Morning and Evening Routines Download

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Demir & Carey's

For Peak Performance
Morning and evening routines are what help us start, and end, our days
successfully. Our routines are based on the routines of top performing executives,
athletes, and leaders. We've tested and optimized each element for today's
knowledge worker, so that you can start having productive days filled with clarity,
calm, and purpose.
3 Elements For Successful Habit Creation .................................... pg 3
Morning Routine #1: Wake Up Routine............................................. pg 4
Morning Routine #2: Pre-Work Routine............................................. pg 5
Traps To Avoid: Morning Routines....................................................... pg 6
Evening Routine #1: Finish Work Routine....................................... pg 7
Evening Routine #2: Back To Life Routine..................................... pg 8
Traps To Avoid: Evening Routines....................................................... pg 9
Action Steps To Start Your Routines................................................... pg 10
3 Elements For Successful

Habit Creation
All habits require 3 elements to become
automatic, easy, and fun. Incorporate all 3
elements into your routines so that your new
habits stick!

Cue: This triggers your habit. It can be a time, a

place, an emotion, another person or the last
action you just took

Routine: What happens once the habit has

been triggered. It’s the actual HABIT!

Reward: Positive reinforcement once the

routine has finished
Morning Routine #1

Cue = Alarm Goes Off
Routine = 15 min
Wash Face, Brush Teeth
Make Bed
(2 min) List 3 Things I'm Grateful For
(5 min) Meditation
(5 min) Reading
Reward = Fantastic Cup Of Coffee!
(proceed to get showered/dressed)
Morning Routine #2

Cue = "I'm opening my computer"
Routine = 20 min
2 min - Open Life Map and Identify Champagne Moment
2 min - Open Calendar and Count Open Work Blocks
10 min - Map Today's Critical Tasks To Open Work Blocks
2 min - Communicate Any New Changes To Team/Boss
4 min - Process Email and Asana Inbox to Zero
Reward =10 min Checking The News
Morning Routine

Most common pitfall:
"But I want to wake up early, meditate, work out, make a full breakfast, read for 30
minutes, write in my journal, call my mom, take the puppy for a walk, make a green
smoothie, pack lunch, water the garden, and then get to work early!"
Don't fall into this trap!
Start small with your morning routines. Focus on being able to do every routine
perfectly for 66 days before trying to add new elements. We advise you to keep your
morning routines to less than 30 minutes each, or they tend to become too
cumbersome for real life. If your routine is too complicated to do in a hotel room
when you're traveling, then it's too complicated!
Evening Routine #1


Cue = "Church Bells" Alarm Rings At 5:30pm
Routine = 20 min
Play end of day music playlist
5 min - What did I do, What did I not do, How can I improve?
5 min - Plan out tomorrow
5 min - Clean desk/office
5 min - Last minute urgent emails
Reward = Shut down computer and say "I'm done with an
awesome day!"
Evening Routine #1


Cue = "I'm walking in the front door"
Routine = 20 min
7 minute workout [Optional]
Shower or Bathe
2 min Meditation on Accomplishments
Change into comfy evening clothes
Reward = Enjoy dinner with family
Evening Routine

Most common pitfalls:
"But my family owns my time once I get home"
"I have to go party"
"I don't know when I'm going to stop work"
Don't fall into these traps!
Defend your time to complete your "Finish Work" and "Back To Life" routines. This
may be tough at first, but once you "train" the people around you that this is your new
way of being, they will soon adapt. These routines will become critical to your day -
soon you won't know how you lived without them! If you still have highly critical tasks
to do when your "Finish Work" alarm rings, then what we recommend is to execute
your routines anyway (even if you end up opening your computer at home later).
Master Your Routines

1. Set Recurring Alarms With Special Ringtones
a. Wake Up Routine - Loud Waves Or Gentle Bells
b. Finish Work Routine - Church Bells Or Other Ringtone

2. Customize Your Routines In A Word Document

a. Add or remove elements as necessary, but keep the routine short

3. Print Your Routines (Or Write Them On Sticky Notes)

a. Tape to relevant places (bathroom mirror, computer, car, desk)

4. Plan Ahead Of Adversity: Identify 3 things that could push you off track
a. For each thing, write a one sentence plan to avoid falling off

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