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APPROACH TO The essence of this approach to learning Ancient Greek as an autodidact

ANCIENT GREEK according to a sequence of grammatical "anchors," in order to become e
v.1.0 (2024-01-26) link to this page:

anchors (see below)

Athenaze (Ox.)
Athenaze (V.N.)
Cebetos Pinax

"to be" 3ps& article & gendeintro to 1st, 2nd, 3rd dec
Logos Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3



Reading Greek

A Greek Boy at Home

Ancient Greek Alive


a) verbs (other than "to be") third person singular
b) verbs in all persons singular
c) participles
d) aorist
e) subjunctive
f) optative
g) perfect
ncient Greek as an autodidact is to read many introductory readers simultaneously,
anchors," in order to become exposed to sufficient input in grammar, vocabulary, and syntax to achieve readi

(a) (b)

verbs 3ps verbs 123ps

volume 1
Ch. 1 Ch. 2
Ch. 1 Ch. 2

verbs 3ps&p gen. dat. gen. 3rd decl.dat. acc. sing.verbs 123ps&p
Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9Ch. 10 Ch. 11

personal pron. 123p

Ch. 1α

(read this!) 1st decl. f2nd decl., articlaccentsαὐτός cases 1st decl. agreement
Intro LessonLes. 1 Les. 2 Les. 3 Les. 4 Les. 5Les. 6 Les. 7

rd person singular Jonathan Roberts, co-founder of the Ancient Language Institute, in 2020 prop
(both of whom espouse direct method approaches to language acquisition, in
that, given the pedagogical problems and lack of sufficient comprehensible in
an effective way to improve the learning of the language might be to take ma
and have students read a chapter of each before moving on.

There are two ways the autodidact might apply the Jonathan Roberts Approa
1) Have some or all of the above graded readers available, and read from any
whereupon you then select another graded reader and start from the begin
Then choose a third graded reader, and read in that one until you reach a w
picking up one of the other books you've already seen to try to advance ag
you gave yourself by such broad exposure in vocabulary, grammar, and sy
finishing all the readers you selected.
2) Use the above spreadsheet, prepared by Luke Amadeus Ranieri, to coordin

Both these ways to apply the approach are effective, but neither is efficient.
yntax to achieve reading fluency.

verbs 123ps&p middle voice

Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7

Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7

acc. & dat.

acc. sing. & pl.syntax of dat. imperf. tense relative pron. infinitive passive synta
Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. 16 Ch. 17

pron. 123p article & gender relative pron. infinitive contract verb
Ch. 1β Ch. 2α Ch. 2β Ch. 3α,β Ch. 4α,β Ch. 5α,β

art, 123ps contract verbs

Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3

Sec. 1A-B Sec. 1C-D Sec. 1E-F Sec. 1G Sec. 1H-J

bound vs. unboindirect discoupres. mid-pass. parcomp & superrelative pron.demonstr.

Les. 8 Les. 9 Les. 10 Les. 11 Les. 12 Les. 13

Institute, in 2020 proposed to fellow ALI instructor Luke Amadeus Ranieri

nguage acquisition, includining extensive reading)
ient comprehensible input available in the various Ancient Greek textbooks,
ge might be to take many introductory graded readers

athan Roberts Approach to Ancient Greek:

ble, and read from any of them until you feel a block that discourages further progress (boredom, difficulty, et
nd start from the beginning, again progressing as far as you can before you reach another block.
one until you reach a wall; repeat this with as many textbooks as you like, until you feel like
en to try to advance again. You'll find it will be much easier to progress, as the reinforced input
ulary, grammar, and syntax has prepared you to go further. Continue as desired, with the goal of

eus Ranieri, to coordinate your studies of some or all of the listed graded readers.

ut neither is efficient. Option 2 may be more effective and efficient.

(c) (d)

mid-pass. participact. particip. future tense act. aorist

Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11

Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11

particip. m particip. f adjectives part. syntax act. aorist

Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20 Ch. 21 Ch. 22

prepositions act. particip.

imperative middle voice more 3rd declimperfect act aorist
Ch. 6α,β,γ Ch. 7α,β Ch. 8α,β Ch. 9α,β Ch. 10α
Ch. 1-16 Ch. 17, 18

middle voice
ntract verbs comp & superlpronouns relat. pron. pres. particip. mid.
Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7

pres. part. act. & mi

Sec. 2A-D Sec. 3A-B Sec. 3C-E Sec. 4A-B Sec. 4C-D

3rd decl. compar. adv. more 3rd declmore 3rd decparticip.

Les. 14 Les. 15 Les. 16 Les. 17 Les. 18
boredom, difficulty, etc.),
imperfect comp. & superlat.athematic 2nd aorist

Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 15

Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 15
Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 15

ὅτι, acc.+infinitive
act. aor. particip.
compar. & superl. act. aorist -ίζω demonyms exortative subjunct.
Ch. 23 Ch. 24 Ch. 25 Ch. 26

act. aorist 123ps&p

act. aor. future tense
-μι verbs act. aor. part. mid-pass. imperf. pres. subj.
Ch. 10β Ch. 11α Ch. 11β Ch. 12α
Ch. 19, 20

future tense
pres. particip. act. 3rd decl. noun act. aorist
Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11

imperfect act. & midfuture act. & mid1st aor. act. & mid2nd aor. act. & mid.
Sec. 5A-B Sec. 5C-D Sec. 6A-B Sec. 6C-D

interr. pron. pro/enclitics more 3rd decl. more 3rd decl.

Les. 19 Les. 20 Les. 21 Les. 22
2nd aorist passive fut. & passive
volume 2
Ch. 16 Ch. 17
Ch. 16 Ch. 17
Ch. 16 Ch. 17


pres. mid-pass part.

act. aor. particip.

