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a) The painter ……………………. (paint) all his portraits. 1.

________ you often ________ (write) e-mails to your

friends? No, I ___________.
b) Amanda ………………… (write) very good stories.
2. _________ your father _________ (take) the train to
c) The meal ………….(be) delicious. My sister …… (cook) it. work? Yes, he __________.
d) The police ………………………. (not / find) the killer. 3. I ________________ (not/understand) what you are
e) My sister ……………….. (lose) her mobile phone.
4. At the moment I _________________ (read) an
f) Some students …………….. (not / come) to school. interesting book, I ______________________ (not/do)
my homework.
g) Johnny and his sister ……………… (travel) to Canada.
5. Mike _________________ (play) games on the
h) My brothers …………………… (be) sick. computer now. Every day he _________________
(grow) many new vegetables and fruits.
i)Mike ………………… (sell) his car.
6. _________ you ____________ (learn) how to speak
j) She …………. (have) the money and ……… (buy)
English in school now? No, I ________.

k) We ……………………… (repair) the computers .

Put the words in the right place

Listen!/ In 2001 / yesterday / at the moment / sometimes / when I was a child / in winter / rarely / every year / last
year / last summer /now / four years ago / at present / usually / every day / often / never / look! / In the past
Time Words for Present S Time Words for Present C Time Words for Past Simple

1. ___________ 1. ____________ 1. ____________

2.___________ 2.____________ 2.____________
3.___________ 3.____________ 3.____________
4.___________ 4.____________ 4.____________
5.___________ 5. ____________

Write a sentence with the words: John / have / two sisters / a sandwich / and / Sarah / make

Present Simple Present cont Past simple


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