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Luka Kolovrat

Maja Delić Peršen


Luka Kolovrat i Maja Delić Peršen


Izdavač Publisher TISKARA Franjo Kluz d.d. Omiš 6 predgovor foreword

10 uvodna riječ preface
Za izdavača For the Publisher LUKA KOLOVRAT
16 crveno jezero red lake
Urednica Editor ZLATA BABIĆ 42 modro jezero blue lake
64 rijeka vrljika the river vrljika
Fotografije Photography LUKA KOLOVRAT
68 mekousna pastrva soft-muzzled trout
Tekstovi Text MAJA DELIĆ PERŠEN, luka kolovrat 70 mlinice watermills

Uvodni tekstovi Preface and Foreword STIPE BOŽIĆ, MAJA DELIĆ PERŠEN, LUKA KOLOVRAT 71 perinuša perinuša
78 dva oka two eyes
Prijevod na engleski English translation MARKO PERŠEN 84 lokvičićka jezera lokvičići lakes

Lektorica Proofreader ZLATA BABIĆ, ana babić 92 prološko blato proložac mire
96 kanjon suvaje - badnjevice the canyon of suvaja - badnjevice
Korektorica Proofchecker MAJA DELIĆ PERŠEN
102 ričićko zeleno jezero green lake ričice
Grafičko oblikovanje Design and layout MARTINA PERKUŠIĆ 106 krenice krenice springs
110 imotska gaovica imotska gaovica
Tisak Print TISKARA Franjo Kluz d.d. Omiš, 2013.
112 novonastalo jezero bućuša new lake bućuša
Naklada Edition 500 116 brista brista
120 čatrnje THE STORY OF THE wells
130 pogovor epilogue
© Niti jedan dio ove publikacije ne može se koristiti bez prethodnog pismenog odobrenja izda- 134 autori authors
vača, osim ukoliko je riječ o osvrtima i recenzijama. Pogreške i previdi bit će ispravljeni u budućim
136 mapa imotskih modrih voda map of the blue waters of imotski
140 zahvale acknowledgments
© No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permi-
ssion from the publisher, except in the context of reviews. Errors or omissions will be corrected in
subsequent editions.

Oduvijek čovjeka vuče želja za istraživanjem nepo- A desire to explore the unknown has been inspiring
znatoga. Vjekovima mnogi nastoje utažiti žeđ za mankind since the beginning of time. For ages, many
PREDGOVOR FOREWORD neviđenim pejsažima dalekih nepoznatih krajeva. people have been trying to satisfy the hunger for the
Stigao je čovjek tako do neslućenih visina svemira. A unseen scenery of distant, unknown places. That is how
jesmo li, na pragu 21. stoljeća, u potpunosti istražili man reached the unfathomable heights of universe.
planet Zemlju? Znademo li što se sve krije u dubo- Still, standing on the doorstep of the 21st century, can
kim morima ili u podzemnim šupljinama pod našim we honestly claim we have completely explored the
nogama? Je li istraživanje svemira veći izazov od puta planet? Do we know all the secrets of its deep seas or
prema središtu Zemlje? Smjeraju li oba ta puta istom its underground world that lies beneath our feet? Is
odgovoru na vječno pitanje: kako je sve to nastalo? the exploration of space a bigger challenge than the
journey to the centre of the Earth? Do both paths lead
Nakon što sam se popeo na najviše planine svijeta i to the answer to the same eternal question: How was
putovao po najnepristupačnijim predjelima svih se- it all created?
dam kontinenata, odjednom spoznajem kako pred
kućnim pragom, ili bolje reći pod njim, leži jedan After having climbed the highest mountains of the
novi, neistraženi svijet. Svijet dubina. Nepoznati svi- world and travelled through inaccessible parts of all
jet tajanstvenih podzemnih prolaza kojima se, uz the seven continents, I found a new unexplored world
obilje mašte, možda može stići i do drugoga nepo- - the world of depths - right there on my doorstep or,
znatog, podmorskog svijeta. Neki još i danas vjeruju more precisely, under it. There is an unknown world
kako mnoge pećine i jame čuvaju tajne nestalih bo- of mysterious underground passages which stir one’s
gatstava. Često su me, dok sam za Hrvatsku televizi- imagination and lead to another unknown world - the
ju snimao priče o tajnama krša, pitali jesam li u dubi- underwater world. Some still believe, even today, that
nama našao kakvo davno skriveno blago. many of those caves and pits keep secrets of vanished
treasures. While I was working for the Croatian
Jest, našao smo blago o kojemu nisam ni slutio: za- Television and filming stories about the secrets of karst,
boravljeno blago modrookih dubina, spiljskih ukrasa, many people asked me if I had found some treasure,
bogatstvo malo poznatih bioloških vrsta, ljepotu ne- hidden long ago in the depths of the ground.
viđenih podzemnih prostora. Neprocjenjivo blago,
čiju vrijednost još dobro ne spoznajemo, jesu krška Yes, I have found the treasure I never thought I would
jezera oko Imotskog. Svaki put kad ih ugledam, čini find - the forgotten treasure of blue depths and cave
mi se da sam prvopristupnik koji promatra stvaranje. decorations, a true wealth of so little known biological
Dok ih gledam, ti jedinstveni, velebni ponori vladaju species, and the beauty of unseen underground
mojim bićem ponovo me upozoravajući kako sam locations. A priceless treasure, the value of which
malen, ništavan i prolazan u usporedbi sa stvaralač- we do not fully recognise, are the karst lakes around
kom i ujedno razarajućom ljepotom prirode. Imotski. Every time I see them I feel like the first person
to observe them in their creation. When I look at them,
Splet oštrih kamenih pukotina, škrapa, vrtača, jezera, those unique massive depths take my whole being,
kanjona i uzvisina! Kamena pustoš u kojoj su oaze warning me again and again how small I am, how
plodne zemlje što ih je čovjek uspio kultivirati. Krš! weak and ephemeral compared to the creative and
Kamen, voda i čovjek ovdje vjekovima utječu jed- destructive beauty of nature.
ni na druge i mijenjaju se. Ljudi takve promjene pri-
pisuju vremenu iako je ono, kao u većini slučajeva, An interplay of sharp stone openings, cracks, holes,
samo nijemi svjedok koje gleda kako se sve mijenja, lakes, canyons and heights, a rocky wasteland with
prolazi i nestaje. Jer, što je čovjek u usporedbi s kaplji- fertile oases made by man - karst! Stone, water and
com vode koja, dok pada kroz atmosferu, veže dio man have influenced and changed each other for

6 7
ugljikova dioksida, zbog čega nastaje ugljična kise- centuries. People blame time for the changes they see,
lina što nagriza vapnenac. Kap, udružena s bezbroj even though in most cases time is just a silent witness
drugih kapljica, čini jednu od najsnažnijih sila na ze- that watches things change, pass, and vanish. For what
mlji. Ta je snaga, dugotrajnim kemijskim i mehanič- is a man compared to a drop of water falling through
kim procesom, stvorila današnju ljepotu imotskih the atmosphere and gathering carbon dioxide, thus
jezera. creating carbon acid that abrades limestone? That
drop, united with many others, is one of the mightiest
Dubine su ljude oduvijek nadahnjivale svakojakim forces on Earth - the force that has created the beautiful
legendama. Mogu li legende biti od pomoći spele- lakes of Imotski by long-term chemical and mechanical
olozima i znanstvenicima i nadahnuti ih za možebit- processes.
na istraživanja? Televizijskim istraživačima, uvjeren
sam, legende pomažu. Davna predaja kaže kako su Depths have always inspired many legends. Can legends
na mjestu današnjega Crvenog jezera nekoć staja- help cavers and scientists and urge them to explore?
li bogataški, Gavanovi dvori. U tim dvorima ničega I am sure they can help TV explorers. According to a
nije nedostajalo, ali svejedno gospoda nisu bila milo- story passed on from generation to generation, there
stiva prema putnicima namjernicima pa su se dvori used to be a rich man’s estate (called Gavan’s Estate)
profundali. where Red Lake is today. They lacked nothing there,
but the masters were not merciful to travellers in need,
Potaknut legendom i pozivom imotskih planinara, so the estate collapsed into the ground and turned
upustio sam se u malo televizijsko istraživanja feno- into a lake.
mena dinarskog krša imotskih jezera. Koja je prava
dubina najpoznatijega, Crvenog jezera, odakle voda Intrigued by that legend and accepting an invitation
dolazi i kamo odlazi, nije točno utvrđeno. Čovjeka će from Imotski mountaineers, I participated in a small
te nepoznanice i dalje privlačiti, a što se dublje bude TV exploration of a Dinaric karst phenomenon - the
spuštao, nailazit će na sve više tajanstvenih prolaza lakes of Imotski. It has never been precisely determined
što ih kriju dubine Crvenog jezera. A neki su prola- what the real depth of the most famous lake - Red
zi toliko uski da kroz njih može proći samo kapljica Lake - is, where its waters come from and where
vode. Nasreću! they flow to. Those unanswered questions will keep
attracting attention and the deeper down we go, the
Stipe Božić more mysterious passages we will find. They are hidden
in the depths of Red Lake and some of them are so
narrow that only a drop of water can pass through
them. Fortunately!

Stipe Božić

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UVODNA RIJEČ PREFACE Imotski je okamenjeni san, izmaštani je grad što je Imotski is a petrified dream, a fantasy city that lies
zasjeo među bijele kamene pletere. Krug je to vi- among wattle-like formations of white stone. It is a
linskoga kola na živcu kamenu okružen kolajnom circle on bare stone that fairies formed while dancing,
modrih jezera i oazama mekoga zelenila. Mjesto je framed by blue lakes and soft green oases. It is a mythi-
mitsko, arhajsko, gdje svaka duša nalazi svoj smisao i cal, archaic place where every soul finds its meaning and
objašnjenje. Zidom je vezen, špicom klesan i obliko- definition. It is embroidered with walls, sculptured with
van prema nebeskom kanonu. Njegova veličajnost a chisel and shaped according to the divine canon. The
grada, Varuš, sazdan je da traje kao mjera svemu oko real jewel of the town, the Old Town or Varuš, was built
sebe. Granicu mu nije moguće odrediti osim me- to last as a reference for everything that surrounds it. Its
trom duše, jer ondje gdje se ugnijezdio nebo je vi- limits are impossible to determine unless you measure
soko, a bezdan duboko. Plavetnilo mu uzlazi u visine it with your very soul because it lies where the sky is
prema žarkom Suncu, a onda se, tutnjeći, sunovra- high and the abyss is deep. Shades of blue rise towards
ćuje u ponore, jame i pećine, teče vodama i kloko- the bright sun and then, roaring, plummet into the
će podzemljem, pa žubori nadzemljem, vijuga među depths, pits and caves, flow with the waters and gur-
jablanima, počiva na ilirskim gomilama… a potom gle underground, stream on the surface, bend around
doseže beskraj nošen vjetrom, vodom i našom lju- poplars, rest upon Illyrian piles … and then reach the
bavlju. Tko smije pred takvim čudom zatvoriti oči?! infinity, carried by wind, water, and our love. Who dares
to ignore such a miracle?
Grad-svjetlost plamti na bijelome kamenu poput
Božjega grma, i ne da se obuzdati suhozidom ni The town of light blazes on white stone like God’s
zemaljskim dimenzijama, već titra u vrelini ljetnog burning bush. It cannot be contained by dry walls
dana i hlapi u vis nad Modrim jezerom, oglašava or any earthly structure: it palpitates in the heat of a
se kliktanjem sokolova, uzdiže se među pahuljaste summer day and evaporates into the heights over Blue
oblake i dalje, a onda se obrušava i ponire u vode- Lake. It can be heard in a shriek of a hawk; it rises up
ne bezdane, jauče u Jauku, prijeti na Utopišću, izopa- to fluffy clouds, or even higher, and then hurls itself
čuje se u Opačcu, grgolja u Dubokoj dragi, prelijeva down and dives deep into watery abysses. It howls at
se iz Dva oka u kojima se vile lakonoge ogledavaju, Jauk, threatens the world at Utopište, twists at Opačac,
kolo uokolo igraju, pa snenom Vrljikom odmiče niz gurgles in Duboka Draga, flows from Dva Oka (Two
polje. Objavljuje se svijetu svečanom slikom na rubu Eyes), where swift fairies look at their own reflection
Modroga jezera, blizu Crvenoga, zaodijeva se legen- and dance their circle dance, and then descends down
dama, prepoznaje se po uzdasima divljenja i nevjeri- the fields with the sleepy Vrljika. It reveals itself to the
ci namjernika – sveobuhvatan je i skrojen vještinom world in the form of a magnificent painting at the
trudnih ruku ponad modrih vrutaka, u pravoj mjeri. edges of Blue Lake, near Red Lake, all veiled in legends.
Kulom su ga utvrdili iznad vodene jame. Svi su ga It can be traced in sighs of amazement and disbelief
otimali i svi branili. of chance travellers – it is complete and shaped in
the right measure by skilful hard-working hands and
A tek jezera u Lokvičićima! Kanjon Suvaje, Badnjevice! placed above blue springs. It is fortified by a tower
above a water pit. Everyone has been conquering it
Svijet se ovdje čini kao privid, tlapnja. Žeđ kamena and defending it.
i obilje vode utamničene u kamenu, sve je u kon-
trapunktu istovjetnom onome u ljudskom življenju And the lakes at Lokvićići! The canyon of River Suvaja
– fantazmagorična čarolija do koje se samo vjetrom - Badnjevice!
može doći jer su putovi zadračeni.

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U našem pričanju sadržan je intimni doživljaj koji The world here seems an an illusion, a chimera. The
nije moguće sasvim iskazati jer stvarnost nadilazi thirst of the stone and the mass of water imprisoned
rječnik. Uzaludno je tragati za pravim izričajem, riječi by it, it is all in counterpoint that mirrors human life – it
su nesavršeno sredstvo. Opisati Imotski nemoguće is phantasmagorical magic accessible by wind alone, for
je poslanstvo! the paths are covered in thorns.

A okom camere obscure?! Na taj smo se medij odlu- Our story tells an intimate experience impossible
čili stoga jer je ljepota i u oku (ili okularu) koje gleda, to articulate completely, since the reality surpasses
i možda je najstvarnija od svih stvarnih preslika. Na our vocabulary. Searching for the right expression
našim je fotografijama zabilježeno ono što je sačuva- is pointless - words are such an imperfect tool. To
no za današnje vrijeme; one su vjerni odraz prirode describe Imotski is mission impossible!
kakvu smo zatekli pred objektivom kamere bez ikak-
ve naknadne tehničke intervencije. I dopustite, drži- What about the eye of a camera obscura? That is the
mo važnim što smo ispričali stvarnu priču, pa ako je medium we have chosen because beauty is in the eye
priroda u svojoj raznolikosti i raskoši nesavršena, mi (or the lens) of the beholder and maybe it creates the
unaprijed pristajemo biti takvima s razlogom, pono- most realistic image of all. Our photographs are a record
sni što smo njezin mali dio. of all that was meant to be saved for the present; they
are a true reflection of nature as we found it in front
Uljuljani smo po zasluzi rođenja u čarobnu zbilju of a camera lens without any subsequent technical
kao na meko uzglavlje, uvjereni da je upravo to ona intervention. In addition, allow me to say we believe
bajka u koju su utkani mnogi, a ne samo naši sno- that telling a true story is important. If nature is not
vi što traže potvrdu. (Geolozi nas upozoravaju na perfect in all its diversity and glory, we agree in advance
oprez jer živimo na krhkom stupovlju iznad vodenih to be imperfect as well, proud to be even a small part
jama koje samo što se nisu urušile. Jao nama, dakle of it.
blago nama!) I usput, sasvim neobvezno, potaknuti
sportskim izazovom, želimo zanijekati upravo onaj We are entitled by birth to indulge in a magical reality;
zakon fizike po kojemu teški kamen ne može plivati we sleep on it like on a soft pillow, believing it to be, se takvima osjećamo: svečanima i odgovornima. Naš the images of a small town in the middle of cruel,
na zrcalnoj vodi. Naprotiv, upravo je Imotski taj ka- without a doubt, a fairytale made of many dreams (not skroviti kutak zemlje nije tek jedan reducirani svijet waterless karst in the never-never land. Few are aware
men na kamenu što lebdi meko i nježno iznad voda; exclusively ours) that seek recognition. (Geologists nego mjesto susreta nas smrtnih bića s tajnama be- that the Imotski region is blessed with an abundance
što više, temelji su mu iz nje izronili, bokovi su mu call for caution because we live on fragile pillars above skraja - kamena Noina arka na posebnom kursu of clean potable water and that its beauty culminates
oplakivani, opkopi napunjeni, čatrnje okrunjene, ka- water pits that are about to collapse. God have mercy plovidbe. in the unexpected and breathtaking contrast of water
menice se prelile, a zvuci vodeni, tečeni, klokotani; on us, we are blessed!) And ever so casually, driven by and stone. Mother Nature has been very generous
okolo se izvili jablani, vrbe se nagnule niz podzemne a sport challenge, we would like to violate the law of Tu smo odrastali slušajući prve bajkovite priče u koji- with its presents - an obvious proof of God’s intention
i nadzemne rijeke, bistre, srebrne i životonosne, mo- physics that says heavy rocks cannot float on mirror- ma su se isprepletali nebeski i zemaljski događaji, vile to create wonders in this world to which there are
stovima prekoračene. like water. Imotski is precisely that solid rock that floats i vukodlaci, živi i mrtvi. Otkrivali smo zagonetnost i no limits. As a result, beauty became our destiny, a
softly and gently on water. Moreover, its foundations prividnost svega što nadilazi granice svakodnevnog privilege that history ensures to its protégés. And we
A nebo se modri jer se vode u njemu ogledavaju! emerged from water, its sides are washed by water, iskustva. I sve svega. Tako smo i sami postali tajnim do feel that way, grand and responsible. Our hidden
its moats filled with it and its wells crowned with it; blagom koje još iščekuje svoj dobar čas. corner on Earth is not yet another reduced world; it is
Kad u misli dozovete riječ „Imotski“, pojave se slike water pours over the brims of its stone pools and you a place where mortal beings encounter the secrets of
maloga grada usred suroga bezvodnog krša, u zemlji can hear it flowing and gurgling. Poplars have twisted S radošću ćemo podijelit s vama priču o vodi iz gro- infinity – Noah’s Ark of stone on a special course of sail.
Nedođiji. Malobrojnima je znano da je Imotska kra- around water, willows bent along the underground mača i saznat ćete čime mjerimo sveti opseg doma.
jina blagoslovljena obiljem čiste pitke vode i da nje- and surface rivers, clear, silver, and fertile, traversed by Mi i naše zlatokose vodene vile u zajedničkoj smo We grew up here listening to our first fairytales with a
zina ljepota kulminira u tom neočekivanom kontra- bridges. misiji uspostavljanja nježnih spona s ostatkom veli- strange interplay of heavenly and earthly events, with
stu vode i kamenjara, od čega zastaje dah. Priroda kog svijeta koji nas tek treba prepoznati. Ovdje je sve fairies and werewolves, with the living and the dead.
je ovdje obilato podijelila svoje darove kao očiti do- And the sky is so very blue for those waters are moguće, i to svjedočimo na ovim stranicama. We discovered the mystery and illusion of all that
kaz Božjeg nauma da čudesa beskrajnog svijeta ima- reflected in it! surpasses the boundaries of everyday experience. That
ju biti. Ljepota je tako postala našom sudbinom ka- U međuvremenu, prema rasporedu utvrđenom od is how we ourselves became a secret treasure that still
kvu povijest osigurava svojim osobitim bićima, i mi When the word Imotski springs to mind, it summons starine, održavamo metriku duha, i… awaits its finest hour.