Ch. 12β
Ch. 21

aor. act. particip. imperfect passive pres.

Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14

infinitives, comp. & superact. & mid. 1st aor. participact. & mid. 2nd aor. particip.
Sec. 7A-C Sec. 7D-F Sec. 7G-H

personal pron. ὤν, οὖσα imperfect

Les. 23 Les. 24 Les. 25

δίδωμι, τίθημgen. absolute ἵστημι subjunctive

Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20 Ch. 21
Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20 Ch. 21
Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20 Ch. 21
Ch. 1 Ch. 2

-μι verbs
aor. infinit. future tense ἵνα + subj.
Ch. 27 Ch. 28 Ch. 29

passive aor.
Ch. 15

aor. particip.

adj., article, relative pr pronouns, comparison pers., interr., reflex. pr

Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4

aorist more aor. gen. absol. future

Les. 26 Les. 27 Les. 28 Les. 29
relative pronoun
indirect statemets & questionsindirect statements comparison of adject.
with infinitives & particip.
Ch. 22 Ch. 23 Ch. 24
Ch. 22 Ch. 23 Ch. 24
Ch. 22 Ch. 23 Ch. 24
Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5

fut. part.
Ch. 30

irr. aor. infinitives
Ch. 16 & 17 Ch. 17

imperf. & aor. future, weak aor. imperf. contract. verb

Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7

-έω verbs -άω verbs contrary to fact

Les. 30 Les. 31 Les. 32

optative conditional

Ch. 25 Ch. 26
Ch. 25 Ch. 26
Ch. 25 Ch. 26
Ch. 6 Ch. 7

pres. & aor. subjunct.

pres. optative aor. optative verbs of fearing
Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20

optative more opt. & prin. parts aor. infinitives

Sec. 8A-C Sec. 9A-E Sec. 9F-G

act particip., imperat., subj., opt. -μι verbs

Ch. 8 Ch. 9

indirect discourse principal parts, mood subjunctive

Les. 33 Les. 34 Les. 35
of fearing
Ch. 21 Ch. 22 Ch. 23

fut. inf. & 3p imperat.aorist opt., δίδωμι pres. & imperf. passiv
Sec. 9H-J Sec. 10A-E Sec. 11A-C

middle & passive pres. & weak aor. mid. & pass. fut. mid. & pass.
Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 12

more subj. perfect tense οἶδα

Les. 36 Les. 37 Les. 38
aorist. pass.
Ch. 31

Ch. 24

aor. passive, ἵστημι infinitives in reported speech conditional, wishe

Sec. 12A-D Sec. 12E Sec. 12G

aor. passive
Ch. 13

optative pronouns: indef, relative, interr. opt. indir. discours

Les. 39 Les. 40 Les. 41

perfect mid-pasperfect act.

Ch. 27 Ch. 28
Ch. 27 Ch. 28
Ch. 27 Ch. 28
Ch. 8 Ch. 9

perfect participle
aorist mid. & pass. part.
Ch. 32

perfect & pluperfect

Ch. 25

fut. passive fut. particip. conditionals gerunds perf. indic. act.

Sec. 12H-I Sec. 13A-B Sec. 13C Sec. 13D Sec. 13E

perf. act.
Ch. 14

imperative indic. middle perfect middle mid. imperat. more middle

Les. 42 Les. 43 Les. 44 Les. 45 Les. 46
complex sentences in indir. statments
- primary secquence
Ch. 29α,β Ch. 29γ,δ
Ch. 29 Ch. 30
Ch. 29 Ch. 30
Ch. 10 Ch. 11

& pass. part.

-μι verb review

Ch. 26 Ch. 27

opt. indirect speech perf. mid-pass, inf., particip.

13FSec. Sec. 13G-I

perf. mid-pass -μι verbs, imperfect; οἶδα, -ν

Ch. 15 Ch. 16 & 17

passive system aorist pass.

Les. 47 Les. 48
complex sentences in indir. statments
- secondary sequence
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 31
Ch. 12

Ch. 28 Ch. 29 Ch. 30

subjunctive fut. perfect, meter pluperfect, -τέος

Sec. 14A-F Sec. 15A-C Sec. 16A-B

liq. & nasal verb stems subj. & opt. of contr -μι verb mid & pass
Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20

all passive -μι verbs contract verbs

Les. 49 Les. 50 Les. 51
οἶδα ἔοικα
Ch. 31 Ch. 32

acc. absolute ἵνα or ὅπως + subj. or oindefinite clauses in secondary sequperf. opt.
Sec. 16C Sec. 16D Sec. 16E Sec. 16F

Ch. 21 Ch. 22 Ch. 23 Ch. 24

-τέος etc. τίθημι, ἵημι ἵσημι, δίδωμι (read this!)

Les. 52 Les. 53 Les. 54 Thesaurus
jussive subj., ἕως ἕως + opt. ἕως + ind., πρὶν ἄν + subj. or ὥστε + ind. & inf.
Sec. 16G Sec. 17A Sec. 17B Sec. 17C

Ch. 25 Ch. 26 Ch. 27 Ch. 28

aor. pass. imperat., depon. v. with aor. deliberatives, duacc. of respec
Sec. 17D Sec. 18A-E Sec. 19A-F

Ch. 29 Ch. 30 Ch. 31

Homeric dialect & meter
Sec. 20A-G

Ch. 32 Ch. 33 Ch. 34 Ch. 35 Ch. 36 Ch. 37

Ch. 38 Ch. 39 Ch. 40 Ch. 41 Ch. 42 Ch. 43 Ch. 44
Ch. 45

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