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Lapu-Lapu City College

Don B. Benedicto Road., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City, 6015

School Code: 7174
Exploring the Efficacy of Blended Learning: A Student-Centric

Analysis at Lapu-Lapu City College

Survey Results Report


Alquisar, Ralf Jay Q.

Bagalanon, Naome Anne C.
Baoc, Jenny V.
Cueva, Kaye Antonette I.
Lazarte, Mariane Z.
Lequigan, Reylian L.
Soroño, Princess Irene

December 2023

Website: FB page: LLCC Public Information Office Email: 1

Lapu-Lapu City College
Don B. Benedicto Road., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City, 6015
School Code: 7174

Website: FB page: LLCC Public Information Office Email: 2


Introduction 3

Survey Objectives 5

Methodology 6

Survey Design



Statistical Treatment

Presentation of Data 7

Analysis and Interpretation of Data 8

Conclusion 9

APPENDIX A- Survey Questionnaire 10


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The landscape of education is undergoing a transformative shift with the

integration of technology into traditional learning methods. Blended learning,

characterized by a combination of face-to-face and online instructional approaches, has

emerged as a pedagogical strategy to enhance the educational experience. Lapu-Lapu

City College, recognizing the importance of staying at the forefront of educational

innovation, has implemented blended learning across various disciplines.

Blended learning, at its core, reflects a paradigm shift in education. It

acknowledges the diverse learning preferences and technological advancements that

define the modern student experience. By seamlessly integrating in-person and online

components, blended learning provides students with a multifaceted approach to

education. This approach not only accommodates varying learning styles but also

capitalizes on the benefits of technology to enhance engagement, collaboration, and

access to educational resources.

To gauge the effectiveness of blended learning at Lapu-Lapu City College, this

report presents the outcomes of a survey designed to capture the perspectives of

students. Recognizing the importance of understanding the learner's viewpoint, the

survey delves into their overall perceptions. Through this approach, the study seeks not

only to quantify the impact of blended learning but also to provide qualitative insights

that can inform strategic decisions for instructional refinement.

This report presents the findings of a survey conducted to explore students'

perspectives on the effectiveness of blended learning within the institution.

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Understanding student perceptions is critical for optimizing instructional strategies and

improving the overall learning experience.


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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of blended learning in the

perspective of students at Lapu-Lapu City College. Also, to Investigate how students

believe blended learning influences their academic performance, aiming to identify

correlations between engagement in blended courses and subsequent achievement.

Moreover, to gauge the level of satisfaction among students at Lapu-Lapu City College

regarding blended learning.


Survey Design

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The survey will use a quantitative design, employing a structured questionnaire

with Likert scale questions. This design is chosen to systematically gather numerical

data on students' perceptions of blended learning at Lapu-Lapu City College. The Likert

scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree, will provide a measurable and

standardized approach to collecting responses, enabling statistical analysis and

quantitative insights into the participants' attitudes and opinions


The respondents of the study are second-year Tourism Management students

currently enrolled at Lapu-Lapu City College. A stratified random sampling method was

employed to ensure representation across the academic level and program. The goal

was to gather insights from a specific subgroup of students, focusing on second-year

Tourism Management students, to capture a detailed and tailored perspective.


The researchers will use a self-made survey questionnaire that consist of Likert

scale questions to comprehensively assess students' perspectives on blended learning

at Lapu-Lapu City College. The Likert scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly

disagree, provided a nuanced measurement of participants' attitudes and opinions.

Statistical Treatment

After gathering the data needed, the researchers will use the Weighted Mean

statistical test to determine and give appropriate interpretation of the gathered data.


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Rating Scale
Perceptions Weighted Mean
4 3 2 1
1. Blended learning enhances
understanding of course materials. 5 22 3 0 3.07

2. The combination of online and in-

person elements in blended learning is 8 18 4 0 3.13
beneficial for my learning experience.

3. I feel more engaged in the learning

process through blended learning 5 19 5 1 2.93
compared to traditional methods.

4. The online components of blended

learning contribute positively to my 7 17 6 0 3.03
academic performance.

5. I find it easy to navigate and use the

online platforms used in blended 6 19 5 0 3.03

6. Overall, I believe that blended

learning is an effective educational 11 15 3 1 3.2
approach for my academic progress.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.07


Weighted Mean

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∑ (w ∙ x )
(5 ∙ 4)+(22∙ 3)+(3 ∙ 2)+(0 ∙ 1)
1. x= =3.07

(8 ∙ 4 )+(18 ∙3)+(4 ∙ 2)+(0 ∙ 1)

2. x= =3.13

(5 ∙ 4)+(19 ∙3)+(5 ∙ 2)+(1 ∙1)

3. x= =2.93

(7 ∙ 4 )+(17 ∙ 3)+(6 ∙ 2)+(0 ∙1)

4. x= =3.03

(6 ∙ 4 )+(19 ∙3)+(5 ∙2)+(0 ∙ 1)

5. x= =3.03

(11∙ 4 )+(15 ∙3)+(3 ∙2)+(1 ∙1)

6. x= =3.2

Overall Weighted Mean

3.07+3.13+2.93+ 3.03+3.03+3.2



Rating Scale
4 (Strongly Agree) 3.26 - 4.00
3 (Agree) 2.51 - 3.25
2 (Disagree) 1.76 - 2.50
1 (Strongly Disagree) 1.00 - 1.75


The overall weighted mean of 3.07 falling under the rating scale of 3, which pertains to

"agree," indicates that, on average, the students of Lapu-Lapu City College agree with

the effectiveness of blended learning.

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The comprehensive analysis of the gathered data presents a dynamic narrative

regarding the effectiveness of blended learning among students at Lapu-Lapu City

College. With an overall weighted mean of 3.07, falling within the "agree" range on the

Likert scale, it is evident that the majority of students acknowledge the efficacy of

blended learning. This strong agreement is reflective of a positive consensus among

respondents, highlighting the success of integrating face-to-face and online instructional

methods. The findings not only affirm the institution's commitment to educational

innovation but also emphasize the potential for continued success and optimization of

blended learning practices.

As Lapu-Lapu City College strives to stay at the top of academic advancements,

the positive perceptions revealed in the data provide a solid foundation for ongoing

enhancements in the blended learning experience, ensuring a dynamic and effective

educational environment for all students.

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APPENDIX A- Survey Questionnaire

Hello students, we kindly request a moment of your time to contribute your thoughts by

participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Please mark each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree with it.

Strongly Agree 4 Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

3 2 1

1. Blended learning
enhances my
understanding of course

2. The combination of online

and in-person elements in
blended learning is
beneficial for my learning

3. I feel more engaged in

the learning process
through blended learning
compared to traditional

4. The online components

of blended learning
contribute positively to my
academic performance.
5. I find it easy to navigate
and use the online
platforms used in blended

6. Overall, I believe that

blended learning is an
effective educational
approach for my academic

Website: FB page: LLCC Public Information Office Email: 11

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