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Name :- Mobile No.

1- How often do you wash your hair with a shampoo ?

a)once a day b) evey other day

c) once every two or three days d) once a week

2-Which of the following brand do you often use ?

a) Pantene b)Dove

c) loreal Paris d) Sunsilk

3-what type of shampoo do you prefer?

a)Anti dandruff b) Silky

c) oil control d) anti Hair loss

4-The volume you prefer is ?

a) large b) medium c) small

5- Where you tend to purchase your shampoo ?

a) retail shop b) online

c) Saloon d) others

6- Did you have used Sunsilk?

a) yes b) no

7-Would you prefer international brands?

a)yes b)no

8- You wash your hair with ?

a) Bottle shampoo b)sachet shampoo

c) small plastic shampoo

9-How many different shampoo have you used yet ?

a)2 b)3

c)4 d) more then 5

10- Did you prefer a shampoo that contains herbal products?

a)yes b)no

11-Are satisfied with your current shampoo performance?

a)yes b)no
12-Witch shampoo do you prefer?

a)Organic b) Traditional

13-How you ever tried a sulfate shampoo?

a) yes b) no

14-What is your budget for shampoo?

a)1 b)5 or less

c)5 or more d) 100 or more

15- Do you buy shampoo on its packaging or design?

a)yes b)no

16-Where do you store your shampoo ?

a)in the shower b)on a self

17-Does the season or climate affect your choice of shampoo?

a) yes b) no

18-How much money do you monthly spend on your shampoo ?

a) 30 b) 100

c) 50 d) other

19- Do you ever had experience on hair fall with the use of your shampoo?

a)yes b) no

20-Have you ever used your shampoo with conditioner?

a) yes b) no

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