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When will women get freedom?

Dr. Swapna Rani Singh, Assistant Professor

Visvs- Bharati, Santiniketan

Ph- 8249788563


When will women get freedom? Today, steeping into the 21st century, what can be the
meaning of such a question? Surely women are free today. Why does the question of
independence arise? Today she is building herself as well as building the society. So how can
the person who is building the society be dependent? Mythology says that god is the creator
of the entire universe. But that creator is not a woman he is a man. That man is Brahma who
creates, Vishnu who preserve and Maheswar who destroys. Along with trees, vines, rivers,
streams, insects, moths, animals and bird’s god created another creature called women.

Key words: Birds should not consider themselves kites.


The god has created this world for his work. That’s why the entire living world is equal in
the eyes of God. So some times he cut the elephant neck and gave life to Vighnaharta and
sometimes turned women into stones to fulfil Devraj Indra’s desire. God’s vision must be
behind this. Again Sita has to be kidnapped to kill Ravan. The lord is glorified with the
destruction of the demons. That’s why a medium is needed. . Just because of this women,
who is god’s creation, has to exile again in the order to recover the fame, which has been
blurred by the pressure of time. The lord is victorious because the women’s nose is cut off.
For the glory of god sometimes this women is disguised as Kubuja and sometimes she is
given Jaganmohini form as Maa Durga. She doesn’t just catch the conch, wheel, mace and
lotus etc to kill the monster. She is decorated in the form of Tripura bhubana vimohini with
various ornaments, clothes and flowers. Then comes the instruction to give up ornaments,
flowers infect clothes and become naked. Similarly sometimes a woman has to be naked to
kill a demon and sometimes to have sex with buffalo for the birth of demons. Everything
happens only at the direction of the lord to serve the interest of lord and to glorify him. Not
only this menstrual woman is done naked to established religion or dharma by destroying self
created evil. But the woman is covered with clothes for the glory of god. Sometimes a woman
who has a child from a different man is called sati and sometimes a woman who surrenders
herself to one man is called Asati. Everything is done for the establishment of religion. This
lord again plays hide and seek, orders come to find him and the medium became a women.
By playing with her love, affection, feelings, dedication how beautifully mustard seeds are
woven all over the roads and god’s glory is praised. This is all mythology and don’t know if
it was real or not. But it is true that someone has written it. But who is that someone? Is it
male? That’s probably. Why this man is like a doll, he builds women when he wants and
breaks it when he wants. Decorated her when he wants’ and as well as destroyed her.
Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ugly, sometimes weak and sometimes destructive. This
story is not only in India, but in the whole world there are many such stories which have a
protagonist and a creator that is male.

