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DRM200 – Acting

Lab 201

Contact: Autumn Smith (Professor)
Wednesday 11am-12pm
Location: LCR (SD 22) basement of Morrison Hall.

Course Delivery: In-Person Studio

Dates: Monday/Wednesday 3pm-5pm

Friday 12pm-1pm Tutorial

TA: Caitlin Gowns

Course Description:
A foundational course that introduces students to the professional artistic process through
practical application. Throughout the year students will engage various movement, vocal and
acting techniques that they can utilize throughout their career.
Focus of this course: Physical and Vocal flexibility, Specificity of Action and Authenticity in

• A Challenge for the Actor, Uta Hagen 1991, Scribner 0-684-19040-0
• 2 plays from the Classical cannon
• 2 plays from the Contemporary Cannon (one must be from Canadian Repertoire)

Challenge for the Actor is readily available for online purchase.

Plays will be available to purchase online or at the library.
Method of Evaluation:
Term One

• Participation 10% ongoing

• Collective Creation Unit 1 10% Wed Oct 11
• Animal Exploration 10% Mon Oct 23
• Vocal Masque 10% Mon Oct 30
• Uta Hagen 6 Steps Neutral Scene Paper 10% Fri Nov 3
• Neutral Scene Study/Laban 20% Wed Nov 22
• Journal 15% Mon Dec 4
• Collective Creation Unit 2 15% Wed. Dec 6

Term 2

• Participation 10% ongoing

• Uta Hagen Paper– Scene Study 1 10% Mon Jan 22
• Scene Study 1 – Contemporary 15% Wed Jan 31
• Monologue 1 – Classical 15% Wed Feb 28
• Monologue 2 – Contemporary 15% Wed Mar 13
• Uta Hagen Paper- Scene Study 2 10% Mon Apr 1
• Scene Study 2 – Classical 15% Wed Apr 3
• Journal 10% Fri Apr 5

2% of your final grade will depend on the completion of 2 CAP activities per term. CAP
opportunities will be sent out by the Undergraduate CDTPS Student Administrator, throughout
the semester. See the website for more details regarding CAP (Community Assistance
NOTE: A deduction of up to 2% of your total final course mark may be made if your CAP
requirement is not completed.

Course Objectives:
1) To critically engage classical and contemporary texts through a creator/performer lens.
2) To augment active listening practices
3) To examine and practice techniques to overcome obstacles and specify intention
4) To explore physical and vocal techniques that aid in artistic process
5) To utilize the skills mentioned above to work cohesively in an ensemble/group
6) To maximize critical thought in research materials
7) To broaden perspective and expand empathetic engagement
8) To formulate a personal practice that is unique to each student
9) To foster curiosity and specificity of action
Course Schedule


Date Type (S/T) Course Material

M/Sept 11 L Verbatim Theatre Intro

W/Sept 12 L Verbatim Theatre Share
F/Sept 14 T Students meetings (one on one – by appointment)

M/Sept. 18 L Intro to Collective Creation and Devising

W/Sept 20 L Intro to Collective Creation and Devising
(sound and movement)
F/Sept 22 T Student meetings (one on one – by appointment)
M/Sept 25 L Intro to Collective Creation Lecture and Collective
Creation and Devising Unit 1
W/Sept 27 L Collective Creation/Devising Unit 1 rehearsal
F/Sept 29 T Collective Creation/Devising Unit 1 rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Oct 2 L Collective Creation/Devising Unit 1 rehearsal
W/Oct 4 L Collective Creation/Devising Unit I First Pass
F/Oct 6 T Collective Creation/Devising Unit 1 rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)


W/Oct 11 L Collective Creation/Devising Unit 1 Final Pass

Intro to Animal Exercise
F/Oct 13 T Animal exercise rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Oct 16 L Animal exercise rehearsal
W/Oct 18 L Animal exercise 1st pass
F/Oct 20 T Animal exercise rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Oct 23 L Animal exercise final pass
Introduction to vocal masque and punctuation for
the actor
W/Oct 25 L Introduction to Uta Hagen and neutral scene
Vocal Masque rehearsal
Fr/Oct 27 T Vocal Masque rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Oct 30 L Vocal Masque Share
Intro to Laban Efforts
W/Nov 1 L Neutral scene rehearsal incorporating Laban effort
F/Nov. 3 T Neutral scene rehearsal *Uta Hagen Paper due
(Book time slot during lab time)


M/Nov 13 L Neutral Scene – First Pass – Group 1

W/Nov 15 L Neutral Scene – First Pass – Group 2
F/Nov 17 T Rehearse neutral scene
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Nov 20 L Rehearse neutral scene
W/Nov. 22 L Neutral Scene – Final Pass – All groups
Collective Creation/Devised Unit 2 Intro
F/Nov 24 T Collective Creation/Devised Brainstorm
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Nov 27 L Collective Creation/Devised Unit 2 – rehearsal
W/Nov. 29 L Collective Creation/Devised Unit 2 – rehearsal
F/Dec. 1 T Collective Creation/Devised Unit 2 – rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Dec 4 L Collective Creation/Devised Unit 2 – first pass
*Fall Journals due
W/Dec 6 L Collective Creation/Devised Unit 2 – final pass
T/Dec 7 (make-up) L TBD


