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Q- 1. Explain with reasons, the record obtained when the second stimulus falls during the different phases
of the first SMT.

Ans :- Its due to increased temperature which leads to decreased viscosity in sacroplasm and increased
enzymatic activity accumulation of Ca2+ ions in sarcoplasm. Decreased interia of recording system.

Q- 2. What is the mechanism of the beneficial effect?

Beneficial Effect - When two successive stimuli are applied to the muscle in such a way that the second stimulus
falls after the relaxation period of the first curve, two separate curves are obtained and the force of second
contraction is greater than that of first one. This is called beneficial effect.

Cause for beneficial effect- During first contraction, the temperature increases. It decreases the viscosity of
muscle. So, the force of second contraction is more.

Q- 3. Define summation

Ans :- If second stimulus is applied during contraction period, or during second half of latent period, the two
contractions are summed up and a single curve is obtained. This is called summation curve or complete
summation curve. Summation curve is different from the simple muscle curve because, the amplitude of the
summation curve is greater than that of simple muscle curve. This is due to the summation of two contractions to
give rise to one single curve. Base of the summation curve is also broader than that of the simple muscle curve.

Q- 4. Is it the summation of stimuli or the summation of effects in this experiment? Explain

Ans:- The effects of stimulus/summations of effects in this experiment because it’s the mechanical process not
the electrical one so that’s why its related to summation of stimulus.

Q- 5. Why is the maximal stimulus used in this experiment and not the supra-maximal?

Ans:- Because if supramaximal stimulus is used according to all or none law the response obtained is same as
that in maximal. So, that’s why we use maximal I e in maximum work done is obtained in maximal stimulation
and same in supra maximal.
L.D. No. 18 Date:

Ideal Record

Q.1 What is the effect of cold and warm Ringer solutions on various periods
and height of muscle contraction?

Ans. Cold Ringer increases the duration of all phases of muscle contraction and
decreases the height of contraction whereas the warm Ringer solution has just
the opposite effect.
Q.2. How do the cold and warm Ringer solutions bring about their effects on
muscular contraction?
Ans. (i) Cold Ringer solution decreases the temperature of the muscle, thereby
increases the viscosity and retarding some metabolic processes. Hence,
depolarization is slow, thereby resulting in decreased velocity of response.
(ii) Warm Ringer solution raises the temperature of the muscle, thereby
reducing its inertia and the synaptic delays are minimized.
Q3. What Precautions should be taken while performing this experiment?
Ans. (i) The temperature of warm ringer should not exceed 420C, else proteins in
preparation get denaturated and temperature of cold solution should not
be less than 4°C.
(ii) The effect of warm ringer solution should be recorded before that of the
cold ringer solution.
Q.4. Why do the effects of Warm Ringer solutionshould be taken before that of cold
Ans. Cold ringer inactivates the muscle. Once inactivated, its difficult to revive it.
Hence effect of warm solution should be observed first.
Q.5. What is heat rigor?
Ans. When the temperature of ringer solution exceeds 45 °C, the muscle protein gets
denatured. Due to this action and myosin filaments are unable to carry out their
functions. Hence muscle remains in a state of permanent contraction, called as
heat rigor.

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