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National University

Marketing Management


Question 1: What is the marketing mix composed of?

A) Product, Place, Promotion, Price
B) Planning, Process, People, Product
C) Positioning, Packaging, Publicity, Profit
D) Production, Price, Place, Public Relations
Answer: A) Product, Place, Promotion, Price

Question 2: What is the process of dividing a market into distinct groups with
specific needs, characteristics, or behaviors?
A) Market segmentation
B) Target marketing
C) Product positioning
D) Market differentiation
Answer: A) Market segmentation

Question 3: Which stage in the product life cycle is characterized by a rapid

increase in sales and profits?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline
Answer: B) Growth
Question 4: What is the term for a unique blend of product, distribution,
promotion, and pricing strategies designed to produce mutually satisfying
exchanges with a target market?
A) Market mix
B) Marketing strategy
C) Market segmentation
D) Marketing plan
Answer: B) Marketing strategy

Question 5: Which pricing strategy involves setting a high initial price to

capitalize on the willingness of early adopters to pay more?
A) Penetration pricing
B) Skimming pricing
C) Value-based pricing
D) Cost-plus pricing
Answer: B) Skimming pricing

Question 6: What is the term for the set of marketing tools used to implement
the marketing strategy?
A) Marketing mix
B) Marketing plan
C) Marketing research
D) Market segmentation
Answer: A) Marketing mix

Question 7: Which of the following is a primary goal of promotional activities in

A) Reducing production costs
B) Building brand awareness
C) Setting the product price
D) Managing distribution channels
Answer: B) Building brand awareness

Question 8: What is the term for a visual representation of customer perceptions

about a brand?
A) Positioning map
B) Brand pyramid
C) SWOT analysis
D) Marketing funnel
Answer: A) Positioning map

Question 9: Which stage in the consumer decision-making process involves the

customer's evaluation of competing brands?
A) Problem recognition
B) Information search
C) Evaluation of alternatives
D) Purchase decision
Answer: C) Evaluation of alternatives

Question 10: What is the process of systematically gathering, recording, and

analyzing information about a market, including customer needs and
A) Market segmentation
B) Marketing mix
C) Marketing research
D) Product positioning
Answer: C) Marketing research

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