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…svaki se dan nadnosimo nad Modro jezero koje We are happy to share with you our story about water
se mreška u svojoj jami-kolijevci, mijenja boju, izvire, from stone and teach you what we use to measure
uvire i prenosi nam poruke vilinskih bića. S njegova the holy reach of home. With our golden-haired water
oboda gledamo niz Imotsko polje i vijugavu srebrnu fairies, we are on a mission to establish friendly relations
Vrljiku među vrbama, dosežemo pogledom starca with the rest of this great world that is yet to become
Biokovo i snijeg što kopni na svetim vrhovima, sluti- aware of us. Nothing is impossible here and we are
mo kaladu iznad Vrulje, osluškujemo zvono s presli- about to prove it on these pages.
ce sv. Luke da odredimo je li jugo u zraku…
In the meantime, following a schedule established a
S vama smo, skriveni iza naših riječi i fotografija, u long, long time ago, we maintain the metrics of spirit,
misiji čistog srca. I potpuno uvjereni da je stvarnost and… everyday we peer over Blue Lake: it ripples in its
najljepša bajka koju vam trebamo ispričati da biste stone cradle, changes colours, comes out of stone and
proniknuli u osebujni svijet, svijet čaroban, ali niko- goes back in it again, passing on messages from the
me potreban doli našemu vlastitom nadanju. fairies. From its edges we look down the Imotski Valley,
along the silvery river Vrljika that curves between
A, kada vas svladaju životne nedaće, zle misli i nepri- willows, and our eye reaches the old man - Biokovo
jateljsko vrijeme, sjetite se da u našem kutku svijeta Mountain - and snow that slowly melts on its holy
što se skrio iza planine, baš ovdje među malim jezer- peaks. We sense the mist above Vrulja and we listen to
skim vilama, za svakoga ima po jedna ozdravljujuća the bell from St Luke’s peak, which helps us determine
slika. Čekamo vas! if sirocco is in the air…

Za kraj se utječemo pjesniku koji je o Imotskome We are with you on this mission of pure hearts, hidden
kazao: “Nikad se neće zaustaviti njegovo modrilo!“ (V. behind our words and photographs. And yes, we are
Gotovac) indeed absolutely convinced that reality is the most
beautiful fairytale we have to share with you so you
Autori could enter this peculiar magic world, necessary only
to our own hope.

When the troubles of the world break your spirit, when

bad thoughts and unfriendly weather bring you down,
remember that in our little corner of the world hidden
behind a mountain, right there among the little fairies
of the lake, there are healing images for everyone. We
are waiting for you!

In the end, we will refer to a poet who said the

following about Imotski: Its shades of blue shall never
be contained! (V. Gotovac)


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Crveno jezero je hidromorfološki fenomen i svjet- Red Lake is a hydromorphological phenomenon,
ska rijetkost jer je oblikom, bojom i postankom je- a world rarity because of its unique shape, colour,
dinstveno u svijetu. Nalazi se 1,5 km sjeverozapadno and genesis. It is located 1.5 km to the north-west of
od Imotskog. Mlađe je tektonike na izrazito potre- Imotski. It was formed when underground water pits
snom području. Nastalo je urušavanjem podzemnih collapsed and experts often call it a wonder of karst
CRVENO JEZERO RED LAKE šupljina ispunjenih vodom. Stručnjaci ga često na- because it is an abyss with slopes resembling a natural
zivaju čudom krša jer je riječ o provaliji stijenka po- well. It is some 200 meters in diameter and more than
put prirodnog bunara, približnog promjera 200 m, 500 meters deep, half of which is the depth of the water.
a dubine veće od 500 m, pri čemu na dubinu same Its bottom has not been entirely explored yet. Josip
vode otpada polovica. Dno mu još nije posve istra- Roglić, a member of the Academy, carried out the first
ženo. Prvo sustavno istraživanje morfologije i hi- systematic morphological and hydrological research
drologije Crvenog jezera obavio je akademik Josip of Red Lake in 1937, but the data were not particularly
Roglić 1937. godine, no mjerenja nisu osobito toč- accurate, since technology was not particularly
na s obzirom na tada raspoloživa tehnička sredstva. advanced at the time. More accurate data on Red
Preciznije podatke o Crvenom jezeru dala su istra- Lake were provided by engineer Milivoj Petrik, who
živanja ing. Milivoja Petrika obavljena pedesetih published the results of his research in the 1950s. Petrik
godina prošloga stoljeća. Petrik je pronašao najnižu found the lowest point of the bottom at 4.1 m above
točku dna na +4,1 m nadmorske visine, a utvrđena sea level. He also determined the highest (274.5 m)
je najviša kota jezerske razine na 274,5 m, te najniža and the lowest (252.8 m) water level. According to the
na 252,8 m. Prema morfološkoj klasifikaciji Crveno morphological classification, Red Lake is the deepest pit
jezero je najdublja jama Dinarskog krša koja je do in the Dinaric karst and water fills half of it. Moreover,
polovice ispunjena vodom, i jedna je od najdubljih it is one of the deepest speleological caves in the world
stalno potopljenih speleoloških jama u svijetu. Jezero that is constantly under water. The lake was protected
je zaštićeno 1964. godine, a cijelo područje sjever- in 1964 (and the whole area north of the town in 1971)
no od grada zaštićeno je 1971. godine kao značajan as an important landscape. It encompassed Blue Lake
krajobraz koji obuhvaća Modro i Crveno jezero kao and Red Lake as nature monuments, as well as a larger
spomenike prirode te veći kompleks zemljišta pošu- forested area covered with black pine.
mljenoga crnim borom, ukupne površine 3,78 km2.
The first description of Red Lake dates from the
Prvi opis Crvenog jezera poslan je u svijet početkom beginning of the 18th century. Ivan Zuane Franceschi,
18. stoljeća, kad je mletački vojskovođa Ivan Zuane a military officer from Venice, wrote a letter to his friend
Franceschi, nakon oslobođenja Imotskog od Turaka in 1717, after the liberation of Imotski from the Turks:
(1717. godine), u pismu prijatelju napisao:
I think I was even more terrified and impressed when I
Mislim da sam bio još više preneražen i zadivljen kad saw the second abyss (the first was Blue Lake; author’s
sam ugledao drugi bezdan (prvi je Modro jezero, nap. remark). It seemed as if an artist’s hand had taken a
aut.). Na gotovo ravnoj površini brijega, u živom ka- hammer and a chisel to carve a big circle in bare stone
menu, kao da je umjetnikova ruka uz zvuk čekića i on the almost flat top of the hill and cut it vertically,
dlijeta urezala velik krug, te ga okomito iskopala kao like a very deep well. The crater is more than half a
kakav nadasve dubok bunar. Grotlo ima više od pola mile in circumference, very steep (almost vertical), and
milje u opsegu, strmoglavo je usječeno u obujmu koje- its bottom has not been discovered yet. The stone is
mu još nisu našli dna. Crven je to kamen, a nema na red with no bush or spring to appease those dreadful
njemu ni mladice ni grma da pruže utjehu tim straho- cliffs. When you see those chasms, you ask yourself in
vitim liticama. Kad vidiš te provalije, pitaš se u strahu: fear how they were created. Have they always been
a od čega potekoše? Jesu li tako načinjene od prvoga like that or did some underground volcano, now
stvaranja, ili je nekakav podzemni vulkan, sada uga- inactive, start spitting lava and underground rocks,
šen, žestoko razjapio ta ždrijela rigajući lavu i podze- thus creating those wide-open mouths? (La Dalmazia,
mno kamenje? („La Dalmazia“, 1846. br 10) no. 10, 1846)

16 17
Legenda kaže da su u jezero propali Gavanovi dvori The legend says that Gavan’s Estate (a rich man’s
kada je anđeo, prerušen u prosjaka, upozorio oholu castle) tumbled down into the lake when an angel
Gavanicu na pravednost i milosrđe, a ona mu ba- dressed as a beggar warned the lady of the house of
hato odgovorila: “Što će meni Bog tvoj, dok je meni fairness and charity and she replied arrogantly: I don’t Eto zemlja tvrda zinu, And hard ground opens,
Gavan moj!”, odbivši mu udijeliti milodar. U tom se need for your God, as long as I have my Gavan!, refusing A u zemlje utrobinu, Into the ground gut,
času zemlja potresla, a Gavan i njegovi dvori propali to give him alms. At that moment the ground trembled
su u bezdan. Provalija se ispunila vodom i legenda- and Gavan and his estate fell in the abyss. The abyss Sve uklete u tren duše In a moment all souls cursed
ma o zlim nadnaravnim bićima, čiji se jauci do dan- then filled with water and legends of evil supernatural S bijelim dvorim prosjednuše. With white castle, perish
danas čuju iz crvenoga grotla. Legendu je zabilježio beings whose howling can still be heard from the red
fra Silvestar Kutleša 1937. godine. Naknadno su je crater even today. Friar Silvestar Kutleša wrote the Niti kamen na kamenu Nor stone on stone
objavili fra I. Despot, i J.E. Tomić. U njihovim je za- legend down in 1937 and friars I. Despot and J.E. Ne osta za uspomenu. Is left for memory.
pisima prepjevana narodna pjesma o propuntavanju Tomić published it later. They also wrote down a folk
Gavanovih dvora na mjestu gdje se nalazi Crveno song which explains the fall of Gavan’s Estate into the
jezero. Pjesma je spjevana u 25 kitica, u narodnom abyss - Red Lake. The song has 25 verses written in the Sad, ko stupi do ‘vog mjesta, Now, who comes to this place,
osmercu, a stihovi vjerno dočaravaju jezovitu priču o folk meter that contains eight feet (the feature lost in
kazni zbog oholosti. translation). They vividly portray a terrifying story of a Gdje Gavana s dvorim’ nesta, Where Gavan’s castle perished,
punishment brought on by conceit, one of the greatest Jezero će naći tamo, A lake he will find there,
human flaws.
Strahovito, pusto, samo Dreadful, deserted, alone,
Radi žarka stijenja svoga For its ardent crag
Svijet Crvenim prozvao ga. The world named it Red.

Tu, po tamnoj, gluhoj noći, Here, at dark, deaf night,

Ako srca imaš proći, Pass if you got a heart,
Uz vilinsku čut ćeš ciku With fairies titter you will hear
Vukodlaka strašnu viku, Werewolf’s mighty roar,
Dok nad vodom vještice se, Over water witches fly,
Ko plamteće zublje krijese. Like flaming teeth, they glow.

Još ćeš začut iz bezdani From abyss you will hear

Jauk duša očajani, Despairing howl of the souls,
Čut ćeš djecu kako cvile, Children screaming you will hear,
Kad ih ljute muče vile. Tortured by angry fairies.
Kosa ti se od straha ježi, Your hair will shudder by fear
Bjež’ čovječe! Otle bježi! Run man! Run from here!

18 19

Zamisao o ronjenju u Crvenom jezeru rodila se šez- It was in the 1960s when people first came up with the
desetih godina 20. stoljeća, iako još nije bilo ni nači- idea of diving in Red Lake, even though the equipment
na ni opreme za takav pothvat. Godine 1998. članovi and techniques for it were still inadequate. Members of
Hrvatskoga planinarskog društva “Imotski”, želeći the Croatian Mountaineering Society Imotski took
obilježiti 70. obljetnicu društva ronjenjem u Crvenom the first dive in May 1998, wanting to mark the 70th
jezeru, prvi put su zaronili u svibnju 1998., i to u orga- anniversary of the Society. The event was organised
nizaciji HPD-a i Ronilačkog kluba “Crveno jezero”. by the Red Lake Diving Club. The mountaineers and
Planinari i alpinisti spustili su ronilačku opremu niz ne- the alpinists lowered their diving equipment several
koliko stotina metara visoke okomite litice, što je samo hundred meters down the steep cliffs, which was an
po sebi bilo svojevrstan podvig. achievement by itself.

U pomoć su pristigli speleolozi i ronioci iz Splita (S. Speleologists and divers from Split (S. Božić, G. Gabrić,
Božić, G. Gabrić, T. Najev, J. Bojić i J. Božić), koji su T. Najev, J. Bojić and J. Božić) came to help divers
se pridružili imotskim roniocima i planinarima (J. and the mountaineers from Imotski (J. Vukosav, L.
Vukosavu, L. Kolovratu, S. Čelanu, B. Kukulju i G. Kolovrat, S. Čelan, B. Kukulj and G. Karoglan). The
Karoglanu). Opremu su, do manjeg proširenja na litici members of the expedition lowered the equipment
površine nekoliko kvadrata spustili članovi ekspedicije in their backpacks down to a tiny plateau on a cliff,
u ruksacima. Do vode je preostalo tridesetak metara only several square meters large. They had some 30
okomite stijene koju su, pod punom ronilačkom opre- meters of vertical cliff left above the water, which
mom, svladali uz pomoć užadi. I, konačno, zaron i prvi they climbed down using ropes and in full diving gear.
dojmovi: Finally, the first dive and the first impressions:

Jezero je izuzetno bistro, a voda nije osobito hladna. The lake is very clear and the water was not especially
Naša 10 mm debela ronilačka odijela odlična su zašti- cold. Our 10-millimeter-thick diving suits were a great
ta. Gledajući s površine vode, vidimo da su litice obra- protection. Looking up from the surface, we could
sle kržljavim biljkama, travom i grmljem, a jata gao- see poorly developed plants, grass and bushes on
vice plivaju oko nas. Spustili smo se do 52 m dubine, the cliffs and flocks of the endemic spotted minnow
tu zastajemo, ali Tonči Najev nastavlja; gledamo ga were swimming around us. We dived to a depth of
kako nestaje u crnoj dubini jezera. Ipak, vraća se na- 52 meters and stopped there, but Tonči Najev kept
kon nekoliko minuta. Na „Aladinu“ brojka 1,7. Prvi za- going lower. We watched him disappear in the black
ron u povijesti jezera, a odmah mjerim 102 m. Svaka depths of the lake. After a few minutes, he came
čast Najevu, ali meni je i ovih mojih 52 sasvim dovolj- back. We read 1.7 on “Aladdin”. It was the first dive
no. Lagano ronimo obodom uz same litice zbog sigur- in the history of the lake and I could already read 102
nosne dekompresije, pa nas evo opet na površini. Vani meters. Well done, Najev, but those 52 meters are
sunce i vedar dan! Srećom, sve je snimljeno kamera- quite enough for me. We dived along the edge of the
ma HRT-a (i prikazano u sklopu serijala “Dubine”). lake, near the cliffs because of safety decompression
and we emerged to the surface again. It was a
Veliko, sjajno iskustvo! sunny and clear day outside! Luckily, everything was
recorded by the cameras of the Croatian Television
Luka Kolovrat, (and shown as a part of the serial “Depths”).
A great, fantastic experience!

