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Review Article

Organ support in sepsis: A panoramic view from

infection to death

Vikas Srivastava a,*, Shalendra Singh b

Brig AFMS (P&T), O/o DGAFMS, New Delhi, India
Senior Advisor (Anaesthesia) & Neuroanaesthesiologist, Command Hospital (Northern Commmand), Udhampur,

article info abstract

Article history: Despite significant advancements in medical research, sepsis persists as a leading cause of
Received 28 September 2023 mortality in intensive care units (ICUs). Sepsis intricately contributes to organ failure,
Accepted 10 November 2023 amplifying both morbidity and mortality. In these instances, a comprehensive compre-
Available online 26 December 2023 hension of the physiology of each organ is imperative for accurate diagnosis and effective
management. Within the context of an ICU clinical scenario, a meticulous evaluation and
Keywords: monitoring of six pivotal organ systems cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, neurological,
Organ support hematological, and hepatic are essential. The primary objective in managing sepsis-induced
Sepsis organ failure is the early detection and intervention, encompassing timely administration of
Intensive care units antibiotics, identification and control of the infection source, and implementation of sup-
Infection portive therapy. Despite the extensive body of medical literature, there is a conspicuous
absence of evidence-based multi-organ management strategies for such patients. The
intricate interplay between organs, commonly referred to as organ crosstalk, presents a
formidable challenge in navigating the complexities of sepsis management.
© 2023 Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services. Published by Elsevier, a division of
RELX India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

morbidity and mortality rate. This intricate and multifaceted

Introduction condition involves a combination of processes, including
immunological dysregulation, endothelial dysfunction, and
Sepsis manifests as a systemic inflammatory response to metabolic alterations, all contributing to the development of
infection, marked by an uncontrolled immune reaction. sepsis-induced organ failure. In the intensive care unit (ICU)
Alarming statistics reveal its devastating toll, claiming the clinical setting, a comprehensive assessment and continuous
lives of 47 to 50 million people annually, translating to a monitoring of six vital organ systems cardiovascular, renal,
staggering rate of one death every 2.8 seconds. The fatality respiratory, neurological, hematological, and hepatic are
rate ranges from 15% to 50%, underscoring the urgency of paramount.5 The primary objective in managing sepsis-
addressing this global health concern.1e4 Sepsis often culmi- induced organ failure, referred to as sepsis-induced organ
nates in organ failure, characterized by a notably high

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V. Srivastava).
0377-1237/© 2023 Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services. Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India Pvt. Ltd. All rights
m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 8 0 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 4 e9 5