All this previous discussion was from Purans but science is different.
According to Charles Darwin’s book ‘The theory of natural selection’ the creation of the
entire universe and the living world is through a process of evolution. But the evidence that
this variation is through genetic variation is found in the synthetic theory of evolution.(1.2) A
total of more than 20 species of humans began their journey on this plateau, but eventually
only one species, Homo sapiens survived, from whom today’s modern man is created.
(3,4,5,6,7) So it was known that our ancestors were wild people. At time there was no
definition of women and man. All had an equal share in food, game and sex. Of course, some
differing opinions have been offered centring on the Stone Age. So from this we can know
that nature created women and men differently, but kept their rights equal. So here comes the
question, who separated women and men in terms of rights? It is impossible for the answer to
be a female. Because the right in which there is benefit and even superiority is in the male
side. Therefore, rights are divided keeping the male perspective and interest at the centre. As
the human brain grew according to the evolutionary process, it developed. It is possible that
this development is separated men and women from the point of view of rights. According to
science, men’s brain is ten times larger than women’s. (8) Therefore, scientists like Darwin
gave the opinion based on this- “A man is intellectually superior to women”. (9) From this
point of view, the brain of an elephant weight is 4.5 to 5 kg. In comparison, 3 to 4 times
larger than the human brain. So how are the elephants managed by humans? Therefore, it is
proved that the brain becomes smaller in proportion to the body. It does not have any effect
on the intellect. Apart from this, the right and left hemispheres of the female brain can be
used equally. As a result, she is able to multitask. But because men only use the left
hemisphere, they do only one thing at a time. Perhaps this is why most of the world’s
inventions have been made by men. But behind this unity of man the role of women is really
there. Apart from this, one more thing can be emphasized hear that as many opportunities
have been created for the man to do any work with concentration but it has not been done in
the field of women. The burdens that have been placed on the women by naming her as the
ultimate mistress it is not possible for a woman to get out of it. On the one hand one is given
one responsibility and on the other many. Then it’s being discussed the male who is taking
only one responsibility to be wise. Those who have been kept away from education for ages
and education have been given as a monopoly to male only. Why is the word intellectual
being used for women there? Even so, in the vocabulary created by the male society, there is
no feminine word of intellectual. The need for it is not even felt. Why bother created another
word for someone who has no intelligence? But it is a different matter that today we are
forcibly looking for its feminine form. But overall men’s society is not so reckless. In many
cases they have also given importance to women. Because some of the words they made up,
are not masculine. Such as sati, Asati, Widow, Sadhaba, Patibrata, Witch, Sterile, Prostitute
etc. In this field, of course, male society has being generous. Apart from this, the male society
did not feel the need to create the masculine form of these words. Because the word that takes
away not only the freedom but also the soul, must be held to have no need of creation.
However, such intellectual male society does not understand that it is the man, not the
woman, who is responsible for the birth of a girl child. From this point of view, he himself is
responsible for not having a male child. Even after that what is the purpose of marrying one
woman after another in the desire for a son? Due to the male disability sometimes a women
becomes sterile in front of the society because man have not coined such a term for
themselves. If a wife becomes Asati to fulfil her own desires, then what can be said for the
husband of a hundred women? If women becomes a prostitute to earn money then what could
be the designation of the man who gives her money and sleeps with her? After the death of
the husband, sati designation is created for a widow woman or a woman who is cremated
with her husband’s pyre. But in the case of men, this is an unnecessary issue because men’s
tendencies are different. And according to society, this is a women’s job, not a man’s. Such is
the gender discrimination, even if a woman goes against the society and tries to achieve
education and intelligence then her education was compared with prostitution. So if at one
time if both man and women had got equal rights then it would have been justified to say that
among the men and women who is more intelligent.

This is the story of mythology and science. Apart from this, where this
discrimination is even more acute is society. It would not be wrong to say that this wall of
discrimination has become stronger with human intelligence. So, from this point of view, is
the women of 21st century are more oppressed than the women of the folklore era? Definitely,
the invisible oppression is certainly greater than the visible one. From the blood or gin of a
wild human, those modern human are created. They built many walls of policy to make them
self orderly and systematic. Like one day he was eating raw meat, started cooking it, walking
around naked, started wearing clothes, gave up polygamous and adopted monogamous or in
other words got married and behaved decently. But human in his endeavour to civilize from
the outside, as many rules as human started making it made him even ruder inside. In this
effort, human was actually imprisoned. Therefore, the famous philosopher Rousseau gave the
opinion that “Man is born free but every where is in chain”. (10) But this saying seems to be
more appropriate for women because women are really bound in every principle of society.
According to time the man and women were separated by the walls of work. Well the work
that was given to women was unpaid and on the other hand, the work that men took was paid,
as a result, naturally, the one who economically strong and prosperous was the ruler and the
one who was economically weak was the ruled. That’s why philosopher like Aristotle said-
“The relation of male to female is by nature a relation of superior to inferior and ruler to
rule.” (11) That’s why the male society created many beliefs cantered on women. Generally a
women talks slowly as per her nature, but this nature later gave birth to a culture. On this
basis it was said that women should talk slowly. However, it is not made clear whether the
women’s loud talk will cause harm to the society. Whether the husband is a thief or a saint or
a murderer or a villain, he is the same as a god for women, so it is a women’s duty to respect
her husband. A woman should be virtuous and she should not imagine another man even in
her dreams. This law is created by the male society. But on the other hand what should be the
religion of a man centring a woman is not clarified. Perhaps there was no need for it. In this
way, the difference between the dress of a married women and the dress of a widow is not
noticeable in the case of men. Because the society understands the need of a man without a
wife, that’s why the man is considered fit to marry again only after the death of his wife.
Because he is man and from the point of view of science or biology, the need of libido is just
as needs food, water and breath. So the society did not feel the need to create a masculine
term of the word widow. As the society does not consider a women as a living being due to
this reason society forgets that women also have biological tendencies. Otherwise, when she
becomes a widow, starting from her food, why her every desire is repressed. Society today is
proving that there is science behind many traditional ornaments worn by women. So society
should not give such a privilege to women only. Isn’t this injustice towards the male society?
All gods and goddesses are equal in this society. For this reason, after offering Prasad to the
goddess others get the privilege of eating Prasad. It is different that it is the women in the
family who gets the privilege of getting Prasad at the end. Sometimes not found in large
families. Even so, if seen from the society’s point of view, a woman does not have a stomach.
She doesn’t feel hungry or thirsty.