Luka Kolovrat,

20 21
22 23
JESEN 1998. AUTUMN 1998

U jesen iste godine međunarodna ekspedicija pod The same year in autumn an international expedition
vodstvom dr. sc. Mladena Garašića, u kojoj su sudje- of 43 members led by Mladen Garašić, Ph. D. explored
lovala čak 43 člana, istražuje dubine Crvenoga jezera. the depths of Red Lake with unselfish help from the
Svesrdno im pomažu imotski planinari i ronioci. Na mountaineers and divers of Imotski. There was a raft
površini vode sastavljena je splav koja služi kao plat- on the surface that served as a platform. Tones of
forma, a do nje su tone opreme transportirane priruč- equipment were lowered to it by an improvised cable
nom žičarom. Svakodnevno je ronilo po desetak ro- car. Ten divers went under every day. Ralph Haslinger
nilaca. Ralph Haslinger uspio je, uz pomoć trimiksa, managed to dive 154 meters using Trimix (a mixture
zaroniti na 154 m, a Thomas Behrend na čak 181 m of gases for deep diving) and Thomas Behrend went
dubine, što je jedan od najdubljih zarona ostvarenih down 181 meters, which is still one of the deepest
u Hrvatskoj. Samohodna ronilica „Sea lion“ spustila dives in Croatia. Self-propelled remote controlled
se na 280 m dubine i, konačno, prvi put snimila dno. submersible Sea Lion went down to 280 meters
Istraživanja su potvrdila da je Crveno jezero duboko and, finally, the first photographs of the bottom were
više od 300 m. taken. The research confirmed that Red Lake was
deeper than 300 meters.
U ekspediciji “Crveno jezero 98“ nije potpuno istra-
ženo dno jezera koje se nastavlja u dubinu, no ipak je The Red Lake 98 expedition did not explore the
ustanovljeno da je jezero bitno dublje i šire od dosa- bottom of the lake completely, but it discovered that
dašnjih spoznaja, pa je tako izmjerena najniža točka it was much deeper and wider than it had originally
na 6 m ispod razine mora. Pronađeni su suhi i poto- been thought: the lowest point measured was at 6
pljeni špiljski kanali, proširenja, kanali koji dovode i od- meters under sea level. The expedition also discovered
vode vodu u jezero i iz njega. Prema približnoj procjeni, dry and submerged cave canals, widenings, and
jezero je golemi spremnik s najmanje 16 milijuna ku- canals for filling and draining of the lake. The lake is a
bičnih metara pitke vode. Geodetska snimka koja je large water tank that is estimated to contain at least
tom prilikom napravljena treba se u budućnosti upot- 16 million cubic meters of potable water. The geodetic
puniti rezultatima novih istraživanja. footage made in 1998 is yet to be completed with the
results of future research.
S obzirom na zanimljivost i ljepotu, ronjenje u još uvi-
jek tajnovitome Crvenom jezeru i dalje će ostati osobit Considering the beauty and the intriguing character
izazov za buduće istraživače. of the mystery lake, diving in it will remain a special
challenge for future explorers.
Luka Kolovrat,
Luka Kolovrat,

24 25
26 27

Provaliju od nekoliko stotina metara stijena i vode, str- A several hundred meter deep abyss of rock and
mo obrušenih u dubinu, novovjeki adrenalinski ovisnici water, steeply swooping into the depth, is particularly
odabrali su za svoje smione skokove s padobranskim attractive to modern adrenaline junkies: it is perfect
krilom, popularni base-jumping. Oko tisuću gledate- for their daring jumps with parachutes, popularly
lja razmještenih na vidilici i po liticama Crvenog jeze- called BASE jumping. Thousands of spectators found
ra bili su svjedoci uistinu velikog spektakla. Sedmoricu a nice spot on the lookout of Red Lake and on the
skakača iz Hrvatske, Rusije i Slovenije osiguravalo je surrounding cliffs to witness a truly grand spectacle.
dvanaest pripadnika Gorske službe spašavanja, uz Twelve members of the Mountain Rescue Service
logistiku Turističke zajednice Imotski. Događaj su (MRS), logistical supported by the Tourist Board of
zabilježile kamere snimateljske ekipe Stipe Božića te Imotski, were there to protect seven base jumpers
svih nacionalnih TV kuća, Reutersa i mnogih drugih. from Croatia, Russia, and Slovenia. Stipe Božić’s
camera crew, all national TV companies, Reuters, and
A nije počelo baš bajkovito. Ujutro je padala kiša, a many others filmed the whole event.
u takvim vremenskim uvjetima skakanje i spuštanje
ljude u grotlo jezera bila bi opasna, gotovo nemogu- It did not start too well, though. It was raining in the
ća misija. Oko devet sati vrijeme se poboljšalo i pri- morning and jumping or descending into the lake in
preme su započele. Spuštanje čamca u vodu trajalo je those weather conditions would be very dangerous,
dosta dugo. Istodobno, pripadnici GSS-a na sjevernoj almost impossible. Around 9 o’clock the sky cleared
litici osiguravali su novinare i snimatelje, kao i mjesto up and preparations started. Lowering a boat into the
za odraz skakača. lake took a long time. During that time, the members
of the MRS secured the reporters and the visitors on
Nešto poslije 13 sati čamac je bio u vodi, u njemu the northern cliff, as well as the jumping point.
djelatnik TZ-a Imotski Stipe Čelan. Nekoliko trenuta-
ka nakon toga sve je bilo spremno za prvi skok, koji After 1 p.m. the boat was in the water together with
je izveo Robert Pečnik. Nakon njega, svakih desetak Stipe Čelan, an employee of the Tourist Board of
minuta, novi se skakač odražavao u avanturu „du- Imotski. A few moments later, everything was ready
boku“ 280 metara, a gledateljima je zastajao dah. for the first jump, done by Robert Pečnik. After that, a
Prema staroj izreci da šećer dolazi na kraju, ruski ska- jumper would leap into a 280-meter-deep adventure
kač Jurij Kuznetzov skočio je posljednji i otvorio pa- every ten minutes and the spectators would be
dobran tek osamdesetak metara od površine vode. left breathless. And, to round it all up, the Russian
Erupcija oduševljenja i pljesak prestravljenih gledate- jumper Jurij Kuznetzov jumped last and opened
lja bila je nagrada hrabrom Rusu. Zahvaljujući izu- his parachute only 80 meters above the water level.
zetno atraktivnim snimkama base-jumpinga koje su Standing ovations and a rapturous applause of the
obišle Hrvatsku i svijet, Imotski i Crveno jezero dobili thrilled and terrified crowd was a reward to the brave
su neviđen publicitet. Russian. Thanks to fantastic photographs of the event,
published in Croatia and around the world, Imotski
Luka Kolovrat, and Red Lake got unexpected publicity.

Luka Kolovrat,

28 29

Poštanske su marke jedinstveni atribut državnosti Stamps are a unique tribute to a country’s
svake zemlje. Hrvatske poštanske marke već seda- independence. Croatian stamps have been promoting
mnaestu godinu promiču hrvatske vrijednosti koje Croatian values, rooted in European culture and
su duboko ukorijenjene u europsku kulturu i tradici- tradition, for seventeen years. Therefore, stamps are the
ju. Marke su stoga najmanji, ali i najučinkovitiji pro- smallest but the most efficient promoters of Croatia:
motori Hrvatske, čija baština na poštanskim pošiljka- Croatian heritage reaches remote parts of our planet
ma stiže u najudaljenije kutke našeg planeta. Tako i through stamps on parcels and mail. That is how Red
Crveno jezero, najpoznatiji prirodni fenomen koji su Lake, a well-known natural phenomenon recognized
prepoznali filatelisti i ljubitelji maraka, putuje diljem by philatelists and stamp lovers, travels all over Croatia
Hrvatske i svijeta. and the world. Last year the Croatian Post organised
the contest for the most beautiful stamp of the year
Od 35 maraka izdanih u 2007. godini, najveći broj for the 11th time.
glasova osvojila je prigodna poštanska marka u blo-
ku Crveno jezero, nominalne vrijednosti 10 kuna. Out of 35 stamps published in 2007, the block stamp
Time je proglašena najljepšom poštanskom mar- Red Lake of the nominal value of 10kn won most votes
kom, a autorsko je djelo renomiranih zagrebačkih di- and became the stamp of the year. Its authors are Orsat
zajnera Orsata Frankovića i Ivane Vučić, dok je kao Franković and Ivana Vučić, renowned designers from
predložak korištena fotografija Luke Kolovrata, sni- Zagreb. An aerial photo of Red Lake by Luka Kolovrat
mljena iz zraka. Inicijativu za tu marku pokrenula je was used as a template. The Tourist Board of Imotski
Turistička zajednica Imotski. started the initiative to print the stamp.

Budući da je Hrvoje Lončar, Imoćanin, u to vrijeme At that time, marketing director of the Croatian Post
bio direktor marketinga u Hrvatskoj pošti, posebno was Hrvoje Lončar, originally from Imotski. He is
je ponosan na to što je upravo pod njegovom in- especially proud of having supervised the publishing of
gerencijom marka Crveno jezero izdana i proglaše- the Red Lake stamp which was then declared Croatian
na najljepšom markom u Hrvatskoj za 2007. godinu. stamp of the year 2007.

30 31

Zbog iznimno niskog vodostaja Crvenog jezera na nje- Due to a very low water level in Red Lake, on the
govoj zapadnoj strani pokazale su se dvije pećine koje western banks of it, two caves immerged that were
dotad nisu bile vidljive. never visible until now.

Sedam članova HPD-a Imotski i Ronilačkog kluba Seven members of Divers Club Red Lake Imotski
Crveno jezero (Luka Kolovrat, Ante Fedor Kukavica, and Croatian Mountaineers Society of Imotski (Luka
Branimir Jukić, Davor Markota, Ante Karin, Milan Kolovrat, Ante Fedor Kukavica, Branimir Jukić,
Gudelj i Ante Đerek) organizirali su ekspediciju radi Davor Markota, Ante Karin, Milan Gudelj and Ante
premijernog ulaska u pećine. S obzirom na to da je Đerek), organized an expedition to enter these caves
prethodnih nekoliko dana vodostaj Crvenog jezera po- for the first time ever. As the water level slowly started
čeo postupno rasti, prijetila je opasnost da voda opet to rise up again, there was a chance that water covers
prekrije pećine. Stoga smo odlučili što prije otkriti taj- the caves again, they decided to explore the secrets of
nu tih dotad neviđenih otvora na liticama. these caves on the cliffs.

Prepuni dojmova, Fedor i Brane ustanovili su da se Full of impressions, Fedor and Brane witnessed that
nakon stotinjak metara pećina račva na tri strane. after couple of hundreds of meters the cave is splitting
Jedan prolaz vodi u vis i povezan je s pećinom koja je into three directions. One passage leads up and is
sedamdesetak metara iznad njih, a u koju su ronioci connected with the cave above that was explored
ušli još 1998., u sklopu velike međunarodne ekspedici- in 1998 as a part of great international expedition.
je. Drugi se odvojak obrušava u dubinu, a treći skreće Second passage sinks into the deep, while the third
prema jugu. one bends towards the south.

Krenuli smo prema zapadu, te naišli na kamene dvo- We started moving westwards and came upon two
rane promjera 10x8 metara, visoke desetak metara, u chambers 10x8 meters and 10 meters in height, with
kojima nema ničega osim mulja i blata. Od njih dalje nothing but mud and sludge in them. Narrow passage,
vodi uski prolaz izbrazdan vodom u čvrstim stijena- carved by water leads on 300 meters in length, but the
ma, kojim smo prehodali tristotinjak metara u dubi- equipment did not allow us to go any further. After
nu, ali oprema nam nije dopuštala da se upuštamo that the passage narrows down and is also covered in
u daljnje istraživanje. Nakon toga prolaz se potpuno mud and sludge, and is very damp.
sužava, sve je blatno i mokro.
This is the first time in history of Imotski and Red Lake
Ovo je prvi put u povijesti Imotskoga i njegova Crvenog that human foot steped into that cave. Who knows
jezera da je ljudska noga kročila u tu pećinu, a tko zna when water will be this low again. – happy duo
kada će opet razina vode biti tako niska da će to po- reported after coming out.
novno biti moguće - glasilo je izvješće sretnog dvojca.
This event was followed by many people watching it
Cijeli je događaj sa sigurnih visokih litica pratilo mnoš- from safe cliffs high up above the water.
tvo znatiželjnika.
Luka Kolovrat,
Luka Kolovrat,

32 33
34 35
TRAVANJ 2012. APRIL 2012

Obilne kiše koje su padale proteklih tjedana značaj- Heavy rains in April have risen the water levels of lakes
no su povećali vodostaje u imotskim jezerima. Modro around Imotski. Blue lake water level went up for 20
je tako naraslo za nekih dvadesetak metara i sada je meters. Rising of water level in Red Lake is even bigger
vodostaj nešto iznad 40 metara. Povećanje vodostaja for about 40 meters, so depth of it is now around 300
u Crvenom je još i veće, gotovo 40 metara i Crveno je meters.
sada duboko oko 300 metara.
This rising of water level in all the lakes was motive
Upravo je taj visok vodostaj bio izazov i motiv člano- for members of speleological section of Croatian
vima speleološkog odsjeka HPD Imotski Anti Fedoru Mountaineers Society of Imotski (HPD), Luka
Kukavici i Luki Kolovratu te splitskim speleolozima Kolovrat, Ante Fedor Kukavica, and speleologists
Branimiru Jukiću, Filku Kapetanoviću i Danijelu from Split Branimir Jukić, Filko Kapetanović and
Krstuloviću Opari za silazak u Crveno i posjet dvje- Danijel Krstulović Opara, to go down into the Red
ma manjim špiljama. Lake and explore two smaller caves.

Špilje koje su istraživane prije pet mjeseci sada su pe- One cave was partially under the water and inside it
desetak metara pod vodom, a ove današnje su osjet- a mystical game of light was visible. Inside the second
no manje, svega petnaestak metara duge, ali zato ni- cave, a part of downed WWII American bomber
šta manje zanimljive. fuselage was found.

Jedna je djelomično pod vodom i u njoj je moguće do- Also, some flocks of endemic fish Imotska Gaovica
živjeti predivnu igru svjetlosti, a u drugoj je nađen ko- were seen. This sighting will make all ichthyologists
mad oplate sa srušenog američkog bombardera iz II. very happy.
svjetskog rata.
Luka Kolovrat,
Također, primijećena su i velika jata endemske gaovi-
ce što je podatak koji će zasigurno veseliti sve ljubitelje
ovih malih ali čudesnih riba.

Luka Kolovrat,

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Modro jezero nalazi se na rubu grada, u grotlu du- Blue Lake is located at the end of the town, in a 300
bokom od 300 do 500 m. Najveća mu je dužina 800 to 500 meter deep crater. Its maximum length is 800
m, a širina 500 m, ali te dimenzije znatno variraju meters and the width 500 meters, but those dimensions
ovisno o vodostaju, pa jezero katkad tijekom ljeta i change considerably, depending on the water level -
presušiti. Dubina vode oscilira, a često dosegne i 100 the lake sometimes goes completely dry in summer.
MODRO JEZERO BLUE LAKE m. Najviši vodostaj od 147 m voda je dosegla davne The water level oscillates, often reaching 100 meters.
1914. godine. Razlog takvog kolebanja vodostaja su The highest, measured in 1914, reached 147 meters.
estavele na njegovu dnu, koje se u kišnom razdoblju The oscillations are due to estavels at the bottom of
ponašaju kao izvori, a u sušnim razdobljima postaju the lake, which act as springs during the rainy season
uviri koji gutaju vodu. and as drains during the dry season. The water is of a
nice blue colour, which gave it its name. The access
Voda je lijepe modre boje, zbog čega se jezero i zove road leads almost to the bottom. In summer, the lake
Modro. Do vode postoji pristupni put koji vodi go- is the local population’s favourite swimming pool and
tovo do samog dna. Jezero je ljeti omiljeno kupalište children play football at the bottom when it dries out,
Imoćana, a kad presuši, djeca na dnu igraju nogo- which is a special attraction.
met, što je također svojevrsna atrakcija.
Unfortunately, the process of backfilling is well under
Nažalost, u Modrom jezeru je započeo pro- way, especially obvious from the north side. The lake
ces zatrpavanja, osobito vidljiv sa sjeverne strane. dries up more and more often, and it is with great
Presušivanja su sve češća, pa se nadolaženje vode attention and certain apprehension that the locals wait
nakon presušivanja iščekuje s velikom pozornošću i for the water to come back after the dry season.
određenom zabrinutošću.
Many articles have been written about the lake and
O Modrom jezeru napisano je bezbroj tekstova, many songs have been sung, but to this day the words
ispjevano stotine pjesama, ali do danas nisu prona- that would do justice to its beauty have not been
đene prave riječi kojima bi se opisala njegova ljepota. found. For those who were growing up by the lake’s
Svakome tko je odrastao uz njegove obale Imotski shores, Imotski and Blue Lake are parts of the same
i Modro jezero dio su iste paradigme o postojanju existential paradigm. Spending summers by its waters,
Imoćana. Provodeći ljeta uz njegovu vodu, ljudi su people have learned how to take responsibility: they
se naučili odgovornosti čuvajući prirodu ili nadzirući protect the nature there or keep a wakeful eye on all
djecu neplivače, u koje su uvijek uprte oči odraslih, children who cannot swim, even though they are not
bez obzira na to o čijoj je djeci riječ. Svako je jezer- necessarily their own. Every lake-related experience is a
sko iskustvo dobra investicija u budućnost, djeca se good investment in the future. Children cannot learn
na njegovim obalama ničemu lošem ne mogu nau- anything wrong by its shores and when they grow up
čiti, a kad odrastu, jezero ih vraća u mladost, krijepi the lake brings them back to their childhood, refreshes
i obnavlja. them and renews them. Every summer we rediscover
that same timeless beauty we left there the previous
Svakoga ljeta ponovno nalazimo onu istu bezvreme- summer. The colour of the water varies from blue-
nu ljepotu koju smo prošlog ljeta ostavili. Boja jezer- green to turquoise, depending on the water level and
ske vode varira od modrozelene do tirkizne, ovisno weather conditions. Chance travellers speak so nicely
o visini vodostaja i vremenskim uvjetima. Namjernici of the lake and those living in Imotski find it so natural
toliko lijepoga izgovore o jezeru, a Imoćanima je po- that such a beauty befalls them by their very birthright.
sve prirodno da im takva ljepota po rođenju pripada.
If you go for a swim over the shiny surface on a
Zaplivate li blještavom površinom u ljetno podne, di- summer afternoon, look up towards the blue sky
gnete li pogled prema modrom nebu, vidite oko sebe and all around you will see cliffs, rockslides, boulders,
litice, sipine, stijene i skakala što ih samo volja nebeska and protrusions convenient to jump from that only
sprječava da se ne obruše. Po obzoru se splela kolajna a divine force stops from swooping down. A ring of

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mrke borovine što odvaja ovu oaze vode od vanjskog black pines on the horizon separates this water oasis NATURAE CONVENINTER VIVE NATURAE CONVENINTER VIVE
svijeta, usred usijanoga kamenjara. Jezero je toliko doj- in the middle of a boiling rocky ground from the
mljivo da je teško izreći kakvi se osjećaji bude kad opu- outside world. The lake is so impressive that it is hard (Živi u skladu s prirodom) (Live in harmony with nature)
šteni zauzmete mjesto na nekoj stijeni, i s užitkom blu- to articulate all the feelings that overwhelm you when
dite po namreškanoj modroj vodi. you take your place on a rock and relax, your eyes
erring with joy over the blue rippled water.
Maja Delić Peršen, Slobodna Dalmacija, 2005. Ekološko društvo LIPA Ecological Society LIPA
Maja Delić Peršen, Slobodna Dalmacija, 2005

