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Research Article

Transportation Research Record

Ó The Author(s) 2024
Tram-Pedestrian Collision Modeling Article reuse guidelines:
Using Experimental Data—Its Validation, DOI: 10.1177/03611981231225432

Repeatability, and Challenges: A Pilot


Hynek Purs1 , Martin Kuklik1 , Frantisek Lopot2 , Petr Kubovy3 ,

Karel Jelen4 , Tommi Tikkanen5, Roman Jezdik6, Lukas Fara7 , and
Lubos Tomsovsky3

To satisfy the needs of growing urban populations, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and improve the environmental
conditions and quality of life in cities, there has been an increasing demand for public transport, especially effective and eco-
nomically beneficial trams. As a consequence, the issue of pedestrians’ safety has become more important because of a higher
risk of tram-pedestrian collisions. The article is focused on the development of a computational model that can accurately
simulate such collisions, and its challenges and limitations. Experiments were conducted using various types of trams, different
impact speeds, and an anthropomorphic test device (dummy). Computational models of the tram front ends were created
based on CAD geometry supplied by VÚKV a.s. The finite-element mesh itself used a combination of 1D, 2D, and 3D ele-
ments. Depending on the shape of the individual components, TRIA, QUAD, HEX, PENTA, and TETRA elements were used
for modeling. The results showed that the consequences of these collisions are sensitive to small differences in the posture
of the dummies. Therefore, it is difficult to identify a generally more pedestrian-friendly shape for trams using the dummy-
tram crash test method.

tram collisions, pedestrian, safety, computational modeling, crash test, dummy

In 2019, there were 3,262 reported traffic collisions This paper is a follow-up to a study by Lopot et al.
involving pedestrians in the Czech Republic reported to which described a pilot experiment verifying the feasibil-
the police (1). Of these, 104 were collisions between trams ity of a series of tram-pedestrian collision experiments in
and pedestrians. Twelve injuries that resulted from these
collisions were classified as ‘‘severe’’ and, in four cases,
the injuries were fatal (1). A severe injury is defined as 1
Advanced Engineering s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
only a serious impairment of health or a serious illness; Department of Designing and Machine Components, Czech Technical
the classification is determined primarily by a doctor, University, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Sport Sciences and Biomedicine, Charles University,
and no specific standard is applied. A general and global
Prague, Czech Republic
trend in the number of tram-pedestrian collisions, where 4
First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
trams are part of the public transportation, has been sta- 5
GIM Oy, Espoo, Finland
ble over the years. The statistics of tram-pedestrian colli- Research, Development, and Testing of Railway Rolling Stock (VUKV a.s.),
sions also play a key role in the so-called ‘‘Vision Zero’’ Prague, Czech Republic
Skoda Transportation a.s., Pilsen, Czech Republic
strategies of the European Commission, which aim to
improve traffic safety such that no person is seriously Corresponding Author:
injured or killed on European roads by 2050 (2). Lubos Tomsovsky,
2 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

many speed and impact configuration variations (3). Crash tests were conducted for four different impact
That paper focused on the process of analyzing and vali- speeds (5, 10, 15, and 20 km/h), which were selected on
dating a computational model of one chosen collision the basis of internal statistics of impact speeds from the
scenario, and the challenges and limitations for future Prague Transport Company, with the same, one-collision
methods of computational modeling. This could signifi- scenario, involving a dummy standing with its left
cantly reduce the need for conducting real crash-test shoulder toward the approaching tram (side impact).
experiments that are more costly and time-consuming. One collision was carried out for each tram and speed.
The study was part of a long-term project funded by The tram driver was instructed to hit the dummy at the
Operational Programme Research, Development, and prescribed speed and to start braking the tram at the
Education CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008401. The over- moment of impact using a service brake. All crash tests
all goal of the project was to improve pedestrian safety were performed by the same driver on a dry, clean tram-
before, during, and after a collision with a tram. While way track at an ambient temperature of approximately
the protection of pedestrians in relation to cars is cov- 22°C, humidity of approximately 60%, and in daylight.
ered by type-approval regulations in the EU (Regulation A dummy—the Hybrid III 50th Percentile Male
[EC] No. 78/2009 and the resulting UN/ECE R. 127), Pedestrian by Jasti, Tokyo, Japan—representing a typi-
there is no binding legislative framework for trams yet cal male (according to automotive standards—175 cm
(4, 5). This presented an additional motivation of this tall and 78 kg weight) was equipped with integrated
paper and the whole project. accelerometers and gyroscopes in the head, chest, and
pelvis and with tension-measuring devices in the pelvis,
spine, and forearms. The recording frequency of the
Methods wireless systems was 20 kHz, and it was synchronized
with other external measuring devices. It was placed side-
The Experiment Protocol and Data Collection
ways toward the approaching tram at a distance equal to
Five different tram types, typical of Prague’s public the 15% value of half of the tram width from the center
transport, were used for the crash tests. Three of them line toward one end of the track, and standing with feet
(T3R.PLF, KT8D5, and T6A5 tram types) represented level with the top of the rail. This configuration was in
an older, high-floor design with a negative slope of the line with the current recommendations of the Technical
lower part of the front ends, a bumper located at the hip Report (CEN/TR 17420:2020) by the European
height of a normal adult, and a windscreen edge located Committee for Standardization (CEN) (6). The report is
approximately at head height (Figure 1). Two others focused on the vehicle end design for trams and light rail
(14T and 15T) were of a modern, low-floor design with a vehicles concerning pedestrian safety.
positive slope of the lower part of the front end, and with Experimental data were collected from crash tests per-
a bumper and windscreen located much lower compared formed on a 200 m straight tramway track at the testing
with the older tram types (Figure 2). facilities of VÚKV a.s. The collision occurred