degeneration (SIOD), is early detection and intervention. This dysfunction. Typically observed in the early stages of the
encompasses prompt administration of antibiotics, meticu- disease, SIE affects up to 70 % of sepsis patients.11 Long-term
lous source control, and the implementation of supportive consequences may manifest as cognitive-behavioral disor-
therapy. Addressing SIOD at its onset is crucial for improving ders. Inflammatory mediators like leukotrienes, interferon,
patient outcomes and mitigating the severe consequences and adapter proteins contribute to breaching the bloodebrain
associated with sepsis. barrier, resulting in inflammation and proptosis in brain cells
and subsequent dysfunction.12 Patients with SIE may experi-
ence seizures, focal neurological deficits, cognitive dysfunc-
Newer adjuvants tion, mood swings, agitation, and depression. Additionally, a
CNS infection can be a causative factor for sepsis. Prognosis
Numerous adjuvant therapies have undergone exploration, tends to be poor for patients without identifiable brain imag-
encompassing immunomodulatory medications, blood purifi- ing foci, often presenting with altered behavior or conscious-
cation techniques, and metabolic interventions.6 Immuno- ness changes. Before administering any sedative medication a
modulatory drugs play a pivotal role in modifying the immune thorough, a neurological examination is essential. Diagnosis
response and reinstating immunological homeostasis. Among involves ruling out symptoms caused by medications or
these therapeutic options are corticosteroids, intravenous metabolic factors, and an electroencephalogram aids in
immunoglobulin, and monoclonal antibodies designed to excluding CNS-related causes. Elevated levels of C-reactive
target specific inflammatory mediators.7 Blood purification protein and procalcitonin in the blood indicate a prolonged
methods, such as hemodialysis, hemofiltration, and adsorp- acute brain insult, while a high peak concentration of C-type
tion, have been investigated for their capacity to eliminate natriuretic peptide (NT-proCNP) in early sepsis stages sug-
inflammatory mediators and pollutants from the blood- gests SIE.13 Management is primarily symptomatic, focusing
stream.8,9 These approaches offer potential avenues for miti- on early control of sepsis foci, prompt oxygen delivery, and
gating the systemic impact of sepsis. Metabolic therapies have resuscitation to maintain hemodynamics. Recent advance-
also emerged, aiming to optimize cellular energy metabolism ments include specific therapies like vagus nerve stimulation,
and thwart cellular malfunction. Strategies include meticulous which has shown efficacy in reducing proinflammatory cyto-
glucose control, thiamine supplementation, and providing kines in the CNS.14 Steroids have also emerged as a valuable
mitochondrial support.10 These interventions contribute to treatment for SIE patients.15 Supportive treatments targeting
addressing the metabolic dysregulation associated with neuroinflammation regulation, neuroendocrine function, and
sepsis-induced organ failure (SIOD). Effectively treating SIOD neuroimmune disorders have demonstrated beneficial effects
necessitates a comprehensive, multidisciplinary strategy. in managing SIE.
Tailoring care to the individual patient based on the underlying
pathophysiology of organ dysfunction is essential for maxi-
mizing therapeutic outcomes and enhancing the overall Sepsis-induced heart dysfunction
management of sepsis.
The heart is frequently compromised in cases of sepsis, with
sepsis-associated cardiomyopathy (SAC) representing a
Organ dysfunctions associated with sepsis reversible form of myocardial depression. The incidence of
SAC varies between 18% and 65% in sepsis patients, often
A systemic inflammatory response triggered by infection can presenting with a diminished ejection fraction and a dilated
lead to the malfunction of one or more organs in the body, left ventricle.16 Thankfully, recovery typically occurs after
resulting in sepsis-induced organ dysfunction (SIOD). The the resolution of sepsis within a few days. Extensive research
severity and extent of organ dysfunction are influenced by in recent decades has identified numerous mediators or
factors such as the nature of the infection, the characteristics pathways contributing to global myocardial injury in sepsis.
of the patient, and the timeliness of treatment initiation. While circulating leukotrienes, inflammatory markers, dys-
Recognizable symptoms of SIOD encompass respiratory regulated coagulation pathways, and endothelial activation
distress, confusion, jaundice, decreased urine output, low factors in the bloodstream are suspected causes, clear evi-
blood pressure, and impaired heart function. Swift identifi- dence is still awaited. Left ventricular dysfunction, charac-
cation and immediate treatment of SIOD are imperative for terized by poor contractility and systemic vasodilation, is a
optimizing outcomes and reducing mortality. Early interven- common consequence. Over time, right ventricular dysfunc-
tion plays a crucial role in addressing the underlying inflam- tion can also manifest due to increased pulmonary artery
matory response, restoring organ function, and preventing pressure. Excessive nitric oxide, among other inflammatory
further deterioration. Timely and targeted management is key mediators, hampers calcium flux, leading to myocardial
to improving the prognosis and enhancing the overall survival depression and the loss of compensatory reflexes, resulting in
rate in cases of sepsis-induced organ dysfunction. hemodynamic instability.
In managing SAC, specific guidelines are currently lack-
ing. During fluid resuscitation, patients are prone to devel-
Sepsis-induced brain dysfunction oping pulmonary infiltrates. Gradually escalating doses of
inotropes and vasopressor therapy are recommended if fluid
Sepsis-induced encephalopathy (SIE) arises when the central treatment fails to maintain perfusion pressure in the end
nervous system (CNS) malfunctions, leading to cognitive organs. Norepinephrine is the preferred vasopressor in the
6 m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 8 0 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 4 e9