When a child is born from a mother womb, whether it is boy or girl

he is only a child. Then the society turns them into a women and a man. Society separates it
into gender. And it starts with family. If she is to be a woman, she must be beautiful.
Otherwise she will have no social status. So to be beautiful, she has to endure the cruelty of
turmeric and curd. From a childhood, she is taught to playing with dolls, cooking in small
pots with dust. Make an effort to look good. To speak well, to walk steadily, these things are
taught to her or she learns from her mother’s womb? Even if she has the ability to lift a stone
on her shoulders, pretend to bend under the weight of the veil. Despite having the ability to
shake the whole world with her voice, who teaches pretend to talk softly, which is so slow
that half is heard and half remains on her lips? Who teaches to eat like a bird despite having
the hunger of a lion in the stomach? All these are taught to a women or she learns from
mother’s womb? Who teaches her to be happy by covering her intellectuality with the veil of
stupidity? Despite being able to compete with men in sports, who taught her to dress up and
give flowers to the guests? Dose she learn from her mother’s womb? What is the purpose of
male society behind all this? What could be the reason for depicting a woman as an inanimate

The problem arises when a woman claims some rights today, following
the rules of this male- dominated society for ages. According to the citizen of the country
demanding the right to vote, demanding the right to go out of the house by being self-
sufficient. At that time she is criticised that - “Women’s position in the house not in politics
and public office”. Why is women’s place in the house? Who said this? Has the women
admitted that she prefers the domestic life? If not how did the man imagine that woman loves
the domestic life and also it is difficult for women to adjust to the outdoor environment.
Home confinement life during ‘Corona Epidemic’ the man for whom it seemed worse than
death, he has kept the women as house prisoner for ages. During world war-II when man
went off to fight. At that time, women found work in textile factories. But the moment the
war ended and stability came to the country. Then the women were sent back to live a captive
life inside the house. This means women were a protected labour for the country and society.
That is, when the need arises, she can be used in the work and when the need is over, she can
be rejected. So hear is one thing that is proven that a woman can be as skilled in the outside
life as she is in the home life. Even after why are women deprived of their rights? Behind this
is the fear of men’s society? If a women work in public office for which there is a salary
system, and if she becomes better than a man from the economic point of view, will the
position of the men be weakened; he can no longer dominate women. So, judging from this
point of view, women are voting today. Even in the 2019 general election, the number of
women voters is more than men. Information has been received. Even the number of women
is reported to be 67%. (12)Apart from this, today women have got freedom in the work place.
As well she is getting opportunities in both public and private sector. So considering this,
today we have to accept women as independent. This freedom can be taken as a kite. Like a
kite flying smoothly in the open sky, but someone is holding the thread of the kite. Full
freedom is possible if the thread breaks. Because once the thread broken, the person holding
the thread no longer has control, over the kite. So the question is who will break the thread?
Is male? The one who tied the thread behind the kite or women who has given the male the
opportunity to bind itself ?