Figure 1. Lateral views of profiles of older tram types: T3R.PLF Figure 2. Lateral views of profiles of modern tram types: 14T
(left); KT8D5 (the same as T6A5) (right). (left); 15T (right).
Purs et al 3

approximately halfway along this length. The configura- where

tion of devices providing kinematic and video analyses is L = length,
shown in Figure 3. R = width, and
The kinematic data were collected using the Qualisys t = thickness.
motion capture system (Qualisys AB, Göteborg, To simplify and increase the efficacy of the calcula-
Sweden). Two sets of four cameras, with a recording fre- tions, the bolts and bar components were represented by
quency of 300 Hz, were used; one set only captured the 1D elements of the beam type, the ends of which were
primary impact of collision while the other set captured tied to the corresponding hole by a rigid 1D element
the whole collision from a distance. Passive reflective (Figure 5).
markers were attached to the dummy’s head, torso, Each finite-element mesh must have met the quality
thighs, lower leg, and the tram’s front end. The video criteria according to the prescribed and recommended
analysis was provided by two ultra-high-speed cameras requirements with respect to the solver used later. The
(Photron, Tokyo, Japan), one recording the primary most basic criterion when using the Radioss explicit sol-
impact at a frequency of 12000 Hz, and the other ver is the minimum element size, which was set to 3 mm
recording the whole collision from a distance at a fre- for the tram application. While the element size is more
quency of 500 Hz. of a practical aspect determining mainly the computa-
tional time, the other criteria are mainly related to the
accuracy of the later interpreted results.
Computational Models of Trams’ Front Ends
The computational models of trams’ front ends were cre-
ated on the basis of CAD geometry supplied by VÚKV
a.s. (Figure 4). The finite-element mesh itself used a com-
bination of 1D, 2D and 3D elements. Depending on the
shape of the individual components, TRIA, QUAD,
HEX, PENTA, and TETRA elements were used for
After considering whether the components were thin-
walled or thick-walled, a mesh of 2D or 3D elements was
created. The model considered the ratio of length or
width to thickness (Equation 1). The mesh had an aver-
age element size of 10 mm.

L=t.10 _ R=t.10 ð1Þ

Figure 4. The computational models of the trams’ front ends.

