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 Miss Sana Frayjia o Mid-Term test n 2 Name : …..………………………………...

 Cite Edheaa prep school o 26-01-2022 9b10/9b11

I. Listening comprehension: (8 marks)

1. Listen and tick the right answer (1 mark):

 The text is about: Pollution

 Smoking
 Protecting animals
2. Answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and justify your answer: (2 marks)
A. Do people care about the environment? ‘……….’ (part1)
 Justification: ……………………………………………
B. Are there rubbish bins in the street? ‘…………’ (part2)
 Justification: ………………………………………….
3. Answer the following questions with details from the text (2 marks)
A. Why do people throw rubbish in the street? (part1)
 …………………………………………………………………
B. What are the different forms of waste in the countryside? (part2)
 …………………………………………………………………

4. Listen and complete the missing words (1 mark):

 “Rivers are full of 1-………… bags and bottles. This makes a beautiful
2-…………. look ugly.”
5. What does the following utterance express? (1 mark)

“ Rubbish is everywhere these days. I’m fed up with it.”

► prohibition ► Describing ►Obligation

6. Listen to the passage and circle the words you hear: (1 mark)
 There’s (litter-bitter) in the streets, even though there are rubbish (tins-bins)
II. Language (12 marks)
1- Fill in the gaps with words from the box.
Be careful there are 2 extra words : (3 mark)
Therefore - layer – releasing-contaminate - smog - environment
smarks): - discharge-In addition
Pollution is dangerous. Factories and cars are 1-………….. fumes which
have a negative impact on our environment. Well-known effects of pollution
are 2-……………....and acid rain, they are a real threat to our
3- ……………They resulted in warming and the depletion of the ozone layer
4-…………….and lung cancer. 5-………………, when ash from a burn is improperly
disposed of in fields or water streams, it can 6-…….……… food and drinking water. We
should organize campaigns for a better environment all over the world.
2- Circle the right option: (3 marks)

Today, scientists speak about the relation between smoking and dangerous diseases. They think
that smoking is increasing the risk of 1-(heart disease - attacking heart - attack heart) and
lung cancer by up to thirty percent. However, people can't stop smoking because
they are 2-(bored - addicted - interested) to it. As time goes by, smoking 3-
(may - should - must) lead to a blockage in arteries. This results 4-(in - at -
for), heart problems. 5-(Heavy - Non - Hard) smokers should do their best to
give up this habit because they are not only damaging their life but also the life
of people 6-(who - which - where) live around them. Smoking is a killer.

2- Match the underlined sentences with the right functions: ( 3 marks)

Be careful! There is one extra function.
- Hi Susan! Can you help me with my project work, please (1)? A. Prohibition 1+..
- With pleasure. What is it about?
- It is about the Earth day. B. Polite request 2+..
- What is Earth Day(2)?
C. Expressing opinion 3+..
- Well, Earth Day is an international day on which everyone
should take part in protecting the environment(3) even with D. Obligation 4+..
the smallest actions. We can also campaign for a better
environment through different ways. Smokers must stop E. Possibility 5+..
smoking(4) because they might cause many risks(5) to
themselves and the environment. F. Asking for 6+..
- Don’t forget to look for pictures and posters about the topic. It is information
-Yes, I think that they are really important (6). Thank you G. Giving Advice

3- Match the sentences parts in column (A) with their corresponding

completions in column (B) to get a coherent paragraph (3 marks)
1- One of the main sources of noise pollution is a-that’s to say deafness. 1+….
2-Exposure to the harmful noise can cause b-noise for a certain period of time 2+…
damage to
c-our transportation; motor vehicles,
3- When it is exposed to high levels of aircrafts and railways.

4-this may lead to permanent hearing loss, d- the most important organ in our 4+…
body, the ear.
5- Noise is also the main source for heart 5+….
disease e-because it raises blood pressure and
increases heart beat rate. 6+…
6- living in the country can be one of the
f-main solutions to avoid exposure to
noise and headaches.
The listening script

Listen A Minute: English Listening Lesson on Rubbish

Rubbish is everywhere these days. I’m fed up with it. Every

time I walk down the street, I’m almost falling over it. I don’t know
why people can’t throw their rubbish away properly. They are lazy
and have no respect for others. They don’t seem to care about the
environment either. It’s the same in every country. There’s litter in
the streets, even though there are rubbish bins everywhere. Rivers
are full of plastic bags and bottles. This makes a beautiful place look
ugly. And the countryside is full of rubbish. People even throw their
TVs and fridges into fields, or anywhere they think people won’t see
them. Where I live now, people throw rubbish in the street outside
their house. They think other people will pick it up.

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