Actually, when the society was created, there was no such restriction
for women. Where 49.58% world’s population is female did 50.42% of the men make the
women captives? (13) Is it in women having no role? If it is said that women was never
dependent and is not even today. It would not be wrong to say she is actually living an
illusion. How will one who was never subjugated get that freedom by asking for it? And from
whom is she asking for independence, from the male society? In the faith of her who
imprisoned her for centuries. May be it’s a male society the one who made the rules. But who
followed that? Is it a woman? And this women herself has secured these reforms and policies
for ages. She didn’t think about why would her daughter always play with dolls and why not
with guns? Starting from the age of purans, even today in the 21st century no women has a
desire to be the mother of a daughter rather than a son in her subconscious mind. Where in a
family 80% of the work is done under the direction of women. How did men become the
head of society? Infect, women have a role to play as well as men in order to build a male-
dominated society. Giving milk to a boy and giving water rice to a girl is not done by a man,
it is done by a women. From folktales to the 21st century, behind the oppression of women
has actually been a women’s role. The heroine of folk song has always behind her atrocity
blaming her mother in law and sister in law or has always spoken about her mother in law
and sister in law in her song of pain instead of her father in law and brother in law.

“I will tell you how much

Mother in law love me

Call me as black snake


She used to scratch the flesh of my cheeks

With her fingernails.

I was scared to see her teeth

Her easy are like burning fire

I gets up from there and goes to another place

I sleep by spreading clothes near the drain.”

(Kunjabihari Das- Odia lokagita o kahani- P- 64)


Does this mean that women are not oppressed by men? No the women has already accepted
that. So here is the issue rose which is still has been discussed less. Naturally, a woman who
has suffered abuse from another woman must have a tendency to hurt others in her
unconscious mind. Who can see the freedom of another woman whose whole life has been
spent in house prison? Is modern women dress, behaviour and freedom etc has been criticized
by only the male society? Does it have no role for women? Now days, the nakedness and
behaviour of women are the main reason for rape of women. Are only men behind this
concept and not women? If women oppressed by the previous generation forgive her next
generation. So this tradition would have ended long ago. But this tradition is still going on
from generation to generation. For this reason, sometimes Kerosene oil falls on someone’s
cloth by mistake, someone accidentally falls off the roof and gas is left open in someone’s
house by mistake. What would have happened if the women had forgotten all this and moved
on. She doesn’t wait for blessing of having a son. She does not select with whom and how her
daughter will play on the basis of gender. How would it have been if she had forgotten all the
atrocities she faced and encouraged the next generation? Forgetting own subjugation within
the freedom of the next generation. The openness of the modern women is not given the
name of nudity. So family is the first step. First women should liberate themselves at the
family level. Then her emancipation will be possible at the social level. In the first wave of
feminism, the women who initiated movement for voting rights and to eliminate gender in
equality, today in the fourth wave of feminism, through movement like ‘Me Too’ she is
trying to bring out the atrocities of the male society towards her. Even after that she is busy
raising slogans for independence. Why does she hope for freedom while she is truly free?
Actually, the key to true freedom lies in her own hands. As if she had losing her position in
the womb of time surrendered itself. Well today the time has come to free oneself. The proof
of intellectuality has already been given and if the woman thinks herself weak before the
strength and power of the man and considers herself dependent. It will not be an exaggeration
to say that this is another excuse for women. Where she endures pain, like death, at the time
of childbirth takes on her own body the colour caused by man’s oppression, how can she be
weak there? It is possible that god has made her body soft and made man’s body strong. But
god’s purpose behind this is not to rule and be ruled. So why should a women think of herself
an oppressed and dependent. She was free and will be. There is only need to look at itself a
little differently. It is enough to write poems, stories and novels, enough of hiding and
hinting, enough of Sobbing with a cloth over mouth. It’s time to speak inner self. It’s time to
scream, cry, laugh and talk. It is time to talk about philosophy and science. It’s time to build a
vocabulary for itself and express your feelings through it. That’s why the one who was
already a bird in the open sky should not consider herself a kite.

Work cited

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2. ^ Butler, Samuel (1880). Unconscious Memory. David Bogue. p. 280. I may predict with some certainty that before long we shall find the original Darwinism
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