Figure 3. The configuration of camera systems to collect the

kinematic data and provide a video analysis of the whole tram-
pedestrian collision.
Note: Black lines = the tramway tracks; blue lines = the field of view of the
ultra-high-speed camera capturing the whole collision scene from a
distance; green lines = the field of view of the motion capture system; red
lines = the field of view of the ultra-high-speed camera capturing the
primary impact between the dummy and tram. Figure 5. A beam-type element in a model of the 14T tram type.
4 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Altair Radioss is a versatile finite element solver cre- dependent acceleration curve for the abdomen, chest,
ated by Altair Engineering. It effectively solves linear head, and both thighs and shins of the dummy.
and non-linear problems using implicit and explicit inte- The project used a basic model of the virtual Hybrid
gration schemes. This multidisciplinary solver empowers III seated dummy (Altair Engineering Inc., Michigan,
designers to optimize various performance aspects such US) which was included in the Radioss solver, to repre-
as durability, NVH (Noise, Vibration, and Harshness sent a pedestrian. For the application of the model in the
analysis), crash safety, manufacturability, and fluid- tram-pedestrian collision scenario, it was necessary to
structure interaction. modify the dummy based on the modifications made in
The tram front ends were modeled, including the rein- the real experiment. These modifications to the physical
forcement and other structural components, the strength dummy could not be quantified parametrically.
characteristics of which significantly influenced the crash Therefore, all changes to the virtual dummy were esti-
test results and their consequences. The main body of mated in a qualified manner using experimental data.
the tram was then considered as perfectly rigid, and it The first major modification was turning an originally
was modeled in that way (see the light blue component seated dummy into a standing (pedestrian) dummy.
in Figure 6). The models of the trams’ front ends con- Related to this, some modifications to the mesh in the
sisted of 190,000 to 345,000 elements, depending on the joint regions were necessary because the rotation of
tram type. joints was associated with the movement of individual
The material of all individual components was mod- nodes and thus negatively affected the quality of the
eled based on information provided by VUKV a.s. The mesh. At the same time, a standing dummy necessitated
model was dominated by an isotropic elastoplastic mate- adjusting the stiffness of the joints, especially in the lower
rial definition (/MAT/LAW36). The Johnson-Cook limbs. Furthermore, the geometry and stiffness of the
model was another applied material model, internally shoulder joint were modified because the shoulder joint
referred to as /MAT/LAW2, which defines the elasto- was covered by a foam-damping element in the real side-
plastic behavior using a group of parameters. The last- impact collision scenario.
used type of model (/MAT/LAW27) combined an isotro- The individual parts of the dummy, representing parts
pic elastoplastic Johnson-Cook material model with an of the human body, consisted of four sub-components.
orthotropic brittle failure model. This material model The skeleton carrying the muscle mass was simulated by
was used for the material definition of the tram wind- a set of rigid 1D elements, which were interconnected by
screen, which could be viewed as a composite of two 1D flexible elements—joints. The muscle tissue, because
glass layers and a film. of its 3D nature, was modeled using 3D elements, and
the outer surface of the dummy, representing the skin,
was created using 2D elements. The 3D muscle elements
A Computational Model of the Dummy were found on every part of the dummy’s body except
The dummy was equipped with accelerometers (at seven the hands, which were made of 2D elements for simpli-
precisely defined locations) that provided output infor- city. In most cases, the muscle mass of each part was
mation about the acceleration of the measured locations. made up of four layers of 3D elements. The head and
The defined accelerometer outputs provided a time- foot models were exceptions. These parts were modeled
as two layers.
The muscle tissue was modeled as a viscoelastic foam-
based material using a generalized Maxwell-Kelvin-Voigt
model, where the viscosity is based on the Navier equa-
tions. The skin of dummy was modeled as a 2D mesh
replicating the outer surface of the muscle. Three types
of skin elements were applied in the model:

 Skin elements at the joints: There were no muscle

elements at the joints, but only superficial elements
with an assigned thickness of 1 mm, which had a
higher stiffness than the rest of the skin.
 Skin elements on hands: Only skin elements with-
out muscle elements were used on the hands. The
material parameters of these elements were also
chosen and validated to have a lower stiffness and
Figure 6. The inner view of the model of the tram front end. not negatively affect the correlation of the model
Purs et al 5