absence of fluid resuscitation, with dobutamine as the

first-line inotrope.17 Levosimendan, a calcium sensitizer, Sepsis-induced lung dysfunction
has demonstrated mortality reduction by establishing
early hemodynamics.17 In cases of refractory shock, dobut- The lungs are the predominant site of disease leading to sepsis
amine may be administered. Crucially, amid ongoing he- in 64% of cases. A study indicates that mortality rates are 35%
modynamic management, early and optimal antibiotic in mild acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 40% in
administration and surgical infection evacuation take pre- moderate ARDS, and 46 % in severe ARDS.26 Over the past
cedence. Invasive blood pressure monitoring and central decade, the incidence has decreased, attributed to reduced
venous access facilitate close monitoring, contributing to use of blood products and the adoption of lung-protective
improved perfusion and associated with a more favorable ventilation strategies. Despite an unknown cause, studies
mortality rate. suggest that acute inflammation of the alveolar-capillary
membrane, the lung's gas exchange surface, increases mem-
brane permeability, attracting neutrophils and other inflam-
Sepsis-induced liver dysfunction matory mediators leading to high-permeability pulmonary
edema. This process inactivates surfactant, causing collapse
A substantial proportion of sepsis patients, up to 46%, and consolidation.
concurrently experience sepsis-induced liver dysfunction The LASARUS trial has influenced ventilation strategies,
(SILD), which has been correlated with an elevated 28-day advocating for tidal volumes below 6 ml/kg ideal body weight
mortality rate.18,19 SILD is characterized by an increase in and plateau pressures below 30 cm of H2O.27
bilirubin concentration >2 mg/dL and coagulation abnor- The CESAR trial recommends extracorporeal membrane
malities with INR >1.5, as outlined in the Surviving Sepsis oxygenation (ECMO) as a viable option for severe respiratory
Campaign Guidelines.20,21 Clinical manifestations of SILD failure but does not establish its superiority over conventional
include hypoxic hepatitis, sepsis-induced cholestasis, and ventilation.28 Due to insufficient data, consensus on the ideal
protein synthesis dysfunction leading to coagulopathies. end-tidal carbon dioxide level is yet to be reached. In ARDS
SILD results in the compromised ability of the liver to patients, liberal and conservative fluid therapy shows no sig-
detoxify, leading to elevated serum ammonia levels and nificant difference, and conventional therapy lacks robust
such as unconsciousness, confusion, irritation, and hepatic evidence, with potential risks of renal failure and cognitive
encephalopathy. Liver cells release acute-phase proteins dysfunction. For moderate-to-severe ARDS cases, prone
(APPs) into the systemic circulation in response to proin- positioning for up to 12 hours daily is strongly advised. Evi-
flammatory cytokines, exerting both proinflammatory and dence supporting the long-term efficacy of nitric oxide, high
anti-inflammatory effects.22 Hypoxic hepatitis and sepsis- positive end-expiratory pressure, muscle relaxants, and
