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The __________ is a pair of keys that have been selected so that if one is used for encryption, the

other is used for decryption.

a. public and private key

Captures keystrokes to allow attacker to monitor sensitive information.

a. Keylogger

In _______________ some cyber-criminals redirect the legitimate users to different phishing

sites and web pages via emails, ads and spyware.

c. Phishing

A(n) __________ is an action, device, procedure, or technique that reduces a threat, a

vulnerability, or an attack by eliminating or preventing it, by minimizing the harm it can cause,
or by discovering and reporting it so that correct action can be taken.

b. countermeasure

The first step in devising security services and mechanisms is to develop a

security policy.


Crossover error rate (CER) refers to which of the following graphical intersections?

d. False rejection rate and false acceptance rate

Which of the following is an example of two-factor authentication?

c. A PIN and an RFID card

______________ is an internet scam done by cyber-criminals where the user is convinced

digitally to provide confidential information.

a. Phishing attack

The sensitivity adjustment on a biometric authentication device affects which of the following?

b. False acceptance rate and false rejection rate

Backdoors are also known as ______________

d. Trapdoors

The purpose of a __________ is to produce a “fingerprint” of a file, message, or other block of


d. hash function

A flaw or weakness in a system’s design, implementation, or operation and management that

could be exploited to violate the system’s security policy is a __________.
b. vulnerability

Computer security is essentially a battle of wits between a perpetrator who

tries to find holes and the administrator who tries to close them.


___________ A portion of the virus creates a random encryption key and

encrypts the remainder of the virus.

c. Encrypted Virus

Contingency planning is a functional area that primarily requires computer

security technical measures.


The original message or data that is fed into the algorithm is __________.

d. plaintext

____________ perform automated DoS (Denial of Service) attacks on a targeted web address.

a. DDoS-Trojan

__________ is a procedure that allows communicating parties to verify that received or stored
messages are authentic.

c. Message authentication

Once activated __________ can enable ____________to spy on the victim, steal their sensitive
information & gain backdoor access to the system.

c. trojans, cyber-criminals

Access control is best described as which of the following?

c. The use of identification and authorization techniques

A _____________ is a number of Internet-connected systems, where each of them is running

one or more bots.
d. Botnet

Trojans can not ______________

b. self-replicate

Infected computers and other systems within the botnet are called __________

c. zombies

The __________ is the encryption algorithm run in reverse.

a. decryption algorithm

A loss of _________ is the disruption of access to or use of information or an information


b. availability

_________also known as a user-interface (UI) redress attack is a vulnerability used by an attacker to collect
an infected user’s clicks.

b. Clickjacking

_____________ is one of virus components.

d. Trigger

Two of the most important applications of public-key encryption are digital

signatures and key management.


Also referred to as single-key encryption, the universal technique for providing confidentiality for
transmitted or stored data is __________ .

a. symmetric encryption

The more critical a component or service, the higher the level of availability


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