Sustavna briga o imotskim jezerima datira u dale- Systematic improvement of the lakes of Imotski dates
ku 1904. godinu, kada je na inicijativu Šoltanina, dr. back to 1904, when the Society for Improving
Josipa Mladinova, osnovano „Društvo za poljep- Imotski – Jezero (The Lake) was founded, following
šanje Imotskoga - Jezero“. Dr. Mladinov se oduše- an initiative of Josip Mladinov, Ph.D. from the island
vio netaknutim prirodnim ljepotama Imotskoga, of Šolta. Mladinov was thrilled by the untouched
osobito Modrim jezerom na čijem je obodu sagra- natural beauties of Imotski, especially by Blue Lake
dio malu bolnicu i vilu za stanovanje. Uz pomoć - he built a small hospital and a villa to live in on the
uglednika iz društvenog i političkog života, vlasti- edge of it. Aided by socially and politically prominent
tim je novcem izgradio 1100 m duge serpentine u members of the community, he financed the
Modrom jezeru, a društvo je širilo ekološku kulturu building of 1100-meter-long serpentines in Blue Lake
i bavilo se pošumljavanjem krške goleti. Preranom and, meanwhile, the Society was raising ecological
smrću dr Mladinova (1916.), društvo se ugasilo. awareness and planting trees on the barren slopes of
the lake. Following Miladinov’s premature death (in
Nakon punih 15 godina mirovanja, točnije 1931., 1916), the Society ceased to exist. After 15 years of
imotski intelektualci osnovali su novo „Društvo inactivity, in 1931 to be exact, intellectuals from Imotski
za poljepšavanje mjesta i unaprjeđenje turizma - founded a new Society for Improving the Town
Lipa“ koje se, između ostaloga, brinulo za održavanje and Promoting Tourism – LIPA. Among many other
putova u Modrom jezeru, a širili su i ekološku svijest activities, the society was in charge of maintaining the
održavajući predavanja po školama diljem Imotske paths in Blue Lake and increasing ecological awareness
krajine. through lectures given in schools all over the Imotski
„LIPA“ je obnovila rad 1989. godine; danas osobitu
pozornost pridaje zaštiti voda i okoliša Modroga LIPA renewed its activities in 1989. Today they focus
i Crvenog jezera, te izvorištima rijeke Vrljike. on the protection of waters and the area surrounding
Trenutačno se tim područjima nastoji osigurati viša Blue and Red Lake, as well as on the springs of the river
razina zaštite, tj. proglasiti ih parkom prirode ili na- Vrljika. Currently, they intend to raise the preservation
cionalnim parkom, kako bi se zaustavila devastacija, level of those areas, i.e. to make them nature parks or
sačuvale endemske i autohtone bilje i životinjske vr- national parks in order to stop devastation, protect
ste te smanjilo onečišćenje tla i voda. endemic and autochthonic plants and animals, and
minimize soil and water pollution.t

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Proslavio se Imotski po “Žalosnoj pjesanci plemeni- Imotski became famous by “Sad song of noble
te Asanaginice” koju je opat Fortis zapisao 1774. na Asanaginica“ which abbot Fortis has written in 1774,
svom putu po surovoj zemlji Morlaka, iza Biokova, on his journey through rugged lands of Morlacs behind
velike majke Sredozemlja, medju stočarima i ratnici- Biokovo mountain, the great mother of Mediterranean,
ma priprostih i plemenitih osjećaja, što su nepisme- among cattlemen and warriors of unsophisticated and
ni, svoju poeziju i povijest znali naizust. Pjesma je to noble emotions, which knew their poetry and history
u kojoj nema krivca, majka umire od osobne boli. by rote, despite of their inability to write. It is a song
Ukraj Modrog jezera u borovu gaju, imoćani joj sr- where no one is to blame, mother dies by inner pain.
cem odredili grob. Pjesma je do danas naprevođeniji Just near the Blue Lake, in a pine grove, souls of Imotski
književni tekst preveden na više od pedeset jezika. set her grave to be with their hearts. The song has been
translated to more than fifty languages.

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- Da nam je, posestrime, da ovo počivalo bude samo - Oh, my sisters, if it only this resting place could be
naše! Za naše kolo! – reče jedna. ours alone! For our dance! - said one of them - And I
wish people would leave it only to us!
- I da se zna da je vilinsko!
- If it could be round and big, just like our circle is when
- Kad bi bilo okruglo i veliko koliko i naše kolo kad ga we dance!
- … and if the full moon could light it up at midnight
- … pa da ga puni Mjesec o ponoći obasja srebrom! with its silvery light!

- Nikada ovdje ne bi bilo zla i nevremena! – prva će - Evil and bad times would never come here! – The
opet. first fairy said again. – We would protect the town,
and the lake, and hawks, and owls, and wild pigeons
- Iz svoje bismo pećine čuvale grad i jezero, sokoliće, from our cave. Sweet grapes, blackberries and
sove i divlje golubove, a slatko divlje grožđe, kupine i raspberries would grow and children would eat them
maline zrele bi djeci za okrepu. Svi koji bi se došli ras- for refreshment. All those that would come to cool off
hladiti u modroj vodi za vrelih ljetnih popodneva uži- in the blue water during scorching summer afternoons
vali bi našu zaštitu. would enjoy our protection.

Odu vile sa svog noćnog sastajališta prema Vilinskoj The fairies left their nocturnal meeting place and went
pećini, pa iako ih više nisu mogli vidjeti, mladići su još towards the Fairies’ Cave. Even though the young men
osluškivali njihove zvonke glasove kako se udaljavaju. could not see them any more, they could still hear
their voices echo in the distance.
Pod dojmom noćnog prizora i razgovora malih jezer-
skih vila, odluče udovoljiti vilinskoj želji. Impressed by that nocturnal scene and the
conversation between the little lake fairies, they
Sutradan u tajnosti uzmu čekiće, špice i ostali zidarski decided to fulfil the fairies’ wish.
alat, spuste se u jezero te kamenim zidom obzidaju
počivalo da bude okruglo, upravo onakvo kakvo je vi- The next day they secretly took hammers, chisels and
linsko kolo, i da ga puni Mjesec može obuhvatiti svo- other stonemason’s tools and went down to the lake.
jim sjajnim krugom. Na stijeni iznad počivala počeše They enclosed the place with a stone wall, creating a
VILINSKO POČIVALO FAIRIES RESTING PLACE klesati natpis: VILINSKO POČIVALO big, round surface that resembled the fairies dancing
and the moon shone down on it with its bright silvery
Kad su završavali zadnje slovo, začuju posve osobit light. They carved in a sign into a rock above it:
zvuk, kao da voda lagano vrije na vatri; ispod svakog FAIRIES’ RESTING PLACE
(...) Mladići su gledali vilinsko kolo, potpuno zanese- (…) Young men were looking at fairies dancing their kamena oživjeli su mali izvori, kako se to događalo već
ni ljepotom devet dugokosih vila oko čijih su maga- circle dance, completely breathless from the beauty tisućama godina. When they carved the last letter, they heard a very
rećih papaka lelujali svileni skuti. Suspregnuli su uz- of nine long-haired fairies with silk skirts floating peculiar sound, like water slowly boiling above a fire.
dahe divljenja da ne odaju svoju prisutnost. Ljudska around their donkey hoofs. They held back their sighs Otada traje neraskidiva veza ljudi iz grada i vila jezer- Small springs came to life under each stone, as it had
bića nisu mogla zamisliti, a kamoli vidjeti ovakav pri- of admiration, not to reveal their presence. Until then, kinja, a mirisni vrijesak i kadulja kite malu vidilicu na been happening for thousands of years.
zor. Do sada. humans could not have imagined (let alone see) a kuku, iznad modre vode (…)
spectacle like that. Since then, there has been an unbreakable bond
Taj ljupki ples potrajao je neko vrijeme, a onda se vile (Iz priča „U vilinskom kolu“ Maje Delić Peršen) between the locals and the fairies of the lake. Heather
spuste do vode i pokupe osušeno rublje razastrto po The lovely dance lasted for a while and then the fairies and sage decorate the little lookout on a ledge above
stijenama. Zasjednu ponovo na zaravan gdje su do went down to the water to pick up their dry clothes the blue water, bathing it in their scent.
maločas igrale kolo, držeći svaka svoj zavežljaj pod spread on the rocks. They sat down on the ledge where
rukom. they had danced in a circle a minute ago, each holding (From the stories “In the Fairies circle” by Maja Delić
her swag under her arm. Peršen)

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Potraga za Gavanovim blagom A search for Gavan’s treasure

Stoljetna legenda o postanku Crvenog jezera zorno The hundreds of years old legend about the origin of
je prenesena i predstavljena u Modrom jezeru. Priča Red Lake was relocated and presented in Blue Lake. The
kaže da je bahatoga, prebogatog Gavana, anđeo ka- story says that an arrogant, rich Gavan was punished
znio zbog oholosti, a njegovi su se dvori propuntali by an angel for his insolence and his estate fell into the
u utrobu zemlje, na mjestu gdje se stvorilo Crveno ground where Red Lake is today. Due to the resulting
jezero. Od siline trešnje Gavanovo se blago rasulo violent tremble, Gavan’s treasure was scattered all over
Imotskom krajinom. Tako su tri škrinjice sa zlatom the Imotski region and three chests of gold fell into
upale u Modro jezero, udaljeno samo kilometar od Blue Lake, only a kilometer away.
The Tourist Board of Imotski organized an
Turistička zajednica Imotski organizirala je neviđeni unprecedented spectacle in Blue Lake: twenty-five
spektaklu u Modrom jezeru. Dvadeset petorica roni- young divers from six towns tried to find Gavan’s
laca iz šest gradova, tražili su Gavanovo blago poto- treasure sunk in copper chests. They were lucky!
pljeno u bakrenim škrinjama. I imali su sreću!
The first chest, found at a depth of 20 meters, contained
U prvoj škrinjici, na dubini od dvadeset metara, pro- a golden crest of the town of Imotski and some coins.
nađen je zlatni grb grada Imotskoga, te dosta sitnog Half an hour later, the second chest was found at the
novca: lipa i kuna. Pola sata kasnije druga je škrinjica same depth and the third one remained buried in the
pronađena na istoj dubini, a treća je ostala zakopana mud by the high lake cliffs, waiting for some future
u mulju, u blizini velikih jezerskih stijena, i ostala je divers.
ondje čekati neke nove, buduće ronioce.
- This is a fantastic experience, a beautiful lake and the
- Ovo je fantastičan doživljaj, prelijepo jezero i ideja o idea of seeking a sunken treasure …! I am happy to be a
pronalaženju potopljenog blaga! Sretan sam što sam part of it all and I’m coming back next year! – said one
sudjelovao, a doći ću i dogodine! – rekao je jedan od of the divers.
The search for Gavan’s treasure was one of many
Traženje Gavanova blaga jedna je u nizu aktivnosti activities organized by the Tourist Board of Imotski
koje TZ Imotski organizira s ciljem promoviranja lje- with the aim of promoting the beauty of the lakes of
pota imotskih jezera. Za kraj, roniocima je ostao i Imotski. The event ended with one last challenge for
dodatni trening: teške boce za ronjenje i ostalu opre- the divers: they had to bring the heavy air tanks and
mu morali su po suncu i vrućini izvući iz jezerskoga other gear out of the crater in the sun and the heat.
grotla. No kako kažu ljudi, sve se loše brzo zaboravi, Nevertheless, people say that all bad things are quickly
a ostaju samo dobra sjećanja. Za to je dovoljan samo forgotten and only good memories remain. One look
jedan pogled na predivno Modro jezero. at the beautiful Blue Lake is enough to prove it.t

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skokovi JUMPS

Turistička zajednica grada Imotskog svakoga ljeta Every summer the Tourist Board of Imotski organizes
organizira manifestaciju Jezerske ptice – natjecanje a happening called The Birds of the Lake – a
skakača u vodu sa strmih litica Modrog jezera – ne- competition for jumpers who dive into Blue Lake
svakidašnju atrakciju onih kojima je izazov sastavni from the steep surrounding cliffs, which is an unusual
dio svakodnevice. 2007. su godine, unatoč stogodiš- attraction for all those who strive to make challenges
njoj tradiciji prema kojoj su skokovi rezervirani samo part of their daily routine. According to a hundred-
za domaće znalce, skakali i gosti, tj. poznati skakači sa year old tradition, the jumps are the privilege of the
Staroga mosta u Mostaru. Odlukom Ocjenjivačkog local population only. However, this year (in 2007),
suda, mostarski je predstavnik pobijedio domaće there were guest jumpers - well-known jumpers from
skakače. Bio je to vrhunski skok s visine od 14 m, a the Old Bridge of Mostar (the name Mostar in fact
domaći predstavnik, iako nije odnio pobjedu, skočio means an old bridge). The Panel of Judges decided that
je lastu s 20 m, baš kako dolikuje imotskoj tradiciji a representative from Mostar won the competition. It
odličnih skakača, o kojima se dugo pričaju priče, a was a perfect jump from a 14 meter high cliff, whereas
njihova slava traje generacijama. Toga je dana ska- a local jumper did a swallow dive from 20 meters, in
kalo petnaest odvažnih mladića, što na glavu, što na accordance with the tradition of Imotski. Stories are
noge, a uzbuđenje među gledateljima bilo je gotovo told about the jumpers long after the event and their
opipljivo. glory lasts for generations. Fifteen daring young men
jumped that day, there were feet dives and head dives,
Organizirana je i prezentacija jezerskih „domaćih ži- and the excitement of the crowd became almost
votinja“, tj. bezopasnih zmija bjelouški koje kupači tangible.
oduvijek love, a potom ih brižno puštaju na slobodu
jer su one čistači jezera. Cijelu atrakciju u Modrom There was a presentation about the domestic animals
jezeru na poseban su način oplemenile članice living in the lake, non-poisonous ring-snakes that
Splitskog kluba sinkroniziranog plivanja “Dolfine“, swimmers hunt in summer and then set free, for
koje su izvele nekoliko lijepih i atraktivnih točaka. they are the cleaners of the lake. The whole event
ended in a very special way - Dolfine, members of
the Synchronized Swimming Club from Split, gave
several beautiful and attractive performances.

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Visina, modrina, Heights, azure,
Stine pune dice, Cliffs full of children,
Jata imotske lipote, Flocks of the beauty of Imotski,
Jezerske tice. The birds of the Lake.

Veru se lito cilo, Climbing throughout the summer,

Penju, puzu uz strminu. Reaching the top, crawling up the slope,
Onda polete ko iz gnjizda, Then flying down from the nest
u modrinu, u dubinu. Into the blue, into the deep.

U njima nema straja, They know no fear,

Jedan drugom puno sliči, They are all alike,
junaci mali, Little heroes,
Imotski sokolići. Little falcons of Imotski.

Velimir Braco Ćosić Velimir Braco Ćosić

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travanj 2013. april 2013

Rekordno visok vodostaj Modrog jezera bio je pra- One of the all-time highs of water level in the Blue Lake
vi mamac za članove RK Crveno jezero koji su že- was a true magnet for underwater photographers of
ljeli podvodnim fotografijama ovjekovječiti ovogo- Diving Club “Red Lake”. Alongside our local divers
dišnji fenomen. Uz domaće ronioce Ivicu Ćosića, Ivica Ćosić, Tonći Petričević, Ante Fedor Kukavica
Tonćija Petričevića, Antu Fedora Kukavicu i Luku and Luka Kolovrat, the expedition was completed
Kolovrata, pojačanje nam je stiglo i iz Splita u vidu with colleagues from Split Vedrana Vidović and
Vedrane Vidović i Tome Vrdoljaka. Tomo Vrdoljak.

Temperatura vode na površini bila je 13 stupnjeva, a Surface temperature of the lake was 13 degrees
na 25 metara dubine temperatura je bila 10 stupnje- centigrade, while temperature at 25 meters below
va. Tom prigodom izmjerena je i dubina vode, a ona surface was 10 degrees. The divers measured the exact
iznosi točno 103 metra. depth of the lake at 103 meters.

Unatoč tome što svi oni koji su bili pod vodom iza Even though the divers partook in hundreds of
sebe imaju stotine zarona, roniti među borovima, br- expeditions before this one, everyone was impressed
šljanom, rascvjetanim rašeljkama i grmovima bilo by the unique opportunity to dive among cypresses
je uistinu svima jedinstveno i neponovljivo iskustvo. and bushes in bloom. The divers likened the experience
Poseban doživljaj bilo je ronjenje oko poznatog otoči- of diving around the famous cypress inlet in the
ća s čempresom gdje je voda bila neuobičajeno bistra, unusually clear waters as very similar to a deep-sea
a ugođaj je bio sličan morskom zaronu niz liticu. dive.

Cijelu sliku upotpunili su i kajaci na površini jezera kao The picture was made complete by hundreds of
i stotine posjetitelja koji su na ovaj način iskoristili to- visitors enjoying the warm spring day and a few
pao proljetni dan. kayaks on the lake.