induced cholestasis are key processes explaining liver inhalation agents in ARDS patients is insufficient. Regarding
injury and subsequent sepsis risk. In clinical scenarios, steroids, most trials were conducted before the recognition of
hypoxic hepatitis is typically identified by reduced oxygen ARDS, leading to low-quality evidence for their use.
delivery or utilization by the liver, elevated serum amino-
transferase levels exceeding 20 times the upper limit of
normal, and the absence of other likely liver-damaging fac- Hematological manifestation in sepsis
tors.23 Sepsis induces severe hemodynamic changes,
microthrombi formation, sinusoidal obstruction, and endo- Patients with sepsis often exhibit a spectrum of hematological
thelial dysfunction, impairing liver perfusion and causing abnormalities, including neutrophilia, neutropenia, throm-
damage and hypoxic hepatitis. bocytopenia and in severe cases, disseminated intravascular
“Sepsis-induced cholestasis” refers to abnormal bile flow coagulation (DIC). DIC serves as a complex manifestation of
and reduced bile production due to a nonobstructive intra- the intricate interplay between inflammatory and coagulation
hepatic insult, with total blood bilirubin levels surpassing pathways, leading to the consumption and depletion of
2 mg/dL and aminotransferase levels more than double the platelets and coagulation factors, resulting in bleeding and
accepted upper limit. Ursodeoxycholic acid, with cytopro- hemorrhage into tissues.
tective and immunomodulatory properties, could be consid- The primary focus of treatment lies in addressing the un-
ered for treating sepsis-induced cholestasis. derlying infection with antibiotics, halting the activated he-
Extreme caution is necessary when using hepatotoxic mostasis system, and replenishing the depleted coagulation
medications, and rigorous glucose monitoring is crucial due to components. Heparin plays a role in managing clots, and
the susceptibility of these patients to hypoglycemic episodes. platelet transfusions may be necessary for certain patients. In
Early enteral nutrition has demonstrated benefits in cases without bleeding or suspected thrombosis, the pro-
enhancing recovery and reducing complications. Early goal- thrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time
directed resuscitation involves promptly initiating antibiotics, (aPTT) tests are recommended initially, followed by fibrinogen
neutralizing the source of infection, and maintaining hemo- and D-dimer tests if PT and aPTT are prolonged. Fibrinogen
dynamics with fluid and ionotropic agents.24 The judicious levels are typically low, especially in acute DIC, while D-dimer
use of steroids, particularly in cholestasis patients with sepsis, levels are elevated in both acute and chronic DIC. As long as
appears to aid in immunomodulation, as evidenced by the the platelet count remains above 10,000/microL, prophylactic
early recovery of liver failure in the CORTICUS study despite platelet and coagulation factor administration is not routinely
the lack of conclusive evidence.19,25 recommended for patients not bleeding or at high risk of
m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 8 0 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 4 e9 7

