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SOCW 2010 Intro to Case Management

Folder/Notebook: Part 1

Rachel McGee

Chapter One

Page 14: Exercise #1 Mrs. Patterson

1. What would you do to help? I would call the building manager and send Mrs. Patterson somewhere
else to stay until the issue is resolved. Direct vs Indirect- Direct would be me calling the health inspector
or housing authority. Indirect would be me telling Mrs. Patterson to call the building manager again.
Horizontal vs Vertical- Horizontal would be outing buckets under the leek. And if they fill putting more.
Horizontal would be moving up to the next higher thing to get help like calling maintance then calling
the maintance supervisor. Micro vs Macro- Micro would be helping Mrs. Patterson move to
somewhere safe. Macro would be calling health department for the whole building.

2. Resources and Threats- Threat would be that the roof could collapse or cause mold. Resources would
be calling housing authorities, health inspector, and insurance company.

3. Environmental impact on client and impact on environment. Mrs. Patterson could slip on the water or
mold could form and spread throughout the building.

Page 14: Exercise #2 Case Management and Accountability

1. Discuss the ways in which the case manager is accountable to the client, the payers, and the
providers. How might these responsibilities cause conflict? Case manager is responsible for developing
trust between the client, worker, and agency. Well if the payers only give the case manager a certain
amount of time to complete a task and the client is moving at a slower pace the conflict of whether to
force the client to go passed his or her natural progression or try to convince the payers to give more

Page 14: Exercise #4 Changes in Society

This chapter discusses the changes in society that have led to the need for case management. Discuss
how you see the community-based services system changing in the future, considering such factors as a
growing elderly population, a reduced birth rate, and growth in technology, economic changes, and the
political environment. Community- based services in the future will need to be bigger and we need to
have more of them to account for the growing elderly population. Community-based services will only
improve with technological advances. Better medicine and smarter equipment means better care.

In Class Activity- Russell page 14

1. Providing some concrete aids for the client- this would include his wheelchair and any other adaptive
tools he would need. Referring for counseling-Russell has just gone through a crisis I believe that
speaking to a counselor would benefit him and his family. Finding specialist resources for his treatment-
Russell’s condition needs special care from someone more familiar with quadriplegics.

2. See Attached Paper


Clients Characteristics Environment

Sullen This would make the environment more hostile.
Scared This could bring the family closer together. I am
sure they are all a little scared.
Sarcastic This could cause other members of the family to
lash out. Sarcasm mostly causes irritation.

5. Russell’s most pressing need is adapt to his new way of life and began to feel normal again. I believe
the family needs to learn to adapt to Russell’s new way on life and should know how to handle and
communicate with him about it.

6. The barriers would be the parents and the little siblings.

7. If I had 25 patients all like Russell’s case my intensity would be low. I wouldn’t have a lot of time to
spend with my patience. My duration would probably be longer than normal because I would probably
be behind or it would end too soon because I thought the case was closed. Breadth of service would
probably go faster because I am use to writing care plans for these types of cases.

Chapter Two

Page 25: Exercise #1 Karen

The Brokerage Model- Using the brokerage model my goal would be to find a non for profit organization
to assist in caring for her children. Set up times when her sister can assist her. Find cancer treatment
centers close by so that she doesn’t have far to travel to appointments.

Service Management Model- using this model I would motivate Karen to continue her treatments. I
would inform Karen of child care services. Also inform service providers of her needs. I would gain more
information about how often her sister is available to assist. I would help Karen if choosing the best care
in accordance with her budget and amount of time Karen had.

Managed Care Model-

Page 26: Exercise #2 Design Case Management Service

2. I think that you would need a general social worker. The reason a general case manager would be the
best choice I my opinion is because the generalist will be able to assess the situation from a wider point
of view and advocate for the homeless and find the specialist and help they need.

In Class Activity- Forester

1. How might the following impact Carol’s work with Mrs. Forrester?

Intensity- If Carol has too many clients to work with then she time she spends with the Forrester family
will be shortened. Which means less attention and more chance another incident could occur.

Breadth- I think Mrs. Forester will be defensive and at just but I think that Carol will eventually be a
better person because it.
Duration of Services-I believe the duration of the time it talks to work with The Foresters depends on the
natural progress of the client. I think that the duration will either make Mrs. Forrester a better parent or
it will show Carol that she needs more time.

2. What type of case manager do you think Carol is? Why?

I think she is a generalist social worker, because she hasn’t spoken about a specialty. Also carol
mentioned that she could help her get to parenting classes.

3. Which category of case manager function do you think Carol works in?

Broker because she connects Mrs. Forrester with help while also getting Mrs. Foresters son in a safe

4. In the video there are three case managers and three different approaches to the client. Compare and
contrast the three approaches. Identify which is the best and explain why

The other woman social worker was too aggressive and It just made Mrs. Forrester defensive and she
didn’t get anywhere with her. The man was a push over and didn’t get anywhere with Mrs. Forrester
and didn’t even get the child physical attention.

5. What case management process did you observe Carol doing?

She is in the referral phase, because she is referring Mrs. Forrester to help.

Chapter Three

Page 34: Exercise #1 Speaking at Kiwanis Club

1. Case Management is a service designed to facilitate linkage to other services through a direct
relationship between a case manager and client which is usually long term. Case management offers a
wide variety of resources. A case manager should be able to guide you too all service available to you.

Page 34: Exercise #5 Introduce Yourself

1. Hello my name is Rachel McGee. I am a case manager for “where ever I work” and my job is basically
to help inform and set you up with any and all services available to you.

Page 34: Exercise #6 Convince him to accept help

I understand that you have gotten by just fine without government help, but everyone needs assistance
sometimes. Accepting help doesn’t make you helpless. I would then explain to them why I believe their
situation is in dire need of assistance. I would then explain the helping process and the potential
outcome of it he doesn’t accept assistance.

In Class Activity- Genevieve

Chapter 4

Page 46 to be announced in class

Chapter 5
Page 63 to be announced in class

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