M/Jan 8 L Active Listening Lecture

Scene Study Intro
W/Jan 10 L Moment Before Lecture
Scene Study Rehearsal
F/Jan 12 T Scene Study Rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Jan 15 L Scene Study Rehearsal
Intro to Driving Line Method
W/Jan 17 L Scene Study First Pass – Group One
F/Jan 19 T Scene Study Rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Jan 22 L Scene Study – First Pass – Group Two
*Uta Hagen Paper #1 due
W/Jan 24 L Scene Study – First Pass – Group Three
F/Jan 26 T Scene Study Rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Jan 29 L Scene Study - Final Pass - Group One
Intro to monologue #1
W/Jan 31 L Scene Study - Final Pass – Group Two
Monologue # 1into scene work and Uta
F/Feb 2 T Monologue # 1 rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Feb 5 L Monologue Rehearsal with feedback
W/Feb 7 L Monologue Rehearsal with feedback
F/Feb 9 T Monologue Rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)

M/Feb 12 L Monologue First Pass – Group 1

W/Feb 14 L Monologue First Pass – Group 2
F/Feb 16 T Monologue Rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)


M/Feb 26 L Monologue Final Pass – Group 1

W/Feb 28 L Monologue Final Pass – Group 2
Intro to monologue #2
F/Mar 1 T Lecture on Classical Text
M/Mar 4 L Monologue #2 rehearsal
W/Mar 6 L Monologue #2 rehearsal
F/Mar 8 T Monologue #2 rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Mar 11 L Monologue # 2 First Pass – Group 1
W/Mar 13 L Monologue # 2 First Pass – Group 2
F/Mar 15 T Monologue #2 rehearsal with notes
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Mar 18 L Monologue #2 final pass – all students
Intro to Scene Study 2
W/Mar 20 L Scene Study #2 rehearsal
F/Mar 22 T Scene Study #2 rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Mar 25 L Scene Study #2 rehearsal
W/Mar 27 L Scene Study #2 – First Pass – Group One
F/Mar 29 T Scene Study #2 rehearsal
(Book time slot during lab time)
M/Apr 1 L Scene Study #2 – First Pass – Group Two
W/Apr 3 L Scene Study #2 – Final Pass – All
F/Apr 5 T Journal completion
Notes on Tutorials:

Friday Tutorials will be facilitated by TA Caitlin Gowans. This is a time for you to connect with your
scene partners/groups for upcoming assignments. Each student must attend at least three tutorials per
term. Tutorial times will be based on a sign-up system facilitated every week by Professor Smith and the
*Please note that there are certain tutorials which are mandatory for everyone.


Attendance is mandatory for success in this course. Students should be aware that if they miss a
significant number of classes for any reason at, they will fall behind, and may be unable to
advance to the next stage of work and subsequent courses. There are no makeups for missed
classes or missed tutorials. Students will receive a 2% deduction from their final participation
grade for every missed class (exceptions for illness and religious observances).
Please Note: you may be asked to provide a doctor’s note for illness.


During the term, students who are absent from their studies and unable to complete course work
should follow the missed term work policy outlined in the course syllabus. This policy will
normally outline what a student should do if they miss a deadline, term test, or class activity such
as a lab.

Instructor may indicate that documentation is required to support a student’s request for
academic consideration (e.g., extension, make-up test, reweighting). The following are
recognized forms of documentation:

Absence Declaration via ACORN (updates from the University guidelines for 2023–24 will be
posted mid-August)

U of T Verification of Illness or Injury Form (VOI)

College Registrar's letter

Letter of Academic Accommodation from Accessibility Services

When presenting any of the above to instructors, students should not need to present additional
supporting documentation. The following documentation should not be requested or accepted by

Detailed medical information beyond the Verification of Illness or Injury Form (VOI)

Letters from friends, parents, or other family members

For extended absences and for absences due to non-medical reasons, students may be in contact
with their College Registrar’s office. The colleges can help students decide if they want to
request an extension or seek other forms of academic consideration. College Registrar offices
may email instructors directly to provide a College Registrar's letter of support and connect
students with other helpful resources on campus.

If students suspect or know that they have a disability that is affecting their studies, they are
encouraged to review supports available for A&S students through Accessibility Services. A
disability can be physical, sensory, a learning disability, mental health disorder or short-term
disabilities like injuries. If a student is not sure whether they have a disability, they can
confidentially contact Accessibility Services with questions.

If students observe religious Holy Days that might conflict with academic activities (e.g., a class
or test), they should visit U of T’s religious accommodations policy for more information.

Students are asked to arrive 10 minutes in advance of studio start time. Should a student need to
be late for any reason – please contact the professor or TA 15 minutes prior to the start of class
via the email provided.
There will be a one class lateness exemption, after which – students will be penalized 1% of their
final participation grade.

Students are asked to wear appropriate rehearsal attire to class – clothing that students can move
in that does not require adjustment (pulling up, or down, or out). This class will be highly
physical with floor work. You must be able to move comfortably and freely.
Footwear (or bare feet) designed for easy movement in all classes.
Hair should be tied back from the face.

Students will also be asked to bring all necessary requirements for scene, monologue and
collective creation work including (but limited to): costumes and props.

Students will also be asked to bring a notebook and writing instrument to each class.
Electronic devices will be discouraged in the classroom unless accommodation is requested.

Students will be asked to respect the space and each other at all times.

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