under real conditions with a forceful contact of validated standing dummy for side impact. However, as
the hands with the tram. the simulations had confirmed, even minor adjustments
 Skin elements on the rest of body: 1 mm thick sur- to joint stiffness caused large differences in the kine-
face elements were applied to the rest of the body. matics (and therefore dynamics) of the dummy after
impact. For effective test repeatability, the adjustments
For the skin elements, a simple linear elastic model need to be standardized in future.
was applied in the hands and joints area. For the other The second challenge, to simulate the real experiment
skin structure, the Johnson-Cook material model was precisely, was the inaccurate positioning of the dummy. It
used. was observed that even the slightest deviation from the
The skeleton of dummy was made of rigid 1D ele- prescribed dummy position greatly affected the resulting
ments attaching all muscle mass to itself. Each body part acceleration curves (both in the real experiment and, of
had its own rigid element replacing the bone. These ele- course, in the simulation). The sensitivity of the experi-
ments were then connected to each other by a 1D spring ment was significantly higher in this aspect than, for exam-
element, which was able to simulate a real joint including ple, the sensitivity to changes in the characteristics of the
its stiffness characteristics. This was a spring element tram structure. Thus, if the dummy was incorrectly posi-
that was able to control the relative motion of the con- tioned by just a few centimeters, the safety characteristics
nected components using user-defined stiffnesses. These of the tram front ends could not be compared with each
could be specified in three directions for both the transla- other. An example of this challenge was demonstrated
tional and rotational motion. The rotational stiffness using various positionings of the dummy’s left hand (the
was defined by the dependence on the joint rotation and hand facing the approaching tram). Figure 7 shows three
the resistance moment. The same as in the case of real different positions of the dummy’s left hand, which only
human joints, movement in some directions was com- varied by minor changes, with all other parts of the dum-
pletely restricted, partially restricted, or free. my’s body remaining the same. However, these minor
In the current dummy model, there were three type-7 changes resulted in significant differences of the head,
contacts ensuring correct interaction of the involved parts thorax, and pelvis acceleration curves (Figure 8).
of the dummy. A dummy model containing one global The results in Figure 8 show differences of the accelera-
contact was fully sufficient for the 15 km/h preliminary tion curve measured for various hand positions. Not only
models. However, at higher speeds, large deformations of did the hand position significantly affect the acceleration in
the dummy head parts occurred, leading to frequent the pelvis—which was predictable as the pelvis/hip area was
numerical instabilities. To increase the robustness of the always a part of the initial contact between the tram and
computational model, the head region of dummy was dummy—but there was an obvious difference in the accel-
redesigned. Originally, only the outer layer of the 2D ele- eration curve in the case of the head as well. Whether the
ments representing the skin was extended to include a arm was positioned parallel to the torso, or it was slightly
layer of 2D elements and the inner side of 3D elements. offset from the torso, the position always caused differences
Subsequently, a pair of local contacts was implemented in both the acceleration peak and the shape of the
between the outer and inner 2D element layers of the head
to ensure numerical stability under large deformations.

Based on the data from real experiments, validation of
the computational models was performed using an itera-
tive procedure. The aim was to find the correct values of
parameters that were not known from the measurements.
The validated computational models could then be used
to simulate further impacts without the need for costly
physical experiments.
Two challenges were identified during the validation
that needed to be faced concerning effective repeatability
(or taking the experiment into virtual form). The first of
these has already been mentioned above and dealt with
non-standard modifications of the dummy from the sit- Figure 7. Three different positions of the dummy’s left hand
ting to standing position. These modifications were made toward the approaching tram.
for objective reasons, such as the lack of a suitable Note: blue = hand position 1; pink = hand position 2; green = hand position 3.
6 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

initial conditions, especially the dummy’s position. Thus,

the safety assessment procedure used can be recom-
mended for a range of simulations of specific collision
scenarios. A few of them could be found below:

 Verification of the consequences for precise impact

configurations and exact pedestrian position
 Verification of the quality of the safety measures
implemented (both passive and active safety)
 Setting the target functions of active safety systems
according to the beyond-design-basis safety assess-
ment approach (7, 8)

On the other hand, this is not a procedure that would

be suitable for standardized assessment of passive safety
of tramway front ends, or their comparison. There are
two major problems in this context. The first one is that
the repeatability of the exact position of the dummy is
very difficult to achieve, and inefficient. The second issue
is that even small changes in the dummy position signifi-
cantly affect the measured biomechanical criteria.
Therefore, it would be difficult to justify the standardiza-
tion of exact position, or positions, for the safety certifi-
cation. It can be assumed that any statistical forensic
research focused on the tram-pedestrian collisions cannot
define the most probable or most dangerous positions of
pedestrians (dummies) with sufficient precision to mini-
mize the effects of experimental sensitivity (e.g., various
hand positions mentioned above).