bleeding. However, in cases of significant PT or aPTT prolon- damage. Delayed administration of antibiotics has been
gation with severe hemorrhage or a fibrinogen level below 50 linked to early development of acute kidney injury (AKI) in
mg/dL in bleeding patients, coagulation factor replacement is septic shock. The Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
warranted. Cryoprecipitate can be administered to raise (KDIGO) guidelines caution against the use of certain neph-
plasma fibrinogen levels if they are below 100 mg/dL. Indi- rotoxic drugs to prevent kidney damage. Examples include
vidualized management based on specific hematological pa- aminoglycosides, vancomycin (especially when combined
rameters is crucial for effectively addressing the diverse with piperacillin-tazobactam), amphotericin B, and diagnostic
hematological challenges presented by sepsis. agents like intravenous radiocontrast media.
In managing shock, intravenous fluid infusion is founda-
tional. Vasopressor medications can be initiated promptly if
Sepsis-induced renal dysfunction necessary. However, significant clinical trials such as Aus-
tralasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE), Proto-
Research indicates that approximately 40% to 50% of ICU pa- colized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS), and Protocolized
tients with acute kidney injury (AKI) have sepsis. In a study Management in Sepsis (ProMISe) have consistently found no
involving 198 ICUs across 24 European countries, AKI occurred mortality or renal replacement therapy (RRT) benefits with
in 51% of sepsis patients, with an ICU death rate of 41%.29 protocol-based management in septic shock patients.31e33
Sepsis-induced AKI (S-AKI) was identified in 47.1% of sepsis The ProCESS study specifically demonstrated that early goal-
cases in a retrospective study encompassing 146,148 patients directed treatment, alternative protocolized resuscitation, or
in China.30 Risk factors for developing AKI include age, chronic standard care had no impact on the development of new AKI,
renal disease, and cardiovascular disease, with many patients severity of AKI, fluid overload, the need for RRT, or renal
already having kidney damage before hospital admission. The recovery.32
detection of early kidney injury remains a challenge, but new Isotonic crystalloids are recommended for patients at risk
prognostic biomarkers have recently been validated. The of AKI, and norepinephrine is the preferred agent for treating
multifactorial pathophysiology of AKI involves hemodynamic septic shock. Dopamine, with higher adverse effects, is not
variations, inflammation of the renal parenchyma, endothelial advised for kidney protection. The emphasis on timely and
dysfunction, and tubule blockage with necrotic cells and appropriate interventions, along with judicious use of fluids
debris. Mitigating the risks of AKI includes prompt volume and careful consideration of nephrotoxic medications, un-
rejuvenation, maintaining hemodynamics, and avoiding derscores the importance of a nuanced and individualized
nephrotoxic agents like intravenous contrast. Once AKI is approach to sepsis management to mitigate the risk of kidney
identified, proper medication dosages, avoidance of fluid complications.
excess with diuretics, and close monitoring of electrolyte levels
are essential. Early initiation of renal replacement therapy
(RRT) offers benefits for patients requiring this intervention. Inter-organ crosstalk
The diagnosis of S-AKI involves a decrease in urine output
and an increase in serum creatinine concentration. Oliguria, Indeed, the concept of organ dysfunction and the potential for
while relevant in sepsis, may not be a sensitive predictor of a cascade of effects leading to multiple organ dysfunction
kidney damage, and a correlation between oliguria and AKI syndrome (MODS) exemplifies the intricate interplay known
persists even after several hours. Monitoring urine output as organ crosstalk. This phenomenon involves the cross-in-
closely is associated with improved patient survival when S- fluence and mutual impact of dysfunction in one organ on the
AKI develops. Patients at the maximal AKI stage are more function of others, creating a complex and often vicious cycle.
likely to require in-hospital RRT, experience longer ICU and In addition to the six critical organs discussed in the context of
hospital stays, and face a higher risk of death, according to sepsis-induced organ failure (cardiovascular, renal, respira-
serum creatinine and urine output criteria. However, these tory, neurological, hematological, and hepatic), organ cross-
markers have limitations in diagnosing AKI, and the dilu- talk can affect all organs, including the end organs. The
tionary effects of vigorous fluid resuscitation in septic shock interdependence of various physiological systems highlights
may lead to undetected AKI. the systemic nature of diseases like sepsis, where dysfunction
Traditional methods like urine microscopy have been used in one organ can trigger responses and complications in
to detect kidney disease, but the use of diuretics may others. Understanding and managing organ crosstalk is
constrain the applicability of oliguria and other urine in- crucial in providing comprehensive care to patients experi-
dicators for AKI diagnosis. The complex nature of AKI un- encing severe conditions, preventing the progression of
derscores the importance of ongoing research and the dysfunction, and improving overall outcomes.
development of advanced diagnostic tools for early detection
and intervention.
Crosstalk with AKI

