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We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Sukhdev Shastri Maharaj, a remarkable

figure at Mumbai's Aanandvan Ashram. With over two decades of dedicated service, he
embodies multiple roles within the temple's ecosystem - from priest and manager to
yoga teacher. Here's a glimpse into his captivating journey and profound insights.
As dawn breaks, the temple hums with activity, starting at 5 am with meticulous
cleaning rituals. The first Aarti at 7 am marks the beginning of a day brimming with
spiritual nourishment, welcoming worshippers until 1 pm. After a brief interlude for
lunch, rest, and temple maintenance until 4 pm, the doors reopen, extending hospitality
until late into the night. Amidst this rhythmic flow, the yoga/satsang hall becomes a
haven for seekers, hosting sessions ranging from yoga and bhajans to readings of the
Bhagavad Gita and Sanskrit classes.

Throughout this bustling routine, Sukhdev Maharaj underscores the paramount

importance of cleanliness, revealing a diligent thrice-daily cleaning regimen led by
priests and volunteers. However, he also emphasizes the need for balance,
acknowledging that personal commitments may require occasional holidays.

Sukhdev Ji's spiritual journey was ignited by his uncle's reverence for the Swamiji at the
ashram, propelling him into a quest for deeper understanding. Initially drawn by the
musical vibrations of tabla and the resonance of satsangs, his thirst for knowledge
extended far beyond, delving into life's mysteries and personal challenges.Reflecting on
his journey, Sukhdev Maharaj stresses that while life doesn't come with a structured
training program, unwavering devotion and dedication are paramount. He highlights the
importance of basic knowledge in Sanskrit and Hindu texts, crucial for those seeking to
benefit fully from the ashram's teachings.

Furthermore, Sukhdev Maharaj emphasizes the pivotal role of seeking guidance from
the Gurumaharaj and embracing Advaita philosophy to navigate the spiritual path. He
believes that in Hinduism, gurus hold the highest reverence, and adhering to their
teachings is imperative. Beyond spiritual teachings, the ashram extends its care through
free Ayurvedic consultations, daily yoga sessions, counseling, and motivational support.
It also showcases its commitment to community welfare by sponsoring children's
education and providing meals for the needy at no cost.
For Sukhdev Maharaj, teaching yoga at the ashram has been transformative, instilling
discipline, and a structured routine. It's not merely physical practice but a journey
towards spirituality, flexibility, and discovering divinity within oneself. Each day begins
with a resolve to improve and embrace life fully, understanding that worship opens
gateways to the divine power residing within us.He also states that the biggest learning
of life is the learning of Karma.”Karma is the cosmic symphony where every action,
intention, and consequence play their part, intricately woven into the fabric of
existence,” Sukhdev maharaj states

In conclusion, Sukhdev Shastri Maharaj's profound journey at Aanandvan Ashram

exemplifies the essence of devotion, discipline, and selfless service. Through his
multifaceted roles and unwavering commitment, he continues to inspire seekers on their
spiritual quest, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who cross his path.

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