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1st Birdham & Witterings

Scout Group

New Year’s Day Dip

Shore Inn, Shore Road, East Wittering
Sign in at 10.00am - 12.30pm. 1pm Dip
Sponsor forms are available from -
All dippers must be in Fancy Dress

All must get really wet!

All dippers enter at their own risk & suitable footwear should be worn.
Birdham & Witterings Scout Group can not accept any responsibility for
personal accident, loss or damage to equipment
or personal effects or public liability.

The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the event before or on New Year’s Day

Please aim to raise at least Ł25.
Sponsor form may be downloaded from
All money raised will go to 1st Birdham & Witterings Scout Group.
Please could you try to collect you sponsor money from your sponsors before 1st January,
if you can not please could you get the monies to us by 31st January 2018.
Suggest to your sponsors that they come & watch to make sure you don’t chicken out!

Please send a cheque to:-

The Group Treasurer

Emily Reed
44 Mere close, Bracklesham Bay, PO20 8AG

Made payable to:- 1st Birdham and Witterings Scout Group

If your sponsors pay Income Tax or Capital Gains you can make their donation worth more by
using Gift Aid. For every pound your sponsor donate, 1st Birdham and Witterings Scout Group
can claim an extra 25p as Gift Aid Tax Relief from the Inland Revenue.
This is at no extra cost to your sponsors!

Please make your sponsors donation go further by asking them to fill in their
Home Address, Post Code and tick the Gift Aid box
Please sponsor me!
Name: .........................................................................................................

Address: ......................................................................................................


................................................................. Post Code: ................................

New Year’s Day Dip

Shore Inn, Shore Road, East Wittering sign in at 10.00am - 12.30pm. 1.00pm Dip
I will be dipping in the sea wearing fancy dress to help raise money for 1st Birdham & Witterings Scout Group
If you are a UK Tax Payer, the Scout Group can claim back 25p in every £1.00 that you give from the Inland Revenue.
You must pay an amount in the UK income or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount we will claim from your
donations in the tax year. If you are willing to treat your donation and all donations you may have made since
6th April 2004 until further notice, as a Gift Aid donation please enter your Home Address and Postcode
then tick the Gift Aid column. Many thanks for your support

Amount Amount Gift

Name Full Home Address Postcode Date
Sponsored Received Aid

Totals C o n t i n u e

Name Full Home Address Amount
Postcode Amount Gift Date
Sponsored Received Aid
Totals Carried Over

Name Full Home Address Totals

The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the event before or on New Year’s Day

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