Luka Kolovrat, Luka Kolovrat,

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Slijev Imotskog polja i rijeke Vrljike pripada sre- The river basin of the Imotski Valley and the river Vrljika
dišnjem pojasu dinarskog krša. To se područje belongs to the middle zone of the Dinaric karst. What
vanjskih Dinarida u hidrogeološkom smislu odli- is typical of that part of the outer Dinaric Alps in the
kuje nerazmjerom između morfoloških i hidroge- hydrological and geological sense is a disproportion
oloških razvodnica. Površinski tokovi završavaju between morphological and hydrological / geological
RIJEKA VRLJIKA THE RIVER VRLJIKA u ponorima i dalje napajaju slijev rijeke Tihaljne, u features. Surface flows end up in sinkholes and
Bosni i Hercegovini, ili izlaze u podmorskim izvori- continue to water the river basin of the river Tihaljna
ma u Vrulju na Dubcima i u Klokunu kod Drašnica. in Bosnia and Herzegovina or they flow into the sea,
Hidrogeološka obilježja stijena, tektonska oštećenja, forming underwater fresh springs at Dubci (Croatia)
prostorni i visinski položaj geoloških struktura, mor- and Klokun near Drašince. Hydrological and geological
fologija terena i količine padalina uvjetuju hidrogeo- features of rocks, tectonic damage, areal position
lošku funkciju terena. Tako razlikujemo teren u ko- and altitude of geological structures, morphology
jemu slabo propusne naslage stvaraju kompaktnu of the terrain and the amount of rainfall determine
prepreku protoku podzemnih voda, a polupropusne hydrological and geological functions of a terrain.
barijere ipak omogućuju protok te reguliraju i usmje- Taking all that into consideration, we differentiate
ravaju otjecanje voda. Najveće prostranstvo vapne- between a terrain where poorly permeable alluvium
njačkih stijena izmjenjuje se s dolomitima, koji nisu creates compact barriers for underground waters and
značajnija smetnja vodotocima. Podzemne barijere a terrain where semi-permeable barriers allow water to
čine donjokredni dolomiti i pločasti vapnenci s ro- flow and regulate or channel its draining. A large stretch
žnjacima na području Imotski – Grude. Djelomične of lime rocks is intersected by dolomites, which are not
(viseće) barijere izgrađene su od neogenskih lapo- a strong barrier to water flows. Underground barriers
rastih naslaga i kvartarnih sedimenata izmiješanih s made of lower cretaceous dolomites and laminated
glinom. limestone with hornstone stretch between Imotski and
Grude. Partial (hanging) barriers are made of Neogene
marl layers and Quaternary sediments mixed with clay.


Vrljika je po mnogočemu jedinstvena krška rijeka IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS VRLJIKA!
koja protječe cijelom dužinom Imotskog polja. Nije
ju moguće uklopiti u standardnu klasifikaciju jer je By all standards, the Vrljika is a unique karst river,
po svojim hidrološkim i geološkim značajkama od which flows all the way through the Imotski Valley. It is
izvora do ponora jednaka, pa se ne može govoriti o impossible to include it into any standard classification
gornjemu, srednjemu i donjem toku. Od izvora do because its hydrological and geological features are
uvira duga je 23 km, a cijelim tokom vijuga poljem the same from the spring to the estuary. In other
poput drugih ravničarskih rijeka. Na izvorištu je pet words, there is no upper, middle or lower flow. It is 23
vrela: Jauk, Opačac, Utopišće, Duboka draga i Dva kilometers long from the spring to the estuary and
oka (ili Jezerine), koje su poseban fenomen jer voda the whole of its course remains in a valley, just like the
izvire iz dva potpuno okrugla vrela udaljena jedno course of any other river in a plain. There are five wells
od drugoga nepun metar. Uz izvore se vežu razne at its spring, Jauk, Opačac, Utopišće, Duboka Draga and
priče i legende koje su ljude ispunjavale strahopošto- Dva Oka (or Jezerine), which is a unique phenomenon
vanjem prema vodi od koje smo svi sazdani. because the river starts flowing from two completely
circular springs not a meter apart. Many legends and
Vrljika u svom toku mijenja ime pa se tako od stories about the springs fill people with awe for water,
Kamenmosta naziva Matica. Konačno, rijeka ponire which all of us are made of.
u dnu polja pa izvire u susjednoj Bosni i Hercegovini
pod imenima Tihaljina. The Vrljika changes its name along its course: it is called
the Matica from Kamenmost on. Finally, the river sinks

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O Vrljici je ovisio urod u Imotskom polju, ali i sveko- at the bottom of the valley and reappears in Bosnia and
liki život. Još donedavno voda Vrljike bila je pitka na Herzegovina, known as the Tihaljina.
svakom njezinom dijelu, u njoj su plivale endemske
mekouste pastrve i imotske gaovice, obitavao bje- The harvest in the Imotski Valley, as well as life itself,
lonogi rak. Čovjek se po zlu umiješao u život rije- depends on the Vrljika. Not long ago the river water was
ke uvjeren da mu je sve dopušteno. Bogata i plodna potable throughout its course and endemic species
snaga rijeke polako posustaje pred najezdom novo- like soft-muzzled trout, spotted minnow and white-
ga nesmiljenog vremena. clawed crayfish were swimming in it. Unfortunately,
man interfered with the life of the river, convinced that
Područje oko izvorišta i okolno zemljište (do mosta everything is allowed. The rich and fertile strength of
na Perinuši), zakonom je zaštićeno 1971. godine kao the river slowly gives way to the new and cruel times.
poseban ihtiološki rezervat. Rijeka osigurava pitku
vodu stanovništvu Imotske krajine, a stanište je ne- The area around the spring (and all the way down to
kih endemskih vrsta i drugih različitih vrsta ribe, te the bridge on the river Perinuša) has been protected
je zanimljiva i poznata čak i europskim ihtiolozima. since 1971 as a special ichthyologic reserve. The river
Iako je rezervat površinom malen, odlikuje se viso- provides the whole Imotski region with fresh water. It is
kom kvalitetom vode, s obiljem riblje hrane. Vrljika also known to be the habitat for some endemic species
pripada jadranskom slijevu u kojemu je otkriveno of fish, as well as for other fish, which is interesting for
ukupno 28 endema (za razliku od dunavskoga, koji European ichthyologists. Although the surface of the
ima samo dva). reserve is small, the water is of high quality with an
abundance of food for the fish.
U Vrljici žive, iako ne i jedini endemi, dva poznata
roda koja još nisu dovoljno proučena: mekousta pa- The Vrljika belongs to the Adriatic river basin, the home
strva (Salmothymus obtusirostris), koju je pručavao of 28 endemic species (as opposed to the Danube Krešimir Pažur s Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u basin, where there are only two).
Zagrebu, i bjelonogi rak (Austropotamobius palli-
pes), čiju populaciju prati Goran Klobučar s Two endemic species in the Vrljika have not
PMF-a u Zagrebu. been studied in full detail yet: soft-muzzled trout
(Salmothymus obtusirostris), studied by Krešimir
Iz iskustva je poznato da se bjelonogi rak i imotska Pažur, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb,
gaovica, duboko zamrznuti i potom odmrznuti, ne- and white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius
koliko sati ponašaju kao tek ulovljeni tj. živi. Iako ko- pallipes), whose population is monitored by Goran
načna riječ o tim endemima još nije rečena, prou- Klobučar, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb.
čavanje usporava kroničan nedostatak sredstva za
istraživanje i zaštitu. Formalna i deklarativna zaštita It is widely known that white-clawed crayfish and
nije spomenutim vrstama osigurala preživljavanje, spotted minnow (gaovica) behave as if they were alive
pa se one i dalje svrstavaju među najugroženije. (i.e. as if they had just been caught) for several hours
after being frozen and defrosted. Although the final
conclusion about those endemic species has not been
reached yet, the research has been slowed down due
to a constant lack of means and protection. Formal and
declarative protection has not ensured the survival of
the above mentioned animals, so they are still on the
list of highly endangered species.

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Dr. sc. Krešimir Pažur, znanstveni suradnik Instituta While doing research on trout waters in Croatia,
za slatkovodno ribarstvo u Zagrebu i profesor na Krešimir Pažur, Ph.D., a scientific associate of the
Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Institute for Freshwater Fisheries in Zagreb and a
zajedno sa suradnicima (ing. Ivo Sabioncello, professor at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, and
prof. Sibila Marko), istražujući pastrvske vode u his associates (Engineer Ivo Sabioncello and Professor
Hrvatskoj, šezdesetih je godina prošlog stoljeća pro- Sibila Marko) studied the water of the Vrljika in the
učavao vodu Vrljike. Tom je prilikom ustanovljeno 1960s. They established that natural living conditions
da Vrljika ima najbolje prirodne uvjete za život me- for the endemic soft-muzzled trout were the best in
kouste endemske pastrve, jer se temperatura vode the Vrljika because the water temperature ranged
kreće oko biološkog optimuma, a vanjski su klimat- around the biological optimum and the climate
ski uvjeti povoljni, pa cijele godine ima kukaca koji outside the water was suitable for insects that fell into
padaju u vodu kao i obilje riječnoga račića “žmurka” the water throughout the year. Also, the water was rich
s kojim se hrane. Dakle, nema razdoblja zimskog gla- with the small crawfish žmurko, on which the trout
dovanja pastrva (kao npr. na Gackoj). Takvi povoljni feeds. Therefore, the trout did not have to go through
uvjeti u kojima je endemska pastrva mogla dosegnu- the winter period of starvation (like, for example, in
ti dosegnuti težinu i do 5 kg, promijenjeni su ljud- the river Gacka). Such conditions were suitable for
skom intervencijom, osobito krivolovom za vrijeme the endemic trout, which would grow up to weigh
mrijesta, a koji je svojedobno bio uzeo velikog maha. 5 kilos, but they have been changed by human
Pastrva se nerijetko se izlovljavala i dinamitom. intervention: poaching during the spawn season was
really cruel at some points (poachers would even use
Drugi veliki problem nastao je melioracijom dynamite to kill trout, which was also very dangerous).
Imotskog polja, kad je zbog natapanja razina vode Another problem was the amelioration of the Imotski
u rijeci za ljetnih mjeseci bila izrazito niska. I, konač- Valley because the irrigation of the soil lowered the
no, PK Vino-duhan-voće sedamdesetih je godina 20. water level drastically. And, finally, in the 1970s the
stoljeća u tri vala izazvao katastrofalni pomor ribe i Agricultural Collective Wine-Tobacco-Fruits released
bjelonogog raka, jer je ispustio toksični otpad pre- toxic waste (generated by the production of alcohol
ostao iz proizvodnje alkohola od datulja uvezenih from dates imported from Africa) in the river, causing
iz Afrike. Od toga se Vrljika do danas nije oporavi- three disastrous fish and crawfish kills. The Vrljika has
la. Nažalost, i dalje se nastavlja nesavjesno onečišći- never recovered from it. Unfortunately, people keep
vanje rijeke kanalizacijskim ispustima, ali i ispiranjem polluting the river with sewage or phosphate fertilizers
fosfatnih gnojiva i drugih agro-kemikalija s obradivih and other agricultural chemicals which are washed into
površina. the river from the surrounding cultivated areas.

Podsjećamo da je mekousta pastrva najstarija eu- We would again like to point out that soft-muzzled
ropska riba, endem koji živi samo u Vrljici i Jadru, a trout is the oldest European fish, an endemic fish living
preživjela je nekoliko valova ledenog doba, i još uvi- only in the Vrljika and the Jadro rivers. It has survived
jek nije sasvim proučena. Lako se može dogoditi da several ice ages and it has not yet been researched in
prije nego budu dokraja znanstveno istražene, nesta- full detail. The last specimens could disappear well
nu i posljednji primjerci. A mi ćemo tada, umjesto before the research is completed. We will then live by a
uz modru rijeku, živjeti uz mrtvi kanal. Zahvaljujući dead canal, not by a living river. And we will have only
sebi samima! ourselves to blame.

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Život uz rijeku nije se mogao zamisliti bez mlinica Life by the river was unimaginable without watermills. Na Perinuši još uvijek melje Gadžina mlinica, u kojoj Gadžo mill with its two millstones still works on the river
gdje su se ljudi okupljali čekajući na red za mljeve- People would gather around them, waiting for their rade dva žrvnja. Za vrijeme turske vlasti izgrađeno je Perinuša. During the Ottoman rule, several watermills
nje žita. U tom su čekanju viđali i upoznavali ljude turn to mill the grain. While waiting, they would see nekoliko mlinica, nasipi i brane od kaldarmane ze- were built and embankments and dams were made
iz drugih sela, izmjenjivali iskustva i vijesti, ljudika- and meet people from other villages, talk, exchange mlje. Obitelj Franceschi ih je u 18. stoljeću dogradila of gravel soil. The Franceschi family built several more
li. Odlazak u mlin bio je važan i poseban doživljaj, news, briefly - socialize. Going to the mill was an još nekoliko, pa je ukupno bilo 14 žrvnjeva. Austrija mills in the 18th century and there were 14 millstones in
a mlinari su u narodu uživali osobiti ugled. U mli- important and special event and millers enjoyed a great je zemljane brane i nasipe zamijenila kamenima koji total. Austria replaced the soil embankments and dams
nu bi se okupilo mnoštvo svijeta, noćilo se i čekalo reputation among people. Many people would gather do danas traju i odolijevaju vodi i zubu vremena. U with stone ones, which still resist the destructive forces
red. Najprije se mljelo onima koji su došli iz dalje- in watermills and even spend the night there, waiting sjećanju zadnjeg mlinara još uvijek žive slike minulog of water and time. The last miller still vividly remembers
ga. U dvorištima i štalama vezali bi se konji i maga- for their turn. Those coming from remote villages vremena, u zvuku žrvnja, mirisu bijelog brašna, slat- the old times, the sound of a millstone, the smell of
rad, isprezala se zaprežna kola. Bez mlinica se nije would go first. Horses and donkeys used to be tied ke pure od kukuruza brzovoda…U posljednjoj preo- white flour, the sweet corn mush … From time to time
mogao zamisliti život, a ovakvih nije bilo nadaleko. in yards and barns, wagons used to be unharnessed. staloj mlinici, samelje se ono malo pšenice, ječma i people still mill some wheat, barley, or corn in the last
Stanovnici okolice Livna i Tomislavgrada dolazili su Life was impossible without watermills and ours were kukuruza koliko se još sije u ovim krajevima – više iz remaining watermill. Not many crops are cultivated in
na meljavu u ovdašnje mlinice. really well-known. Even the inhabitants of Livno and želje za poznatim okusom nego radi koristi. the region any more, but the local population likes to
Tomislavgrad would come to mill their grain in them. mill them, more for the well-known taste than for any
Uz Vrljiku je, sve do Drugog svjetskog rata bilo mno- I nadalje se u mlinu i starim ljetnikovcima uz most real economic benefit.
go mlinica, među njima Pijanovića/Dujaševa mlinica, Before the Second World War there were many na Prinuši gnijezde lastavice, kao inače na mjestima
Markićuša, Patrljeva, Padića, Đogića, Bublin, Jelavića, watermills along the Vrljika, among them Pijanović- gdje žive dobri ljudi. Obilje kukaca uz vodu osigura- Swallows still nest in the watermill and in the old villas
Rudića, Bežovanova, Šarčevića, Ćukova, Vrandelića, Dujašev, Markićuš, Patrljev, Padić, Đogić, Buble, Jelavić, va hranu za ptiće – prizor je jednak onomu od prije by the bridge on the Perinuša. It is thought they nest
Lešinova… pa napoznatija Perinuša s 14 žrvnjeva, iz- Rudić, Bežovanov, Šarčević, Ćukov, Vrandelić and stotinu i više godina: baršunaste lastavice u niskom only in places where good people live. Lot of insects
građena još za vrijeme turske vladavine. Mnoge su Lešinov mills. The most famous of all was Perinuša mill letu, vilinski konjici brokatnih boja lebde nad vo- ensure enough food for the nestlings and the sight
mlinice podlegle zubu vremena, a samo im je ime with 14 millstones, built during the Ottoman Empire. dom, šum vode što se ruši kroz jažve i zvuk žrvnjeva is identical to that of hundreds of years ago: velvety
ostalo u sjećanju stanovnika ovog kraja. Many watermills have been destroyed by time. Only prizivaju sretnija i sjetnija sjećanja. Život vode i život swallows fly low, dragonflies of brocade colours float
their names remained in the memory of the local uz vodu! over the water and the sound of millstones and water
population. rushing down the canals evokes happier times when
life was concentrated around the mills on the Vrljika.

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Uto zapjeva slavuj i oglase se druge ptice. Kroz ispre- and sat on a rock. He hung his head and got lost in
pletene grane probije se zlatna zraka sunca, a niz nju, gloomy thoughts.
kao niz paukovu nit, spusti se vila. Uze začuđenog
starca za ruku i povede ga dublje među stabla, a on At that moment a nightingale sang and so did other
se nevoljko prepusti već unaprijed pripravan na sva- birds. A golden ray of light broke through entangled
ko zlo. Na proplanku zaklonjenom visokim stablima branches and a fairy slid down it, like down a spider’s
starac vidje sina Lovru gdje sjedi na panju i prebire po thread. She took the astonished old man by the
svirali. Mladić podigne pogled, a lice mu ozari osmijeh. hand and led him deeper in, between the trees. He
unwillingly let himself go, expecting the worst.
- Ćaća, sutra ću vaditi kumpir. San me danas prevario.
On a glade covered with tall trees, the old man saw
Otac u trenu shvati da se Lovre ne sjeća gdje je bio ci- his son Lovro sitting on a log and playing his flute. The
jele zime. Vila se nagne prema starcu, a on osjeti njezin young man looked up and a smile lit up his face.
šapat poput lagana daška:
- Father, I will dig up the potatoes tomorrow. I overslept
- A, ovo je Lovrina plaća! Dobro nam je zimus služio! today. I’m sorry.