The experiment and its simulation have the benefit of
Figure 8. Resulting acceleration curves for different hand providing a validated model that can now be used to
position variants: head acceleration resultant (top); thorax accurately simulate other previously untested, and very
acceleration resultant (middle); pelvis acceleration resultant
specific, impact scenarios and configurations. With the
validated model, we will obtain very accurate predictions
of the actual consequences of such specific collisions.
acceleration curve. The maximum head acceleration mea- Future simulations in this case have a great benefit, espe-
sured in the real experiment then differed by almost a factor cially in significantly lower financial and time require-
of two (in the case of the worst scenario) which, when con- ments compared with physical experiments that would
verted to biomechanical injury criteria, could result in mul- otherwise have to be performed for such analyses.
tifold differences. This difference was given by the A benefit of the validation process is also the recogni-
kinematics of the dummy’s body movement. Considering a tion that the results (concerning the consequences of
system analysis perspective, the results represented a sensi- these and similar tram-pedestrian collisions) are
tivity analysis of the system with several simulations sug- extremely sensitive to small differences in the dummy’s
gesting a high sensitivity of the system to given inputs, that posture—small changes in the position of the limbs, of
is, the position of the limbs and other body parts, both rela- even a few centimeters, can result in significant differ-
tive to the tram front end and to each other. ences of acceleration in the area of impact, as well as the
other body parts of the dummy. This leads us to the
fairly clear conclusion that it is difficult to find a shape
of tram front end that is generally more pedestrian-
The results show that impact dynamics, acceleration friendly by this method of testing. At the same time, it
curves, and biomechanical criteria were very sensitive to can be clearly recommended to test the pedestrian safety
Purs et al 7

of tram front ends (in the sense of one of the safety char- VVV (Operational Program—Research, Development, and
acteristics of specific tram types) in a way other than the Education), grant number CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008401.
one presented here (tram-dummy crash test), either phy-
sically or by simulation. ORCID iDs
Looking at the knowledge and experience gained, it
Hynek Purs
can be said that the creation of an artificial intelligence Martin Kuklik
model that would be able to predict the expected conse- Frantisek Lopot
quences of a collision based on input parameters (speed, Petr Kubovy
position, collision scenario) is unrealistic. This is pre- Karel Jelen
cisely in view of the great variability and sensitivity of Lukas Fara
the collision consequences depending on the small nuan- Lubos Tomsovsky
ces of the positioning of the different parts of the dum-
my’s body.
In the light of the experience gained, a procedure simi-
lar to that used in the automotive industry appears to be 1. Centrum dopravnı´ho výzkumu. Nehody v ČR, Statistiky
a more appropriate procedure for objective, standardized [online]. Accessed
March 23, 2021.
evaluation of tram front ends. That means throwing
2. European Commission. EU Road Safety Policy Framework
impactors of different shapes against different areas of 2021–2030 - Next Steps Towards ‘‘Vision Zero’’ [online].
the front end. Further research is recommended to verify
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Between a Pedestrian and Tram - Pilot Experiment. Manu-
Author Contributions facturing Technology, Vol. 19, No. 6, 2019, pp. 998–1002.
The authors confirm their contribution to the paper as follows:
study conception and design: Hynek Purs, Martin Kuklik, 6/998.
Roman Jezdik, Frantisek Lopot, Karel Jelen; data collection: 4. European Parliament and of the Council. Regulation (EC)
Martin Kuklik, Frantisek Lopot, Petr Kubovy, Lubos No 78/2009. 2009.
Tomsovsky; analysis and interpretation of results: Hynek Purs, 5. ECE. Regulation No. 127 - Uniform Provisions Concerning
Martin Kuklik, Petr Kubovy, Roman Jezdik, Lukas Fara, the Approval of Motor Vehicles with Regard to Their Pedes-
Tommi Tikkanen; draft manuscript preparation: Hynek Purs, trian Safety Performance. 2012.
Martin Kuklik, Petr Kubovy, Lubos Tomsovsky, Roman eli/reg/2020/638/oj. Accessed March 25, 2021.
Jezdik. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final 6. CEN. CEN/TR 17420:2020 - Railway Applications - Vehicle
version of the manuscript. End Design for Trams and Light Rail Vehicles with Respect
to Pedestrian Safety. 2020.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
tr-17420-2020. Accessed March 25, 2021.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with 7. Reiterer, F., J. Zhou, J. Kovanda, V. Rulc, V. Kemka, and
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this L. Del Re. Beyond-Design-Basis Evaluation of Advanced
article. Driver Assistance Systems. Proc., IEEE Intelligent Vehicles
Symposium (IV), Paris, France, IEEE, New York, 2019,
pp. 2119–2124.
8. Kovanda, J., and V. Rulc. Pre-Crash Control Strategy of
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup- Driver Assistance System. Neural Network World, Vol. 31,
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this No. 1, 2021, pp. 77–88.
article: This article was written as part of the project by OP 2021.31.004.

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