-e-
Allama Iqbal for separated homeland
Khan Ali Ahmed Khan Azam
as Pakistan?
Ê ¸ \6   ÀÁÂ\ 
Dar-ul- Dar-ul- Dar-ul- In 1920, some scholars declared the .99
Saltanat Amaan Salam subcontinent as:
¾ ¿ Da
–Y>¸ bÔ1 ]-^_F`JG - –Y5K ¢ £;<=
Aligarh Muslim Scientific M.A.O In 1863, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan .100
College University Society College founded:
‫‪The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test‬‬

‫ﺗﺮﺟﻤۃ اﻟﻘﺮآن اﻟﻤﺠﯿﺪ‬

‫‪Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.‬‬

‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪C‬‬ ‫‪B‬‬ ‫‪A‬‬ ‫‬ ‫‬

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‫ ‪@AB‬‬ ‫‬ ‫ ‪>6 ?6‬‬ ‫ =‬ ‫‪; /<-. .4‬‬
‫‪IM.‬‬ ‫‪I L‬‬ ‫‪@K‬‬ ‫‪IJ:‬‬ ‫‪C;DEFG @ H  .5‬‬
‫‪Z‬‬ ‫‪Y‬‬ ‫‪X‬‬ ‫‪M.‬‬ ‫‪W1NOPIQRST UV .6‬‬
‫‪Ic‬‬ ‫‪FG‬‬ ‫‪b‬‬ ‫‪a‬‬ ‫‪W1[ \ ]^I _:` .7‬‬
‫‪k‬‬ ‫‪ij‬‬ ‫‪gh‬‬ ‫‪7f‬‬ ‫‪WdPe .8‬‬
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‫َر ِ َ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﺗ َﻌ ٰ‬ ‫‪€l‚,>6 ?6  .11‬‬
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‫<‬ ‫ œ› š‬ ‫—Ž– ‪`ˆ˜ ™u‬‬ ‫‪.13‬‬
‫ﺤﺎﺑِ ٖ َو َﺳﻠ َّ َﻢ‪W-  •oP‬‬ ‫ﺻ‬
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‫¦ ‬ ‫‪ ¤¥‬‬ ‫‪ £‬‬ ‫‪ ¢‬‬ ‫‪žPŸ P¡ .14‬‬
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‫½‬ ‫‪7f‬‬ ‫‪gh‬‬ ‫‪ij‬‬ ‫‪W»P¼ .18‬‬
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

IPIc $l’ ÃÄ ;¾ ¿,I º  .19
,IR $lÏ ,ÍÎ ,IʱËÌ ,IÈÉ W;7ÅIR $lÆ ^Ç2 7f .20
ٖ ‫ﲔ َﺻ َّ اﻟﻠ ّٰ ُ َﻠَﻴ ْ ِ َو َ ٰ آ ِﻟ‬
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,IQÙ ,ÀÁ ,áÔ ,-mO W-\ ÖP”Þ ß à† .23
,xé  ,Iç è ,ÀÁ ,Iåæ tu`âãä .24
êë,I ì êë,Iíî
öóô õ¸ë ñòóô ïð .25

$lý wü} $lúû W÷•”_øù ÀÁ .26

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", ! ! W=  .31
@AB  =  >6 ?6   ;7}2 $%# .32
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$l/­ 0
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1_:€1, ‫ﺤﺎﺑِ ٖ َو َﺳﻠ َّ َﻢ‬ ‫ﺻ‬
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6 7 W45\ ]ˆ•^I _:`ÀÁ .36
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@ Žr >?r =: .37
C ñ M ². B NGA²< ³ .38
I 7H²P 7G` FV  $A²< ³ .39
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‫اﻟﺴ َﻼ ْم‬
The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

PO P.7z P­: PG W»NB $lž  MŠN .41

IS O IR I1 x¿Q C;DEFG ­P  .42
V Ü<Ý V I $²W V I+M V I  TU”}`~G .43
]O 7^± l\ \ [G[G ZZ CX^Y}ˆS O .44
@ ¯B  3 cd ab  `  W²` ¯P_ .45
B g f B $l e Ž} WdP_ .46
gÀÁ ; 7 9 l lz P I 2   Ihi  ~ G
na ªIhi lmO .47
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Ps P¦ P$ Pr WDo .49
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hi  ¾ œ š›G WdP™ .57
PA²< ³ P® ¯ ° P´²< ³ P±²< ³ 0ž™ .58
xé  ± I¢7¡ I C{|DñŸ™B  .59
PIÈ¥ P-mO Pxé  PB WŠ£ ¤ ñŸ .60
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@AB  =  >6 ?6   WlznP‫اﻟﺴ َﻼ ْم‬
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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test


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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

Q. No. 1. Choose the correct option.

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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

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The Hope 100 Marks MCQs Test

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