Prevention and resuscitation of S-AKI When a patient is diagnosed with sepsis-induced acute kidney
injury (S-AKI), the repercussions of oliguria, anuria, or fluid
The primary pillars of sepsis treatment continue to be source overload caused by the condition can extend to impact other
control and prompt, appropriate antibiotic administration, as vital organs, particularly the lungs and heart. The primary
they play a crucial role in preventing additional kidney mechanism of the kidneys, responsible for excreting toxic
8 m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 8 0 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 4 e9

metabolites from the body, is compromised, leading to Abdominal compartment syndrome represents another
harmful effects on other organ systems (Fig. 1). Animal studies potential contributor to impaired renal function. This condi-
indicate that S-AKI induces lung inflammation and impairs tion is characterized by elevated intra-abdominal pressure,
lung function by elevating IL6 levels in the blood. Bilateral which can compromise renal perfusion and lead to renal
nephrectomy in animal studies has shown to cause lung, in- dysfunction. The interplay of these factors underscores the
testinal, and sepsis-induced liver dysfunction (SILD) due to complex relationship between respiratory, cardiovascular,
increased IL6 levels.34 S-AKI has been associated with and renal systems, highlighting the importance of a compre-
heightened inflammatory mediators in rats, leading to brain hensive understanding and management approach in clinical
oedema due to the disruption of the blood-brain barrier. scenarios involving critically ill patients.
Additionally, the inability of S-AKI patients to efficiently
remove drug metabolites from their bodies may harm other
organs and contribute to ototoxicity when using amino- Crosstalk with gut
glycosides. Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to renal doses
according to the recommended chart when administering Certainly, abdominal compartment syndrome, characterized
medications to S-AKI patients. by an elevation in intra-abdominal pressure, can indeed have
Furthermore, the challenges of managing S-AKI in patients a significant impact on renal function, as illustrated in (Fig. 1).
undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) are The heightened intra-abdominal pressure associated with
compounded by the extracorporeal circuit, which can lead to this syndrome has the potential to alter renal perfusion,
pharmacokinetic changes affecting the volume of distribution leading to further complications and contributing to a decline
and clearance. These changes induced by sepsis can impact in renal function. The intricate interplay between abdominal
healthy organs and make antimicrobial dose optimization compartment syndrome and renal dysfunction underscores
exceptionally challenging. The dynamic alterations in the the importance of recognizing and addressing multiple factors
clearance of hydrophilic antimicrobials in S-AKI CRRT pa- that can affect organ systems in critically ill patients. A ho-
tients may result in difficulties determining the appropriate listic approach to patient care is crucial in managing complex
medication dosage, further emphasizing the complexities of conditions involving the abdominal and renal systems.
managing sepsis-induced complications.

Gut-liver crosstalk
Crosstalk with lung
The liver plays a crucial role in controlling the immunological
defense system, contributing to toxin clearance, protein and
Renal dysfunction can arise from hypoxemia induced by res-
cytokine production, and the body's adaptation to the in-
piratory dysfunction, as depicted in (Fig. 1). Patients under-
flammatory response triggered by sepsis. Sepsis-induced liver
going invasive ventilation are at an increased risk of
dysfunction (SILD) exacerbates the situation by leading to the
experiencing renal dysfunction, likely attributed to the release
accumulation of toxic metabolites and dysbiosis of the gut
of inflammatory mediators triggered by mechanical ventila-
microbiota, ultimately causing endothelial damage to the gut
tion. Additionally, the associated hemodynamic changes,
barrier, as depicted in (Fig. 1). This disruption in the gut barrier
such as elevated intrathoracic pressures, can lead to reduced
allows bacteria to migrate from the gut into the systemic cir-
cardiac output and oxygen delivery, potentially impeding
culation, initiating an interaction between the liver and the
right ventricular function, as illustrated in (Fig. 1).
gut that intensifies the body's inflammatory response. This, in
turn, contributes to organ dysfunction and an elevated risk of
In simpler terms, sepsis originating from the gut endo-
thelium results in gut barrier dysfunction, facilitating the
translocation of microorganisms and toxins from the gut into
the bloodstream. This process amplifies the inflammatory
response in various organs, leading to dysfunction. A
comprehensive understanding of the gut-liver crosstalk in
sepsis is essential for the development of therapeutic in-
terventions or preventive strategies. Recognizing the intricate
relationship between these vital organs is crucial in formu-
lating effective approaches to manage sepsis-induced com-
plications and enhance patient outcomes.

Fig. 1 e Showing cross talk between different organs in

sepsis. AKI-sepsis induced acute kidney injury, DIC- Disclosure of competing interest
disseminated intravascular coagulation, IL-interleukin,
TNF-tissue necrosis factor. All authors have none to declare.
m e d i c a l j o u r n a l a r m e d f o r c e s i n d i a 8 0 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 4 e9 9

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