Pljesne nato dlanom o dlan, kostele muklo zastenju u His father immediately realized that Lovro could not
svojim deblim, i u trenu se pretvore u vitke jablane za- remember where he had been all winter. The fairy
odjenute treperavim lišćem. Zatutnji zemljina utroba, leaned towards the old man and he felt her whispering
i uruši se posred čistine. Ukažu se dva okrugla jezerca voice like a soft breeze:
izvor-vode, a iz njih namah provre srebrna nit tek na-
stale rijeke. - And this is Lovro’s reward! He served us well this
- Dva Lovrina modra oka! Dva oka! – zvonko se na-
smije vila i netragom nestade. She clapped her hands, the hackberries moaned
heavily from their trunks and in a second they turned
Kao čudom, okiti se Imotsko polje. Visibabe i šareni into poplars with shivering leaves. The ground shook
kaćuni otvoriše svoje krunice pčelama i suncu, a mali from within and crumbled in the middle of the glade.
svijet kukaca užurba se među travom. Zasjele vile na Two round lakes appeared, two springs, and a silver
litice Badnjevica i promatrale kako niz polje, uz ljeska- line of a new river started to flow from them.
vo korito mlade rijeke, izrastaju jablani i vrbe, a priro-
da buja životom. Ljepota se prosu krajolikom. - Lovro’s two blue eyes! Two eyes! – The fairy giggled
DVA OKA TWO EYES loudly and vanished without a trace.
- Seke moje! Nema ljepšeg kraja pod žarkim suncem!
Beautiful flowers appeared in the Imotski Valley, as by
(Iz priča „U vilinskom kolu“ Maje Delić Peršen) a miracle: snowdrops and colourful orchids opened
(… ) Proljeće se tek slutilo u zraku kada je otac usnuo (…) Around the time when spring could already be their crowns to bees and the sun, while the small
čudan san: sin će ga sutra čekati kod Grbavčevih felt in the air, father dreamt a strange dream: his son world of insects started moving hurriedly through
kostela. Ne rekavši ženi ni riječi, zaputi se još za mraka would wait for him tomorrow near Grbavac mulberry the grass.Fairies sat on the cliffs of Badnjevice and
u udaljeni kutak polja, s nadom i strahom u srcu. trees. He did not say anything to his wife, but the next watched poplars and willows rise up in the valley,
Pješačio je žustro pola dana, a kad je ugledao gusti morning he got up before dawn and went to that along the shiny river bed of the new river: nature was
kostelov gaj što se, mračan i prijeteći, zbio pod strmim distant corner of the valley, hope and fear in his heart. vibrant with a new life.
polama, zastane i bolno uzdahne. Teška koraka He walked quickly for half a day and when he saw
približavao se golemim stablima obraslima vlažnom the dense hackberry grove, dark and threatening - My sisters, no place under the sun is more beautiful
mahovinom; zađe među njih i sjedne na kamen. under the almost vertical cliffs, he stopped and sighed than this valley!
Pognute glave utone u crne misli. painfully. Walking heavily, he came to the large trees
overgrown with damp moss, went in between them (From stories “In Fairies Circle” by Maja Delić Peršen)

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dva oka - Prvi zaron two eyes - First dive
lipanj 2012. June 2012.

Dva oka, Jezerine, Grbavčeva i Zdilarova jezera nazivi Two Eyes, Jezerine, Grbačeva, Zdilar’s Lakes are the
su za dva kružna jezerca koja su zapravo izvor rijeke names for two little circular lakes which are one of
Vrljike (jedan od pet), a nikad ne presušuju. Sjeverno five springs for river Vrljika and it never dries out.
jezerce ima promjer 42 m i duboko je 14 metara, a North lake has diameter of 42 meters and depth of
promjer južnoga je 44, uz dubinu oko 6 m. Kao i ostala 14 meters, where the south lake 44 meters in diameter
četiri izvora, ta su jezerca poseban ihtiološki rezervat, and 6 meters in depth. Just like other four springs,
odnosno zaštićeni spomenik prirode. Two Eyes are special ichthyologic reservation, and
protected monument of nature.
Ronilo se samo u sjevernom jezeru, koje je nešto bistri-
je, a na njegovu je dnu izvor iz kojega se, preko sedre- Dive was completed only in the northern lake which
ne barijere, voda prelijeva u donje jezero. Temperatura is somewhat clearer. At the bottom of it is a spring.
vode na površini je 20 °C, a na dnu samo 12 °C. Dno Water flows over calcareous sinter barier into the
jezerca uglavnom je prekriveno debelim naslagama southern lake. Water temperature on surface was 20
mulja, osim na mjestu gdje voda izvire, koje je čisto degrees centigrade, and at the bottom it went down
i kamenito. Uz samo dno, pokraj izvora, opaženo je to 12 degrees. The bottom of the lake is coverd with
jato endemske imotske gaovice koja se krila u korije- mire, except the spring it self which is clear and rocky.
njima panjeva. A flock of Imotska Gaovica (endemic fish) was seen
hiding within the roots of the trees growing on top.
Tim zaronom ronioci RK Crveno jezero istražili su sve
imotske modre vode i prikupili vrijedne hidrogeološke With this dive, divers explored all of lakes around
podatke; istraživanja su prijelaz iz mitskoga i vilinskog Imotski, and made valuable hydro-geological records.
vremena u novo, današnje vrijeme egzaktne znanosti, Explorations made a pass between mythical fairy
kada se razotkrivaju tajne prirode. Unatoč tome, im- times into present, the age of exact science when
presivni svijet krša i vode golica ljudsku maštu i nitko wonders and mysteries of nature are revealed. Despite
ne zna hoće li nas u budućnosti iznenaditi nekim no- all that, impressive world of carst and water wakens
vim čudima. human imagination, and there is way to know for sure
that nature will surprise us with new wonders.
Luka Kolovrat,
Luka Kolovrat,

(članovi RK Crveno jezero Imotski: Luka Kolovrat,

Ivica Ćosić, Ante Kukavica Fedor) (Divers Club Red Lake members – Luka Kolovrat,
Ivica Ćosić, Ante Fedor Kukavica)

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LOKVIČIĆKA JEZERA LOKVIČIĆI LAKES Imotska krajina obiluju jezerima i vrtačama. The Imotski region is rich in lakes and karst holes.
Međutim, dok su Modro i Crveno svjetski poznata However, while Blue Lake and Red Lake are well-known
jezera, mnoga druga do kojih nema ni prometnica, in the world, many others, equally attractive but
iako jednako atraktivna, gotovo su nepoznata. inaccessible by road, remain unknown.

U općini Lokvičići, koju čini pet sela, nalaze se čak In the municipality of Lokvičići, which consists of five
tri takva jezerska pastorka – Lokvičićko (ili Mamića villages, there are three such lakes – Lokvičići (or Mamić
jezero), Knezovića jezero i Galipovac. Ljepote tih Lake), Knezović Lake and Galipovac. The inhabitants
jezera jedva su poznate i stanovnicima obližnjega of Imotski are well aware of their beauty. The three
Imotskog. Ta tri jezera, zajedno s Prološkim, koje im lakes form a unique whole with Proložac Lake on the
je nasuprot, i Imotskim poljem koje je na tom po- opposite side and the part of the Imotski Valley called
dručju veći dio godine pod vodom, zbog čega se i the Proložac Mire, flooded most of the year.
zove Blato, tvore jedinstvenu cjelinu.
During the winter months and in the early spring,
Tijekom zimskih mjeseci i početkom proljeća vrela springs from the Studenci and Ričice plateaus become
s platoa Studenaca i Ričica povećavaju svoj kapaci- richer in water and rains are abundant, so a huge
tet te, zajedno s kišnicom, donose goleme količine amount of water flows into the west part of the
vode koje se ulijevaju u zapadni dio Imotskog polja, Imotski Valley, increasing the surface of Proložac Lake,
povećavajući tako površinu Prološkog jezera, koje se which pours into the Mire and floods 3 to 4 square
razlije u Blato i poplavi 3 – 4 km2. Dubina vode Blata kilometers. The depth of the Mire is 1 to 6 meters.
je 1 – 6 m.
Opposite Prološko Lake are Galipovac, Knezović, and
Nasuprot Prološkom jezeru nalaze se Galipovac, Lokvičići lakes. The biggest and the most famous of
Knezovića jezero i Lokvičićko jezero, od kojih je naj- them is Galipovac, located at the furthest northern
poznatije i najveće Galipovac, smješten uz najsjever- point of the Imotski Valley. Its cliffs are extremely steep
niju točku Imotskog polja. Stijene su mu izuzetno and it is easier to approach it through the lowest saddle
strme. Do vode se lakše može doći najnižim prije- on the edge of the Valley. Its dimensions are 170 by 115
vojem sedla uz samo polje. Dimenzije jezera su 170 meters and its depth over 60 meters, although it varies
x 115 m, a dubina mu je veća od 60 m, tj. varira do by 10 meters, depending on the season and the water
desetak metara, ovisno o godišnjem dobu i priljevu inflow. The bottom of the lake is silty, but the water is
vode. Dno jezera je muljevito, a voda je relativno bi- relatively clear, except when the inflow is abundant.
stra, osim u vrijeme pojačanog dotoka. Uz jezero su There are lookouts and resting places by the lake.
uređeni vidikovci i odmorišta.
To the south-west of Galipovac is Knezović Lake, a very
Jugozapadno od Galipovca, na maloj udaljenosti, steep and inaccessible hole. It is as hard to access as Red
nalazi se Knezovića jezero, izuzetno strma i nepri- Lake and there are other similarities between the two,
stupačna ponikva, koja se po nepristupačnosti, ali i but Knezović Lake is smaller. The water in the lake is
sličnosti, može mjeriti s Crvenim jezerom, premda je very clear and some 40 meters deep.
Knezovića jezero znatno manje. Voda u jezeru izu-
zetno je bistra, a duboka je 40-ak metara. The water level varies by ten meters in those three
lakes, but they never go dry, so it seems that there is
Voda u ta tri jezera oscilira i po desetak metara, ali constant water inflow. All of them are at the edges of
jezera nikada ne presuše zbog čega se pretpostavlja the Imotski Valley or the Mire and they are believed to

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da imaju siguran dotok vode. Sva tri jezera graniče be connected to it by underground waters. RONJENJE U LOKVIČIĆKOM JEZERU DIVING IN LOKVIČIći LAKE
s Imotskim poljem ili Blatom, a s velikom se vjero-
jatnošću može tvrditi da su s njim povezani podze- There are interesting sites around the lakes as well. All of
mnim vodotokovima. the four lakes and the Mire are intertwined with holes,
dry lakes, and the surrounding hills with scattered Lokvičićko ili Mamića jezero krajnje u nizu jezera. Lokvičići or Mamić Lake is the last lake in a string of
Ni sama okolica jezera ne oskudijeva zanimljivosti- gardens, cascading vineyards, stone constructions and Smješteno je na rubu Imotskog polja, u njemu ljeti lakes. Located at the edge of the Imotski Valley, it is
ma. Sva četiri jezera i Blato isprepleteni su vrtačama, many archaeological sites.. uživaju kupači. Ostali dio godine oaza je za ribiče koji attractive to swimmers during the summer. The rest of
suhim jezerima i brežuljcima po kojima su rasuti vr- pokušavaju uhvatiti pokojeg šarana. Voda je relativ- the year, it is an oasis for fishermen who try to catch a
tovi, kaskadni vinogradi, gradine i mnoga arheološka no bistra, a ovismo o dobu godine i mjestu mjerenja, carp or two. The water is relatively clear and 35 to 40
nalazišta. duboka je od 35 do 40 m. Jezero je muljevito, mjesti- meters deep, depending on the season and location.
mično s velikim kamenjem. The bottom is covered in silt, with a few large rocks
here and there.
Članovima RK „Crveno jezero“ iz Imotskog upravo
je ljepota tog niza jezera na rubu polja bila izazov, te It was the beauty of that string of lakes at the edge of
su nakon Crvenog i Modrog odlučili zaroniti i u nji- the Valley that was a great challenge to the members of
ma. Prvo je po redu bilo upravo Mamića jezero, i u the Red Lake Diving Club, who, after diving in Red Lake
njemu su, uz pomoć nekolicine mještana Lokvičića, and Blue Lake, decided to go into Mamić Lake. With
ostvarili prvi zaron. a little help from some of the inhabitants of Lokvičići,
they took their first dive.
Članovi kluba su do vode došli teškom mukom, s
ronilačkom opremom na leđima, nakon gotovo sat It was hard for the divers to descend to the water with
vremena spuštanja niz strme litice. Mali predah, pa the diving gear on their backs. It took them almost an
oblačenje ronilaca Berislava Šanića i Luke Kolovrata, hour to climb down the steep cliffs. They took a short
dok se ostatak ekipe uvelike kupao. break and then the divers Berislav Šanić and Luka
Kolovrat put on their suits. The rest of the team was
Na površini je temperatura vode bila 22 oC, na du- having a swim.
bini deset metara pala je na 9,5 oC, a na 25 m dubi-
ne ustalila se na nešto više od 8 oC, što je popriličan The temperature on the surface was 22 oC, but it was
izazov za 5 mm debela mokra odijela u kojima se 9.5 oC at 10 meters and 8 oC at 25 meters, which was
ronilo (bez čarapa i rukavica). Nakon prvih nekoliko quite a challenge for our 5-milimeter-thick wet suits
metara mutne vode, na dubini između 5 i 19 m voda with no socks or gloves. For the first few meters the
je zamjetno bistrija, zahvaljujući prije svega stjenovi- water was rather muddy, but at a depth of between 5
tim liticama koje se naglo, skoro okomito ruše pre- and 19 meters it became visibly clearer, thanks to the
ma dnu, gotovo 50 m duboko. Zbog hladnoće zaron steep rocky cliffs that reach the bottom at a depth of
je trajao samo pola sata almost 50 meters. It was very cold, so the dive lasted for
only half an hour.

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Zaron u Galipovac Dive into Lake Galipovac

Članovi RK Crveno jezero u svojoj želji da zarone u sva In their wish to dive into all of Imotski lakes, members
jezera Imotske krajine odradili su i dva zarona u jezero of Divers Club Red Lake Imotski conducted two dives
Galipovac i to 2009. i 2011. godine. into Lake Galipovac, one in 2009 and second one in
Osim sto je voda izrazito hladna, specifičnost ronje-
nja u većini jezera Imotske krajine, pa tako i u ovom, Besides water being very cold, diving into lakes around
jest problematično spuštanje ljudi i opreme do razine Imotski is accompanied by problematical descend for
vode sto uključuje i spuštanje niz strme stijene, sipar divers and carrying equipment down to the water.
koji se odronjava pod nogama, a sve s 20 – 30 kg opre- Going down the cliffs and slopes which can result in a
me na leđima. rock slides, and all that with 20 – 30kg of equipment
on your can be extremely difficult and dangerous.
Maksimalna dubina ronjenja bila je 42 metra. Prvih
dvadeset metara voda je izrazito mutna, temperatura Maximum deft of this dive was 42 meters. For the first
11-12 °C. Dublje, temperatura pada na 7 °C, a vidlji- 20 meters water is very blurry with temperatures of 11
vost postaje sve bolja. Tamno je i bistro, pa su uvjeti to12 degrees centigrade. Deeper they went it dropped
slični noćnom zaronu u moru. Oko stijena ima dosta down to 7 degrees. It’s dark but clear, so conditions are
ribe, a šarani se posve umire pod svijetlom te ih je mo- similar to night sea diving. There is a lot of fish around
guće uloviti rukom. the rocks, and under the diving lights some get so still
that you can catch them with your hands.
Na prvom zaronu u ekipi bili su Marko Kavelj,
Ivica i Marko Ćosić, Ðoka Grbić, Ante Rebić, Joško On first dive in 2009 crew was made of Marko Kavelj,
Vukosav, Luka Kolovrat, Dino Matković i Ante Ivica and Marko Ćosić, Ðoka Grbić, Ante Rebić,
Perkušić, dok su drugi put sudjelovali Luka Kolovrat, Joško Vukosav, Luka Kolovrat, Dino Matković and
Ivica Ćosić, Željko Čuljak, Joško Vukosav, Ante Ante Perkušić. The second dive had a little different
Kukavica, Davor Markota te gosti Vlado Stipčević, rooster, Luka Kolovrat, Ivica Ćosić, Željko Čuljak,
Lidija Lijić, Božo Vukičević, Matko Vojković, i Alina Joško Vukosav, Ante Kukavica, Davor Markota, and
Danet. guests Vlado Stipčević, Lidija Lijić, Božo Vukičević,
Matko Vojković, and Alina Danet.
Dakako, nakon zarona koji traje tek pola posla, treba
jos izvuci i opremu, prvo do oboda Galipovca, a po- Off course, after the dive which lasts for about half
tom i do automobila. Taj posao posebno teško pada an hour, all the equipment has to be brought up
roniocima koji preko ronilačkih čarapa oblače tenisice from the lake itself, over the Galipovac hill, and a bit
i uz pomoć užeta izvlače sebe i opremu uz ono nei- more to the cars. All of this is especially being hard
zbježno: “Što je meni danas ovo trebalo!”. on divers. Walking in shoes put on diving socks, and
pulling them self out with the gear by the rope is just
Luka Kolovrat, something that has to be done, and all of them said
the same thing: “What was I thinking!”

Luka Kolovrat,

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Prološko je blato močvarna regija Imotskog po- The Proložac Mire is a swampy part of the Imotski Valley
lja koje se prostire na površini od 10,24 km2. To je that covers the surface of 10.24 kilometers square. It is
prostrano poplavno područje u zapadnom dije- a vast area susceptible to flooding in the western part
lu Imotskog polja, koje je dio godine pod vodom, of the Valley. It is flooded during a part of the year, but
a samo je mali dio tog područja pod vodom cije- only a small portion of it is under water throughout
PROLOŠKO BLATO PROLOŽAC MIRE le godine (Prološko jezero). Blato je tipičan primjer the year (Prološko Lake). The Mire is a typical example
poplavnih krških polja u Dalmaciji, kakva su danas of flood-susceptible karst valleys in Dalmatia, which
uglavnom uništena odvodnjom, radi proširenja po- have mostly been destroyed by drainage aimed to
ljoprivrednih površina. Nesumnjiva je i njegova eko- expand arable land. It undoubtedly has an important
loška uloga kao staništa ptica močvarica, uglavnom ecological role as a habitat for swamp birds during the
na zimovanju i za vrijeme preleta. U krajobraznom wintertime and the time of their transit. The area is well-
smislu područje je do sada sačuvano, a zaštićeno preserved and has been protected since 1971. Prološko
je 1971. godine. Prološko je jezero duboko 35 m. Lake is 35 meters deep. The northern rocky part has
Njegov je sjeverni kameniti dio sačuvan, a južni je been preserved, but its southern part has disappeared
rub potpuno nestao, i ono se stopilo se s Blatom u completely and merged with the Mire into a unique
jedinstvenu vodenu površinu. water surface.

