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The experience that I have that will quality me Undertake this research is the Evidence

Base Practice (Nur-380) that I took last semester and the Rural Underserved population course I

took this Semester, these Courses a lot of researches.

The challenges that I encountered that is affecting my educational career is finance. As a

single mother of three children, I have to provide for my children as a result, I work work full

time and go to school full time since I have no any kind of support from the government which is

very hard. The prior life experience that I have is that I am currently a LPN (License Practical

Nurse). I started as a Primary Care nurse, then to Certified Nursing Assistant and now to License

Practical Nurse. Moreover, I am currently in school for my RN/BSN.

My short-term professinal aim is being a registred nurse while my long-term professional

goal is being a nurse practitioner. CSTEP SERP will contribute to my professional aspirations

and goals in various ways such as gaining research experience, developing skills, mentorship,
netwroking, fostering personal growth, and adding a competitive edge to my profession. The

program will help me develop resilience, overcome obstacles, build confidence and enhnace my

organizational skills, time management and self-motivation which are crucial to my professional

goals and aspirations. Therefore, if selected, the program will help me improve my knowledge

and clinical skills, collaborate with experienced nurses and healthcare professionals, enhnace

critical thinking as well as problem-solving abilities. Furthermore, the program will help in

expanding my professional network in the nursing community.

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