Sheet 1

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Water Resources Engineering

Sheet No.1
1. By drawing only, define the following terms
-The hydrological cycle and the Logic correlation among its processes
-Drainage basin processes and its delineation
2. The volume of ocean water is 1338x106 km3. The runoff from rivers is
44.7 x103 km3/year and the flow from groundwater is 2.2 x10 3km3/year.
The precipitation on the ocean is 1270 mm /year (The ocean area is 361.3
x 106 km2). Estimate the residence time of water molecules in the ocean
(in years).
3. For the contour lines for a catchment area shown below, draw its

4. For the shown streamlines, State the stream orders. Then, draw the
water divides for catchment and sub-catchments informing the maximum
and minimum numbers of sub-catchments.

Dr.Wael Elham Mohamed

Water Resources Engineering
5. In a given year, a catchment with an area of 2500km2 received 130 cm
of precipitation. The average flow rate measured in the river draining the
catchment was 30m3/s.
1) How much runoff reached the river for the year (in m3)?
2) Estimate the amount of water lost due to the combined effects of
evapotranspiration and infiltration to groundwater (in m3)?
3) How much precipitation is converted into river runoff (in percentage)?

6. A lake has a surface area of 7.0x105 m2. During a given month, the
mean inflow to the lake was 2.5m3/s. The increase in stored lake volume
was observed to be 6.5x105 m3. Precipitation during the same month was
250mm and evaporation was 420mm. calculate the outflow from the lake
for the same month.

Dr.Wael Elham Mohamed

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