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All Clear 1 Progress Test Basic Unit 3

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.


1 y__________ 2 c__________ 3 p__________

4 c__________ 6 f__________ 8 b__________ 9 m__________


5 m__________ 7 s__________ 10 a__________

Score __/10

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2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

go listen meet play read ride stay surf talk watch

1 The boys ______________ football every day. They’re Real Madrid fans.
2 I ______________ to music on my mp3 player. My favourite band is Metallica.
3 We ______________ TV every night. The Simpsons is our favourite programme.
4 I ______________ the internet in my free time. I’ve got a computer in my bedroom.
5 I ______________ my friends in the park after school and we play basketball.
6 They ______________ comics. Manga is their favourite type.
7 We ______________ up late at weekends – until one or two am.
8 In our free time we ______________ shopping. We love buying new clothes.
9 I ______________ my bike on Sunday mornings. I cycle 30 kilometres.
10 I ______________ on the phone a lot – my mobile, not the phone in the house.
Score __/10


3 Circle the correct words.

1 My sister cook / cooks her dinner in the microwave.

2 We eat / eats fruit and vegetables every day.
3 I drink / drinks a lot of water – about three litres a day!
4 My mum watchs / watches food programmes on TV.
5 They go / goes shopping for food once a week.
6 Mr Emms teachs / teaches English at our school.
Score __/6

4 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 My mum _______________ (not buy) unhealthy food.

2 We _______________ (not go) to Japanese restaurants.
3 Your body _______________ (not need) chocolate.
4 The children _______________ (not like) vegetables.
5 I _______________ (not eat) strawberries for breakfast.
6 Maggie _______________ (not drink) fizzy drinks.
Score __/6

5 Complete the questions with Do or Does. Then match the questions with the short answers.

1 __________ you and your family eat fast food?

2 __________ Leonardo like ice cream?
3 __________ you cook dinner for your family?
4 __________ your mum surf the internet?

a) No, I don’t. ____

b) Yes, we do. ____
c) No, she doesn’t. ____
d) Yes, he does. ____
Score __/8

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 My grandparents ____________________ up late. (hate / stay)

2 You ____________________ to music with your friends. (not like / listen)
3 I ____________________ shopping in London. (love / go)
4 Rosie ____________________ on her phone. (like / talk)
5 My friend ____________________ his homework. (not like / do)
Score __/5

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7 Circle the correct words.

1 Strawberries are my favourite fruit. I love they / them .

2 Julia’s a vegetarian. She / Her doesn’t eat meat.
3 Our teacher sometimes plays basketball with we / us .
4 Akio is a new boy in our class. He / Him ’s from Japan.
5 This apple is horrible. I don’t like it / her .
Score __/5


8 Read the texts and circle T (true) or F (false).

I love sport. I play basketball and football and I ride my bike. I don’t surf the internet. It’s
boring! After school I do my homework and then I go to the park with my dog, Robbie. I
play football with him!

Adam 13

I like making cakes. My favourite cake is carrot cake. It’s delicious! On Saturdays I like
meeting my friends. We go to a café and drink milkshakes. I buy fashion magazines
every week. I love looking at the clothes in them.

Amy 12

My favourite thing is my phone. I love surfing the internet on it. I like watching football on
TV, but I don’t play it. I like heavy metal music and I love listening to my favourite bands.
I’ve got their songs on my phone.

John 13

1 Adam’s not very active. T/F

2 Adam’s got a pet. T/F
3 Amy likes cooking. T/F
4 Amy stays at home on Saturdays. T/F
5 John’s a music fan. T/F
Score __/10

9 Read the texts again and choose the correct answers.

1 Adam plays football with ____

a) his dog. b) his friends.
2 Amy uses ____ in her favourite cake.
a) vegetables b) fruit
3 Amy likes reading ____ magazines.
a) food b) clothes
4 John uses his ____ to surf the internet.
a) computer b) phone
5 John ____ football with his friends.
a) plays b) doesn’t play
Score __/10


10 Join the sentences with and or but.

1 My mum loves Chinese food. My dad hates it.

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2 We play football in the park. We ride our bikes.
3 My granddad reads comics. He plays computer games.
4 My sister does a lot of sport. She doesn’t play football.
5 I like meeting my friends. I don’t like talking to them on the phone.
Score __/10


11 Listen and circle T (true) or F (false).

1 Lily and Max are at school. T/F

2 Lily likes ice cream. T/F
3 Lily wants a fizzy drink. T/F
4 Max doesn’t like apple juice. T/F
5 Max likes cakes. T/F
Score __/5

12 Listen again and circle the correct answers.

Lily Max
Food 1 strawberry / chocolate ice cream 3 water / milk
Drink 2 apple / orange juice 4 carrot / chocolate cake
Cost 5 £6.70 / £7.60
Score __/5

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13 Ask and answer questions and order food and drink.


a) You are the assistant in a café. Ask Student B questions and complete the table below with his /
her order.

Student B




b) Now look at the menu below and decide what you want to eat and drink. Answer Student B’s
questions and order something to eat and drink.



Cheese and tomato, Cheese and ham £3.50


Bacon and tomato, Ham and cheese, Tuna £2.00


Chips, Salad £1.10


Apple juice, Orange juice £1.50

Milkshakes (chocolate / strawberry) £2.00

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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13 Ask and answer questions and order food and drink.


a) You are in a café. Look at the menu below and decide what you want to eat and drink. Answer
Student A’s questions and order something to eat and drink.



Cheese and tomato, Cheese and ham £3.50


Bacon and tomato, Ham and cheese, Tuna £2.00


Chips, Salad £1.10


Apple juice, Orange juice £1.50

Milkshakes (chocolate / strawberry) £2.00

b) Now you are the assistant in a café. Ask Student A questions and complete the table below with
his / her order.

Student A




Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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