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Country Official name: Republic of Türkiye

Committee: GA NATO
Topic: Geopolitical conflict as the result of the USSR dissolution
Delegate´s Name: (Chair position paper)
Institution (school name): Alexander Bain Irapuato

As the Cold War ended in the post-war era, which divided Europe into Eastern and Western blocks, Turkey
chose to side with the western side, as a way of reinforcing its western identity, this policy led turkeys
membership with NATO, being this more a political move rather than a military one. In 1951, Turkey was
formally welcomed as one of NATO's first new members alongside Greece.

Turkey is a valuable member thanks to its strong military forces, provides land and sea bases and its
strategic importance on the south eastern flank of Alliance. When Greece temporarily withdrew from
NATO’s military command in 1978, it was agreed to LANDSOUTHEAST would come under the command
of a Turkish General.

Turkey has always had a great relationship with the United States, supporting each other in economical,
educational and military spheres. Turkey sought to maintain strong links with its other European Allies.
Turkey's great relation with European countries led to becoming one of the founding members of the
European Economic Community in 1959. In 1953, Turkey signed the Balkan Pact with Greece and
Yugoslavia, in order to protect the latter from the threats of the Soviet Union at the time.

Turkeys and the Soviet Union had a rough story involving territorial disputes, and economic systems.
Through the years Turkey and NATO had formed one of the strongest alliances in operations, defense and
security, where there has been mutual understanding and cooperation, as well within other members of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. For this reason Turkey is one of the oldest and most respected
members of NATO.

Turkey’s government has been really supportive of US strategies, interests and ideals. As well, in the case
of maintaining military vigilance in favor of Defence, Turkey has a great strategic position, nevertheless it
will not support the excessive presence of the American military when it is not necessary. Turkey's excellent
relation with most countries within NATO and Europe can also be an advantage at the moment of

Türkiye’s Relations with NATO. Republic of Türkiye Ministry Foreign Affairs. Consulted: January 10, 2023.

TÜRKIYE AND NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Consulted: January 10, 2023.

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