Za takvih poplava brežuljak Manastir u Imotskom During the flooding season, Manastir (Monastery) Hill
polju postaje otok na kojemu su se od 1493. godine in the Imotski Valley becomes an island. Franciscans
franjevci skrivali od Turaka (otuda mu ime). Prema were hiding on it from the Turks starting from 1493.
narodnim pričama, želeći se zaštititi od čestih i bru- According to folk tales, since the surrounding water
talnih upada Turaka, fratri su zatrpavali ponore ži- protected them from frequent and brutal Turkish
votinjskim kožama kako bi se voda oko otočića što attacks, friars would pile up animal skins in the holes
dulje zadržala. Vjeruje se da je to razlogom kasnijim to stop the water from flowing out. That is believed to
čestim poplavama istočnog dijela Imotskog polja. be the reason for later frequent flooding of the eastern
part of the Imotski Valley.

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Kanjon Badnjevice spaja Ričice i Proložac i jedna je u The Badnjevice Canyon connects Ričice and Proložac
nizu prirodnih zanimljivosti Imotske krajine o kojima and is one of the many unexplored natural phenomena
se malo zna. Prema nalazima, nekad su se davno u of the Imotski region. Certain findings support the
KANJON SUVAJE THE CANYON OF SUVAJA prapovijesno vrijeme u kanjonu nalazile mnoge pri- theory that a long time ago the canyon contained
rodne brane koje su stalno zadržavale vodu u pre- many natural dams which kept water restricted to the
BADNJEVICE BADNJEVICE djelu Ričica i tako stvarale manje jezero. Ričice area, thus forming a little lake.

Postupno je snaga vode koja se slijevala kroz kanjon Gradually, the force of water flowing down the
Badnjevice srušila prirodne brane i voda Ričičkog je- Badnjevice Canyon broke through the natural dams
zera otjecala je u Imotsko polje. To se događalo ot- and the water from Ričice Lake poured into the Imotski
prilike prije dolaska Rimljana na ovo područje. Valley.

Za Austro-Ugarske Monarhije tj. do 1918. godine, Under the rule of Austria-Hungary, i.e. until 1918, some
uređen je donji dio kanjona i izgrađeno pet kame- works were done in the lower part of the canyon
nih pregrada, za što je utrošeno tadašnjih 328 zlatnih and five stone dams were built. They cost 328 gold
kruna. Nakon tih zahvata, smanjile su se bujice koje crowns, but after their construction fewer torrents
su nadirale iz kanjona i nanosile znatne štete poljo- from the canyon would do severe damage to the local
privredi, poplavljujući zapadni dio Imotskog polja. agricultural production and flood the western part of
the Imotski Valley.
Izgradnjom brane Ričice i akumulacijskog jezera za-
ustavljeni su nagli prodori vode. Brana je sagrađena The dam of Ričice and an accumulative lake stopped
u sklopu sustava za natapanje Imotskog polja, ali za sudden breaches of water. The dam was built as a
njegovo potpuno uređenje potrebno je obaviti broj- part of the irrigation system for the Imotski Valley, but
ne opsežne radove. much work remains to be done in order to finish the
whole project.
Donji dio kanjona omiljeno je kupalište Proložana, a
kada se od Prološca krene uzvodno prema Ričicama, The people of Proložac love swimming in the lower
kanjon i rijeka Suvaja koja njime protječe vrlo brzo part of the canyon. The canyon and the river Suvaja
pokažu sve svoje draži. Stalno se izmjenjuju niska really show their charms upstream from Proložac,
voda koja se može pregaziti i vodeni džepovi duboki towards Ričice, where the water runs fast. Low water,
i po nekoliko metara, koje treba preplivati ili se mo- which you can walk over, constantly alternates with
raju zaobići po kamenjaru i šikari. water basins several meters deep, which you must
either swim across or walk around through shrubbery
Rječica Suvaja bogata je ribom, rakovima i žabama, and rocks.
a u vodi se često vide neotrovne zmije bjelouške.
Kamenjar obrastao mediteranskom vegetacijom The river Suvaja is rich in fish, crabs, and frogs and it
stanište je poskoka, najotrovnije europske zmije. is very common to see non-poisonous ring-snakes
in it. The surrounding rocky ground covered in
Na nekoliko su mjesta gusto šiblje i oborena stabla Mediterranean vegetation is the habitat for Europe’s
premostili vodu. Što više odmičemo uzvodno i pri- most poisonous snake, horned viper.
bližavamo se Ričicama, stijene kanjona postaju sve
strmije i nepristupačnije. Na klisurama se vide osta- At a few places thick shrubbery and fallen trees bridge
ci nekadašnjih četiriju utvrda kojima su se koristili the river. The more upstream we go, towards Ričice, the
Rimljani, a kasnije i Turci. Blizu kraja kanjona, u pre- steeper and the more inaccessible become the canyon
djelu zvanom Skakala, obilazak nije moguć. Strme i cliffs. Remains of four Roman towers, later used by the
glatke litice na nekim mjestima sužavaju kanjon na Turks, are clearly visible on the cliffs. The part called
nekoliko desetaka centimetara, a za vrijeme višeg Skakala (the jumping place) near the end of the canyon
vodostaja potrebno je preroniti ispod uglavljenog is rather inaccessible. Smooth steep cliffs narrow the

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kamena. Roneći ispod tog kamena mnogi mladići canyon down to a dozen of centimeters and when the
prolaze svojevrsnu inicijaciju time dokazujući zrelost water level is higher, you must dive under a jammed
i muževnost. rock if you want to cross it. Diving under the rock is a
sort of initiation for many young men who prove their
Uzvodno se dolazi do kraja kanjona koji je ujedno i maturity and manhood that way.
najatraktivniji. Ulazite u tamu i labirint pećina, vode
i smeđkastih stijena, koje u određeno doba dana, u Upstream is the end of the canyon, which is the most
igri Sunčevih zraka, tvore jedinstveni prizor. Izlaz iz attractive part of it. You enter a dark labyrinth of caves,
tog labirinta i samog kanjona moguć je samo pe- water, and brownish rocks, which make a unique
njanjem uz dvadesetak metara visok zid, za što je spectacle at a certain time of day, when sunrays play
potrebna alpinistička oprema. U kanjonu obitavaju upon them. It is possible to exit the labyrinth and the
jata divljih golubova koji, preplašeni ljudskom pri- canyon itself only if you climb the twenty-meter high
sutnošću, uzlijeću iz svojih pećina, a lepet njihovih wall, a challenge that requires the use of the alpinist gear.
krila, nošen jekom, dugo odzvanja među liticama. The canyon is home for many flocks of wild pigeons,
Doživljaj je jedinstven i vrlo dojmljiv. which, frightened by the presence of man, fly up from
the caves while the flapping of their wings, carried by
an echo, resounds among the cliffs. It is a unique and a
very impressive experience.

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RIČIĆKO ZELENO JEZERO GREEN LAKE RIČICE U cestovnoj i svekolikoj izolaciji, na sjeverozapad- There is an accumulative lake at the north-west end
nom rubu Imotske krajine, uz samo granicu sa su- of the Imotski region, by the border with Bosnia and
sjednom Bosnom i Hercegovinom, smjestilo se aku- Herzegovina. It is isolated in every way and the local
mulacijsko jezero prozvano zelenim, čudo vode što population calls it Green Lake. It is a miracle - water
su je pitomi brežuljci stisnuli u modre meandre: squeezed by tame hills into a blue meander, an artificial
umjetno jezero, nimalo nalik na ovdašnje krške pro- lake nothing like other karst holes where wild pigeons
punte iz kojih izlijeću divlji golubovi. Krajolik je neo- fly up into the sky. The landscape is unusual and looks
bičan i posve nalik jezerima sa švicarskih razglednica. very much like a postcard of Swiss lakes. Parts of the
Uz osam kilometara jezerske obale rasuti su ljupki lovely village of Ričice are scattered along the eight
zaseoci sela Ričice. kilometers of the lake’s shore.

Akumulaciju napajaju dvije rječice, Ričina i Vrbica. Two small rivers, the Ričina and the Vrbica, provide
Brana je izgrađena 1985. godine s namjerom da the lake with water. A dam was built in 1985 to
obuzda iznenadne prodore vode i povodnje u po- prevent sudden breaches of water into the valley and
lju, a voda iz akumulacije trebala je služiti natapanju. the water from the lake was to be used for irrigation.
Melioracijski sustav koji bi odvodio vodu iz akumu- Unfortunately, the land-improvement system, which
lacije, na žalost nikada nije izgrađen, pa je branom would bring water from the accumulative lake to the
zaustavljena voda stvorila novo jezero. valley, has never been built and the water stopped by
the dam formed a new lake.
Takozvano Zeleno ričićko jezero, koje je potopilo
kuće i polja izmijenilo je krajolik, a ljudi su se ma- Green Lake Ričice flooded the houses and the fields
hom iselili u potrazi za boljim životom. Onima koji and changed the landscape. The population soon
su ostali uz vodu, život je poprimio drugačiji sadržaj, emigrated, looking for a better life. Life changed for
ustvari, nastala je nova kvaliteta življenja s vodom i those who stayed by the water and became focused
oko nje, pa se nerijetko nailazi na čamce, jedrilice, on other things. Actually, people have learned to live
ribiče i kupače što ovom skrovitom kutku Imotske with the water and around it, so boats, sailing boats,
krajine otvara nadu u povratak iseljenih žitelja. fishermen, and swimmers are a common sight and
the inhabitants of that secluded corner of the Imotski
Govori se da u selu ima 66 izvora pitke vode, iako region have started hoping that the emigrants will
njihov broj varira jer neki izvori periodično presušu- return some day.
ju, a drugi se otvaraju. Čini se da je u prapovijesti ov-
dje bilo jezero s razinom vode višom od današnje o It is said there are 66 water springs in the village, but
čemu svjedoče brojni fosili morske faune pronađe- their number varies because some springs dry out
ni u okolnim stijenama, a u strukturi kamena vidlji- and others become active only periodically. Fossils of
vi su obluci nalik morskima. Sustavnog istraživanja sea fauna found in the surrounding rocks and pebbles
nije bilo. Jedino što se pouzdano zna da je predio bio in the rock structure which resemble those in the sea
naseljen od prapovijesti, a mnogi arheološki nalazi lead us to believe that there was a lake there once
iz rimske i kasnijih kultura svjedoče o geostrateškoj before, with a higher water level than today. Systematic
važnosti ovog područja. research has never been done. The only thing that is
known for sure is that the area has been populated
since the prehistoric times and many archaeological
sites from the Roman and other subsequent periods
testify to the geostrategic importance of the area.

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Dužinom obronaka što sa sjevera tonu u polje, od Along the slopes which sink into the valley in the north,
Grančića do Rebića kuća i dalje prema istoku, do- there is water that floods the ground literally under
slovce ispod svakog kamena izvire voda i poplavlju- every rock from Grančić’s to Rebić’s house and further
je tlo. Kvrgave stare vrbe obrubljuju vodene posjede to the east. Lumpy old willows surround watery estates
starosjedilaca što za ljetnih vrućina presuše i postaju of the local population, which dry out in the summer
KRENICE KRENICE SPRINGS zeleni pašnjaci. Izvor-vode se povuku u dubinu da heat and become green pastures. Springs retreat deep
sačuvaju snagu, krajolik prelazi iz plavog u zeleno, a underground to keep their strength, the landscape
endemska imotska gaovica (Phoxinellus adsperus), s changes from blue to green, and the endemic spotted
vodom se povlači u podzemna jezera, rijeke i vrela minnow (Phoxinellus adsperus) follows the water into
da bi, kad kiše dođu, izbila na površinu u jatima za- underground lakes, rivers, and springs, but emerges
jedno s novom vodom. Kreketanje žaba, patke, šaš, back to the surface in flocks with the new water when
mali svijet kukaca, biljno i životinjsko bogatstvo i mi- rains return. The croaking of frogs, ducks, reed, the
ris vode, stvaraju osobit ugođaj, potpuno netipičan tiny world of insects, the richness of flora and fauna,
za „bezvodni“ krš. and the scent of water create a special effect, totally
atypical for waterless karst. Krenice occupy an area
Krenice zauzimaju prostor polja dug približno je- one kilometer long and 200 meters deep. Springs water
dan kilometar i dubok oko 200 m. Voda je na vre- is up to 8 meters and when the springs dry out, only
lima duboka i do 8 m, a kad presuši, ostaju duboke scary deep pits remain. The locals believe that there is
jame. Stanovnici drže da se na dubini od petnaestak an underground lake some 15 meters under Krenice.
metara ispod Krenica nalazi veliko podzemno jezero. When geological research was conducted around the
Kad su rađena geološka bušenja na izvorištima, voda springs, water would sometimes gush up under high
je katkad izbijala pod velikim tlakom poput gejzira, pressure, just like in geysers, even though the springs
iako je na površini već bila presahnula. had already dried out.

Legedna o propuntavanju Gavanovih dvora povezu- The legend about the sinking of Gavan’s Estate says
je to mjesto s utapanjem jednog od Gavanove djece, that one of their children was drowned there: he fell
koje se survalo u dubinu vrela. Veza između jezerske into a deep spring. There is a bond between the lake
vode i izvorâ na Krenicama postoji u narodnoj pre- water and the springs of Krenice in folk tales, as well
daji, ali i pamćenju, jer se po vodostaju u Modrom as in the memory of the people there: you can tell
jezeru može odrediti približno vrijeme kada će izvo- when the springs will come to life by the water level
ri provreti. Voda je hladna i ukusna, odlična za piće. in Blue Lake. The water is cold and tasty, excellent to
Nažalost, mnoga su vrela zbog ljudskog nemara za- drink. Unfortunately, many springs have been buried
trpana, ali još uvijek postoje Čančića vrilo, Vileničino due to human negligence, but Čančić, Vileničko, and
i Kupinjak, na kojemu je za vrijeme Turaka izgrađe- Kupinjak springs are still there. During the Turkish rule,
na mala akumulacija i vodenica. To je ujedno jedino a small accumulative lake and a water mill were built on
vrelo na kojemu nikada nema ribe. Kupinjak. That is the only spring where fish never come
to the surface.
Prema legendi, na ovom osobitom predjelu, koji je
svojevrstan kontrapunkt kamenjaru okolnih brda, According to a legend, fairies live in that special
žive vile koje noću silaze iz Vinjana Gornjih, preko part of the valley which is a counterpoint to the
Grede niz Vrbanj, i na rosnim livadama igraju kolo, surrounding rocky hills. They come down at night to
čiji krug uvijek mora ostati otvoren. Tim bajkovitim dewy meadows where they dance in a circle that must
noćnim bićima nikada nije dana moć da postanu sa- always remain open. Those fantasy nocturnal creatures
vršena, kao što je puni krug savršeni oblik, nego žive have never been given the power to be perfect, like a
kao nesavršena i tajanstvena bića uz ljudska naselja, full circle – they are imperfect and mysterious creatures
ispredaju svoje čarolije i ostavljaju ugažene polumje- that live by human settlements, do their magic and
sečaste tragove na rosnoj travi Krenica, da podsjete leave crescent-like tracks on the dewy grass of Krenice
ljude na svoju prisutnost. Za svaki slučaj! to remind people of their presence. Just in case!

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Imotska gaovica Imotska Gaovica
Endemska vrsta Endemic fish

Slovenska znanstvenica Anja Palandačić je, nakon Anja Palandačić, scientist from Slovenia, after years
višegodisnjih istraživanja, u travnju 2011. obrani- of research, in April of 2011, dissertate her thesis
la doktorsku tezu “Molekularna ekologija imotske – Molecular ecology of Imotska Gaovica. By
gaovice”. Istražujuci genetsko miješanje gaovica ko- researching the gene cross breading of gaovica types
jih osim imotske ima još 6 srodnih vrsta (porodica (there are six more types of this species – family
cyprinida), došla je do vrijednih saznanja, između of cyprinida), she came to valuable discovery that
ostalih i da je, unatoč jakoj povezanosti nadzemnih i Imotska gaovica is still pure in molecular aspect, even
podzemnih vodotokova u kršu i sposobnosti migri- it is capable to migrate through carst channels both
ranja gaovice od nekoliko kilometara u podzemnim on and below ground for miles, and that it lived in
vodotokovima, imotska gaovica, s molekularnog as- middle Miocene, some 13 million years ago. Gaovica is
pekta, ostala je samosvojna riba koja je kao takva ži- internationally protected species by Bern Convention
vjela još u srednjem miocenu tj. prije 13 milijuna go- and European directive, all for the sake of raising the
dina. Gaovica je međunarodno zaštićena Bernskom consciousness of local population on importance
konvencijom i Europskom direktivom, a u cilju podi- of it. Anja Palandačić, held a seminar in Imotski and
zanja svijesti o vrijednosti vrste među lokalnim sta- distributed large number of pamphlets with some
novništvom, Anja Palandačić održala je predavanje basic information on this, most probably oldest fish
u Imotskom i distribuirala letke s osnovnim podaci- species in the world.
ma o ovoj, vjerojatno najstarijoj ribljoj vrsti na svijetu.

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2007. godine svjedočili smo nastanku novog jezera Last year, in 2007, we witnessed the making of a new
u jugozapadnom dijelu Imotskog polja. Zemlja se lake in the south-west part of the Imotski Valley. The
iznenada urušila u promjeru 70 x 50 m, a utonuće se ground suddenly collapsed and the 50 to 70 meter
NOVONASTALO JEZERO BUĆUŠA NEW LAKE BUĆUŠA ispunilo vodom. wide hole filled with water.

