IR Theory Presentation

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IR Theory Presentation

What Is the Relationship Between Politics and Ethics in International Relations?

What is Politics and Ethics?
● Morgenthau defines politics as the pursuit of power. He also defines ethics as rational
calculations of actions on set principles.
● This has made the debate on ethics’ role in politics contentious
Why is there a difference in opinion?
● Politicians and philosophers have disputed over whether ethics and politics are
intertwined and synonymous. They differ on whether ethics is needed to make
successful political decisions or not?

● In this presentation I argue that ethics and politics are synonymous, as humans are
innately moral.
○ Therefore if those making the political decisions are human then politics and
ethics cannot be separated.
● Additionally I argue that ethics provides a commonality between states which
encourages cooperation and prevents anarchy
● Lastly, just as humans are innately moral the political system is innately immoral,
therefore politics will always have elements of injustice whereby states are obligated to
sacrifice ethics for the good of the nation

To establish my First Argument:

Why do some believe ethics and politics are not connected?
● Critics argue that ethics has no place in international relations, rather it is a ‘dog eat dog’
world with the most capable states dominating society and thus working in their own self
This argument on its own is flawed as it neglects the constant attempts made by states to
cooperate such as through IGOs like the UN.
This leads to my next question: Do statesmen only make decisions out of self interest?
● I believe that states seek peace due to their moral responsibility as humans.
● This is evident in Morgenthau’s article ‘The Evil of Politics and the Ethics of Evil’ despite
his pessimistic view of human nature, even he can acknowledge that whilst humans are
animalistic by nature they still uphold a sense of morality.
● This is furthered by Lebow who highlights that during the Enlightenment people
recognised the tensions between social roles and ‘our inner selves’.
● Therefore political leaders are in constant moral conflict between choosing to do the
ethical thing or politically correct thing. Morgenthau emphasizes that the political system
by nature is immoral which causes this conflict.
● Nevertheless classical realists like Morgenthau and Thucydides suggest that foreign
policies should conform to the ethics of their time.
● These ideologies have been put into practice today and have granted us the declaration
of Human Rights as well as several peace treaties.

Second argument:
However this causes some to argue that if states act ethically and take moral considerations in
politics then how come states make unethical political decisions such as the bombing of Japan
in 1945?
● Morgenthau argues that ‘when a statesman is confronted by two actions one being more
ethical than the other, however the other results in a more desirable outcome, the
statesman will choose the latter.
● This is because the individual is moral in private capacity however the political system
forces them to make decisions that sacrifice innocent lives for what they believe to be for
the good of the nation which society for the most part accepts.
● Morgenthau argues that the statesman or global actors will subordinate all ethical
considerations in seeking a political goal. This is supported by Lebow who suggests that
states are willing to put aside ethics in exchange for things that they believe to be the
greater good, for example national security. A prime example of this is the war on terror
in the Middle East by the United States. This put thousands of civilians at risk in order to
gain security for the West. Therefore it is clear that politicians sacrifice ethics in the
pursuit of national interest.

What is the benefit of using Ethics in Politics?

● Wright suggests that by basing decisions on a shared set of principles allows states’
interests to become aligned.
● Ethics promotes cooperation which is vital in a world of complex interdependence
○ This is evident in the recent Paris Climate Deal whereby states came to a
solution of using NDCs that are legally binding in order to improve the climate
● Machiavelli argues that ‘the best political leaders are not the most ethical ones but are
the ones that are able to defend and enrich their state’.
○ In contrast Lebow argues that Ethics is the basis of social behaviour and
provides a common standard for states and therefore without it states have no
reason to not cause havoc thus ethics is the only way to achieve a common
ground between states
To conclude it is evident that ethics and politics have a significant relationship in international
relations but it is impossible to formulate decisions without the consideration of ethics as
according to Lebow. This is due to the fact that those making political decisions are innately
moral and thus have a moral responsibility to consider ethics. Individuals are built on the basis
of community and therefore it is vital that states cooperate through IGOs in order to prevent
global anarchy. Lastly, I argue alongside Morgenthau and Thucydides that foreign policies
should conform to the ethics of their time to prevent violence as in the state of nature, although
states are sometimes obligated to make unethical decisions in the aim of national security.

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