What Do We Want Students To Learn: Assessment Unit Planner

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Subject/Course Code/Title/Curriculum Policy

Assessment Unit Planner

Subject/Course Code/Title/Curriculum Policy: Unit: Duration: Overall Expectations:


Learning Goals: (clustered expectations for long term goals / based on specific expectations for shorter term goals) What do you want students to be able to know, understand and do at the end of a given learning period

Prior Learning: What prior learning have students already done that connects to the learning goals of this unit?


Success Criteria: (What will successful acquisition of the learning goals look like and sound like) How will we know they have learned it? How will they demonstrate their learning?

ASSESSMENT TASK(S) What is the focus of the task? Does it align with the Learning Goals? Does it reflect all or most of the Achievement Chart Categories? Describe the task.

ASSESSMENT TOOLS, eg. Checklist Rubric Rating Scale Anecdotal Comments Feedback Form Marking Scheme Triangulation How will I gather evidence of achievement from: Conversations: Observations: Products:

What opportunities will students have to interact with the Learning Goals and Success Criteria during the learning? eg. orally, coconstruction, discussion of what constitutes quality work, rubrics, modeling, exemplars, sharing of samples, etc. What Assessment for Learning strategies will be employed during the learning? eg. spotchecks, feedback points, checklists, exit cards, etc.

Assessment - Ontario Ministry of Education, CAPB Assessment Unit.


HOW WILL WE DESIGN THE ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION TO HELP STUDENTS LEARN? Knowledge of Students Differentiation based on student: Readiness Interests Preferences: Styles Intelligences Other (e.g., environment, gender, culture) Students Need to Know. Need to know how to find out . Differentiated Instruction Response Learning materials (content) Ways of learning (process) Ways of demonstrating learning (product) Learning environment


Some Examples
Active Listening Anticipation Guide Brainstorming Case Study Choice Boards Class Discussion Computer Simulation. Concept Attainment Concept Formation Concept Creation Research (Independent) Concept Mapping Report Writing Critical Dialogue Response Writing Cubing Response Journals Debate (Formal) Role Playing Debate (Informal) Round Robin Examine Both Sides Simulation Four Corners Snowball Game Game Theory Graffiti Graphic Organizer Graph Creation Three Way Debate Graphing Think Pair Share Guest Speaker Inside/Outside Circle Inquiry Jigsaw Journal Writing Learning Centres Learning Contracts Metaphors Movie Review/Analysis Mind Map Model Building Note Making (student generated) Note Making (teacher generated) Think Pair Square (Graduated) Think Together Think Apart Thinking Routines Tiering Values Line Venn Diagram Video Clip Word Wall Word Web Socratic Dialogue Rich Questioning Song Creation Teams Games Tournaments Numbered Heads Jigsaw Panel Discussion Placemat P/M/I Problem Based Learning Puzzle Pieces RAFTS Research (Guided)

Whole Group, Groups, Individual Learning Experiences Strategies and/or Structures Keep in mind the Key Features of Differentiated Instruction1 Flexible Learning Groups Choice Respectful Tasks Shared Responsibility Learning Experience How will I know they learned Things to consider: it? At what points is there flexibility for student choice? How will they (the How will the learning be sequenced and scaffolded student)know they learned to support the needs of a wide range of learners? it? Opportunities for flexible grouping
Are the learning tasks respectful How are the students provided opportunities to share responsibility for learning. Things to consider: Are there opportunities to provide feedback? Self, peer, teacher? What are the strategic assessment points? What is the best assessment tool or strategy to check for understanding for the key learning identified?

For sample indicators of these features see the Differentiated Instruction Scrapbook found at http://www.edugains.ca/resourcesDI/EducatorsPackages/DIEducatorsPackage2010/2010DIScrapbook.pdf

Assessment - Ontario Ministry of Education, CAPB Assessment Unit.



Things to consider: At what points is there flexibility for student choice? How will the learning be sequenced and scaffolded to support the needs of a wide range of learners? Opportunities for flexible grouping Are the learning tasks respectful? How are the students provided opportunities to share responsibility for learning?

How will I know they learned it? How will they know they learned it?
Things to consider: Are there opportunities to provide feedback? Self, peer, teacher? What are the strategic assessment points? What is the best assessment tool or strategy to check for understanding?

Some Possible Ongoing Assessment Strategies For / As:

Teacher Conference Observation checklist Spot Check Teacher Edit Peer Edit Exit Card Interview Quiz Self Assessment Checklist Performance Checklist Question and Answer Discussion Concept Attainment, Mind Map, Concept Map Checklist Self Assessment Response Form Select Response Demonstration 3-2-1 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down

Materials and Resources Materials: Appendix A: .. Etc. Internet Resources: Resources: ...

Assessment - Ontario Ministry of Education, CAPB Assessment Unit.


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