Okolni stanovnici jezeru su dali naziv Bućuša, a nje- People from the area named the lake Bućuša (Splash)
govo je nastajanje izazvalo nemalu bojazan jer se po- and its creation caused great concern because it is
lako širi, a vjerojatno i produbljuje. Geolozi o ovoj slowly spreading and probably getting deeper as well.
pojavi još nisu izrekli svoj sud, ali je ona očit dokaz Geologists have not commented on the event, but it
kako nas priroda uvijek može iznenaditi. Stanovnici is a convincing proof that nature can always surprise
Imotske krajine, navikli živjeti uz suha i vodena jezera us. The people of the region, used to living by dry
i jame, nisu se previše začudili ovoj pojavi. lakes, freshwater lakes, and pits, were not particularly

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Krš je osobito određen posebnim površinskim ob- Karst is characterized particulary by special landforms
licima i podzemnom dreniranjem. Različiti utjecaji and subsurface drainage. The various action of water
vode rezultiraju varijacijama nadzemnih i podzemnih result in numerous variation of surface and sub-
krških oblika, također su zaslužni za nastajanje razno- surface karst forms. They also bring about distinctive
likih geološko-morfoloskih oblika, i jos više, osobite flo- geologic-morfologic forms, and more strikingly, specific
BRISTA BRISTA re i faune. Hidrologija kao znanstvena disciplina, iako flora and fauna. The scientific discipline of hydrology,
kroz dugo etabliranu znanost, ne može se lako primi- altrough a long-established science, cannot easiliy
jeniti na krške krajeve koji imaju jako složen drenažni be applied to karst region with their very complex
sustav. Osobit pristup je međutim potreban kako bi drainage system. A special approach is therefore
se shvatilo i predvidjelo kruženje vode u tim podrućji- necessary to understand and predict water circulation
ma. (...) Ujedno je istina da se prva teorija o kruženju in these areas. (...) It is equally true that the first
vode u kršu razvila sukladno iskustvima stečenim u theories on water circulation in karst were developed
području dinarskog krša. To se lako može i objasniti according to experiences in Dinaric karst. This can
činjenicom da stanovnici tih područja nemaju mjesta easily be explained. Inhabitants in those areas had
za bijeg kao što je slučaj u drugim zemljama. no place to which to escape, as was the case in other
Prof Ognjen Bonacci, Karst Hydrology, Spring-Verlag,
Berlin / Heidelberg 1987 Prof Ognjen Bonacci, Karst Hydrology, Spring-Verlag,
Berlin / Heidelberg 1987
U jedinoj naseljenoj vrtači Bristi koju voda povreme-
no plavi sve do ruba kuća naselja Vilenice, ljudi još In a unique settle circ Brista which is temporary under
uvijek žive između suše i povodnja. Mišljenje isku- water untill the edge of a small village named Vilenice,
snog stručnjaka više je nego primjenjivo na neistra- the people still live between drought and flooding
ženu kršku vrtaču. Prije svih budućih znanstvenih periods. Opinion of prestigious expert is more than
istraživanja, vile iz Briste stanovat će i dalje u dječjim applicable to this noninvestigated karstic landform.
pričama. Untill the time of future scientific researches, fairies
from Brista will live in children-tales.

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Oduvijek smo prijateljevali s čatrnjama u našim dvo- We have always liked wells in our backyards, courts, and
rištima, avlijama, vrtlima. Iz tajanstvene hladne dubi- gardens. We would get water from their mysterious
ne grabili smo sićom vodu dok bi lanac veselo zvec- cold depths, while the chains on the buckets would
kao o krunu. Duboko dolje, na uznemirenoj površini, rattle gaily against the crowns of the wells. Deep down,
zrcalio se odraz naših lica kojega smo upamtili i nosili in the rippled water, we could see a mirror image of our
ČATRNJE THE STORY OF THE WELLS kroz život kao vlastitu mjeru. faces. We remembered it and carried it through life as
our personal standard.
Prvi pisani spomen cisterni nalazimo kod Moabljana
( Krista), ali i tisućljećima ranije, kao npr. u People living in karst learned how to preserve water a
Mikeni gdje je pronađena cisterna ispod same kra- long time ago. Supplies of rainwater, collected during
ljevske palače. Cisterne su također građene u rim- the short rainy season, were supposed to last until the
skim logorima (castrumima), čiji je položaj bio uvje- next abundant rain. Initially, wells were cut in stone
tovan vojno-strateškim razlozima, a u blizini nije bilo where water was easy to collect or where the ground
izvora ili rijeka. was watertight. Little by little, thanks to modern
construction materials, public wells of a larger capacity
Ljudi u kršu odavno su znali kako sačuvati vodu. started to be built. Therefore, the deposit or perimeter
Zalihe kišnice sakupljene u kratkoj kišnoj sezo- (an inclined surface for collecting water made of
ni trebale su potrajati do slijedećih obilnijih kiša. interlocking smooth stone plates and enclosed by
Prvobitno su čatrnje dubljene u živcu kamenu i to a wall) occupied a large area, often a large portion of
na mjestima gdje je bilo moguće sabirati vodu ili je a hill, like in Krstatice. Later, wells were built closer to
tlo bilo nepropusno. houses and the water collected from the roofs was
channelled into them by flutes. The upper flat surface
Pojavom suvremenijih građevinskih materijala, malo of a well would often become a terrace protected
pomalo, počele su se graditi i javne čatrnje veće za- from the sun by an awning of grapevines. The enclosed
premine. Stoga je naplav ili perimetar (sabirna kosina opening of a well is called a crown. It is built of carved
međusobno povezanih glatkih kamenih ploča ogra- stone or monolith and a metal bucket is placed above
đena zidom) zauzimao veliku površinu, često znatan it. Its ruff rustic beauty is a perfect counterpart to a
dio brda, kao npr. u Krstaticama. crown in an old town palace, decorated with artistic
and architectural motifs. However, every crown is
Naknadno se čatrnje sve više približavaju kući, a immensely valuable because of its function and
voda se žljebovima slijeva s krovova. Gornja ravna symbolism. That is how a crown of a well got its name:
površina nad čatrnjom nerijetko se pretvarala u tera- it is a royal symbol and the most precious ornament.
cu natkrivenu odrnom, koja je pružala dodatnu za-
štitu od sunca. Ograđeni otvor čatrnje zove se kruna, The well in our photograph is an old friars’ well built
zidana klesanim kamenom ili je monolitna, a iznad by Friar Stipan Vrljić, the first guardian of the military
krune visio je metalni sić. U svojoj krutoj rustici takva parish Our Lady of Angels, after the Turks were forced to
kruna po ljepoti jedva zaostaje za krunama u starim leave Imotski (in 1717). It was built with the monastery
gradskim palačama u kojima su najčešće umjetnički and finished in 1774. The well was meant to be for
izrađene primjenom arhitektonskih i kiparskih deko- public use, while the friars used an older well inside the
rativnih elemenata. Ipak, svaka je kruna nemjerljivo monastery, which remained from the Turkish period.
vrijedna u svojoj funkciji i simbolici, stoga joj i na- Even today the water in the well is kept crystal clear,
ziv potječe od kraljevskog simbola i najskupocjeni- just in case of an emergency, and Franciscans attire its
jeg uresa. crown with red geraniums instead of crown jewels.

Na našoj fotografiji snimljena je stara fratarska čatrnja The lack of fresh water became a global issue. Millions
koju je prvi gvardijan vojne župe Gospe od anđela, of people in undeveloped countries cannot have even
fra Stipan Vrljić, nakon izgona Turaka iz Imotskoga a glass of water a day and the problem affects children
(1717.), gradio istodobno sa samostanom, i završio and the disabled most. Today, when we champion

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1774.godine. Čatrnja je bila namijenjena javnoj upo- sustainable development and reasonable use of natural
trebi, dok su fratri za svoje potrebe koristili još stariju resources, we keep forgetting the ancient skill of water
unutrašnju čatrnju zaostalu iz turskog doba. Danas preservation, known to civilizations for thousands of
u njoj miruje kristalna voda, zlu ne trebalo, a imotski years.
fratri ovjenčaju joj krunu crvenim điranima za ugo-
du oku. The Moabs were the first to write about water tanks in
the 8th century B.C., but remains of water tanks date
Nedostatak pitke vode postao je prvorazredni svjet- from much earlier periods - a tank was found under the
ski problem. Milijuni ljudi u siromašnim zemljama royal palace in Mycenae. Cisterns were built in Roman
Azije i Afrike nemaju niti jednu čašu vode dnevno, camps (castra) because sometimes there would be no
a najugroženija su djeca i nemoćni. springs or rivers near them, since their location was
determined by military and strategic goals.
U današnje vrijeme, kada zagovaramo održivi razvi-
tak i razumno gospodarenje prirodnim resursima, Unfortunately, even in our region perimeters of many
zanemarili smo drevna znanja čuvanja pitke vode public wells are overgrown with weeds and tanks are
poznata civilizaciji već više tisućljeća. damaged or even buried. Maybe we should finally
consider the possibility to restore many of our wells,
Nažalost, i u našem kraju, perimetri mnogih javnih not just for cultural and historical reasons, but also
čatrnja obrasli su korovom, a spremnici su oštećeni because water preserved in their cold depths is very
ili čak zatrpani. Ne bismo li konačno trebali razmisliti valuable - it means life!
o ponovnom osposobljavanju mnogih naših čatrnja,
i to ne samo zbog kulturno-povijesnih razloga, nego The rhythm of karst waters was always known. They
zbog dragocjene vode koja, očuvana u hladnoj du- flew in the sky, earth and underworld over winter, and
bini, znači sam život. during the summer only under the ground. Like one
poet said, “Well is a cube of house water”, a place where
Oduvijek se znao krški ritam voda, zimi su tekle ne- it was stored by magic and turned into blood.
bom, zemljom i podzemljem, a ljeti samo pod ze-
mljom. Kako reče pjesnik “čatrnja je kocka kućne Water from numerous house wells of Imotski is no
vode”, mjesto gdje se, čudom, voda pretvarala u krv. longer needed for anyone, for the water comes through
water supply, pipes, but hard times are sensed to come,
Voda iz brojnih imotskih čatrnja više nikomu ne tre- when we will make pilgrimage to house wells that are
ba jer stiže u kuće vodovodom, cijevima, no već se left to live; to us, new age humans, only fairies will show
sluti zlo vrijeme kada ćemo zahvalno hodočastiti na the way that is overgrown with thorns and bush.
čatrnje što su preostale; nama novovjekim žednim
putnicima samo će vile pokazivati put što je dračom

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Kad sam pozvana da napišem kratki osvrt o ovoj When I was asked to write a review of this book, I
knjizi, željela sam vjerovati da razlog tome nije moje wanted to believe that the reason for it was not my job
zanimanje i moj dugogodišnji rad u uglednoj izda- and many years of service in a respectable publishing
vačkoj kući, nego činjenica da sam Imoćanka. A mi house, but the fact that I am from Imotski. And people
Imoćani, ma gdje bili, uvijek ostajemo braća po ka- from Imotski, wherever they might be, remain brothers
POGOVOR EPILOGUE menu. A kako sam usto Bazaranka na „privremenom in stone for life. Since I am from Bazana and temporary
radu u Zagrebu“ (i tako, evo, već gotovo 40 godi- working in Zagreb (for some 40 years now), I am afraid
na), bojim se da moj tekst ne bude previše emoti- that my text will be overly emotional. Namely, I still
van. Naime, ja još duboko vjerujem da nebo nigdje deeply believe that there is no other place on earth
nije tako modro kao u mome Imotskom, da kamen where the sky is that blue, stone on the facades of
nigdje nije toliko bijel i topao kao na pročeljima dra- town houses that white and warm, and water that
gih kuća moga grada, ni da vode nigdje nisu tako divinely clear. Science says that the bond between man
božanstveno bistre. Znanost kaže da je čovjek iskon- and water is primal and unbreakable. I truly believe it.
ski i neraskidivo povezan s vodom. I ja istinski vjeru- Remembering my childhood, I can see the images of
jem u to. Prisjećajući se svog djetinjstva, prisjećam the clear and cold Vrljika, which literary meant life for
se prozirne i hladne Vrljike, koja nam je doslovce ži- us and my first awkward and insecure strokes in Blue
vot značila. Vraćaju mi se i slike mojih prvih nespret- Lake while I was learning how to swim. It seemed to
nih i bojažljivih zaveslaja rukama u Modrom jezeru me then that swimming was as important as walking.
dok sam pokušavala naučiti plivati, kad mi se činilo I remember how I admired Blue and Red Lake and
da je znati plivati jednako važno kao i znati hodati. how afraid I was of them at the same time. I often
Sjećam se koliko sam se divila Modrome i Crvenom stood speechless in front of their terrifying beauty and
jezeru i istodobno ih se bojala. Često sam ostajala mystery of their steep cliffs. But today, when I hold this
nijema pred zastrašujućom ljepotom i tajanstveno- beautiful monograph of my home, I am aware that I
šću njihovih strmih litica. No kad danas držim u ruci lived my childhood in a miraculously tame harmony of
ovu prelijepu malu zavičajnu monografiju, postajem karst and water, which I carry with me through life as a
svjesna da sam živjela djetinjstvo u čudesno pito- priceless gift.
mom skladu krša i vode koji sam ponijela sa sobom
u život kao neizmjerno drag zavežljaj. I like to say that books like this are food for the
soul, candy-monographs. Only the top masters of
Ja za ovakve knjige znam reći da su poslastica za photography and nature lovers knew how to pick the
dušu, da su bonbončić - monografije. Samo su vr- right motifs, how to make springs and the Vrljika unveil
hunski majstori fotografije i zaljubljenici u prirodu their glamorous beauty, how to dive into the dark, cold,
znali odabrati prave motive, ponukati izvore i Vrljiku threatening depths of Red Lake or to make us see the
da se pokažu u svoj svojoj raskošnoj ljepoti, zaro- clearness of karst streams through a lens.
niti u mračnu, hladnu i prijeteću dubinu Crvenog
jezera ili nam objektivom dočarati bistrinu krških I am honestly thrilled that we are richer for yet another
vodotoka. book about the land of my childhood. All those who
keep Imotski in their hearts will be exhilarated and I
Iskreno me veseli da smo bogatiji za još jednu zavi- hope the book will find its way to all the hearts open to
čajnu knjigu. Njoj će se razveseliti svi oni kojima je the beauty of the preserved, almost untouched nature
Imotski u srcu, a nadam se da će pronaći put do onih presented on the pages of this book. It is the beauty
koji su otvoreni za ljepotu sačuvane, gotovo neta- of Imotski, the beauty of rock and water that I call my
knute prirode. A upravo nam se takva nudi na stra- own. And I know I will always feel that way.
nicama ove knjige. Imotska ljepota kamena i vode,
koju i ja osjećam svojom. I znam tako će biti uvijek. Zlata (Marinović) Babić

Zlata (Marinović) Babić

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MAJA DELIĆ PERŠEN luka kolovrat

Rođena 1947. Gimnaziju završila u Imotskom, stu- Born in 1947. After graduating from Imotski high rođen je 1971. godine. Osnovnu i srednju školu za- Born in 1971. Graduated from Imotski high school and
dirala romanske jezike na Filozofskom fakultetu u school studied romance languages at the University vršio je u Imotskom, potom Fakultet organizacije i Varaždin School of Organization and Informatics of
Zagrebu. Bavila se prevođenjem za više redakci- of Zagreb. Former translator for Vjesnik newspaper informatike u Varaždinu. Pisao je i fotografirao za the University of Zagreb. Journalist and photographer
ja NIPa Vjesnik, objavljivala reportaže i intervjue u group and former journalist in Vjesnik and Slobodna Slobodnu Dalmaciju, Imotske novine, Imotsku kra- in various dailies and periodicals: Slobodna Dalmacija,
Vjesniku i Slobodnoj Dalmaciji, književne i likov- Dalmacija dailies. Wrote literary and art reviews for jinu, Makarsku kroniku, Hrvatske vode, Otvoreno Imotske novine, Imotska krajina, Makarska kronika,
ne kritike u Imotskim novinama, priče za djecu u the local newspaper Imotske novine, children stories more, a trenutno je urednik ronjenja u časopisu Hrvatske vode, Otvoreno more. In Navigator magazine
Modroj lasti, reportaže u glasilu Franjevačkog sa- for Modra lasta and texts for Franciscan monastery’s Navigator i glavni urednik portala o ronjenju www. edits diving section. Editor-in-chief of www.gorgonija.
mostana Imotski Grad na gori. Godinama pisala bulletin “Imotski Grad na gori”. Long-time collaborator i gradskog portala com (diving web-site) and (official
uvodne teme za međunarodni festival mandolinista of international mandolin festival Mandolina Imota. municipality web-site).
Mandolina Imota. Bila je uvodničarka i recenzentica Wrote prefaces and reviews for numerous books Ronjenjem se aktivno se bavi od 1989. godine, a do
većeg broja knjiga (osobito poezije), s autorskim tek- (especially poetry collections) and monographs sada je održao dvije samostalne izložbe na temu Since 1989, active diver and underwater photographer
stovima sudjelovala u vise zavičajnih monografija (U dedicated to her native region (“U kamenu čvor”, podvodne fotografije kojom se također godinama with two realized individual exhibitions.
kamenu čvor i Glumci u Zagvozdu). “Glumci u Zagvozdu”). bavi.
Co-author of monograph “Blue Waters of Imotski”
Godine 2006. objavila je zapaženu radio-dramu Author of radio drama “1717 - Liberation of Imotski 2008. s Majom Delić Peršen objavljuje prvo izdanje (with Maja Delić Peršen), 2008.
Oslobođenje Imotskog od Turaka AD 1717. from the Turks”, 2006. knjige Imotske modre vode, a suautori pripremaju i
dvije preostale knjige zavičajne trilogije. Head of Tourist Board of Imotski..
2007. (u suautorstvu) objavljuje zavičajnu monogra- Co-author of monograph “Imotski on postcards”, 2007.
fiju Imotski u razglednici. Živi u Imotskom, radi kao direktor ureda Turističke
Co-author of monograph “Blue Waters of Imotski” zajednice.
2008. s Lukom Kolovratom objavljuje prvo izdanje (with Luka Kolovrat), 2008.
knjige Imotske modre vode, a suautori pripremaju i
dvije preostale knjige zavičajne trilogije. Author of a short story collection “U vilinskom kolu”,
based on folk-lore, 2009.
2009. objavljuje godine zbirku priča zasnovanih na
imotskoj etnološkoj baštini U vilinskom kolu. Lives and works under the kind sun of Imotski.

Pod dobrim imotskim suncem diše i piše.

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