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Title: SQL Command Practise(some more query)

Course title: Database Systems Laboratory

Course code: CSE-256
2 Year 2nd Semester Examination 2022

Date of Submission: 22/01/2024

Submitted to-

Anup Majumder
Assistant Professor

Dr. Liton Jude Rozario


Dr. MD. Humayun Kabir


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka-1342

Sl Class Roll Exam Roll Name

01 381 210901 Shahed Annam

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

The objective of this lab report is to explore the essential SQL commands used for
creating and manipulating databases. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard
language for managing relational databases. It provides a means to interact with
databases, facilitating tasks such as creating tables, inserting data, querying information,
and modifying the database structure. Understanding SQL commands is crucial for
anyone working with databases, as it forms the foundation for efficient and effective
data management.

The main objective of this lab report is to familiarize ourselves with the fundamental
SQL commands involved in creating and manipulating databases. By understanding
these commands, we aim to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform tasks
such as creating a database, defining tables, inserting data, retrieving information, and
modifying the structure of a database. Through practical examples, we will explore the
syntax and usage of various SQL commands, enabling us to develop a solid foundation in
working with databases.

1. Find list in alphabetic order,all customer,who have a loan at the Dhaka

2. List the entire loan relation in descending order of amont(If several loans
have the same amount ,order them in ascending order by loan_number)

3. List all customer who have an account at the bank

4. List the customer who have a loan at the bank

5. Find all customer who have a loan, account or both at the bank
6. Find all customer who have both a loan and an account

7. Find the average account balance at the Dhaka bank


In conclusion, this lab provided a comprehensive overview of fundamental SQL

commands essential for database creation and manipulation. Participants were
introduced to the syntax and functionality of key SQL statements, enabling them
to create databases, manipulate data, and modify database structures.
Understanding these commands is crucial for anyone involved in database
management or development. Moving forward, continued practice and
exploration of SQL commands will undoubtedly enhance participants' abilities to
work with databases effectively, ensuring efficient data management and
manipulation in various applications.

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